Amazing fact: Herb Alpert is not Spanish his parents came here as Russian legal immigrants. He's also very rich and successful record producer. The girl on the album's cover identity is unknown. I can tell you I spent countless hours in the record store starring at this timeless beauty. She is probably happy on Social Security somewhere.
If you click on the link below enjoy. Warning: the girl and tune will stay in your head all day!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wall Street is a Dead End Road

The New York stock market has become a National Orphanage for the Crippled Corporations of America and other nations as well. The Training Wheels of Zero Interest, TARP, Stimulus QE1 and QE2 were not enough to get the Market off life supports. It's important to note the Feds only concern is a strong stock market. The poverty rate is the burdens of other agency's within the US Government. This policy offers 2big2fail unlimited wealth access to the nations gold.
The poor have no access to the Federal Reserve.
In addition to trillions of dollars in secret covert cash infused to the Casino Bankers The disclosure mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act revealed the New York Federal Reserve pirated freebie loans to special interests. Perpetuating the 2big2fail illegal legacy disclosed in today's Government Accounting Office report. The first partial audit of the Federal Reserve in Washington, DC ever.
The US policy of supporting Wall Street will drive the economy to prosperity is a dismal failure and Dead End Road.
The Government through the Fed has bought toxic assets from delusional bank investments and bought fiat securities to induce a heartbeat of hope and change. The money circulates back and forth between the Fed in DC and the Markets in NY and none of the trillions transmit to benefits of employment for Main Street. Just endless exchanges of vast wealth from one rabbit hole to the next. The Gnomes of the North East haven't gotten a grasp on their enormous misguided failures of economics. The market went from 6500 in February o9 to 12500 earlier this year and the only accomplishments produced were deep debt, excessive salary and obscene bonus for the Casino Bankers. They have cannibalized one industry after another for forty years until there simply isn't anything to stimulate. Forty years of sacrificial middle class finger pointing on the alter of 2big2fail. American citizens have become spectators as the Pharaoh's of Wall Street and Titans in Congress exchange trillions in the treadmill they call the GDP. Goes Down the Pipe.
Today we find the US Treasury in concert with the Federal Reserve have defiled the citizens with secret covert cash and insulting transparent accountability.
Main Streets in most of America have been closed leaving rampant poverty rates the highest in recorded history. Down to bear bones Police, Fire and Teachers have not been spared in the fiscal ignorance.
The administration continues with false dialogs of required education rhetoric that forces the unemployed to question it is their fault and deserved. The American worker is the highest educated in the world yet all the jobs are sent to China or Mexico to avoid taxes, workers rights and environmental laws in the US. The administration is in total denial darkness. The same failed policies endorsed as the Pharaoh's of Wall Street bath in the wealth of America's Sweat.
Mitoosense strives to not be repetitious or boring BUT. they're headed down the same dead end road we just travelled. It didn't work because your treating the symptom avoiding the diseases.
Both the Republicans who engineered the train wreck and Democrats who offered Health Care as a road to full employments are to blame. We have come full circle in the lost decade left behind. We find after all the debates and trillion spent the stock values have returned to 2001 levels. If there were hope on the horizon the American people will take the heat. The only thing we see on the horizon is more of the same and vote for me please.
Today's Thought
Ya know the government can force you to buy insurance or prison. They don't however put insurance in jail for canceling your policy. More regulation of the citizens I guess.
Senator Bernie Sander's claims Federal Reserve secret loans $16 Trillion Dollars

The web is full of conspiracy theories and Elvis sighting in a tossed salad of the best of Jerry Springer and Wallmart Weirdos.
The reliability of bloggers is well known. The magnitude of the claim was enough for Mitoosense to seek out the truthometer. I skipped the Senator's website and went directly to the GAO and found the Dodd-Frank Act had a last minute section requiring the audit.
The Audit GAO-11-696 dated July 21, 2011 is available online all 266 pages. I looked through the audit quickly attempting to locate the 16 trillion claimed by Sanders.
My brief review found the report to be recorded in billions of secret dollars. Further I found several bottom lines that totaled numbers in excess of 2 and 3 thousand billions. These numbers could easily total 16 trillion claimed by Bernie Sander's website.
Mitoosense revealed days ago the 1.2 trillion announced by Bloomberg Business via Yahoo. I expected the $16 trillion would be a exaggerated figure. After my review it looks like the $1.2 trillion is a vast under estimate. Possibly a leaked figure to lessen impact of today's $16 trillion numbers. It's important to note: I picked this up from a blogger like Mitoosense and found no reference carried by Yahoo or MSN. It is a confirmed credible report released by GAO.
The secret Fed money went to the 2big2fail Financial Institutions. Most of which was provided by Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Tim Geithner who headed same.
These numbers dwarf any handouts from public TARP provided by Bush43. It appears as the Fed was handing out TARP money they also handed out secret cash to US institutions and Foreign Finance Institution as well. There seems to be a lid on the whole report not carried by Cable News or WEB News. Hush Hush thus far. The stock market took a tumble today but the reasons are unclear.
If true the secret $16 trillion reaches a level of corruption in central government warned against by the founder's of the US Constitution. This is the very reason they included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights as a last resort remedy for corruption of this magnitude.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Federal Wealth Care

Ben Bernanke emerged today from his burrowed Jackson Hole den and advised there would be six more months of US prosperity.
The Magician at the Federal Wealth Care Office formerly known as the Reserve announced no new rabbits to be pulled from the Wealth Care Hats Office.
Banksters, Brokers and CEO's can relax and expect continued zero interest free money as well as buying their 2big2fail toxic waste at taxpayer expense. Mining as much money as needed to hide the real plague at the DOW.
Mean Hurricane Irene Stronger in the Stream

Virgin structures never tested and the aged infrastructures will fail in rusted rotten neglected decay. Electricity first to go as the grid is shut down for safety. Phones, Cable, TV gone for weeks. Can't drive without traffic lights and gas won't come out of the ground regardless of supply.
As the storm inches up the map the Insurance Underwriters are busy reading the fine prints in your security blanket. Insurance won't pay and FEMA will only be there when cameras are running. The bigger the Storm the bigger the lies.
Category one is a four hour test of Christianity. Two's and three's will cause many to get religion in a hurry. The damage will be widespread and severe. New Jersey will get a much needed bath and Snooky don't swim.
Update: Aug,28
Hurricane Irene was down graded to tropical storm as she reached New York Harbor. The storm billed as a historical event as possible Cat: 4 or 5 slogged through the Northeast as barely a One. Mean Irene turned out to be a Rooky named Snooky. For those living in the Notheast who never experienced a Hurricane; you still haven't.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Your Monkey's Uncle

