The wires are cold with any recent newsworthy political theatre. Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Lohan's public and private behaviors are equally uninspiring. Mitoosense avoids commentary on the public outcry for justice in Pennsylvania Child Abuse or Innocent children killed by a deranged mother.
The recent shooting in Sanford, Fl is hot on the wires. Attracting the likes of the NRA, Spike Lee, Black Panthers and the NAACP to attach their ideology to the death of a young American. The needless death of a High School Student walking home from a store with a bag of candy and cold drink talking to his girlfriend on the phone is the topic of discussion. Certainly a 17 year old boys desire too speak to his girlfriend in privacy is not a crime, ditto for candy and a cold drink.
The shooter an Hispanic Neighborhood Watchman claimed the boy was "up to no good, looks like he's on drugs or something, has his hand in his waistband" he reported to 911 tape. He never mentioned to the 911 operator the boy was talking on the phone. If the shooter could not see the phone it's likely his other observation were also fabricated. If he called the Police and said there is a 17 year old boy eating candy, drinking tea and talking to his girlfriend on the phone it would be a tough sell to the authorities the boy was a threat to anyone. It would also be normal for a teenage boy want privacy while speaking to his significant other. Many people prefer to speak outside away from the noise of TV and ears of family members. It's evident the shooter did not have the common sense to see his own paranoid behaviors. Drunk with imaginary police powers and an illegal firearm the shooter attempted to interrupt the boy's civil liberties, and the US Constitution. The boy had no obligation or responsibility to this man to submit to any questioning, if any.
What happened after the shooting may well partially explain why the shooting happened at all. This of coarse is the Sanford Police Department's failure to keep crime under control is well documented in crime statistics. The fact the shooter was allowed to go free and not held until all the facts were known is a significant truth. The fact that the shooter was allowed freedom 2 days before the family was notified their son was dead is unacceptable. Certainly, family would be the first to question the facts surrounding the murder of a loved one. Regardless of the claims of self defense it is apparent the boy was not guilty of anything and further had no obligation to submit to this mans imaginary authority. The boy was in fact murdered for protecting his American Bill of Rights. The Sanford Police did not do ballistics testing on the weapon or check for fingerprints on the weapon are just some decisions made by Sanford Police to not enforce the law. Not a cop but, I would think this would be standard operating procedure in any investigation much less murder. Instead the Sanford Police allowed the shooter to leave with his weapon. The shooter in the absents of any police investigation is now able to concoct any defense in unknown facts. These facts lead the average person to suspicions of Police Cover ups.
This failure to police the facts and respond to the shooter's paranoid charges is failed police work and brings logic to a crime statistics that are out of control! The Sanford Police continued their denial for nearly a month before the outcry from the public demanded answers. The inaction's of the Sanford Police Department reveal that not enforcing the laws is a much bigger crime today than people who break the laws. Putting people in jail for driving without a license is near the top of my list ditto for auto insurance and tags.
My deepest regards to the family who lost a son. Not because he was a minority or the shooter was a minority but, because he was an innocent American murdered and the Sanford Police did nothing.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Today's Thought
Saturday, March 17, 2012
GOP Broked Convention?

The GOP nomination process has gone from uninspiring to stale. We have not had a televised debate since Mesa, Az on February 22, 2012. The GOP debates were admittedly focused on preaching to the choir from the Right Wing. Still we cannot deny the changes in the campaign since the Mesa debate. The debates often focused on issues most important to the voters. In this format Romney did very well. Mitoosense is Independent in ideology making Romney the better choice for our support.
Without debates the discussion has veered away from the Economy, Immigration, Obamacare and Bailouts. The narrative today is gone in the ditch with birth control, contraceptives and pornography. The social issues lack clear candidate position and splinter the support away from Romney towards Gingrich and Santorum. The divisive issues also become the soup du jour with candidates lining up voters support in true Elmer Gantry style. The candidates are free to make any platform theirs and espouse a clean record to fact check. Also we should not ignore the feel good Empty Promise issues of going to the moon or $2.50 gasoline which are impossible to fact check as well. Either way the pragmatist Obama will destroy the GOP in November if they bring this garbage to the election. A leading story on Yahoo today was a GOP bumper sticker Don't Re-Nig in 2012. Attacking the messenger will not win the election with one of America's most popular Presidents. We like Obama in spite of being dedicated to voting GOP in the Presidential election. Obama is most vulnerable on Obamacare, Dodd-Frank and the pending Dream Act. Obama also validated the Bush Tax Cuts, Patriot Act by extending them. Obama strength is in Foreign Policy and killing Bin Laden and his henchmen. Attacking Obama as a Muslim or his race will guarantee the GOP defeat. Obama has many legitimate weak points. Solyndra, Fast & Furious, Guantanamo and suits filed against Arizona and Alabama as notables.
