In less than a week "We The People" will advance to the the poll booth to exercise our constitutional rights to vote. We are all examining the prospective candidates with intense scrutiny. Again our choices are limited to candidates vetted buy big Oligopoly Corporations.
Voting for anyone is impossible when the selections are dismal at best. Most people cast their vote against a candidate. Voting for the best of the worse is not a Democratic process.
The American people will continue to vote under the illusion of Democracy. Until we can vote against all candidates as "None Of The Above" we may expect things will continue on the same downward spiral.
A person voting for "None Of The Above" is rejecting all candidates. When "None of the Above" receives the most votes all candidates are rejected and may not run again. A new primary is held and new candidates are selected for another election.
Our last election is a good example of voting for the best of the worse. We voted out the people who bailed out the Banks, Insurance and Auto Companies.
We then ushered in the new Obama Administration who continued the same TARP Bailouts and Free Money to the Banksters and Auto Czars. The theft validated by the Bush Administration was made legal in the Obama Financial Reform Act written by Chris Dodd who will not run again because of kickbacks from Countrywide Mortgage. If you will remember he accepted favoritism reduced mortgage interest rate from Countrywide on personal loans
The former administrations logic was the bailouts were necessary to avoid another Great Depression. They not only protected the Banksters, Insurance and Auto Czars from bankruptcy and depression, they also made record profits and obscene bonuses as they were ordained the TARP windfall from the Oligopoly Government. We The People are paying for the theft with homeless in the streets repossession of our cars and foreclosure of our homes with the Second Great Depression. The difference between the the First and Second Depression is in the First Great Depression Wall Streeters jumped out of windows and rooftops to avoid losing money. Money that truly was never theirs and existed only in their minds and paper documents. In the Second Great Depression these people were isolated from losses and instead received huge windfalls courtesy of the Bush Administrations.
The First Great Depression was a result of equal parts of greed and ignorance. While the Second Great Depression was choreographed by The Pharaoh's of Wall Street and Oligarchy politicians who win on the way up and on the way down the economic bubble.
Foreclosure is not a negative for the Banksters as they make more money on foreclosures and then resell in better times. Losses accrued investing money in the stock market is reimbursed under TARP and the Toxic Assets are the absorbed by the TARP and sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
We The People take the loss and the Banksters live in the wealth of the American GDP in perpetuity.
The politicians then pass legislation to bolster a complete deflation of the economy. Cash4 Clunkers, 2big2fail and free money to purchase a home are devised to limit the hemorrhaging deflation.
President Obama appeared this week on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and defended his administrations brainchild's Financial Reform and Healtcare Act legislation. The Presidents claim was they produced 90% percent of his original goals. Sadly I agree he did get what he intended. It was the American People who got the 10%.
Heckuva Job Larry Summers, "Heckava Job Brownie"
Friday, October 29, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Stink Bugs, Bed Bugs and Banksters.
New York is in the news recently. The infamous news is a result of the epidemic of infestations of more low life parasites invading their fair city. Bed Bugs and Stink Bugs are now common place in the Big Apple.
Recognized internationally for their rodent problems the recent news is taken in typical New York style. Accepting the Bed Bugs and Stink Bugs is now added to their list of infestations including Rats, Stock Brokers, Banksters and the Jets.
Recognized internationally for their rodent problems the recent news is taken in typical New York style. Accepting the Bed Bugs and Stink Bugs is now added to their list of infestations including Rats, Stock Brokers, Banksters and the Jets.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Don't Ask . Don't Care
I find it amazing the national discussion can be focused on Gay Marriage, Gay Military Service when 45 million people live in poverty as 22 million free ranging criminal aliens feed from our entitlement programs paid by the taxpayer.
Banksters reward themselves obscene salary and redeem bonuses even as stock values tumble. Sole survivors of the AIG Bailout TARP Act that validates the theft from Mortgage Derivatives and Toxic Junk dumped upon 401-k Retirement Funds, Fanny Mae and Freedie Mac.