1. Morgan Stanley $107.3 billion
2. Citi 99.5 billion
3. Bank of America 91.4 billion
4. JP Morgan $48 billion.
Foreign Bankers included in the top thirty are.
1. Royal Bank Scotland $84.5
2. Zurich UBS $77.2 billion
3. German Hypo Real Estate $28.7 billion.
In all the total extortion peaked in 2008 at nearly 3 times the National Budget for 2008. That's 3 times as much as Defense, Welfare, Social Security, Medi Care and Medicaid the whole enchilada. John Dillinger's in heaven laughing his ass off.
Since the Financial Holocaust 2008 the focus has been to falsely drive stock market values higher with Zero interest to Casino Wall Street Bankers and Quantitative Easing.Ignoring Mainstreet like a redheaded stepchild. This policy has created the highest poverty rate in history. The product of Corporate Welfare and 2big2Fail Black Hole Reaganomics
For those not schooled in higher economics Quantitative easing can best be described as a Lemonade Stand where the proprietor drinks his own lemonade in an effort to drive up profits. Everything in economics can be reduced to Lemonade Stand Logic after wading through the tax code, zoning and licenses required by those who work for government. America is a great country. In other countries the citizens are harassed for free from dictators. Only in American Constitutional Democracy are the citizens required to pay tribute for their harassment.
I don't know about you but, my government has lied to me more than any other nation! When people keep secrets deception and lying is next. I think It's time to get rid of the Federal Reserve and Ben
Monday, August 22, 2011
In an age when cowards in caves living in fear like dogs threaten our Liberty. It's more important now to never run. We aren't the first to be challenged. We should never be the first to run.
Liberating Tripoli

