Mitoosense supported Obama in the last election wisely over McCain/Palin. Unfortunately, We did not get Hope and Change. We got validation of Bush/Cheney bailouts in Dodd-Frank. Obama has done nothing to put Banksters in jail and supported right wing corporate bailouts of GM, Fiat, AIG and 2big2fail. At the same time his administration unwisely filed suit against Arizona and Alabama to halt immigration legislation from becoming law. Obama has endorsed the Dream Act and allowed the Bush Tax cuts and Patriot Act to be extended. Obama supported Federal Reserve policies of cheap money and zero interest to the Casino Bankers. Right wing corporate welthfare economics to falsely stimulate the Wall Street Markets as Main Street poverty rates rise unchecked..
For the record we think Obama foreign policies are his strongest assets in the upcoming election. The risky business of Obama taking out Bin Laden sent a clear message around the world that we Americans have waited for way to many years to achieve. Obama is the most likable Presidents since JFK which makes voting with the GOP even harder.
This brings us to Mitt Romney. It was clear with Obama and Ron Paul out Mitt was the most desirable candidate in the GOP lineup. Mitt weathered Gov. Perry, Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich with ease. The latest competition is from former Senator Rick Santorum. Santorum eked out a thirty point win in Iowa despite Romney the winner election night by eight votes. The ghosts of Bush/Gore and Dewey/ Truman counting votes until the other guy wins is apparent. Romney was not expected to win in Iowa yet took the split of delegates with Santorum. It is very clear Mitt Romney has examined this nomination process very closely. Mitt has focused on the states with the most delegates and winner take all Florida. This is the Romney Plan in action and it is working and winning. Imagine That!! It is also very clear Santorum has avoided head to head competition with Romney and concentrates his focus on wining states Romney avoided. The results are Santorum won the beauty contest in Missouri and Minnesota without delegates. Santorum lost big states in Michigan and Ohio to the Romney machine. Even worse Santorum and Gingrich were not on the ballots in their home states of Virginia.
The media is pounding on Romney highlighting the states he did not win and those he won by smallest margins. The media also ignores the big win in Massachusetts by 70%. Meanwhile the Santorum campaign pleaded with Democrats to vote for him in Michigan or the Iowa win was Sanotorum by only 31 votes are completely ignored. Romney wins in Ohio by 12000 votes just isn't good enough. The media and pundits who sway the truth and often lie is the very basis for our blog. It is the media who twist reality to their advantage.
Super Tuesday was no exception. Romney prevailed in the meat and potatoes delegates taking 6 of 10 states this week. Gingrich took Georgia as his only prize and Santorum followed with 3 victories. The media offers no credit to Romney for taking 6 of 10 and over half the delegates on Super Tuesday. They choose to spin the money spent and margins of winning to beat Romney like a redheaded stepchild.
As a parallel for the Commander in Chief do we really want a guy who can win only Georgia or Santorum who fails to get on the ballot in his own state and overlooks delegates in Ohio completely. Do you really want this kind of unfortunate failure in the White House. It's crystal clear the Romney Plan to election is working like clockwork. His opponent are falling short because they failed to organize and work a winning plan. This is why we support Mitt Romney now and in November. Mitt Romney knows how to get things done and accomplish goals.
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