Stealing is not new or clever. Stealing requires equal parts of government corruption and dishonest Banksters without ethics, scruples or intelligence to earn money honestly. Americans sleep in the street as Banksters hoard real estate for resale in better times. Returning veterans are confronted with a American Government focused on Don't Ask for a middle class job because we don't care!!
Insurance executives claim huge pay while they deny claims based upon small prints. They stoop to stealing benefits of the soldiers who died to enable the theft of family benefits. And they shamelessly bury our war dead in Arlington National Cemetery in unknown locations.
On election day focus on issues that are important to you. Don't vote for candidates who focus on distraction issue only important to small segments of voters.
Banksters reward themselves obscene salary and redeem bonuses even as stock values tumble. Sole survivors of the AIG Bailout TARP Act that validates the theft from Mortgage Derivatives and Toxic Junk dumped upon 401-k Retirement Funds, Fanny Mae and Freedie Mac.
Stealing is not new or clever. Stealing requires equal parts of government corruption and dishonest Banksters without ethics, scruples or intelligence to earn money honestly. Americans sleep in the street as Banksters hoard real estate for resale in better times. Returning veterans are confronted with a American Government focused on Don't Ask for a middle class job because we don't care!!
Insurance executives claim huge pay while they deny claims based upon small prints. They stoop to stealing benefits of the soldiers who died to enable the theft of family benefits. And they shamelessly bury our war dead in Arlington National Cemetery in unknown locations.
On election day focus on issues that are important to you. Don't vote for candidates who focus on distraction issue only important to small segments of voters.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Criminal Immigration
Rather than allowing 22 million free ranging criminal illegal aliens a pathway to citizenship maybe we should just give them California, Arizona and Texas. This is what they really want and they have pretty much destroyed all three anyway. Call it even!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
144 Billion Bonus Booty to The Pharoah's of Greed Street

The 144 billion should not be confused with their salary also extorted at phenomenal amounts. The additional rewards fall from legislation allowing the Bailout Banksters Boys to invest money borrowed from the US Treasury at zero percent interest to be invested in the Wall Street Casino. The Incompetent Crippled Kids of Commerce are increasing their Bonus Booty to divide between America's most needy and greedy ever in history.
If they win they collect huge bonus. If they loose the taxpayers make up the losses in TARP. They also invest all those nickels and dimes from Mom and Pops retirement accounts collected nationwide from contributing Oligarchy Employers. The Great Depression will be viewed as a drop in a barrel compared to the historical events facing America today. Homeland Stupidity should open up a branch office on the floor of DOW JONES.
The announcement marks 2 consecutive years of theft triggered by the Bush TARP money. This no doubt offers some insight into the Dow Jones recent upswing breaking the 11,ooo mark. After the Bonus Booty is collected expect the market to trend downward until next years bonuses come due again. The massive amounts of capital controlled makes it easier to control the Dow Jones than fix a horse race or ballgame.
Conversely, contrasting the governments announcement, they would not be increasing the Social Security cost of living index referred as the COLA.The Bonus Booty for the Banksters must come from others sacrifice. Old people are an easy mark for government.
It also reveals the much heralded Financial Reforms Act did nothing to stop the thefts at the US Treasury. We can expect President Obama to make another round of press conferences where he will shake his finger at the Banksters for legally stealing from the taxpayers again. Oh you just wait!!! Remember the 500 million dollar fines recently settled by Goldman Sachs. Abracadabra and now they divide 144 billion dollars of Bankster Bonus Booty.
Coincidentally it comes only a few days from the Obama Administration humbly begging Congress for an additional 50 billion for building new infrastructure around the country. The begging is for additional money to the still unspent $860 billion Obama has earmarked for waste.
The 50 billion would be divided between tens of thousands of engineers and contractors who would in turn hire millions of construction workers. This would have been a tremendous idea two years ago when we were embroiled in a senseless arguments over health care that nobody wants or afford.The 50 billion could stimulate private sector sales of trucks, heavy equipment and raw materials such as steel and concrete.
Coincidentally it comes only a few days from the Obama Administration humbly begging Congress for an additional 50 billion for building new infrastructure around the country. The begging is for additional money to the still unspent $860 billion Obama has earmarked for waste.
