The 144 billion should not be confused with their salary also extorted at phenomenal amounts. The additional rewards fall from legislation allowing the Bailout Banksters Boys to invest money borrowed from the US Treasury at zero percent interest to be invested in the Wall Street Casino. The Incompetent Crippled Kids of Commerce are increasing their Bonus Booty to divide between America's most needy and greedy ever in history.
If they win they collect huge bonus. If they loose the taxpayers make up the losses in TARP. They also invest all those nickels and dimes from Mom and Pops retirement accounts collected nationwide from contributing Oligarchy Employers. The Great Depression will be viewed as a drop in a barrel compared to the historical events facing America today. Homeland Stupidity should open up a branch office on the floor of DOW JONES.
The announcement marks 2 consecutive years of theft triggered by the Bush TARP money. This no doubt offers some insight into the Dow Jones recent upswing breaking the 11,ooo mark. After the Bonus Booty is collected expect the market to trend downward until next years bonuses come due again. The massive amounts of capital controlled makes it easier to control the Dow Jones than fix a horse race or ballgame.
Conversely, contrasting the governments announcement, they would not be increasing the Social Security cost of living index referred as the COLA.The Bonus Booty for the Banksters must come from others sacrifice. Old people are an easy mark for government.
It also reveals the much heralded Financial Reforms Act did nothing to stop the thefts at the US Treasury. We can expect President Obama to make another round of press conferences where he will shake his finger at the Banksters for legally stealing from the taxpayers again. Oh you just wait!!! Remember the 500 million dollar fines recently settled by Goldman Sachs. Abracadabra and now they divide 144 billion dollars of Bankster Bonus Booty.
Coincidentally it comes only a few days from the Obama Administration humbly begging Congress for an additional 50 billion for building new infrastructure around the country. The begging is for additional money to the still unspent $860 billion Obama has earmarked for waste.
The 50 billion would be divided between tens of thousands of engineers and contractors who would in turn hire millions of construction workers. This would have been a tremendous idea two years ago when we were embroiled in a senseless arguments over health care that nobody wants or afford.The 50 billion could stimulate private sector sales of trucks, heavy equipment and raw materials such as steel and concrete.
Coincidentally it comes only a few days from the Obama Administration humbly begging Congress for an additional 50 billion for building new infrastructure around the country. The begging is for additional money to the still unspent $860 billion Obama has earmarked for waste.
The 50 billion would be divided between tens of thousands of engineers and contractors who would in turn hire millions of construction workers. This would have been a tremendous idea two years ago when we were embroiled in a senseless arguments over health care that nobody wants or afford.The 50 billion could stimulate private sector sales of trucks, heavy equipment and raw materials such as steel and concrete.
Hopefully Americans will employ only American engineers, contractors and workers. And hopefully those people will purchase only American products.Unfortunately history has shown they will not hire or buy American products. Instead we will once again ignore America's needs in favor of raiding other economies around the globe in the name of World Trade.
The 144 billion to the Pharaoh's of Greed Street will vanish to a few thousand and will be invested out of reach of the IRS. Some money will be used to purchase politicians as seed money to insure more Bonus Booty next year.
The realization of all the people who might benefit from 50 billion spent over several years is vastly over shadowed by the obscene 144 billion extorted from the US Treasury by the Banksters.
It appears to me that all roads good and bad lead us back to energy independence. If there is even a slight upturn in the economy it will be followed with a rise in energy costs. Fossil fuels are short in supply and any increase in demands will drive up the costs.
Increased costs in gasoline will impede the Stimulus Act recovery. Spending money on bridges to nowhere and burning fuel to get there is an exercise in futility and predictable waste. Now is the time to make long term investments in projects like Hoover Dam.
Nuclear Power, Wind Farming and Solar Fields to give to our children are paid back for generations. After all they are going to pay for most of what we do today.
Short Term: we need to abolish our current Banking System that allows Banksters to profit from the undeniable hard work of everyday Americans. Increase the COLA to the retired who paid heavily all their lives.
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