The GOP nomination process has gone from uninspiring to stale. We have not had a televised debate since Mesa, Az on February 22, 2012. The GOP debates were admittedly focused on preaching to the choir from the Right Wing. Still we cannot deny the changes in the campaign since the Mesa debate. The debates often focused on issues most important to the voters. In this format Romney did very well. Mitoosense is Independent in ideology making Romney the better choice for our support.
Without debates the discussion has veered away from the Economy, Immigration, Obamacare and Bailouts. The narrative today is gone in the ditch with birth control, contraceptives and pornography. The social issues lack clear candidate position and splinter the support away from Romney towards Gingrich and Santorum. The divisive issues also become the soup du jour with candidates lining up voters support in true Elmer Gantry style. The candidates are free to make any platform theirs and espouse a clean record to fact check. Also we should not ignore the feel good Empty Promise issues of going to the moon or $2.50 gasoline which are impossible to fact check as well. Either way the pragmatist Obama will destroy the GOP in November if they bring this garbage to the election. A leading story on Yahoo today was a GOP bumper sticker Don't Re-Nig in 2012. Attacking the messenger will not win the election with one of America's most popular Presidents. We like Obama in spite of being dedicated to voting GOP in the Presidential election. Obama is most vulnerable on Obamacare, Dodd-Frank and the pending Dream Act. Obama also validated the Bush Tax Cuts, Patriot Act by extending them. Obama strength is in Foreign Policy and killing Bin Laden and his henchmen. Attacking Obama as a Muslim or his race will guarantee the GOP defeat. Obama has many legitimate weak points. Solyndra, Fast & Furious, Guantanamo and suits filed against Arizona and Alabama as notables.
The Social Issues are impossible to solve largely because they impose laws on other people's business. We try to legislate people on morality, marriage and contraception which all are within the realm of other people's business. The world and America will continue to turn without these distractions from the Nanny State. The Nanny State is also central to Ron Pauls campaign.
Obama makes the news with his NCAA Bracket picks and the voters ignore Pope Joe. (get it) The GOP is lost and out of touch with basic Americana. Easy pickins when the GOP doesn't know sick'em.
Romney struggles in the darkness to stay on message with the economy and his plans to fix our debt. The Catholic candidates Gingrich and Santorum hide in the comfort of the Pope Joe and Catholic Doctrines. Mormons don't have a Pope and are all American in heritage. Pope Joe lives in Italy and was born in Germany. They claim he speaks to God or is God or something. Pope Joe is a good fit in the GOP right wing, I think, maybe, not Catholic, cannot really say!
Anyhow, between the Moon, NCAA, $2.50 cent gas and Pope Joe the Romney Bandwagon is sinking like a stone. Mitt needs to turn the discussion back to his winning message!
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