The 50 billion would be divided between tens of thousands of engineers and contractors who would in turn hire millions of construction workers. This would have been a tremendous idea two years ago when we were embroiled in a senseless arguments over health care that nobody wants or afford.The 50 billion could stimulate private sector sales of trucks, heavy equipment and raw materials such as steel and concrete.
Hopefully Americans will employ only American engineers, contractors and workers. And hopefully those people will purchase only American products.Unfortunately history has shown they will not hire or buy American products. Instead we will once again ignore America's needs in favor of raiding other economies around the globe in the name of World Trade.
The 144 billion to the Pharaoh's of Greed Street will vanish to a few thousand and will be invested out of reach of the IRS. Some money will be used to purchase politicians as seed money to insure more Bonus Booty next year.
The realization of all the people who might benefit from 50 billion spent over several years is vastly over shadowed by the obscene 144 billion extorted from the US Treasury by the Banksters.
It appears to me that all roads good and bad lead us back to energy independence. If there is even a slight upturn in the economy it will be followed with a rise in energy costs. Fossil fuels are short in supply and any increase in demands will drive up the costs.
Increased costs in gasoline will impede the Stimulus Act recovery. Spending money on bridges to nowhere and burning fuel to get there is an exercise in futility and predictable waste. Now is the time to make long term investments in projects like Hoover Dam.
Nuclear Power, Wind Farming and Solar Fields to give to our children are paid back for generations. After all they are going to pay for most of what we do today.
Short Term: we need to abolish our current Banking System that allows Banksters to profit from the undeniable hard work of everyday Americans. Increase the COLA to the retired who paid heavily all their lives.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Have You Noticed
Have you noticed the extraordinary amount of new candidates running for various high level public offices are former CEO's and executives of the very companies who commandeered our economy into a kamikaze collapse?
Former Banksters flaunting their private sector expertise as qualifications to run government. Much like former President and Commander and Thief George Bush who never operated a successful private sector enterprise.
Evidently the money extorted is now being used to buy public office to enable their retirement of leisure. Comforting to know our money didn't go down the drain. It's emerging back into circulation through television commercials. Our sacrifice is not in vain. We now have all these new commercial to watch.
In some Governor races both Republican and Democratic candidates have similar backgrounds. Are they running for office or running from the self inflicted shoot yourself in the foot failed economy? Are they seeking refuge on the public dole? Can they balance a checkbook and calculate their taxes owed? If these thieves are elected we truly deserve the pummeling of the taxpayer.
Can raping the economy become substitute for real commerce? Will making things up in New York replace making things in Detroit or Indianapolis? Does loaning money from the US Treasury at zero percent interest and selling the same people interest accruing T-Bill investments really cancel the TARP debt of Banksters? Or are the people who made things up now offering more delusional concepts with no real solution?
Can imaginary exploits of the Banksters actually run or ruin an economy? How long can we ignore the successes of our past and continue with the present notion "those jobs are not coming back"? Why do we listen to the rhetoric? Is failure our quest? Why do we vote for more failure? Everything that was in America in 1970 is still here and now includes 22 million free ranging criminal aliens feeding upon our entitlements. Does uncontrolled borders offer Boom to Wall Street and Burden to Main Street?
Motivating Presidential quotes are inspiring today. Does anyone remember Ronald Reagan's "Are you Better Off Today"? How far backwards must we travel to go forwards again? Or are we doomed to the current downward spiral?
How can China build new factories when our industrial machine lays dormant shuttered and only a turn key away from operating again?
Who will lead us out of bondage from the Pharaoh's of Wall Street?
Is loaning money to build factories in China better than investing in America? If China will only buy cars made in China why do we buy Chinese poisonous products?
Why is GM using TARP funding to build manufacturing centers in China. We know China buys our debt. Is China earning interest on our debt and receiving new factories for free under TARP. Does, I will loan you the money to give me free factories and foreign aid make any sense?
