Wednesday, March 30, 2011
The Last Supper of Comedy....Jonathan Winters on Dean Martin Roasts: Frank Sinatra (1978)
President Ronald Reagan Jimmy Stewart Orson Wells Dean Martin Gene Kelly Flip Wilson Dom Delouse Don Rickles Milton Berle Frank Sinatra Earnest Borgnine George Burns and Johnathan Winters
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Operation: Turd Sandwich

Savanah Guthrie correspondent for MSNBC announced on Sunday's airing of "Meet the Press" that President Obama, in a meeting in the White House referred to the events in Libya as a "Turd Sandwich". It's not clear if Savanah actually scooped this information or received it through second hand sources.
Hence, the secret Libyan designation forthwith as "Operation Turd Sandwich" Unlike Obama's predecessor Obama decided to not refer to the Libyan Operation as War. Foregoing old school propaganda of conjuring up imaginary weapons of mass destruction or camps full of boogeymen while waving old glory in the face of any dissenters as being non patriot. Even though the bombs and missiles are similar. The new approach of "Bomb but don't touch" Pottery Barn rule of Colin Powell will be strictly adhered and followed. This time America will supply the Weapons of Mass Destruction and other countries supply the Blood and Treasure. The Arabs mostly shoot rifles in the air every time we blow up another tank. Call them the cheerleaders on the ground. The overall concept seem to support the theory that Power Corrupts and Gadhaffe will behave more appropriately when he sees the Calvary coming over the hill. I must admit this theory was proven by Ronald Wilson Reagan some years ago. Gadhaffe sill has night sweats dreaming of Reagan's 600 ship Navy.
Instead, Obama takes the opposite approach of Iraq referring to the inishitive in Libya as a Humanitarian Effort. Much like a visit from Mother Teresa and Dali Lama in fatigues and packing artillery.
The biggest difference here is the bombs in Libya are painted like Easter Eggs and Designer Tomahawk missiles from Faberge. Complete with painted large yellow happy faces and limericks emblazoned of Momar Gadhaffe for those who read quickly. This is largely due to President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize. Can't have the winner blowing things to smithereens can we?
Each warhead is said to contain a sack of USDA certified Bullshit Turd Sandwiches for the rebels and civilians. Seems only fair to offer them Turd Sandwiches after all the crap they've given America for the past forty years. With all the fecal matter flowing out of Washington, DC it seems fitting we should export this natural resource crap on a global scale. America once a world leader now ranks #1 in Bombs and Bullshit production #2 in Ponzi Securities.
The hungry fifty million Americans who are living beneath the poverty line are asked to share their USDA Turd Sandwiches with oppressed Libyan Rebels and the still working School Teachers and Cops are asked for pay cuts to pay for Libyan Air Strikes Overseas.
The good news is America will turn over all Command and Control to NATO this week. After intense debate from France, Turkey and the UK, Canadian General Charles Bouchard will lead the coalition forcesgoing forward. Canada was selected because they have never lost a war and Italy was to involved in Bunga Bunga Parties.
Canada is expected to call their coalition a" Operation: Steaming Pile of Crap". It's a comfort to this writer Operation: Turd Sandwich may never be won but, it will never be lost either!!
Bronxs Cobra Missing
Libyan Rebels Aim High

the Libyan Rebels continue to fire their weapons in the air.
We Americans pay a lot of money for their ammunition and they should be more conservative in discharging their weapons needlessly. Not to mention they might shoot down one of our Aircraft.
The Secretary of State and Defense should remind them we supply those bullets to shoot and kill each other. Wasting expensive ammunition in the air should stop immediately. Being mindful not to shoot at the crude pumping to wells above ground. One shot carelessly fired could ignite a huge fire in our oil supplies.
If their not going to kill each other as promised we Americans could use the money stateside to feed the hungry, pay teachers and police or build schools for our children.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Bulldogs no Underdogs in Bracket Racket
Friday, March 25, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A Vast Wasteland

The ancestry of modern television can be traced back to these first shows aired. The faces have changed over the years. The basic concept of commercial television has changed little. In the infancy broadcast television was free. Just turn on your set wait eight minutes, then bang the top three times. Kinda like waking up your Grandpa.
