Savanah Guthrie correspondent for MSNBC announced on Sunday's airing of "Meet the Press" that President Obama, in a meeting in the White House referred to the events in Libya as a "Turd Sandwich". It's not clear if Savanah actually scooped this information or received it through second hand sources.
Hence, the secret Libyan designation forthwith as "Operation Turd Sandwich" Unlike Obama's predecessor Obama decided to not refer to the Libyan Operation as War. Foregoing old school propaganda of conjuring up imaginary weapons of mass destruction or camps full of boogeymen while waving old glory in the face of any dissenters as being non patriot. Even though the bombs and missiles are similar. The new approach of "Bomb but don't touch" Pottery Barn rule of Colin Powell will be strictly adhered and followed. This time America will supply the Weapons of Mass Destruction and other countries supply the Blood and Treasure. The Arabs mostly shoot rifles in the air every time we blow up another tank. Call them the cheerleaders on the ground. The overall concept seem to support the theory that Power Corrupts and Gadhaffe will behave more appropriately when he sees the Calvary coming over the hill. I must admit this theory was proven by Ronald Wilson Reagan some years ago. Gadhaffe sill has night sweats dreaming of Reagan's 600 ship Navy.
Instead, Obama takes the opposite approach of Iraq referring to the inishitive in Libya as a Humanitarian Effort. Much like a visit from Mother Teresa and Dali Lama in fatigues and packing artillery.
The biggest difference here is the bombs in Libya are painted like Easter Eggs and Designer Tomahawk missiles from Faberge. Complete with painted large yellow happy faces and limericks emblazoned of Momar Gadhaffe for those who read quickly. This is largely due to President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Can't have the winner blowing things to smithereens can we?
Each warhead is said to contain a sack of USDA certified Bullshit Turd Sandwiches for the rebels and civilians. Seems only fair to offer them Turd Sandwiches after all the crap they've given America for the past forty years. With all the fecal matter flowing out of Washington, DC it seems fitting we should export this natural resource crap on a global scale. America once a world leader now ranks #1 in Bombs and Bullshit production #2 in Ponzi Securities.
The hungry fifty million Americans who are living beneath the poverty line are asked to share their USDA Turd Sandwiches with oppressed Libyan Rebels and the still working School Teachers and Cops are asked for pay cuts to pay for Libyan Air Strikes Overseas.
The good news is America will turn over all Command and Control to NATO this week. After intense debate from France, Turkey and the UK, Canadian General Charles Bouchard will lead the coalition forcesgoing forward. Canada was selected because they have never lost a war and Italy was to involved in Bunga Bunga Parties.
Canada is expected to call their coalition a" Operation: Steaming Pile of Crap". It's a comfort to this writer Operation: Turd Sandwich may never be won but, it will never be lost either!!
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