A very good deal to note; for our so called best and brightest intellectual leaders of our US Treasury Department. Are we narrowly focused on the World Economy G-8 or G-20 and which Americans voted for this focus?
Have you noticed some elected official of government who constantly criticize the Obama $860 billion Stimulus never mention the $800 billion TARP program that perpetuated the wealth and rewarded incompetency to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street.
Both the Obama Stimulus and Bush TARP are give away policies that reward big business first and politician second to form an even stronger Oligarchy Government.
Both subscribe to the identical logic that "It's Good for the People" I personally haven't benefited from either and my suspicion is, I'm not alone. For every dime Congress controls they take their undeserved cuts as donations to election on the flip side.
When will we get fair elections allowing everyone a candidate to endorse "None Of The Above" When a vote for "None Of The Above" receives the most votes the Candidates are all rejected and would trigger vetting process of a new primary Rejected candidates could not be on the ballot again.
Former Banksters flaunting their private sector expertise as qualifications to run government. Much like former President and Commander and Thief George Bush who never operated a successful private sector enterprise.
Evidently the money extorted is now being used to buy public office to enable their retirement of leisure. Comforting to know our money didn't go down the drain. It's emerging back into circulation through television commercials. Our sacrifice is not in vain. We now have all these new commercial to watch.
In some Governor races both Republican and Democratic candidates have similar backgrounds. Are they running for office or running from the self inflicted shoot yourself in the foot failed economy? Are they seeking refuge on the public dole? Can they balance a checkbook and calculate their taxes owed? If these thieves are elected we truly deserve the pummeling of the taxpayer.
Can raping the economy become substitute for real commerce? Will making things up in New York replace making things in Detroit or Indianapolis? Does loaning money from the US Treasury at zero percent interest and selling the same people interest accruing T-Bill investments really cancel the TARP debt of Banksters? Or are the people who made things up now offering more delusional concepts with no real solution?
Can imaginary exploits of the Banksters actually run or ruin an economy? How long can we ignore the successes of our past and continue with the present notion "those jobs are not coming back"? Why do we listen to the rhetoric? Is failure our quest? Why do we vote for more failure? Everything that was in America in 1970 is still here and now includes 22 million free ranging criminal aliens feeding upon our entitlements. Does uncontrolled borders offer Boom to Wall Street and Burden to Main Street?
Motivating Presidential quotes are inspiring today. Does anyone remember Ronald Reagan's "Are you Better Off Today"? How far backwards must we travel to go forwards again? Or are we doomed to the current downward spiral?
How can China build new factories when our industrial machine lays dormant shuttered and only a turn key away from operating again?
Who will lead us out of bondage from the Pharaoh's of Wall Street?
Is loaning money to build factories in China better than investing in America? If China will only buy cars made in China why do we buy Chinese poisonous products?
Why is GM using TARP funding to build manufacturing centers in China. We know China buys our debt. Is China earning interest on our debt and receiving new factories for free under TARP. Does, I will loan you the money to give me free factories and foreign aid make any sense?
A very good deal to note; for our so called best and brightest intellectual leaders of our US Treasury Department. Are we narrowly focused on the World Economy G-8 or G-20 and which Americans voted for this focus?
Have you noticed some elected official of government who constantly criticize the Obama $860 billion Stimulus never mention the $800 billion TARP program that perpetuated the wealth and rewarded incompetency to the Pharaoh's of Wall Street.
Both the Obama Stimulus and Bush TARP are give away policies that reward big business first and politician second to form an even stronger Oligarchy Government.
Both subscribe to the identical logic that "It's Good for the People" I personally haven't benefited from either and my suspicion is, I'm not alone. For every dime Congress controls they take their undeserved cuts as donations to election on the flip side.
When will we get fair elections allowing everyone a candidate to endorse "None Of The Above" When a vote for "None Of The Above" receives the most votes the Candidates are all rejected and would trigger vetting process of a new primary Rejected candidates could not be on the ballot again.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
My Two Cents
When I'm out of work I go to the government. I report to the government to claim my money that was deducted from my paychecks when I was employed. The money was once mine but now I must request my money returned. I must stand in long smelly lines of humanity and answer question of rude government workers who see me as welfare recipients. It is actually them who are the parasites of society. The questions are designed to separate the obedient from the vigilant.