The Social Issues are impossible to solve largely because they impose laws on other people's business. We try to legislate people on morality, marriage and contraception which all are within the realm of other people's business. The world and America will continue to turn without these distractions from the Nanny State. The Nanny State is also central to Ron Pauls campaign.
Obama makes the news with his NCAA Bracket picks and the voters ignore Pope Joe. (get it) The GOP is lost and out of touch with basic Americana. Easy pickins when the GOP doesn't know sick'em.
Romney struggles in the darkness to stay on message with the economy and his plans to fix our debt. The Catholic candidates Gingrich and Santorum hide in the comfort of the Pope Joe and Catholic Doctrines. Mormons don't have a Pope and are all American in heritage. Pope Joe lives in Italy and was born in Germany. They claim he speaks to God or is God or something. Pope Joe is a good fit in the GOP right wing, I think, maybe, not Catholic, cannot really say!
Anyhow, between the Moon, NCAA, $2.50 cent gas and Pope Joe the Romney Bandwagon is sinking like a stone. Mitt needs to turn the discussion back to his winning message!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Peyton Manning #18

With my new team came a lot of responsibility. Supporting the Colts while living a few miles from the Dolphins Stadium turned out to be easier than one might imagine. The Colts performed miserably for many years. I supported the Colts till they fell out. Then my adopted Dolphins and Don Shula until they fell out and then Kansas City Chiefs and Marty Schottemheimer the former coach of the Old Cleavland Browns. This trifecta of teams usually got me through the season. Still no rings and zero Superbowls. The single caveat was when Dan Marino's arm came against the foot of Colt's kicker Dean Biasucci on a Sunday afternoon. The underdog Colts prevailed over the Dolphins 18 to 14. Marino scored two touchdowns. This was no match for six field goals from near the fifty yard line. The game was later coined "The Dean Biasucci Show" I remember my brother and I quietly exiting a South Florida Bar after the game.
The Colts hired and fired their way to failure year after year. The first Messiah was Eric Dickerson who became the marquee player who's image appeared in billboard size out side the Hoosier Dome. Eric was a huge disappointment on and off the field. A few notable in the early years were John Hand, Clarence Verdan, Albert Bently, Dean Biassuci and Jim Harbaugh, all good players, no cigar, no team.
Robert Irsay died in 1997 and the new owner became son Jim Irsay, cuze that's how nepotism works. The first proof of Jim Irsay management style came in 1995 when the Colts fired the beloved Coach Ted Marchibroda. Ted Marchibroda was an easy fit to the Hoosier lifestyle. After nearly winning the first Superbowl berth Ted was fired for the first Colt's inspiring season. I watched the Colt's Jim Harbaugh hail Mary in Pittsburgh. The replay would show the ball had touched the ground and denied the Colts a Super Bowl berth. Teds replacement, Linde Infante was also fired after a brief run as head coach. Coach Ted stayed on in Indy as a Radio Celebrity Analyst until 2006.
The Bill Polian Blue and White Regime came in 1997. Bill Polian had been fired by Buffalo after three Super Bowl appearances with star quarterback Jim Kelly. Bill gathered his marbles and took the new expansion team Carolina Panthers to the Superbowl in two years. A big huh! How could I suffer with the Colts for soooo many years losing and this guy pulls a rabbit outta the hat in two years with a brand new team?. I not sure how we got Bill Polian in Indianapolis but, it was probably the same Irsay management style that moved the Colts from Baltimore and fired Ted Marchibroda.
The new President and GM Bill Polian's first move was drafting Peyton Manning #18 to the Colts roster. Bill was under constant attack for not picking the much bigger Ryan Leaf. Peyton would join Marvin Harrison who was drafted a year earlier. Me being a Colts fan since 1984 I knew how this Colts system works. The scapegoat is almost as good as a solution. Polian would be around a couple of years and then replaced. It's how the Colts roll so to speak.
Peyton ran around his first year avoiding injury. The shinny kid from New Orleans and son of quarterback Archie Manning was starting to move the ball. Bill Polian pulled another rabbit outta the hat and drafted Edgerrin James over the more popular Ricky Williams. Again the Polian decision was a great controversy in NFL circles. We all know how this story ends. Manning, Harrison and James became the triple threat in the NFL lighting up scoreboards around the nation. Ryan Leaf and Ricky Williams were doing good to stay to stay out of court. Colt's Superbowl was in the cards for the first time. For myself I became a big fan of Bill Polian the architect of so many Superbowl Games. Every year the Colts got closer to victory. The ring finally came and brought the new Lucas Stadium and Superbowl host to Indianapolis.