The First Barbary War was also fought in Tripoli in 1805. The history here is steep in United States Marine Corp legends and "The Battle of Derna". The newly founded nation 1783 in America wasted no time in established nation building. Their very first foreign war. Having won our freedom we began the arduous task of climbing to a world power enjoyed today.
The First Barbary War was launched in Alexandria, Egypt in a family feud over the control of Libya. Naturally, the US supported the under dog brother who was rightful heir to the Monarchy.
President Thomas Jefferson ordered the full force of the United States Of America to bear down on Libya. Jefferson dispatched Three Ships and 1o United States Marines to Alexandria. Not 10 divisions, 10 men or a single bus load of America's Finest. The plan was to bombard the enemy from the three ships USS Nautilus, Commander Oliver Perry, USS Hornet Commander Samuel Evans and The USS Argus Commander Issac Hull and one very famous Lt, Presley O'bannon USMC. Reaching Alexandria Lt O'bannon grouped with 400 hundred Arab and Greek mercenaries to avenge the deposed King. Lt O'bannon and his 9 US Marines marched fifty days across the North African Desert to Tripoli under the fire cover of the three ships.
There was mutiny between the Christian and Muslim mercenaries along the march as the total numbers dwindled to 250 men against 4000 enemy. After reaching the port city of Bomba the Battle of Derna raged on two days. On the second day an impatient Lt O'bannon yelled charge and the enemy all ran into the desert. That's it, 10 USMC against 4000 at the Battle of Derna. The USMC waged a decisive victory as the American Flag flew the first time over foreign soils. You may wonder why this obscure battle is relevant today. Many would say yada, yada ,yada Jimmy Crack Corn.
The significance of Lt Presley O'bannan's famous charge is found in the sword of Mameluke awarded to him by the Ottoman Empire. The Sword of Mameluke is now the symbol of the United States Marines. The famous song sung by American school children known as the Marine Corp Hymn. "From the Halls of Montezuma to Shores of Tripoli" has it's roots in The Battle of Derna. The song lives on and the battle is never forgotten.
The Marine Corp Hymn is more interesting than the Battle of Derna in that the song has no author. The Marine legend is: the song was a product of the enlisted men who themselves added to the verses's with every battle encountered. The song passed along from each generation. There are many version sung and all are correct. Somewhere the verse's were recorded with music and the rest is History. One verse claims : When you get to Heaven the streets are guarded by the United States Marines. Considering their convictions here on Earth I'm inclined to beleive them.
Oh, the "Halls of Montezuma was added in 1847 after the war with Mexico. Again the USMC battled just West of Mexico City at Chapultepec Castle in overwhelming odds. The fearless heritage of the United States Marine Corps can be traced all the way back to the Revolutionary War where Patrick Henry spoke "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death". These words tempered the fear out of a nation of free men to fight and never run.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Today's Thought
Does anyone remember when Banks, Insurance, Media and Pharmaceuticals were regulated and the citizens weren't. I liked the old way when "We the People" were free and unregulated with threats of fines, fees, tax and insurance prisons. My constitution says this is all a crime against our Union.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and $2.00 Gas
It's that time a of year again and those seeking Public Office will astound you with their compassionate pleas for a better America for our children. The brotherhood of We the People and I'm really just like you.
Their Brooks Brother suits are traded a few months for a John Deere hat and a Carhart Jacket with a big NASCAR 24 on the back. The regular guy and Joe the Plumber are back in style. Looking for any demographic to feed and bleed votes. Black, Gay or Gray they patronize them all. Is it any wonder most will be disappointed.
The Chinese and Pharaoh's of Wall Street will be villainiesed and promises of the land of milk an honey prevail for all. Taxes will be lowered and a chicken for every pot.
Don't be fooled if you remember back to the last election the rose colored glasses were tossed aside in less than thirty days. The compassion rhetoric quickly changed when (R) Alan Simpsom declared to "sober up or sleep in the streets". They should erect a statue to Alan in his home town dump for his years of Public Service with his hands in the Treasury up to his elbows.
The election for President always overwhelms all the other candidates and correlated to the amounts the truth can be stretched. Spinning sound bites out of context creating any diversion from facts. Utopian ideals of Jobs Jobs Jobs and toss the Banksters in jail and stop importing from China and exporting industry to India. Control our borders from foreign invaders and affordable health care that cannot be cancelled or pre existing conditions. Ah yes the good ole days of Hope and Change. I must admit things have not gotten worse than the previous group. But Obama is not gettin any votes or support from me.
What we got was Employer Based Health Care that imposes jail for those who refuse to comply. The infamous legislation that regulates the citizen and ignores the Insurance piracy legalized by Obama. I don't know about you but I thought they would put insurance underwriters in jail not me. Jail is lookin better all the time.
The Bankster were not tossed in jail. Instead we rewarded the Pharaohs' of Wall Street with more TARP money highest profits ever and obscene bonuses for the richest Americans. The double standard of 2big2fail was validated in Dodd-Frank.
The notion the Stock Market must precede any recovery is based upon an industrialized economy we don't have. We saved Fiat and GM when the World Wide Web has done more for the USA than the Atomic Bomb. The money spent on defense is half our budget. The WEB conquered middle east dictators for pennies what we spend on Military. Truth is the weapon that brought down the USSR. Propaganda failed.
Oh, the Jobs Jobs Jobs and stop importing goods and exporting industry? That's still on the back burner with raising taxes on those who pay no taxes. I'm talking about the sacred cows of the GOP now. I know poor people don't pay taxes either and shouldn't. All GOP roads lead to greed. The hypocrite conservatives who scream about welfare and entitlement. The same party who invented 2big2fail and handed out Corporate Welfare to Wall Street Raiders. That dog won't hunt anymore. They abhor the misfortunes of the sick and handicapped who need a prescription or $2oo dollar mobility scooter as they support the scoundrel carpetbagger that feeds off his handicapped captured customers charging $4500. The scooter and prescriptions over priced to the Treasury. Who's cheating whom I ask you?
Is it the poor guy who got a free $200. dollar scooter or the man who charged us $4300. profit?
Neither Party has the answer because neither party will recognize that the world has changed and economic policies applied a hundred years ago will not work for the new millennium. We need radical changes in our national business models. These changes will usher in a new political ideology. Supply Side Economics failed and so has Macroeconomics. So why why do we keep returning to the same poisons. That well is dry, give up but, don't give in. My Grandfather made a good living cutting Oak Railroad Ties and selling coal to the Railroads. I doubt there's money in it today.
The answer won't be found in $2.00 gas to power your Oldsmobile. $2.00 dolar gas won't solve your problem, $2.00 gas will delay any gain and only extend the pain. Let me just guess and say the plan for obtaining $2.00 gas is to give money or more tax loopholes to giant oil companies so they can reinvest, finding new supplies of crude. With vast supplies the demand and pump price will fall. It's another fairytale from Reganomics. Reagonomics always fails and trumped by Corporate Greed. Take what you can get: give nuthin back, Jack.
The answer is in new energy and transportation. Moving away from the congested crime of cities and corporate America to the Information Highway that connects the power of an equal world not a single nation. The answer is: when will we demand equal again?
Their Brooks Brother suits are traded a few months for a John Deere hat and a Carhart Jacket with a big NASCAR 24 on the back. The regular guy and Joe the Plumber are back in style. Looking for any demographic to feed and bleed votes. Black, Gay or Gray they patronize them all. Is it any wonder most will be disappointed.
The Chinese and Pharaoh's of Wall Street will be villainiesed and promises of the land of milk an honey prevail for all. Taxes will be lowered and a chicken for every pot.
Don't be fooled if you remember back to the last election the rose colored glasses were tossed aside in less than thirty days. The compassion rhetoric quickly changed when (R) Alan Simpsom declared to "sober up or sleep in the streets". They should erect a statue to Alan in his home town dump for his years of Public Service with his hands in the Treasury up to his elbows.
The election for President always overwhelms all the other candidates and correlated to the amounts the truth can be stretched. Spinning sound bites out of context creating any diversion from facts. Utopian ideals of Jobs Jobs Jobs and toss the Banksters in jail and stop importing from China and exporting industry to India. Control our borders from foreign invaders and affordable health care that cannot be cancelled or pre existing conditions. Ah yes the good ole days of Hope and Change. I must admit things have not gotten worse than the previous group. But Obama is not gettin any votes or support from me.
What we got was Employer Based Health Care that imposes jail for those who refuse to comply. The infamous legislation that regulates the citizen and ignores the Insurance piracy legalized by Obama. I don't know about you but I thought they would put insurance underwriters in jail not me. Jail is lookin better all the time.
The Bankster were not tossed in jail. Instead we rewarded the Pharaohs' of Wall Street with more TARP money highest profits ever and obscene bonuses for the richest Americans. The double standard of 2big2fail was validated in Dodd-Frank.
The notion the Stock Market must precede any recovery is based upon an industrialized economy we don't have. We saved Fiat and GM when the World Wide Web has done more for the USA than the Atomic Bomb. The money spent on defense is half our budget. The WEB conquered middle east dictators for pennies what we spend on Military. Truth is the weapon that brought down the USSR. Propaganda failed.
Oh, the Jobs Jobs Jobs and stop importing goods and exporting industry? That's still on the back burner with raising taxes on those who pay no taxes. I'm talking about the sacred cows of the GOP now. I know poor people don't pay taxes either and shouldn't. All GOP roads lead to greed. The hypocrite conservatives who scream about welfare and entitlement. The same party who invented 2big2fail and handed out Corporate Welfare to Wall Street Raiders. That dog won't hunt anymore. They abhor the misfortunes of the sick and handicapped who need a prescription or $2oo dollar mobility scooter as they support the scoundrel carpetbagger that feeds off his handicapped captured customers charging $4500. The scooter and prescriptions over priced to the Treasury. Who's cheating whom I ask you?
Is it the poor guy who got a free $200. dollar scooter or the man who charged us $4300. profit?
Neither Party has the answer because neither party will recognize that the world has changed and economic policies applied a hundred years ago will not work for the new millennium. We need radical changes in our national business models. These changes will usher in a new political ideology. Supply Side Economics failed and so has Macroeconomics. So why why do we keep returning to the same poisons. That well is dry, give up but, don't give in. My Grandfather made a good living cutting Oak Railroad Ties and selling coal to the Railroads. I doubt there's money in it today.
The answer won't be found in $2.00 gas to power your Oldsmobile. $2.00 dolar gas won't solve your problem, $2.00 gas will delay any gain and only extend the pain. Let me just guess and say the plan for obtaining $2.00 gas is to give money or more tax loopholes to giant oil companies so they can reinvest, finding new supplies of crude. With vast supplies the demand and pump price will fall. It's another fairytale from Reganomics. Reagonomics always fails and trumped by Corporate Greed. Take what you can get: give nuthin back, Jack.
The answer is in new energy and transportation. Moving away from the congested crime of cities and corporate America to the Information Highway that connects the power of an equal world not a single nation. The answer is: when will we demand equal again?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Adsense Update
On this day 16 August 2011 I began my adsense account. Each month I will advise the faithful how much wealth I accumulate. We don't make loans here at Mitoosense. My total wealth this morning is zilch. For those of you who are not CPA's this zero. $0.00 nice round figure and easy to remember.
Trying to figure out how much Google pays to it's bloggers is equal to the amounts in the legendary Pot O' Gold of Leprechaun legend. The Amounts they charge for adverting on sites like mine is also steep in mystery. It is known the amounts Google charges is vastly more than what they pay out to bloggers. The reason for all the mystery is Google makes the rules cuze they invented it. Everybody knows when one guy makes all the rules those who play by them are not equal players.
There is quite a lot written on the subject with few answers. The topic is similar to Creation: Big Bang or Divine Flatulence.
What I do know is the amounts paid is tied to several variables starting with pageviews. I think pageviews differ from hits (but not sure). A pageview is when a reader opens your blog from the WWW and view all entries on that page. A hit is when a particular blog entry is requested and only displays that single entry. The catch is the Google counter captures this data and uses it to determine traffic. More traffic equals more they can charge for advertising. This makes sense. Only Google knows exactly how much your traffic pageviews or hits are. The Google Honor System. You must pledge not to click bomb your site. I'm sure you get caught cuze, you didn't make the rules remember.
Anyhow more visitors equals more pageviews, equal more traffic, equals more exposure to advertisements equal, more money right. Wrong, as I found this morning Google only pays for Clicks. A Click is only registered when a reader on your site sees the advertisement, clicks and opens that site away from yours, hopefully they come back to your blog.
Clicks is where the money is. Clicks pay from a nickle to a dollar. Google pays you based upon click counters. The blogger has no choice in selection of advertisers or input for charges. It's like the government. Doesn't sound like a lot of money huh.
I think I made more money passing papers for the Indianapolis Times. I remember I bought the papers and resold them to my customers for a profit. It didn't matter if my customer read the paper I got paid. Also I wasn't required to write the paper. This is all a new wrinkle created by Google. Plus I counted the papers and collected the money and paid the Times. It's an upside down newspaper business for sure !!!
Amazon has a similar deal where they pay bloggers 15% for all merchandise sold from your blog. Same thing here they do all the mathematics and truth is probably buried in fees and mystery.
You can sell your own space on your blog and this is what I'm hoping to accomplish. Then I become Google and control who I allow ad space and how much I charge for the space. These amounts dwarf anything Google pays. That's the reason they got soooo much money and cuze they made the rules... I encourage all bloggers to post the amounts Google pays them each month so we may compare traffic and numbers.
I hope Google doesn't shut down my blog. If so you can find me at Word Press
For the best bottom on the WWW please see my advertisement at the bottom of this page.
Thanxs The Manager
Trying to figure out how much Google pays to it's bloggers is equal to the amounts in the legendary Pot O' Gold of Leprechaun legend. The Amounts they charge for adverting on sites like mine is also steep in mystery. It is known the amounts Google charges is vastly more than what they pay out to bloggers. The reason for all the mystery is Google makes the rules cuze they invented it. Everybody knows when one guy makes all the rules those who play by them are not equal players.
There is quite a lot written on the subject with few answers. The topic is similar to Creation: Big Bang or Divine Flatulence.
What I do know is the amounts paid is tied to several variables starting with pageviews. I think pageviews differ from hits (but not sure). A pageview is when a reader opens your blog from the WWW and view all entries on that page. A hit is when a particular blog entry is requested and only displays that single entry. The catch is the Google counter captures this data and uses it to determine traffic. More traffic equals more they can charge for advertising. This makes sense. Only Google knows exactly how much your traffic pageviews or hits are. The Google Honor System. You must pledge not to click bomb your site. I'm sure you get caught cuze, you didn't make the rules remember.
Anyhow more visitors equals more pageviews, equal more traffic, equals more exposure to advertisements equal, more money right. Wrong, as I found this morning Google only pays for Clicks. A Click is only registered when a reader on your site sees the advertisement, clicks and opens that site away from yours, hopefully they come back to your blog.
Clicks is where the money is. Clicks pay from a nickle to a dollar. Google pays you based upon click counters. The blogger has no choice in selection of advertisers or input for charges. It's like the government. Doesn't sound like a lot of money huh.
I think I made more money passing papers for the Indianapolis Times. I remember I bought the papers and resold them to my customers for a profit. It didn't matter if my customer read the paper I got paid. Also I wasn't required to write the paper. This is all a new wrinkle created by Google. Plus I counted the papers and collected the money and paid the Times. It's an upside down newspaper business for sure !!!
Amazon has a similar deal where they pay bloggers 15% for all merchandise sold from your blog. Same thing here they do all the mathematics and truth is probably buried in fees and mystery.
You can sell your own space on your blog and this is what I'm hoping to accomplish. Then I become Google and control who I allow ad space and how much I charge for the space. These amounts dwarf anything Google pays. That's the reason they got soooo much money and cuze they made the rules... I encourage all bloggers to post the amounts Google pays them each month so we may compare traffic and numbers.
I hope Google doesn't shut down my blog. If so you can find me at Word Press
For the best bottom on the WWW please see my advertisement at the bottom of this page.
Thanxs The Manager
$360 Million Lost in Afghanistan
Yahoo news reported the Department of Defense lost $360 million dollars in the couch cushions in Afghanistan. The cash reportedly was spent on buying mercenary tribal support through corrupt contracting. Some of the money was reportedly used to bribe tribe leaders. A small amount went directly to the Taliban. Portions of the money just vanished. What we call stateside as stolen. Keeping perspective the term small by congressional standards could be $100 million. The Taliban you may remember are the bad guys who kill our US Soldiers.
Not quite as much as $800 billion Bush/Cheney 2008 TARP Corporate Welfare or $180 billion Bush 41 Savings and Loan Fiasco but, still a lot of money. Certainly, more than we've spent on Katrina disaster stateside.
We live in twisted world where we pay our enemy more salary than we pay our own troops. The only benefits the Taliban don't seem to qualify for is the GI Bill. Well, I guess they do get hospital care, schools and education free of charge courtesy of Congresses $31 billion dollar spending budget for Afghanistan.
Last year Congress bought Russian made helicopters to give the Afghanistan Military. The Russian made Helo's are preferred to the American Bell manufacturers. The Russian Choppers were selected because they determined to be more user friendly, reliable, better suited to the climate and parts more readily available than American Suppliers. So we're creating jobs for Russians with American tax dollars.
You may remember before our Afghan War the Russians spent a decade trying to defeat the same Taliban that we're supported by Osama Bin Laden and Congressman Charlie Wilson. Doesn't sound like a good plan to me. How about you?
This could be the reason the Afghan War was endured ten years. Nobody would dare win and cut off the cash from America......
Not quite as much as $800 billion Bush/Cheney 2008 TARP Corporate Welfare or $180 billion Bush 41 Savings and Loan Fiasco but, still a lot of money. Certainly, more than we've spent on Katrina disaster stateside.
We live in twisted world where we pay our enemy more salary than we pay our own troops. The only benefits the Taliban don't seem to qualify for is the GI Bill. Well, I guess they do get hospital care, schools and education free of charge courtesy of Congresses $31 billion dollar spending budget for Afghanistan.
Last year Congress bought Russian made helicopters to give the Afghanistan Military. The Russian made Helo's are preferred to the American Bell manufacturers. The Russian Choppers were selected because they determined to be more user friendly, reliable, better suited to the climate and parts more readily available than American Suppliers. So we're creating jobs for Russians with American tax dollars.
You may remember before our Afghan War the Russians spent a decade trying to defeat the same Taliban that we're supported by Osama Bin Laden and Congressman Charlie Wilson. Doesn't sound like a good plan to me. How about you?
This could be the reason the Afghan War was endured ten years. Nobody would dare win and cut off the cash from America......
Rick W Perry
I understand the undeniable similarities between Bush and Perry. What amazes me is how could someone as rational as (R) Ron Paul be from the same state? Where's the dirt on Ron Paul and why is he continually ignored by the press. Media Titans don't offer trash talk or support for the Ghost of 2012. The sacred sound bites are offered to non-players like Bachman and Santorim as a distraction from Paul's unchanged platform of logic.
Ron Paul should be the first choice of the T-Party and Real Conservatives. The Republicans who claim to embrace conservative values while they have their hypocrite hands in the US Treasury all the way to their elbows. Republicans and Oligopoly Media ignore (R) Ron Paul like a redheaded stepchild because they know if elected he won't play ball with the bureaucrats.
Ron Paul should be the first choice of the T-Party and Real Conservatives. The Republicans who claim to embrace conservative values while they have their hypocrite hands in the US Treasury all the way to their elbows. Republicans and Oligopoly Media ignore (R) Ron Paul like a redheaded stepchild because they know if elected he won't play ball with the bureaucrats.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Today's Thought
The only thing worse than a shrinking middle class is an expanding lower class
Burma Shave
Burma Shave
Monday, August 15, 2011