If I quit my job or if my employer determines I did not meet their standards then I may be denied return of my money. My employer profits for every claim denied. I am required to give my money to the government as a condition of hire. If I refuse to sign documents allowing my employer to deduct my money then I'm not employable. I must consent to the extortion and sign all documents to survive in America. The employers matching funds are also money that I earned. The matching funds simply offer the illusion the worker is receiving something free. Trust me you earned every penny and more. This is not Democracy this is the first step in Oligarchy.
In addition to government documents signed many employers are demanding other documents must be signed that circumvent or waive my rights afforded me as a US citizen. Rights to suit and mandatory drug testing are a few. Wavier of labor laws of mandatory overtime is common today. Drug testing is unconstitutional without consent. Most employers demand drug testing and I believe all government employees should submit to drug testing implemented by the FDA and reviewed by a private institution. To avoid corruption Congress and the Defense Department should be drug tested daily as a matter of national defense.
As we spiral down this pathway to a third world country one cannot ignore as the middle class vanishes so does the stature of America. We never complain about suffrage, only when we suffer alone.
Food ,water and game were all once free independent of government. If you could hunt, fish and grow crops you could survive. The water in lakes, rivers and streams was once clean. It did not require sterilization or chlorination to be potable.
The government is very good at sticking their nose into our private lives while they ignore their first responsibilities of controlling our borders and a clean environment.
I carry thousands of government workers on my shoulders as I work to support others in the name of my welfare. Some protect my safety some protect my retirement and some regulate my health care. All make me uncompetitive in world labor markets. Most of the government workers are employed to take my money and distribute to others. After they have skimmed most of my money in administration costs. After skimming the remainder is a small amount for benefit. This is not Democracy this is Bureaucracy. We can all see the vast amount of money deducted from our paychecks. What is not revealed is the vast waste in Oligarchy Government
When they take my money it's called tax or contribution. When I request my money returned they refer to it as a benefit.
Other government employees are hired to harass me. Some tell me to wear head gear and seat belts while other tell me when I must mow grass or paint my house. My children are ordered to apply for a Social Security number at birth. Even though retirement is years away the number will be used to track the child from birth to grave and really has nothing at all in common with retirement.
Social Security is the system that guarantees you will die in poverty. The money contributed is not your benefit, the money leftover is your benefit. The benefit will always be equal to poverty. In 1935 the cost for Social Security was very little and a noble effort. Intended not to be used for Social Surveillance and slush funds for politicians. The success of Social Surveillance became the doorway to an Oligarchy Government that places the citizen totally dependant on the government, his employer and banking for every need to survive. Retirement, health care and financial freedom are all controlled by government. The citizen is forced to pay for services without any input for quantity or quality of his purchase. Insurance is now mandatory for health and auto. Failure to obtain auto insurance will now land you in jail.
I'm told in Communist Countries harassment is free and I sometimes wonder if maybe they might have a better system. In communism you don't receive a paycheck you go to the government to receive your share of the states bounty. It's free after all, right.
I find it odd we waste so much time with paychecks because when you receive your pay the government takes half and then you take your half to buy food and shelter. Any money leftover you place in the Bank. The Bank is our unconstitutional covert fourth branch of government which is the same as giving it back to the government. The government shares equal access to your money and may seize funds at any time. This makes for an obedient thrifty working class. At years end you must pay someone to compute your taxes. This entire system is contrived and adds nothing to Americas output. It is nothing more than a yearly nuisance distraction.
If you spend money you will pay more tax. Sales tax and excise tax are devised to extort more money from your labor. Returning my money back to the government as bank savings is futile.
Savings is accruing money the government devalues each year. Both Tax and Interest are imaginary costs utilized to guarantee you will live in poverty. The more you patronize the system the better you may live. Patronizing the system rewards citizens for their dependency on government. Our government collects income tax each time money transfers from one person to another. The Banksters charge fees for each transfer. Even if you give money away the recipient is required to pay tax and the Bankster is due his fee for each transfer. This is the Money Velocity factor the government watches closely. They see how many times they can tax money before they have all the money again. M-1 velocity I believe.
