I'm not sure if they will arrive in balloons. I am confident they will bring plenty of Hot Air.
This weeks news cycles are spinning "How the Teachers Unions are destroying our country. So were looking for another patsy to pin the debt on. Our inability to see the forest for the trees. The problem is not that teachers make to much money. The real problem is 20% of our people don't work at all. Many who do work don't make enough money. Add the illegal who work and pay no tax and the teachers are now to blame cuze the Governor is out of cash.
Not working creates budget shortfalls and politicians point the finger at the person to the right. The Banksters and Insurance executives pulling down millions make excessive salary and to often obscene bonus. Banksters seem to completely avoid the finger of blame year after year. We all know the only way a Banker can get rich is to steal. They're not smart they steal...
It's not just the NEA stealing tax money. All government unions are presumably at fault.
The NEA is at the top of the hit lists because they not only have protection from collective bargaining, the NEA members are all protected by the government supported collegiate systems. If you have a degree in education the system decrees you cannot be fired or replaced with illegal free ranging criminal aliens. The government demands Civil Service jobs be given to Americans. Fraternal Order of Police and Firefighter Unions all utilize collective bargaining in wage negotiations.
American Organized Labor Membership peaked in 1970 with highest ever College Graduation rates. Coincidentally the peaks occurred right after we Landed Men on the Moon. The Vietnam War was raging in 1970 and OPEC embargo was years ahead.
The biggest decline in union memberships occurred under Ronald Reagan from 1980 t0 1984. Private sector union jobs once dominated the union memberships. Today Civil Service employees now dominate union memberships and earn $200.00 weekly more than private sector workers. The claims made in 1980 that unions were destroying America have surfaced again in 2010.
Since the peak of 35% union membership to today's membership of 12.3% America has declined in college graduation rates and poverty has increased . The Bankers just get richer from legalized theft.
Government Workers represent 51.5% of union members nation wide. Manufacturing and Construction is at the lowest ever at 7.2%. This number reflects the Covert Bush Immigration Doctrines of Don't Look and Don't Tell illegal workers to leave. In addition to the illegal labor we have systematically sent most of our manufacturing overseas. Since 1980 our policy has been to cannibalize industry and middle class jobs to feed the remaining economy. Borrowing money and feeding from the wealth of former manufacturing jobs to secure a $5.00 shirt at Wallmart. Our current problem is an indication of the enormous wealth manufacturing and construction created. We have dinned on the wealth of past generation and borrowed from our children for thirty years. It's time for America to work again. Are you better off today than 1970? Only if you sell insurance or are a banker is the answer "Yes"
The current economic plan has derailed the economy as the Pharaoh's of Wall Street incomes rose 500 times the annual salary of 1970. The Banksters/ Stock Brokers divided up $144 billion in bonus booty in 2010. $144 billion would buy a lot of Fire Trucks, Police Cars and New Schools and pay the wages of those who work for the Government.
So why is the focus this week upon sanitation workers, teachers, police and firemen salaries. The money over the past thirty years has gone to the Banksters and Insurance Executive pulling down 20 million dollar annual compensations. CEO Rick Wagoner was paid 21 million a year and drove GM to Federal Bankruptcy Court. The Bankster were all bailed out with Bush TARP money dispelling claims they deserve high rewards for compensation. They all took huge bonuses after the taxpayer saved them from bankruptcy.
The teachers don't have the money the Banksters have all the money. The objective should be not to lower wages of Government Workers. We should be trying to increase the wages of the rest of America to equal wages and benefits of Government Workers. The mistake made in 1980 when union memberships were 35% was not demanding increases memberships and wages to 50%. We went the wrong way and the economy of 2010 indicates this truth. 45 million people now live beneath the poverty line and we blame teachers firemen and police.
If I were a Teacher, the first move would be to remove all retirement money from the Banksters The Banks are the the covert fourth branch of government. In 1999 Congress abolished banking regulation Glass Steagall Act 1930 that prohibits bankers from investing in Stock Markets. The reason is obvious the Bankers in the Markets create a false market. The only thing worse than Bankers in the Markets is Government and Bankers in the Markets. Both Government and Bankers drive markets unfairly up and down.
Had we not casually sent television production overseas maybe we would now be building our own computer and inherit tomorrows unseen technology in process. Regardless we must first recognize that if we don't have enough money to pay our teachers, it's not the teachers fault. Lack of funds is source of the problem and teachers are the product of a thirty year old failure.
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