I had already been downtown to take my draft physical and my number was coming for Vietnam. Protesting was common place. The peoples message was not being heard in Washington, DC. Change was in the air in 69. Older people were beginning to complain of the war. Kent State massacre was only months away. I was in the first draft lottery and my number was 196 or my birthday was the 196th ping pong ball drawn from a fish bowl establishing who would go to Vietnam and who wouldn't. Still very hard method to accept. A fairly good number. My best friend Brian got 43 and he went.
My advanced studies in petroleum transmission impeded my attendance at Woodstock. I do have vivid memories of being invited by several strangers purchasing gas. People I never met asked: ya goin? Where? Woodstock. What's a woodstock? It's a free concert in New York. Naw gotta work!
I remember it because before the event it wasn't a big deal. The Free Concert in New York drew 500,000 people for three days. When it was over people around the world new what a woodstock was. If I had a clue what was coming I would have been there.
My fathers generation had just finished putting men on the Moon last month, now this. God had invented Rock and Roll because he was tired of Gospel and 500,000 people answered his calling at Woodstock. The same people who bought gas days before were going back home with the lore of Woodstock. Should have known this would be big if people from Indy were going.
Many of the performers at Woodstock died untimely deaths from self imposed Chemotherapy. They were setting the stage for the 1970's If you remember the 70's you missed the best part!.
Coming out of the sixties and most violent time of civil discord since the Civil War. The Boomers as were often called are the children of Post World War 2. Veterans of the Hoola Hoop, Cowboy Bob and the Mickey Mouse Club. Our parents left big shoes to fill, we didn't. Even though we led privileged lives in the greatest country on earth we still weren't happy. We were cradled in full employment of the middle class and this would never change. Or so we thought.
We have gone from prosperity to High Austerity of 2011. There's really no one to blame accept ourselves. Boomers represent the largest demographic in America. It was boomers who won the 26th Amendment to the US Constitution 18year old right to vote. Once we could vote the Vietnam War was ended and the draft went with it. After ending the war we invented the computer, software and the Internet World Wide Web. Most of it began in the garage of a middle class 3 bedroom home in suburbia. We made a lot of good music along the way but we've squandered most of what made America great. It's sad because Boomers can still make a difference. We're not 18 anymore but we can change this country the way we did in 69. If for no other reason, we owe it to our parents and our grandchildren.
Evil Ways - Santana [Live at Woodstock 1969]
Not my favorite song but shows the 500,000 people in the background. A good lookin bunch we were. Our hygiene has improved since 69. Our waistlines expanded like our minds.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Tax Facts Act.