Once we had Kings to govern our needs. Kings owned everything and held all the gold. We were told the Kings were smarter and therefore needed to keep us safe. We had good Kings and we had bad Kings. Good Kings were those who were just and evenly distributed the wealth of those who worked.
Long term, a happy worker will always produce more than unhappy workers. Bad Kings usually died tragic deaths from revolution. Thus confirming the power is always with the people.
Tax is collected and administrators for government and insurance receive obscene pay for their service. We learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrine the insurance won't pay and the government never comes. Met Life and Prudential insurance have been accused of stealing death benefits of dead military. They will steal even from the dead who protected them.
We witnessed the SEC downloading porn while the Banksters raided the public storehouse. Eleven men died as MMS and Department of Interior dabbled in drugs and prostitution. Then 2000 thousand citizens sickened with salmonella poisoned eggs as the FDA claimed they were powerless. They're brainless not powerless. The need to get off their Oligarchy Asses and check eggs. Funny as hell, Eggs are in one Department and Chickens are in another so they point fingers as people enter the hospital.
More disturbing are the views projected by pundits on Cable News that people who have guns and form Militia are subversive. These people live in an Ivory Tower and should read the Bill Of Rights in our US Constitution. Both are expressly authorized as our rights.
People once turned to their Faith for charity and help in times of need. The same is true today. I don't particularly support religion as a be all end all. What mystifies me is if people have no faith in a creator. Why would they have faith in government?
Placing your faith should be in yourself and forget about the extortion of government. The politicians simply use a noble charitable need of humanity as a vehicle to extort money from the masses. A tiny benefit and huge costs is always the norm. Half of government jobs should be eliminated. Trust me the only difference will be ,you will have more money and they will stand in long smelly lines of humanity.
This is neither hope nor change you can believe in. I don't recommend drinking the Kool Aid.
I do believe we are not on the right track and current elections standards won't fix our problems!!!
If I quit my job or if my employer determines I did not meet their standards then I may be denied return of my money. My employer profits for every claim denied. I am required to give my money to the government as a condition of hire. If I refuse to sign documents allowing my employer to deduct my money then I'm not employable. I must consent to the extortion and sign all documents to survive in America. The employers matching funds are also money that I earned. The matching funds simply offer the illusion the worker is receiving something free. Trust me you earned every penny and more. This is not Democracy this is the first step in Oligarchy.
In addition to government documents signed many employers are demanding other documents must be signed that circumvent or waive my rights afforded me as a US citizen. Rights to suit and mandatory drug testing are a few. Wavier of labor laws of mandatory overtime is common today. Drug testing is unconstitutional without consent. Most employers demand drug testing and I believe all government employees should submit to drug testing implemented by the FDA and reviewed by a private institution. To avoid corruption Congress and the Defense Department should be drug tested daily as a matter of national defense.
As we spiral down this pathway to a third world country one cannot ignore as the middle class vanishes so does the stature of America. We never complain about suffrage, only when we suffer alone.
Food ,water and game were all once free independent of government. If you could hunt, fish and grow crops you could survive. The water in lakes, rivers and streams was once clean. It did not require sterilization or chlorination to be potable.
The government is very good at sticking their nose into our private lives while they ignore their first responsibilities of controlling our borders and a clean environment.
I carry thousands of government workers on my shoulders as I work to support others in the name of my welfare. Some protect my safety some protect my retirement and some regulate my health care. All make me uncompetitive in world labor markets. Most of the government workers are employed to take my money and distribute to others. After they have skimmed most of my money in administration costs. After skimming the remainder is a small amount for benefit. This is not Democracy this is Bureaucracy. We can all see the vast amount of money deducted from our paychecks. What is not revealed is the vast waste in Oligarchy Government
When they take my money it's called tax or contribution. When I request my money returned they refer to it as a benefit.