Shows like Queen for a Day were watched by housewives performing domestic responsibilities. Queen for a Day was a show where contestant recounted endless streams of horrible events in their lives. Everything from dead husbands to crippled children were offered as evidence of their plight. The applause meter would flash upon the screen followed by 3 minutes of soap and tea commercials and then the host would announce the show would supply her with a new washing machine or swing set for the kids. Both were free to the show for the sound bite of advertising. The show and manufacturer were seen as benevolent Philanthropists. In later years the American Housewife went to work and these shows were replaced with Jerry Springer. Judge Nobody and Oprah Winfrey. Theses shows were to entertain the stay at home Welfare Moms. I have always thought that Jerry Springer and Sally Jesse Raphael were the same person in drag. Sally Jesse Raphael's name was copied from a bottle of Paul Newman salad dressing.
Another favorite was Beat the Clock. Here team contestant were challenged to perform mindless tasks under the pressure of a 5 foot diameter egg timer. Usually required at least one blindfold adding to the suspense.
The concept of TV is to enlist the public to entertain the masses with minimal compensation and huge profits for the networks and producers. The single caveat is the ratings. People must tune in to watch the stream of advertising. The viewer believes it's free when it's nothing more than paid advertising in your home. All the class of Georgia Billboard in your living room.
My personal favorite was The Millionaire. This show centered on eccentric billionaire John Baers Fortipton who challenged his emissary Michael Anthony to locate a specific deserving person and hand deliver a anonymous cashiers check for one million dollars. While some of us were waiting on Superman I waited for Michael Anthony. That was fifty years ago and I've often wondered if my check got caught up in natural disaster or 5 dollar gasoline.
All of television today is a product of these first shows. After the writer's strike the networks made a quantum leap inventing "Free Work or Work for Free Concept". American Idol is on prime time TV two or three nights a week. The show is centered on the elimination of contestants who perform for free and the viewing audience votes for a fee digitally for their favorite. You can vote as many times as you can afford. The contestants work for free and then the viewer pays to vote. (brilliant and spooky) Just like a real election. The elimination continues until only one is left and declared winner of American Idol. The winner then receives a contract for $100,000 dollars. A small payday for the winner and billions in revenue for the networks.
I have little interest in American Idol but, I am however very intrigued by the voting. I should reveal I get my news from Jon Stewart's Daily Show and my comedy on CSPAN.
Maybe we should consider electing our President with digital popular voting. We would get rid of our conventions, party affiliations and electoral college and vote by phone or E-mail. Not only would it be cheaper we could create revenue selling each vote. If Our Founders had electronics they would have never endorsed our current archaic system of voting They worked with the technologies of the day.
I would suggest a three prong panel similar to Idol. My pick would be famous former public service candidates John Edwards, Rod Blagojoviech and Nancy Peloisi. John Edwards edged out John Ensign because Edwards wife was dying of cancer and her illness was shamelessly used throughout Edwards failed campaign.
We would need a Master of Ceremonies and I propose hands down George W Bush. He's not working, some would say never has worked. The Bush Administration broke the glass ceiling for stupid people in government. Bush opened the door for stupid people to become President. To add color Jesse Jackson would be the moderator asking questions of the candidates.
The show would travel to inner cites of Detroit, Cleveland and Newark to uncover America's wealth of under privileged community activists individuals who aspire for a life in Political Science. Those who haven't entered a life of crime but lack the resources to run for office.
South Carolina candidate Alvin Green made a dark horse run for the Senate but was brought down by the revelation of pending sexual deviate charges spoiling the election. To bad as he would have been a great fit in the fighting 112th Congress. He lacked the polish of his opponent. He became the poster boy of the Democratic Party similar to Sarah Palin's role in the Republican Party.
I concede TV is a vast wasteland but, so is Congress. Every couple of weeks somebody lets off a stupid bomb in the Chambers and they run like rats. Who can forget the Gay Representative who was accused of molesting his male interns. He claimed it was a tickle fight. Maybe a tickle fight with a happy ending! Or the Senator who apologized to BP for perceived abuse from the American people during the Deep Water Horizon explosions.