A simple receipt seen similar to the one at right is all we need.
Maybe a rolling counter like a fortune cookie. Oh I paid for someones education yippee. We have the technology and as taxpayers we should know where our money goes in specific terms.
Once we have the tax break down we will legislate NO Duplicate Taxes. If your collecting tax for defense then it should come from only a single source. Income Tax naturally would provide specific information for multiple government spending. Pay for enlisted military would also come from specific sources. Like, say gasoline. I wouldn't mind the fill up if I new a soldier and his family would benefit from my purchase. If it were going to build infrastructure in Iraq or create Chinese jobs I might chose to avoid the purchase altogether.
Funding for Kongressional pay should come from a tax on PAC money, Political Donations and Media Advertisements. Buying elections should be a tax burden not a deduction as seen today. Those who donate to the elections can also pay their salaries after they seize power. Great Idea!
Kongress will be paid by the amounts donated in the funds. Similar to Social Security your pay is long division ,very long division of the amounts paid into the pot. We know all politicians have their tax free war chests earmarked for election/reelection. This money should become the source of their incomes including retirements health care or all aspects of any benefit and incomes. Money for appearances $1000 dollar dinners etc also taxed to pay for salaries.
Kongress is always searching for new ways to collect tax and loopholes for subsidies. Tax Juniors soda and Dads beer and give money to Banksters, Insurance Carpetbaggers, GE, GM, Exxon and Big Pharma. They never focus on better ways for them to pay. Trillions of dollars will be spent over the coming months and ALL of it will not be taxed. At a time when they seek to balance the budget it could be the answer is right in their own checkbook
Burma Shave
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Jack and the Hill O' Bean Stocks