Other government employees are hired to harass me. Some tell me to wear head gear and seat belts while other tell me when I must mow grass or paint my house. My children are ordered to apply for a Social Security number at birth. Even though retirement is years away the number will be used to track the child from birth to grave and really has nothing at all in common with retirement.
Social Security is the system that guarantees you will die in poverty. The money contributed is not your benefit, the money leftover is your benefit. The benefit will always be equal to poverty. In 1935 the cost for Social Security was very little and a noble effort. Intended not to be used for Social Surveillance and slush funds for politicians. The success of Social Surveillance became the doorway to an Oligarchy Government that places the citizen totally dependant on the government, his employer and banking for every need to survive. Retirement, health care and financial freedom are all controlled by government. The citizen is forced to pay for services without any input for quantity or quality of his purchase. Insurance is now mandatory for health and auto. Failure to obtain auto insurance will now land you in jail.
I'm told in Communist Countries harassment is free and I sometimes wonder if maybe they might have a better system. In communism you don't receive a paycheck you go to the government to receive your share of the states bounty. It's free after all, right.
I find it odd we waste so much time with paychecks because when you receive your pay the government takes half and then you take your half to buy food and shelter. Any money leftover you place in the Bank. The Bank is our unconstitutional covert fourth branch of government which is the same as giving it back to the government. The government shares equal access to your money and may seize funds at any time. This makes for an obedient thrifty working class. At years end you must pay someone to compute your taxes. This entire system is contrived and adds nothing to Americas output. It is nothing more than a yearly nuisance distraction.
If you spend money you will pay more tax. Sales tax and excise tax are devised to extort more money from your labor. Returning my money back to the government as bank savings is futile.
Savings is accruing money the government devalues each year. Both Tax and Interest are imaginary costs utilized to guarantee you will live in poverty. The more you patronize the system the better you may live. Patronizing the system rewards citizens for their dependency on government. Our government collects income tax each time money transfers from one person to another. The Banksters charge fees for each transfer. Even if you give money away the recipient is required to pay tax and the Bankster is due his fee for each transfer. This is the Money Velocity factor the government watches closely. They see how many times they can tax money before they have all the money again. M-1 velocity I believe.
Once we had Kings to govern our needs. Kings owned everything and held all the gold. We were told the Kings were smarter and therefore needed to keep us safe. We had good Kings and we had bad Kings. Good Kings were those who were just and evenly distributed the wealth of those who worked.
Long term, a happy worker will always produce more than unhappy workers. Bad Kings usually died tragic deaths from revolution. Thus confirming the power is always with the people.
Tax is collected and administrators for government and insurance receive obscene pay for their service. We learned in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrine the insurance won't pay and the government never comes. Met Life and Prudential insurance have been accused of stealing death benefits of dead military. They will steal even from the dead who protected them.
We witnessed the SEC downloading porn while the Banksters raided the public storehouse. Eleven men died as MMS and Department of Interior dabbled in drugs and prostitution. Then 2000 thousand citizens sickened with salmonella poisoned eggs as the FDA claimed they were powerless. They're brainless not powerless. The need to get off their Oligarchy Asses and check eggs. Funny as hell, Eggs are in one Department and Chickens are in another so they point fingers as people enter the hospital.
More disturbing are the views projected by pundits on Cable News that people who have guns and form Militia are subversive. These people live in an Ivory Tower and should read the Bill Of Rights in our US Constitution. Both are expressly authorized as our rights.
People once turned to their Faith for charity and help in times of need. The same is true today. I don't particularly support religion as a be all end all. What mystifies me is if people have no faith in a creator. Why would they have faith in government?
Placing your faith should be in yourself and forget about the extortion of government. The politicians simply use a noble charitable need of humanity as a vehicle to extort money from the masses. A tiny benefit and huge costs is always the norm. Half of government jobs should be eliminated. Trust me the only difference will be ,you will have more money and they will stand in long smelly lines of humanity.
This is neither hope nor change you can believe in. I don't recommend drinking the Kool Aid.
I do believe we are not on the right track and current elections standards won't fix our problems!!!
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