This is the story of Jack and the Hill O' Bean Stocks. Jack is a young lad living in the state of Oligarchy in the small town of Rust Belt. Jacks home a two bedroom house shared with his mother and father. Jacks father, Benjamin is a former employee of Enron and now underemployed. Jacks mother Martha, worked for World Com and lost her job when the company was downsized, then bankrupt. Both parents hard working, have tried to find work at a similar wages they formerly enjoyed. Both lost years of retirement benefits and health insurance. Now living below the established poverty levels they are dependant on welfare food stamps to survive. They're ground zero victims of greedy corporate raiders who stole their future to enrich themselves. The Oligarchy system that allows utility money hostage against the people.
Resources depleted Jack's mother sent Jack to nearby China Town to Market their golden eggs from their golden goose. Their car could not be driven legally as the State of Oligarchy had seized their operators permits and license tags as retributions for having not paid the mandatory Giant Insurance bribery's. China Town had no insurance requirements imposed on their people.
Along the Gold Brick Road he was confronted by a man selling stocks. His name was Merrill Lynch Madoff.
A curious name Jack thought.
Merrill offered to sell Jack magic Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his golden eggs. Jack, naive bought the Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his Golden Eggs..
When Jack returned home his mother was furious and sent him to bed without supper.
In the morning Jack awoke and ran to a Profit named Dow Jones to inquire his Bean Stock values. Just as promised his Bean Stock had soared in value. Each day Jack went to his Profit Dow Jones to discover more wealth. Jacks wealth could only be seen on the Magic Board of Dow Jones and only Dow Jones could read the Magic Board. Jacks Uncle Sam guarded the Magic Board and declared to all people the Magic Board was safe.
Resources depleted Jack's mother sent Jack to nearby China Town to Market their golden eggs from their golden goose. Their car could not be driven legally as the State of Oligarchy had seized their operators permits and license tags as retributions for having not paid the mandatory Giant Insurance bribery's. China Town had no insurance requirements imposed on their people.
Along the Gold Brick Road he was confronted by a man selling stocks. His name was Merrill Lynch Madoff.
A curious name Jack thought.
Merrill offered to sell Jack magic Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his golden eggs. Jack, naive bought the Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his Golden Eggs..
When Jack returned home his mother was furious and sent him to bed without supper.
In the morning Jack awoke and ran to a Profit named Dow Jones to inquire his Bean Stock values. Just as promised his Bean Stock had soared in value. Each day Jack went to his Profit Dow Jones to discover more wealth. Jacks wealth could only be seen on the Magic Board of Dow Jones and only Dow Jones could read the Magic Board. Jacks Uncle Sam guarded the Magic Board and declared to all people the Magic Board was safe.
Now with so much wealth Jack was ready to invest in other ventures. Even though Jack had never seen his wealth, he was fraudulently advised by his Profit, he was richer daily. Jack went to the city of New Pork where buildings towered into the clouds. New Pork is the capital of Oligarchy.
Jack entered the lobby of Bagman AIG on the corner of Cheat Street and Bankster Blvd. Bagman AIG was tallest building to search for new investments. The elevators were not working so Jack went to the stair towers to climb. Up up up he climbed to the highest levels as he reached for the summit. At the summit was a Giant Bank selling houses. The Giant Banker said Fee, Fines, For, Funds I smell the wealth of an Englishmen. With his Hill O' Bean Stock as security he purchased a house with a Giant Mortgage and returned home.
Jack discovered the next day his Giant Home and Bean Stocks were soaring in values. Jack began buying more and more Bean Stocks and Giant Homes. Jack began to worship the Profit Dow Jones and his Magic Board.
Jack hired thousands of illegal aliens to build more houses with Giant Mortgages secured by his Bean Stocks.
Jack soon learned his homes had escalated in value so much he could refinance his Giant Homes with even bigger Giant Mortgages. Still Jack had never seen his wealth or touched his assets. He believed in the Magic Boards.