This is the story of Jack and the Hill O' Bean Stocks. Jack is a young lad living in the state of Oligarchy in the small town of Rust Belt. Jacks home a two bedroom house shared with his mother and father. Jacks father, Benjamin is a former employee of Enron and now underemployed. Jacks mother Martha, worked for World Com and lost her job when the company was downsized, then bankrupt. Both parents hard working, have tried to find work at a similar wages they formerly enjoyed. Both lost years of retirement benefits and health insurance. Now living below the established poverty levels they are dependant on welfare food stamps to survive. They're ground zero victims of greedy corporate raiders who stole their future to enrich themselves. The Oligarchy system that allows utility money hostage against the people.
Resources depleted Jack's mother sent Jack to nearby China Town to Market their golden eggs from their golden goose. Their car could not be driven legally as the State of Oligarchy had seized their operators permits and license tags as retributions for having not paid the mandatory Giant Insurance bribery's. China Town had no insurance requirements imposed on their people.
Along the Gold Brick Road he was confronted by a man selling stocks. His name was Merrill Lynch Madoff.
A curious name Jack thought.
Merrill offered to sell Jack magic Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his golden eggs. Jack, naive bought the Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his Golden Eggs..
When Jack returned home his mother was furious and sent him to bed without supper.
In the morning Jack awoke and ran to a Profit named Dow Jones to inquire his Bean Stock values. Just as promised his Bean Stock had soared in value. Each day Jack went to his Profit Dow Jones to discover more wealth. Jacks wealth could only be seen on the Magic Board of Dow Jones and only Dow Jones could read the Magic Board. Jacks Uncle Sam guarded the Magic Board and declared to all people the Magic Board was safe.
Resources depleted Jack's mother sent Jack to nearby China Town to Market their golden eggs from their golden goose. Their car could not be driven legally as the State of Oligarchy had seized their operators permits and license tags as retributions for having not paid the mandatory Giant Insurance bribery's. China Town had no insurance requirements imposed on their people.
Along the Gold Brick Road he was confronted by a man selling stocks. His name was Merrill Lynch Madoff.
A curious name Jack thought.
Merrill offered to sell Jack magic Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his golden eggs. Jack, naive bought the Hill O' Bean Stocks in exchange for his Golden Eggs..
When Jack returned home his mother was furious and sent him to bed without supper.
In the morning Jack awoke and ran to a Profit named Dow Jones to inquire his Bean Stock values. Just as promised his Bean Stock had soared in value. Each day Jack went to his Profit Dow Jones to discover more wealth. Jacks wealth could only be seen on the Magic Board of Dow Jones and only Dow Jones could read the Magic Board. Jacks Uncle Sam guarded the Magic Board and declared to all people the Magic Board was safe.
Now with so much wealth Jack was ready to invest in other ventures. Even though Jack had never seen his wealth, he was fraudulently advised by his Profit, he was richer daily. Jack went to the city of New Pork where buildings towered into the clouds. New Pork is the capital of Oligarchy.
Jack entered the lobby of Bagman AIG on the corner of Cheat Street and Bankster Blvd. Bagman AIG was tallest building to search for new investments. The elevators were not working so Jack went to the stair towers to climb. Up up up he climbed to the highest levels as he reached for the summit. At the summit was a Giant Bank selling houses. The Giant Banker said Fee, Fines, For, Funds I smell the wealth of an Englishmen. With his Hill O' Bean Stock as security he purchased a house with a Giant Mortgage and returned home.
Jack discovered the next day his Giant Home and Bean Stocks were soaring in values. Jack began buying more and more Bean Stocks and Giant Homes. Jack began to worship the Profit Dow Jones and his Magic Board.
Jack hired thousands of illegal aliens to build more houses with Giant Mortgages secured by his Bean Stocks.
Jack soon learned his homes had escalated in value so much he could refinance his Giant Homes with even bigger Giant Mortgages. Still Jack had never seen his wealth or touched his assets. He believed in the Magic Boards.
Jack entered the lobby of Bagman AIG on the corner of Cheat Street and Bankster Blvd. Bagman AIG was tallest building to search for new investments. The elevators were not working so Jack went to the stair towers to climb. Up up up he climbed to the highest levels as he reached for the summit. At the summit was a Giant Bank selling houses. The Giant Banker said Fee, Fines, For, Funds I smell the wealth of an Englishmen. With his Hill O' Bean Stock as security he purchased a house with a Giant Mortgage and returned home.
Jack discovered the next day his Giant Home and Bean Stocks were soaring in values. Jack began buying more and more Bean Stocks and Giant Homes. Jack began to worship the Profit Dow Jones and his Magic Board.
Jack hired thousands of illegal aliens to build more houses with Giant Mortgages secured by his Bean Stocks.
Jack soon learned his homes had escalated in value so much he could refinance his Giant Homes with even bigger Giant Mortgages. Still Jack had never seen his wealth or touched his assets. He believed in the Magic Boards.
Back to New Pork and climb up up up to the summit. Fees, Fines, For, Funds I smell the wealth of an Englishmen said the Giant Banker. The Giant Banker granted Jack enormous Giant Mortgages that pleased Jack's Uncle Sam.
The next day Jack went to his Profit Dow Jones to discover a most terrible news. The Bell on the Magic Board had rung and the Twin Towers of Lehman Brothers had fallen and Merrill Lynch Madoff had been arrested for selling Hill O' Bean Stocks. It seems the stocks were not worth a hill of beans, hence the obvious name. The Bean Stocks were a derivative of Giant Mortgage Scams that loaned money to people far above their ability to pay. Jack was all to familiar with the process. This could not be worse if the British had flooded the Gulf of Mexico with black goo declared Jack.
The whole thing had been organized by Moneybag Sacks as a malfeasance plotted years ago. Moneybag Sacks, Merrill Lynch Madoff, Giant Banksters and Bagman AIG plotted the scam and Jack as the sucker. Jack's Uncle Sam was not guarding the Magic Board and worse, found asleep with video games in hand.
His Giant Houses were as worthless as his Bean Stocks. The Giant Banksters, Moneybag Sacks, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff were all in financial default. What ever will we all do declared Jack.
Jack's very rich Uncle Sam consulted with his three sons, Yank Paulson, Bend Bernnake and Twist Giethner who declared " never waste a good crisis". They determined Moneybag Sacks, Bagman AIG, Merrill Lynch Madoff and Giant Bank were "to big to to fail" and are eligible for free money that Jack and his children would have to pay back. Yank , Bend and Twist felt that Jack should pay because he had the short straw as always. Moneybags Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff had all bestowed Uncle Sam with riches from their shared illegal booty stolen from Jack's Mother and Father at Enron/World Com. Further, Jack should bailout the Auto company GM for reasons that are still unclear to this day.
The Banksters at Moneybag Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff took a trillions of dollars of Uncle Sam's money as Bonus Booty for Jack to repay.
The problem is that Jack hasn't any money and no job to repay. Jack's Uncle Sam now discovers that Jack, Benjamin and Martha still have the Golden Goose and without the Goose there will be no more Golden Eggs.
Jack's very rich Uncle Sam consulted with his three sons, Yank Paulson, Bend Bernnake and Twist Giethner who declared " never waste a good crisis". They determined Moneybag Sacks, Bagman AIG, Merrill Lynch Madoff and Giant Bank were "to big to to fail" and are eligible for free money that Jack and his children would have to pay back. Yank , Bend and Twist felt that Jack should pay because he had the short straw as always. Moneybags Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff had all bestowed Uncle Sam with riches from their shared illegal booty stolen from Jack's Mother and Father at Enron/World Com. Further, Jack should bailout the Auto company GM for reasons that are still unclear to this day.
The Banksters at Moneybag Sacks, Giant Bank, Bagman AIG and Merrill Lynch Madoff took a trillions of dollars of Uncle Sam's money as Bonus Booty for Jack to repay.
The problem is that Jack hasn't any money and no job to repay. Jack's Uncle Sam now discovers that Jack, Benjamin and Martha still have the Golden Goose and without the Goose there will be no more Golden Eggs.
Each night Jack now grown, reads to his children the story of Jack and The Bean Stocks and warns them to always guard the Golden Goose.
They all lived happily ever after.
They all lived happily ever after.
written 8/3/10
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Standard & Poor's