These people are not smart. They work the lucrative top of our system while the less fortunate foolishly pilfer nickels and dimes on the lower end welfare roles. In a strange way they feed off each other.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Cost of Crude

Missles while you work everybody.....
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Anniversary Blue Streak
One year ago I wrote the first entry in this Blog. The inaugural entry was a testament to the narrow views of news reporting. Titled "All I know is what I see on Television" was stolen from Will Rodgers who quipped "All I know is what I read in the Paper". Will Rodgers was half Cherokee Indian and a voice of humor in the dark ages of the Robber Barron's. He said his family didn't come over on the Mayflower but, "They met the Boat".
The editorial written one year ago today attempts to illuminate the hypocrisy of the Health care law debate when compared to other more important issues ignored in the day. The enlightenment of both Congress and News agencies failure to attend to the needs of the people. We don't need Employer based health care when 25% of Americans have no employment. The cart before the horse, whose roots are buried in fifty years of frustrated political capital. Employer Based removes your liberty and freedom placing the citizen an indentured servant to both employer and tyranny in government. Most of the power of the Obama administration is born from defiance of the peoples view of the Bush administration, not support of his plan of "Change"
This editorial and Blog is the cry of frustration in the Un-Constitutinal system of government and recording deception in history for my grandchildren to learn in school. Using the Bill of Rights to protect Covert Immigration of Foreign Invaders from prosecution. Rewarding The Theft on Wall Street with Bonus as acceptable business model in America. What would have resulted in prison twenty years ago now is rewarded in wealth. The deregulation of banking has brought back the thieves of the thirties.
The news agencies ignore the demands of the people in favor of reporting only upon the actions of an inept Congress. Cable News has become the manufacturing center of much of the so called news today. FOX News for example will generate News in house from a plethora of paid analyst at 4 o'clock and then report the scoop at 6 o'clock by interviewing the 4 o'clock anchor. Doesn't really matter if it's true or relevant to America. It's cheaper than real journalism or real reporting. The subject matter is always cloaked in opinions substituted in place of facts. Drawing twisted conclusion from the nonsense. Propaganda is the term attached to the former USSR.
Truthfully the issues of one year ago have laid dormant for the entire year. The editorial written 3/20/10 attempted to amplify issues of the long ignored crimes of 2big2fail banking and criminal immigration that are the source of the collapse of the economy and obscene unemployment. These numbers fail to reflect the homeless women and children living in tents along river banks in full view of boarded up homes afforded by TARP 2big2fail policies or Corporate Welfare that tends to the needs of poorly managed corporate giants such as GM, Fiat and AIG. The creation of The (Anti) Patriot Act and Homeland Security that refuse to protect our Southern Borders from Foreign Invaders who traffic in drugs and human smuggling. Spying on American Citizen phones and e-mails endorsed by our government. The twisted evidence we forfeit our Liberty to protect a corrupt government by the government for the government.
The expenditure of trillions of dollars of imaginary currency printed at the US Treasury have restored the wealth of the top 1% of the Banksters. Although the faith in real value of this wealth has become the focus of much speculation. Investors selection of gold and precious metals reflects the lack of faith in Ben Bernanke's Houdini Economy. The policies of Obama has done little to bring in prosperity to America and rein out corruption in government.
Over the past twelve months other emergencies and disasters have dwarfed these news issues central to our current demise. Ironically most are products of the greater problem in the core of corruption in government.
We watched crude oil spewing uncontrolled in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico in the BP Deepwater Horizon Fiasco. I refer to it as a Fiasco rather than accident in spite of the fact 11 men lost their lives in the loss. The product of Drill Baby Drill quickly went to Spill Baby Spill in a global exhibition of how to make the pump price of Gas increase. The helpless rhetoric from The Obama Cabinet that BP was accountable even though the MMS, Department of Interior approved every step of the explosions. MMS was accused of bribery of free junkets complete with hookers and drugs. Similar to the Treasury SEC who were down loading porn and dragging down $250,000 compensation of taxpayer money. BP has protected it's exposure to fines since it quietly sold off all interest in mineral rights in America. BP was also implicated in providing incentives for the release of Megrahi the man responsible for blowing up Pan Am 1o4 flight in Lockerbie, Scotland in exchange for drilling rights in oil rich Libya. The Blood money has come full circle in recent days as Gadhafi, Megrahi and BP will all likely exit Libya in Civil War. BP is a world leader in a new world order that allows Corporations pulling the strings of governments WTO to it's advantage.
