Banks always seem to fail on Friday afternoons and bad legislation news is always stalled until late Sunday night.
There has been more bad legislation passed at the Witching Hour than any other time of day.
The deal will be voted on today without anyone reading the legislation in an effort to allow those up for reelection to seek refuge in their own ignorance of accountability. The claim they never read or wasn't given time to read offered as lame excuses.
No sooner is the Washington deal made when those seeking office squeal the deal is no good. It's no comfort those seeking office seem to know exactly what voters want. Conversely, those in office vote as dictated by campaign contributions of Oligopoly Corporate America but, only after conciliatory debates against the vote.
The timing is particularly bad this close to election day. There maybe little time to divert America's attention to Gay marriage and Dream Act in time for Election voting.
We've seen this hard sell against the wishes of the American people before. The Iraq War, TARP and Obama Care we're all voted yes in spite of a majority of voters who we're vehemently against. We never found Weapons of Mass Destruction, TARP failed to save retirement accounts or save homeowners and Obama Care failed to create jobs as promised.
I never spoke to anyone outside of government who favored TARP or Obama Care and the bailouts that followed. Once they got a hold on TARP money they began handing out money to GM, GE, Fiat and anyone crying poor mouth. GMAC formed Ally to cash in on the gold. The 12,000 DOW didn't save the economy as poverty levels rise. Passing the proposed Dream Act won't make America stonger either.
If you have the stomach to do the Mathematics it goes like this: We cut 2 trillion over ten years as in 2021. We increase our debt hole 2 trillion tomorrow as in Tuesday. Or the debt hole goes to 16.4 trillion and we haven't saved a dime. If your still waiting for the good part, me too.
Sadly, they have argued and postured themselves for months in imaginary stalemate. The stalemate produced nothing more than election rhetoric for those who deal in deceit.
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