Standard & Poor's is like a four year old brandishing a loaded 45. It doesn't matter if their right or wrong. It's where they point the damn thing!
At least they're awake and not down loading porn. They should brush up on their mathematics. 2 trillion is a big error. Can't go to the Moon like that!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Seal Team Six is Coming Home Today.

The 3o Seals killed in Afghanistan are coming home to Dover, Delaware today. The Dead deserve a day of silence. Lower the Flags they died to preserve, pay respect to their memory and loved ones.
Stop all discussions on the debt, credit rating and deficit. If your concerned over markets up or down. Your concerned over the wrong debt.
Money comes and goes. These brave men are a National Treasure that cannot be replaced. They are the spirit of our Union. The essence of our Constitution and the bond that stitches all Americans together for 250 years. The obligation that all Americans share. They are the pedigree of the United States of America.
They didn't ask for tax breaks or entitlements. Their only request is for a honorable war to fight. We owe so much more.............
Monday, August 8, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Boehner: I got 98% of everything I wanted
Before the market slid 512 points on the DOW JONES and Standard and Poor's downgraded America' AAA rating, Speaker Boehner was happy with his performance. Let's make sure he gets 100% of everything he and his Deadbeat GOP deserve...
The Face of Our Enemy

After high school graduation he chose to join the military.
Most enlisted men and women join the military for personal advancement. Either to gain skills or paid college education afforded by the GI Bill.
The lack of high quality American jobs makes joining the military more attractive to today's generation. Certainly most Vietnam era soldiers were drafted at a time when good jobs were plentiful to the High School Graduate.
He attended Boot Camp where he was instructed in all things military. He is told his Country needs him to fight an enemy without a flag or country. He can see there are no weapons of mass destruction and the enemies only weapon is terror. The weapon of pure fear itself. He battles a coward who's military strategy is killing innocent women and children. His opponent believes their Jihad of killing innocent people will lead him to grace with his Deity. This American Soldier had no idea his youthful decision of personal advancement will affect millions who benefit directly from his rights to chose.
The child he holds is not his. She does not speak his language. She is raised without running water and knows nothing of electricity. Education is not only unavailable but also against the law.
He wonders why his life was so privileged by comparison to the child in his arms.
He must realize his privilege was a gift to him from another soldier just like himself.
A soldier who stood in the face of tyranny, placed his life in harms way so that people he would never meet could live in his freedom.
He works for the only military in the history of the world who leaves schools, running water and electricity in their wake.
He does not pillage plunder or take what is not his. He and now the child are both privileged. His gift to others who he will never meet. His obligation fulfilled to a soldier he did not know.
It is the spirit of our American Union. The essence of our Constitution. The binding obligation that stitched Americans as one, long before there was government, congress or presidents. The pedigree of The United States of America passed to each generation
The military will ordain soldiers with ribbons, medals, buttons, hearts, crosses and stars of various color for bravery and valor. It is truly shameful there are no Congressional Medals awarded for humanitarian gestures seen in the above photo. America would be better off if we recognized soldiers for selfless acts of kindness.
He knows this is the only way to victory. Kindness is more powerful than any warhead invented. The dead are free. The bombed are more vigilant. We learned it the hard way in Vietnam.
Written 7/20/10
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Trifecta of Failure

Ray Charles could see this one coming and he's dead and blind. President Obama could not.
The aggressive action came after the US Congress increased our debt hole 2 trillion dollars without a clue where the money will come from. The DOW dropped 512 points and the FAA workers were woke up and told to go home. They were not being paid. All this and Congress went fishing on vacation. Now we have the FAA fishing on vacation with Kongress.
The timing is key here as Kongress announces the debt deal late Sunday night. Voting on the increase Tuesday Wednesday with President's signature . Dow responds with 512 point drop on Thursday followed with traditional FDIC Bank failures on Friday afternoon. Kongress skips town on vacation as Rome is in flames. Then Standard and Poor's saves the good part for last, they will downgrade America's credit rating after market close on Friday evening. The marketeers reportedly had the skinny and SP, Nasdaq closed off. DOW was a 60 point gain after volatile 200 point swings throughout the day. GM stock was up on strong demands for crash airbags needed for the obvious.
The irony is the Deadbeat GOP argued an increase of tax on those who pay no tax would trigger this inevitable outcome. All arguments to increase the debt hole was to avoid a downgrade in America's credit score of AAA. Most Americans questioned these Ratings since these are the same guys that rated bundled home mortgages in 2006 and Goldman's Snake Oils as AAA the best.
Adding insult to injury (R) Speaker Boehner announces he got 98% of everything he wished upon. The GOP self full filling prophecy of failures. Everything they wished to avoid became their nightmare. Makes me wonder if this guys an American or just pure scoundrel. Boehner should have never said he got 98% of his wishes. This will make excellent political theatre in the coming months.
The actions debated for months was to avoid the destiny of a recession that won't go away, highest poverty rate in history, Anemic housing propped up on TARP Life Supports, obscene unemployment and the downgraded credit score. Our destiny was not avoided and the Deadbeat GOP kept their tax immunities again. It could not have been a worse week regardless of Kongresional Actions.
Since Kongress approved the 2 trillion increase just days ahead of vacation there has been unrelenting negative fallout every day following. Bad news has come to roost after months of posturing debates.
We are out of options as we free fall into an economic crash of 2011. Zero Interest Rates, Billion Dollar Bond Buys, TARP and Stimulus have all failed. This is the fallout from the 2008 TARP bailouts that were sold as the first rule of Fascism 2big2fail. We continue with decisions that delay the much needed corrections driven by unfettered free markets and pure supply and demand. For three years we have avoided the rich taking their medicine of bankruptcy. The depression was delayed but not avoided as the economic creep continues to crawl higher and higher up the balance of wealth.
European Powers Germany, England, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Italy are also deep in debt. The problem as I see it is if we're all in debt ,who holds the paper? Who loaned the money? The answer is nobody. It's all imaginary games of paper Fiat Currency. We've not lost money because it never existed beyond the tally sheets. Wealth you cannot see or touch. In the end we get our due and have delayed but avoided nothing.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Happy Birthday It's Red Crash Thursday

