Mr Santorum I'm speaking to you! You should be jailed for talking the We the People with such careless regard. You went to law school and claim to be Devout Catholic. Do these institutions not teach ETHICS. Mr Santorum you will never be my President. Not since Richard Nixon stated in interview with David Frost "When the President does it It's not illegal" has the American people been more violated. Know this: The American People will not be denied self government much longer.
It is normal for Mitoosense to critique the candidates contributions after the televised debate through transcripts. The statement made by Santorum was so offensive to me it overwhelmed anything other candidates had said. None the less Mitoosense will continue with the debate last night. The transcript we found is from the Washington Post.
Most of the evening the candidates would blindly outline with great clarity our dysfunctional government. Unable to see or hear the truth in their own words. I thought Ron Paul did a good job followed by Mitt Romney. The hands down winner last night was Barack Obama.
The candidates debated earmarks in a perfect circle ending where it began. Romney begins with challenges to Santorum voting records that included earmarks. Then swung quickly to Gingrich claiming Newt as Speaker attached over 6000 earmarks making the policy an Art Form. Romney a Governor, never in Congress is squeaky clean in this practice. Gingrich avoided the charge making the false claim he balanced the budgets four consecutive years as Speaker and avoided the issue. Santorum unwisely took the bait and again tried to defend his Senate record. First Santorum attacked Ron Paul for attaching earmarks to legislation. Ron Paul defended, saying earmarks can be a useful tool to direct money away from slush fund accounts and forces money to a finite expenditure. Sounded good to me.
Santorum then squirmed again saying that Congress in order to get things done often accept earmarks they don't approve. Romney answered so you voted for them. Santorum said he voted for legislation for Presidential line item veto. The Supreme Court declared line item veto unconstitutional. Not Sanatorum's cross to bear. Blame the Supreme Court. Overlooking Congress can overrule the Supreme Court with Amendments to the Constitution.
Romney said he favored line item veto but none suggested support of Constitutional Amendments. HA
There seemed to be consensus earmarks are generally bad and abused in Congress. They all favored Line Item Veto Amendment. Nothing was suggested to stop the abuse.
Auto Bailouts:
Santorum stated clearly he was against both Auto and Bank Bailouts from Congress regardless of the pain involved.
Romney was in favor of managed Bankruptcy for Auto makers Fiat and GM. Romney supported the Bank Bailouts as necessary to our economy. Sounds like Romney Sacred Cow Bank and Trust may be coming soon. Both Romney and Santorum supported Airline Bailouts as payments for the US shutting down air traffic in the hours after 9/11 attacks. The Airlines have been bailout and received structured bankruptcy through years of red ink. They have never been profitable without subsidy. Note: without the airlines poor managements, gun control and porous borders 9/11 would have never happend.
Gingrich blamed the entire issue on the UAW. Citing US Mercedes, BMW, and Honda all prospered without the UAW. The RINO overlooks American Ford also prospered with the UAW. Newt also never mentioned the UAW was not involved in Bank Bailouts or Airline bailouts. These facts destroy the Gingrich logic the UAW caused the collapse. Truthfully bad management destroyed these institutions. Neither the UAW or NEA are copyable to bad management or a failed 112th Congress. Ron Paul stated there were no good bailouts, they're all bad. He would not support them. (see how easy this is gentlemen)
Birth Control:
The subject of Birth Control was asked. Newt Gingrich first went off to the moon again with his $2.50 cent gasoline and began a rant on Obama infanticide.. Mitoosense would never consider Gingrich a reliable beacon on moral or ethical issues. His track record here is of Congressional Records.
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