Jack entered the lobby of Bagman AIG on the corner of Cheat Street and Bankster Blvd. Bagman AIG was tallest building to search for new investments. The elevators were not working so Jack went to the stair towers to climb. Up up up he climbed to the highest levels as he reached for the summit. At the summit was a Giant Bank selling houses. The Giant Banker said Fee, Fines, For, Funds I smell the wealth of an Englishmen. With his Hill O' Bean Stock as security he purchased a house with a Giant Mortgage and returned home.
Jack discovered the next day his Giant Home and Bean Stocks were soaring in values. Jack began buying more and more Bean Stocks and Giant Homes. Jack began to worship the Profit Dow Jones and his Magic Board.
Jack hired thousands of illegal aliens to build more houses with Giant Mortgages secured by his Bean Stocks.
Jack soon learned his homes had escalated in value so much he could refinance his Giant Homes with even bigger Giant Mortgages. Still Jack had never seen his wealth or touched his assets. He believed in the Magic Boards.
Back to New Pork and climb up up up to the summit. Fees, Fines, For, Funds I smell the wealth of an Englishmen said the Giant Banker. The Giant Banker granted Jack enormous Giant Mortgages that pleased Jack's Uncle Sam.
The next day Jack went to his Profit Dow Jones to discover a most terrible news. The Bell on the Magic Board had rung and the Twin Towers of Lehman Brothers had fallen and Merrill Lynch Madoff had been arrested for selling Hill O' Bean Stocks. It seems the stocks were not worth a hill of beans, hence the obvious name. The Bean Stocks were a derivative of Giant Mortgage Scams that loaned money to people far above their ability to pay. Jack was all to familiar with the process. This could not be worse if the British had flooded the Gulf of Mexico with black goo declared Jack.
The whole thing had been organized by Moneybag Sacks as a malfeasance plotted years ago. Moneybag Sacks, Merrill Lynch Madoff, Giant Banksters and Bagman AIG plotted the scam and Jack as the sucker. Jack's Uncle Sam was not guarding the Magic Board and worse, found asleep with video games in hand.
His Giant Houses were as worthless as his Bean Stocks. The Giant Banksters, Moneybag Sacks, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff were all in financial default. What ever will we all do declared Jack.
Jack's very rich Uncle Sam consulted with his three sons, Yank Paulson, Bend Bernnake and Twist Giethner who declared " never waste a good crisis". They determined Moneybag Sacks, Bagman AIG, Merrill Lynch Madoff and Giant Bank were "to big to to fail" and are eligible for free money that Jack and his children would have to pay back. Yank , Bend and Twist felt that Jack should pay because he had the short straw as always. Moneybags Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff had all bestowed Uncle Sam with riches from their shared illegal booty stolen from Jack's Mother and Father at Enron/World Com. Further, Jack should bailout the Auto company GM for reasons that are still unclear to this day.
The Banksters at Moneybag Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff took a trillions of dollars of Uncle Sam's money as Bonus Booty for Jack to repay.
The problem is that Jack hasn't any money and no job to repay. Jack's Uncle Sam now discovers that Jack, Benjamin and Martha still have the Golden Goose and without the Goose there will be no more Golden Eggs.
Jack's very rich Uncle Sam consulted with his three sons, Yank Paulson, Bend Bernnake and Twist Giethner who declared " never waste a good crisis". They determined Moneybag Sacks, Bagman AIG, Merrill Lynch Madoff and Giant Bank were "to big to to fail" and are eligible for free money that Jack and his children would have to pay back. Yank , Bend and Twist felt that Jack should pay because he had the short straw as always. Moneybags Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff had all bestowed Uncle Sam with riches from their shared illegal booty stolen from Jack's Mother and Father at Enron/World Com. Further, Jack should bailout the Auto company GM for reasons that are still unclear to this day.
The Banksters at Moneybag Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff took a trillions of dollars of Uncle Sam's money as Bonus Booty for Jack to repay.
The problem is that Jack hasn't any money and no job to repay. Jack's Uncle Sam now discovers that Jack, Benjamin and Martha still have the Golden Goose and without the Goose there will be no more Golden Eggs.
Each night Jack now grown, reads to his children the story of Jack and The Bean Stocks and warns them to always guard the Golden Goose.
They all lived happily ever after.
They all lived happily ever after.
written 8/3/10
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