Loose Lips Sink Ships was a phrase from World War One. It referred to casual talk could be intercepted by Germans and used to kill you. We the People are proud of our Bill of Rights. Number 1 being Free Speech. But living in Democracy has the added requirement from the citizens to participate in the function of government. You can replace the Autocrat but you cannot eliminate his functions. Obviously you should vote. We have the right to lawful assembly and freedom to speak freely. Truly, all these ideas is a core value in the success of our Nation.
What we say must be accurate and you can't cry FIRE in a movie. We can be held liable for our speech in the Courts. Happens all the time if you have the time and money. Often these matters will be settled in the streets which almost always means Courts again.
The Newspaper was once the mainstay of American Media. Then Radio and Television. There was in the past a higher bar in journalism to reveal only truth. The internet has had a detrimental affect to this once high standard.
There are people online today churning out pure crap as facts. I won't bore you with the names. It might validate the wrong cause. There are formerly respected Newspapers who print lies to sell the paper circulations. Television News both Broadcast and Cable cannot be considered a reliable source of information. Worse yet is there seems to be some continuity in the lies reported. This disturbing factor indicates collusion and coordination from a larger central controller.
Mitoosense believes in the Whole Truth, not the Truth with a Hole. Truth with a hole is a contrived lie and perjury. Quotes or Video must contain the entire message with No editing leaving full context. I can't go forward without mentioning the current White House Secretary. This person cannot be held responsible for the content of Biden's messages. This person is responsible for the delivery of the message. The fact she "Circles Back" could be a reflection of Biden's Dead End Incompetency. The Circle Back is probable a return to Hogwarts and make stuff up. The Secretary's delivery she owns. The difference between the Trump administration and Biden is overall message and delivery in stark contrast. Biden has a long history of perjury. The current Delivery is akin more to a rousing game of Jeopardy as opposed to exchanges of facts. There are no winners.
Politics has become a hotbed of lies and disinformation. I must also included predictions as probable lies. Printing or suggesting that events will unfold will likely become lies of the future. Paranoia is out of control in Social Media. People are eager to gossip in the most preposterous rumors.
These lies have permeated our politicians and then Government. When politicians get caught up in this Fake News it does not exonerate them from prosecution or law suits. Does not matter where you heard it , Authentic or not. It only means you said it. Nor, everyone else is guilty too, no excuse. There is no validation in the number of times you perjure yourself. Back to the first amendment and your responsibility for what you say. Putting your mouth where your money is can be costly. Many times it's better to keep your mouth closed and have people think you're an idiot. Then open your pie hole and remove all doubt.
Congressman Greene ,newly elected is responsible for every word spoken. However this speech took place before she was elected. Therefore, the people did have access to these comments and voted accordingly. The House of Representatives has No Rights to overrule the outcome of a election. No Rights to censure her voice. They can censure with votes and discipline any House Members after the Election. NOT BEFORE THE ELECTION. This is the People's Domain Only!!! Congress cannot legislate social conscience despite how much they abhor the content/context of some citizens. The current Biden Administrations seems focused on governing social conscience in Executive Orders and Communist inspired EQUITY for the people. Equity over Equality is not only not the same they're polar opposites. Equity is the albescence of Equality!!! Further, the first steps to another Civil War 2.0
This takes me to Stacey Abrams and her attempt to become Governor of Georgia. Brian Kemp was Secretary of State of Georgia and held power over the election process. Kemp then used his powers to purge voters from voting and register voters who would likely vote for him. An obvious Abuse of Power. Kemp appears to have legally used the laws of Georgia to tilt the election in his favors. This certainly does not convey he was legal in his actions. In the proper context maybe legal but considering this application he should have steeped down as Secretary Of State to eliminate impropriety. He did not and the people of Georgia Deserve Better than Brian Kemp
Stacey did not go away. Stacey Abrams went to work. She set out to essentially "Pull A Kemp" of her own. Registering as many voters as she could in the next election 2020. Changing voting laws in Georgia to allow Mail In Votes. Stacy's work and energy without question cost Trump Georgia Electoral Votes and put 2 Democrats in the Senate.
The result is We The People suffer with Unfair Election. In Unfair Elections there are No Winners. The 2020 election produced a Zombie Government. A Fascists Government and no valid representation. Going forward I can only hope and pray we will spend what ever it takes to prosecute and imprison those who broke the laws. This list may include both Stacey Abrams and Brian Kemp. Not suspended sentence and no fines! That may go on at the FBI but that's another story.
There also needs to be a vigilant prosecution of all media. Context Legislation in the definition of the whole Truth. Removal of Section 230 in the Internet Laws. And let's put some folks in jail. If we can shoot people for a broken taillight then we sure as hell can put people in jail for election Fraud and Perjury. Jail with bad food and bars. Reparation's for deeds done. Let the Time fit the Crime.
Equal Justice Under the Laws.