This years Superbowl in Indianapolis is shadowed by the ghost of Irsay. Bill Polian, Jim Calwell and Peyton Manning all fired. The reminder it's all about money. Peyton who stepped down this last week reminded us all of the Hospital and Lucas Oil Stadium he leaves behind. He played his heart out for the Hoosiers and the Hoosier hearts won will go with Peyton's impeccable legacy as Player and Honorary Hoosier. For myself I will retire the Blue and White this year and follow the team who is lucky enough to get our Star Quarterback #18.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Mitt Romney

Mitoosense supported Obama in the last election wisely over McCain/Palin. Unfortunately, We did not get Hope and Change. We got validation of Bush/Cheney bailouts in Dodd-Frank. Obama has done nothing to put Banksters in jail and supported right wing corporate bailouts of GM, Fiat, AIG and 2big2fail. At the same time his administration unwisely filed suit against Arizona and Alabama to halt immigration legislation from becoming law. Obama has endorsed the Dream Act and allowed the Bush Tax cuts and Patriot Act to be extended. Obama supported Federal Reserve policies of cheap money and zero interest to the Casino Bankers. Right wing corporate welthfare economics to falsely stimulate the Wall Street Markets as Main Street poverty rates rise unchecked..
For the record we think Obama foreign policies are his strongest assets in the upcoming election. The risky business of Obama taking out Bin Laden sent a clear message around the world that we Americans have waited for way to many years to achieve. Obama is the most likable Presidents since JFK which makes voting with the GOP even harder.
This brings us to Mitt Romney. It was clear with Obama and Ron Paul out Mitt was the most desirable candidate in the GOP lineup. Mitt weathered Gov. Perry, Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich with ease. The latest competition is from former Senator Rick Santorum. Santorum eked out a thirty point win in Iowa despite Romney the winner election night by eight votes. The ghosts of Bush/Gore and Dewey/ Truman counting votes until the other guy wins is apparent. Romney was not expected to win in Iowa yet took the split of delegates with Santorum. It is very clear Mitt Romney has examined this nomination process very closely. Mitt has focused on the states with the most delegates and winner take all Florida. This is the Romney Plan in action and it is working and winning. Imagine That!! It is also very clear Santorum has avoided head to head competition with Romney and concentrates his focus on wining states Romney avoided. The results are Santorum won the beauty contest in Missouri and Minnesota without delegates. Santorum lost big states in Michigan and Ohio to the Romney machine. Even worse Santorum and Gingrich were not on the ballots in their home states of Virginia.
The media is pounding on Romney highlighting the states he did not win and those he won by smallest margins. The media also ignores the big win in Massachusetts by 70%. Meanwhile the Santorum campaign pleaded with Democrats to vote for him in Michigan or the Iowa win was Sanotorum by only 31 votes are completely ignored. Romney wins in Ohio by 12000 votes just isn't good enough. The media and pundits who sway the truth and often lie is the very basis for our blog. It is the media who twist reality to their advantage.
Super Tuesday was no exception. Romney prevailed in the meat and potatoes delegates taking 6 of 10 states this week. Gingrich took Georgia as his only prize and Santorum followed with 3 victories. The media offers no credit to Romney for taking 6 of 10 and over half the delegates on Super Tuesday. They choose to spin the money spent and margins of winning to beat Romney like a redheaded stepchild.
As a parallel for the Commander in Chief do we really want a guy who can win only Georgia or Santorum who fails to get on the ballot in his own state and overlooks delegates in Ohio completely. Do you really want this kind of unfortunate failure in the White House. It's crystal clear the Romney Plan to election is working like clockwork. His opponent are falling short because they failed to organize and work a winning plan. This is why we support Mitt Romney now and in November. Mitt Romney knows how to get things done and accomplish goals.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Attack the Message

Attacking the messenger is the signature of those who have exhausted intellectual debate. They have reached the limits of their intellect. Contemplating the obvious loss they resort to personal attacks against other Americans. This is an attack on our Union and all Americans Self Government.
We expect this mindless speech in Bars and Barber Shops not on Billboards and Talk Radio or TV. Those who disagree with the message should focus on their weakened platform instead of relying on Sophomoric School Yard personal attacks. Both sides should reject these buffoons as irritations and foolish. Endorsement of theses idiots is further evidence why we only use 10% of our brains!
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