Today is President Obama's birthday. The 44th President was rewarded with a 512 point drop in the DOW Jones. Blood Red Thursday 8/4/11 marks a world wide sell off in Bankster controlled markets.
The rich are getting their due. The inequity of unfair TARP Bailouts have expired and run their coarse. Free market and supply and demand are slowly prevailing over government stimulus. The bubble is bursting again and Ben Bernanke can't save us.
The rich are getting their due. The inequity of unfair TARP Bailouts have expired and run their coarse. Free market and supply and demand are slowly prevailing over government stimulus. The bubble is bursting again and Ben Bernanke can't save us.
The question is what will be the big fix and who will take the medicine. Interest rate is zero, QE 1 and 2 failed. Stimulus and TARP artificial cover ups couldn't conceal the rotten core.
We packed up and left our agrarian life after the Civil War and The Industrial Age ended without fanfare in 1980. We are in a New age using pioneer economics of 100 years past.
John Maynard Keynes taught us Macroeconomics. The theory If you build it they will come. Spending your way to prosperity was accepted economics in 1950. If we learned anything from Bush 43 it's giving money away isn't the same as spending. Supply Side Economics tax cuts to the rich does not produce good jobs or a sound economy. Compromise between to failures produces failure.
Macroeconomics works if you have a industrialized workforce. We don't. Supply Side Economics is a short term fix that requires you to cannibalize industry and feed off the carcase. So we're treating the wrong illness for thirty years. The long division formulas don't work when the problem is multiplication.
Dead End Spending on Wars overseas will not put people to work in America. Only Spending on the economy of the people creates jobs that equals prosperity.
In the US this is a narrow window as we sent our industrial machine overseas. We got Airplanes, Infrastructure and Health Care. Of coarse if we expanded into renewable energy we could open new industries. We don't we buy our windmills from China. Employing cheap illegal labor who take even small amounts of GDP and send them to their homeland produces a double negative in the economy.
Whatever we do going forward will not be based upon past economics. We need ground up radical change in our government and philosophy of what we want in our Country. Everything that was here in 1970 is still here. I don't recommend a return to 1970 only that the door remain open. China is doing well with our jobs. The way we collect taxes must be changed and Employer Based payroll deductions must be stopped.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Debt Deal Done, DOW Down, Drops 11,866.62

What's up Kongress? The DOW dropped 265.87 today and golds shot up $1,669 oz. Is 2big2fail failing again? We're gonna party like it's 1999.............8000 bottom
The bill shown above is not photo shopped. This is an actual 1905 Twenty Dollar Bill issued before Income Tax, Federal Reserve, Social Security or the Patriot Act. You will note the note is payable in gold. Back in the day conventional wisdom dictated you couldn't spend money you didn't have. Therefore, all US Currency was back by the full faith and credit of Ft Knox, not Kongress
1913 Income Tax, Aviation, Autos and Federal Reserve.

Transportation has changed a great deal since 1913. During the past 100 years the Federal Reserve and Income tax has changed also. Every aspect has been exploited to make the citizen subservient to conspiring Government, Banking and Corporations.
As long as Kongress is on cutting spending and balanced budgets maybe they should consider not giving money away.
Stop TARP handing out cash to Banks, Insurance and Auto Czars. Corporate Welfare has not saved any ones homes, retirements or jobs.
2Big2Fail Black Hole Economics has stagnated our economy and impeded the recovery that only Bankruptcy and Unfettered Free Markets governed by supply and demand can provide.
The 1913 Income Tax Act taxed those making more than $3000.00 a whopping 1% or $300.00 dollars a year. The first year 1913 Kongress was more concerned with collecting the tax without benefits of the Social Surveillance number that came much later. The practice of allowing some citizens unfair deductions not to pay came after the US Treasury was flush with cash. Just like the Military some drafted others deferred. Some pay tax some don't. The rules are slanted unfair and corrupt by Korrupt Kongress
Pass the Flat Tax that demands no loopholes or deductions except for Military Service and Civic Volunteers. Stop all employer based payroll deduction from 1913.
Pass the Flat Tax that demands no loopholes or deductions except for Military Service and Civic Volunteers. Stop all employer based payroll deduction from 1913.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Pig in a Poke

Banks always seem to fail on Friday afternoons and bad legislation news is always stalled until late Sunday night.
There has been more bad legislation passed at the Witching Hour than any other time of day.
The deal will be voted on today without anyone reading the legislation in an effort to allow those up for reelection to seek refuge in their own ignorance of accountability. The claim they never read or wasn't given time to read offered as lame excuses.
No sooner is the Washington deal made when those seeking office squeal the deal is no good. It's no comfort those seeking office seem to know exactly what voters want. Conversely, those in office vote as dictated by campaign contributions of Oligopoly Corporate America but, only after conciliatory debates against the vote.
The timing is particularly bad this close to election day. There maybe little time to divert America's attention to Gay marriage and Dream Act in time for Election voting.
We've seen this hard sell against the wishes of the American people before. The Iraq War, TARP and Obama Care we're all voted yes in spite of a majority of voters who we're vehemently against. We never found Weapons of Mass Destruction, TARP failed to save retirement accounts or save homeowners and Obama Care failed to create jobs as promised.
I never spoke to anyone outside of government who favored TARP or Obama Care and the bailouts that followed. Once they got a hold on TARP money they began handing out money to GM, GE, Fiat and anyone crying poor mouth. GMAC formed Ally to cash in on the gold. The 12,000 DOW didn't save the economy as poverty levels rise. Passing the proposed Dream Act won't make America stonger either.
If you have the stomach to do the Mathematics it goes like this: We cut 2 trillion over ten years as in 2021. We increase our debt hole 2 trillion tomorrow as in Tuesday. Or the debt hole goes to 16.4 trillion and we haven't saved a dime. If your still waiting for the good part, me too.
Sadly, they have argued and postured themselves for months in imaginary stalemate. The stalemate produced nothing more than election rhetoric for those who deal in deceit.
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