Rick Santorum found victory in Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado. The Santorum sweep won 18 votes from Colorado and Romney walked with 9 delegates. There were no delegates from Minnesota and Missouri that diminishes the Santorum sweep.
Mitt Romney is currently leading with 123 delegates followed by Santorum with 72, Gingrich 32 and Ron Paul 19. The total of Santorum, Gingrich and Paul at 123 ties with Romney.
Mitoosense has avoided the importance of the big Santorum Sweep and the recent national discussion on gay marriage, female contraception and the Pope. All three volatile issues of other peoples business subordinate to government mingling in private lives. The separation of Church and State flows both ways. A government who believes that Church Doctrines have no place in government should recognize Government has no place in Church Doctrines. The Pope may have some authority from some people on marriage and contraception. The government should not be involved in sanctioning any marriage or dispensing in medication or contraception. The always pious Santorum has rode these issues to the top of the polls. I think when the dust settles the voter will prioritize these issues in comparison to the economy and jobs jobs jobs. Romney has historically avoided issues of faith no doubt being a minority Mormon. Romney has vowed to rescind the unconstitutional Obamacare legislation removing the win from Santorum sails. The Santorum Campaign is flourishing farther right making Glen Beck look like a Massachusetts Moderate.
The focus tonight will be on Romney and Santorum. Santorum will likely avoid his Senate Record run from the social issues and hide in more Iran rhetoric as a fear monger. This time he will not get support from Gingrich backing him as an authority on Iran. Tonight Rick will be all alone in a very crowded room...
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