No representation without tax deductions. The special interest in America are thriving in loopholes and narrow deduction line items that single out special interest of the wealthy. The tax code created deductions for the special interest but, when Joe Average claims the very same deduction he is strapped with IRS audits that require time and money he can't afford. If your in the game, you play by the IRS rulebook or prison with Wesely Snipes.
After the dollars are collected our nimrod leaders hand out trillions in bailouts and subsidies to companies like BoA, BP and GE who paid no taxes. ZERO. They change the rules with imaginary terms like 2big2fail. There is no definition or magic dollar amount for 2big2fail it's like gravity it's just there. Meanwhile Big Ben Bernanke keeps printing up new Houdini Dollars that make your money worthless.
Large corporations have attorney protections built into the cost of their business models which provides attorney's with years of litigation with the IRS. Claims by both political parties claim tax burden haven't been this low since the 1950's.
One can only look to the current size of government and new agencies created since 1950. The obscene federal budget and the sky rocketing salaries of workers who down load porn and sit on there asses. The other half of Americans sit on there asses with no jobs. (myself included)America is not working and working Americans are not working. The Titans of Wall Street and Banksters steal the wealth of the GDP. Look around do you see anyone working. If you do it's the phone company, water company or electric company with twenty people and five new trucks watching one man with a shovel plant flowers.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Where's the Bin Laden Death Certificate

A clever Barack Obama has diverted the attention of his long form birth certificate to the demise of Osama Bin Laden.
The always aware Republican opponents are asking "where's the long form death certificate" for Osama Bin Laden. Without the proper documentation we can't be absolutely sure Osama is dead. Really,why doesn't our President release the death certificate of Bin Laden and put the whole issue to rest. This would no doubt give credit to those who asked for the documentation as the ones who really killed Bin laden. This would make them very proud of their achievement. Of coarse the Navy Seal Six helped.
Some Republican Candidates reportedly have "their people working on it" The investigation may lead to Abbottobad, Pakistan for the truth on this matter. It could be the greatest con in US history.
Meanwhile, the Conservatives are beginning rumors that Bin Laden's death was a result of Water Torture performed by Bush43. The conspiracy theory that it was really Bush43 who killed Osama, if he's really dead. Proving the Republican Party will stop at nothing to spin facts into fiction of Barack Obama's sudden rise in popularity polling.
Some opponents are down playing Osama's importance as a alQaeda leader. Even though the confiscated computer drives will reveal untold insight into al Qaeda's most secret operations. The biggest revelation from the raid is the knowledge Pakistan was patronizing America, accepting foreign aid as it offered sanctuary to the killer Bin Laden.
Had the raid on Abbottobad not turned up a dead Bin Laden then things would have looked very different. Invading Pakistan by an American President would be an International Incident worthy of United Nations investigations and President Obama would be in dire straits for sure.
It was a similar hunch of Admiral Chester Nimitz in June 1942 the Empire of Japan was about to attack Midway Island. The Battle at Midway resulted in the destruction of Japanese Fleet that turned the War in the Pacific to US favor. Just a hunch based upon coded messages received from Japanese Radio Transmission.Giving the order to raid Bin Ladens compound without any real proof took great courage. Courage that overwhelmed politics and Presidential Legacy. The raid is a real swing in momentum towards the US destroying al Qaeda. The famous Hero of World War Two's 3rd Army who chased Germany across two continents, Three Star General George Patton declared when you got them in retreat is when their weakest. Don't let'em dig in Attack Attack Attack
Barack Obama 44th President of the United States of America is truly a rare individual.
The Republicans can only improve Obama's Popularity by denying him credit for Bulls eye of the Century.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Obituary: Osama Bin Laden

Maybe, we should have asked sooner. I thought everybody knew or maybe we asked the wrong people. Not often I get a wish granted but this was a Dandy.
Next year the 911 observance should be easier to accept.
Osama Bin Laden was shot and killed by the Iron Will of the American People. The innocent people who he attacked on September 11, 2001 are avenged. Osama was born March 10, 1957 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Osama was one of 56 siblings in the Bin Laden pack.
The American responsible for killing him was born August 4, 1961 in Hawaii 4 years 5 months later. Osama the son of Saudi Oil Billionaire and is credited with killing thousand of women and children and the formation of al Qaeda.
The man who killed Osama was the son of a irresponsible Kenyan citizen and an American welfare mother. He became Barack Obama the 44th American President. One led a life of privilege the other man was simply Privileged to be American. A gift from his Grandfather who fought in World Wars
Translation for Osama bin is "cowering dog", Laden means "bitch". The body of Osama Bin Laden is reported to be buried at sea. His head however, is in a box on a front porch in Crawford, Texas courtesy of the American people. The corpse pictures will be forth coming meanwhile, placed in a file with Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler and Mussolini.
As an adversary he was more of a nasty infection than opponent. A mixture of street thug and privateer. He lived the life of a dog the last six years in a self made prison hiding from his judgment that he new would come. Deprived of his God given freedom he traded for a eternity in Allahland under the sea.
Some say Osama changed our American way of life and we the people will never be the same. I'm reminded growing up in the fifties asking my mother why were some of the factory windows painted. Why are most cars black and why do the schools and churches have bell towers without bells. She said, It was the war and we did what we had to do. The windows painted so we could build arms at night and the cars were all black to conserve. Gasoline was purchased with stamps and the church bells of America were used to build the greatest army the world has ever known.
Al Qaeda/Taliban/Hamas/ is naturally defined as packs of dogs who run, hide and cower. The Islamic Radicals who wage a cowards war on innocent women and children hide under the veil of religion. A religion that allows for extermination and genocide of infidels who believe in another Deity. Cowards desperate for power who claim God has given them dominion over the rest of humanity. Another Arian Nation rises and falls. These are the minds of barbarians who buy sell and trade in fear as they live in constant fear.
Our founders had faced religious persecution and included free speech and rights to worship freely in the US Constitution. In an effort to establish a more perfect union. Later we included "all men are created equal" in a war that 650,000 thousand Americans died to bring freedom to 500,000 thousand slaves.
In a perfect balance they also choose "separation of church and state" These are noble efforts and maintaining these values in balance is a difficult task. The charge is that people will have freedom to voice their opinion no matter how vile it may be. The right to worship as you choose and that all men are created equal.
The US Constitution does not mention that freedom of speech should be trumped by religion or race. The challenge that one persons freedom of speech is somehow affecting a person rights or religion is the center of many decision from the Supreme Court.
Your race or religion will not be infringed nor does your race or religious belief entitle you to become a burden to others. The laws of the United States are paramount to any belief of race or religion. We all know the story of the clown in Gainsville, Fl who burned the Koran. It was a despicable deed we all agree. Even more despicable is the thought he should not have this right.
Americana's believe this man will be held accountable to God for his actions, not to men who believe in a God.
If the God you worship entitles you to kill the innocent or punish women for going to school your religion is not a good fit in America. Worship as you wish but leave government at the front door. Don't expect your Jihad to overrule the American Democracy. Many have died trying.
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