The USDA was in the news for the publicized firing of government worker Shirley Sherrod and their part in the Wright County Egg scandal that sickened thousands and recalled a half billion poisonous eggs. The news proves that incompetency in your government job is acceptable. Any form of perceived racial bias will result in immediate dismissal regardless of real or imagined.
We witnessed devastating earthquakes in Haiti, New Zealand and Japan. Governments of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya overthrown. The noose around criminal Bin Laden tightens with each country rejecting his Theocracy Ideology.
In short 214 entries were written this year highlighting the events of our time. The Number One Story this year is the Trillion Dollar Heist perpetrated on the US Taxpayer by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. If we calculate the cost of the BP Spill, All the Earthquakes and the World Trade Centers it would not exceed the money stolen in New York and approved in Washington,Dc
The editorial written one year ago today attempts to illuminate the hypocrisy of the Health care law debate when compared to other more important issues ignored in the day. The enlightenment of both Congress and News agencies failure to attend to the needs of the people. We don't need Employer based health care when 25% of Americans have no employment. The cart before the horse, whose roots are buried in fifty years of frustrated political capital. Employer Based removes your liberty and freedom placing the citizen an indentured servant to both employer and tyranny in government. Most of the power of the Obama administration is born from defiance of the peoples view of the Bush administration, not support of his plan of "Change"
This editorial and Blog is the cry of frustration in the Un-Constitutinal system of government and recording deception in history for my grandchildren to learn in school. Using the Bill of Rights to protect Covert Immigration of Foreign Invaders from prosecution. Rewarding The Theft on Wall Street with Bonus as acceptable business model in America. What would have resulted in prison twenty years ago now is rewarded in wealth. The deregulation of banking has brought back the thieves of the thirties.
The news agencies ignore the demands of the people in favor of reporting only upon the actions of an inept Congress. Cable News has become the manufacturing center of much of the so called news today. FOX News for example will generate News in house from a plethora of paid analyst at 4 o'clock and then report the scoop at 6 o'clock by interviewing the 4 o'clock anchor. Doesn't really matter if it's true or relevant to America. It's cheaper than real journalism or real reporting. The subject matter is always cloaked in opinions substituted in place of facts. Drawing twisted conclusion from the nonsense. Propaganda is the term attached to the former USSR.
Truthfully the issues of one year ago have laid dormant for the entire year. The editorial written 3/20/10 attempted to amplify issues of the long ignored crimes of 2big2fail banking and criminal immigration that are the source of the collapse of the economy and obscene unemployment. These numbers fail to reflect the homeless women and children living in tents along river banks in full view of boarded up homes afforded by TARP 2big2fail policies or Corporate Welfare that tends to the needs of poorly managed corporate giants such as GM, Fiat and AIG. The creation of The (Anti) Patriot Act and Homeland Security that refuse to protect our Southern Borders from Foreign Invaders who traffic in drugs and human smuggling. Spying on American Citizen phones and e-mails endorsed by our government. The twisted evidence we forfeit our Liberty to protect a corrupt government by the government for the government.
The expenditure of trillions of dollars of imaginary currency printed at the US Treasury have restored the wealth of the top 1% of the Banksters. Although the faith in real value of this wealth has become the focus of much speculation. Investors selection of gold and precious metals reflects the lack of faith in Ben Bernanke's Houdini Economy. The policies of Obama has done little to bring in prosperity to America and rein out corruption in government.
Over the past twelve months other emergencies and disasters have dwarfed these news issues central to our current demise. Ironically most are products of the greater problem in the core of corruption in government.
