The New York stock market has become a National Orphanage for the Crippled Corporations of America and other nations as well. The Training Wheels of Zero Interest, TARP, Stimulus QE1 and QE2 were not enough to get the Market off life supports. It's important to note the Feds only concern is a strong stock market. The poverty rate is the burdens of other agency's within the US Government. This policy offers 2big2fail unlimited wealth access to the nations gold.
The poor have no access to the Federal Reserve.
In addition to trillions of dollars in secret covert cash infused to the Casino Bankers The disclosure mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act revealed the New York Federal Reserve pirated freebie loans to special interests. Perpetuating the 2big2fail illegal legacy disclosed in today's Government Accounting Office report. The first partial audit of the Federal Reserve in Washington, DC ever.
The US policy of supporting Wall Street will drive the economy to prosperity is a dismal failure and Dead End Road.
The Government through the Fed has bought toxic assets from delusional bank investments and bought fiat securities to induce a heartbeat of hope and change. The money circulates back and forth between the Fed in DC and the Markets in NY and none of the trillions transmit to benefits of employment for Main Street. Just endless exchanges of vast wealth from one rabbit hole to the next. The Gnomes of the North East haven't gotten a grasp on their enormous misguided failures of economics. The market went from 6500 in February o9 to 12500 earlier this year and the only accomplishments produced were deep debt, excessive salary and obscene bonus for the Casino Bankers. They have cannibalized one industry after another for forty years until there simply isn't anything to stimulate. Forty years of sacrificial middle class finger pointing on the alter of 2big2fail. American citizens have become spectators as the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and Titans in Congress exchange trillions in the treadmill they call the GDP. Goes Down the Pipe.
Today we find the US Treasury in concert with the Federal Reserve have defiled the citizens with secret covert cash and insulting transparent accountability.
Main Streets in most of America have been closed leaving rampant poverty rates the highest in recorded history. Down to bear bones Police, Fire and Teachers have not been spared in the fiscal ignorance.
The administration continues with false dialogs of required education rhetoric that forces the unemployed to question it is their fault and deserved. The American worker is the highest educated in the world yet all the jobs are sent to China or Mexico to avoid taxes, workers rights and environmental laws in the US. The administration is in total denial darkness. The same failed policies endorsed as the Pharaoh's of Wall Street bath in the wealth of America's Sweat.
Mitoosense strives to not be repetitious or boring BUT. they're headed down the same dead end road we just travelled. It didn't work because your treating the symptom avoiding the diseases.
Both the Republicans who engineered the train wreck and Democrats who offered Health Care as a road to full employments are to blame. We have come full circle in the lost decade left behind. We find after all the debates and trillion spent the stock values have returned to 2001 levels. If there were hope on the horizon the American people will take the heat. The only thing we see on the horizon is more of the same and vote for me please.
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