A clever Barack Obama has diverted the attention of his long form birth certificate to the demise of Osama Bin Laden.
The always aware Republican opponents are asking "where's the long form death certificate" for Osama Bin Laden. Without the proper documentation we can't be absolutely sure Osama is dead. Really,why doesn't our President release the death certificate of Bin Laden and put the whole issue to rest. This would no doubt give credit to those who asked for the documentation as the ones who really killed Bin laden. This would make them very proud of their achievement. Of coarse the Navy Seal Six helped.
Some Republican Candidates reportedly have "their people working on it" The investigation may lead to Abbottobad, Pakistan for the truth on this matter. It could be the greatest con in US history.
Meanwhile, the Conservatives are beginning rumors that Bin Laden's death was a result of Water Torture performed by Bush43. The conspiracy theory that it was really Bush43 who killed Osama, if he's really dead. Proving the Republican Party will stop at nothing to spin facts into fiction of Barack Obama's sudden rise in popularity polling.
Some opponents are down playing Osama's importance as a alQaeda leader. Even though the confiscated computer drives will reveal untold insight into al Qaeda's most secret operations. The biggest revelation from the raid is the knowledge Pakistan was patronizing America, accepting foreign aid as it offered sanctuary to the killer Bin Laden.
Had the raid on Abbottobad not turned up a dead Bin Laden then things would have looked very different. Invading Pakistan by an American President would be an International Incident worthy of United Nations investigations and President Obama would be in dire straits for sure.
It was a similar hunch of Admiral Chester Nimitz in June 1942 the Empire of Japan was about to attack Midway Island. The Battle at Midway resulted in the destruction of Japanese Fleet that turned the War in the Pacific to US favor. Just a hunch based upon coded messages received from Japanese Radio Transmission.Giving the order to raid Bin Ladens compound without any real proof took great courage. Courage that overwhelmed politics and Presidential Legacy. The raid is a real swing in momentum towards the US destroying al Qaeda. The famous Hero of World War Two's 3rd Army who chased Germany across two continents, Three Star General George Patton declared when you got them in retreat is when their weakest. Don't let'em dig in Attack Attack Attack
Barack Obama 44th President of the United States of America is truly a rare individual.
The Republicans can only improve Obama's Popularity by denying him credit for Bulls eye of the Century.
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