We watched crude oil spewing uncontrolled in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico in the BP Deepwater Horizon Fiasco. I refer to it as a Fiasco rather than accident in spite of the fact 11 men lost their lives in the loss. The product of Drill Baby Drill quickly went to Spill Baby Spill in a global exhibition of how to make the pump price of Gas increase. The helpless rhetoric from The Obama Cabinet that BP was accountable even though the MMS, Department of Interior approved every step of the explosions. MMS was accused of bribery of free junkets complete with hookers and drugs. Similar to the Treasury SEC who were down loading porn and dragging down $250,000 compensation of taxpayer money. BP has protected it's exposure to fines since it quietly sold off all interest in mineral rights in America. BP was also implicated in providing incentives for the release of Megrahi the man responsible for blowing up Pan Am 1o4 flight in Lockerbie, Scotland in exchange for drilling rights in oil rich Libya. The Blood money has come full circle in recent days as Gadhafi, Megrahi and BP will all likely exit Libya in Civil War. BP is a world leader in a new world order that allows Corporations pulling the strings of governments WTO to it's advantage.
The USDA was in the news for the publicized firing of government worker Shirley Sherrod and their part in the Wright County Egg scandal that sickened thousands and recalled a half billion poisonous eggs. The news proves that incompetency in your government job is acceptable. Any form of perceived racial bias will result in immediate dismissal regardless of real or imagined.
We witnessed devastating earthquakes in Haiti, New Zealand and Japan. Governments of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya overthrown. The noose around criminal Bin Laden tightens with each country rejecting his Theocracy Ideology.
In short 214 entries were written this year highlighting the events of our time. The Number One Story this year is the Trillion Dollar Heist perpetrated on the US Taxpayer by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. If we calculate the cost of the BP Spill, All the Earthquakes and the World Trade Centers it would not exceed the money stolen in New York and approved in Washington,Dc
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Five & Dime

I remember riding on the Bus to shop at the Five & Dime. There wasn't much parking provided as most people walked or traveled by Bus. Walking with my Mother through the narrow hardwood aisles of our neighborhood Five & Dime Stores. Up and down the creaking floors looking for affordable values. Bread for a dime or a coke for a nickel. The wood floors waved under the immense weight of the merchandise. The store would be small compared to today's convenience store. Cameras weren't needed as the creaking was a dead give away to your location. It was advised to look down the aisle to see if it was occupied. If another patron was in the aisle passing was impossible in the limited width.
The national stores Murhys, Woolworths, Grants, SS Kresge were mixed in with local Mom and Pop enterprises. All focused on less cost to the consumer. The fact they were also convenient was overlooked in marketing strategy. Today we pay higher prices for convenience even though the products are similar. Price is not the business model for convenience shopping such as 7/11 stores. It generally accepted 7/11 denotes the opening hours not 7 or 11 cents of the past.
One would assume the Five & Dime went out with the steam engine. Not so. The Five & Dime concept has risen again like a Phoenix in marketing. The new stores are now known as Dollar Stores, Dollar General and Dollar Tree. The name change is due to the Economic Policies of the Federal Reserve. The policy of some inflation is preferred over the depression of deflation. Or what we paid a nickel for in 1950 now costs a dollar. Money in the bank evaporates like water in a mid day sun. The trick is to steal your money slowly to conceal the theft. The money stolen in 2008 will be paid back by devalued currency. We all pay in higher prices across the economic spectrum. You can't win if you don't make the rules. The Gilded Age has returned and the Depression they bring. We are traveling backwards in time to a dollar that's worth a dime.
The recent success of these stores has not gone unnoticed by the giant retailer Wallmart. It seems the cost of fuel to patronize County wide Wallmart is attracting consumers away from the Mega Box Stores of Wallmart. Wallmart tried unsuccessfully to purchase one of these dollar chains of Five & Dime ancestry. The unsuccessful bid prompted the giant retailer to open their own chain of smaller stores to compete with Dollar Chains.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Congressional Muslim Debate

Not a big fan of Muslims generally speaking. I am a big fan of the US Constitution. The Congressional Muslim debates taking place in Congress are not only Un-Constititional it is also a disgrace to all Americans.
The end result will lead to divide against our Union. We have separation of Church and State for good reasons. The debate taking place today is the reason we have the First Amendment.
Those presiding (R) NY. Peter King have focused upon Muslims in misguided hate. The people who attack us do so in the name of hate. Peter King attacks for those same values.
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