I accompanied a friend on an outing to buy tires for his car many years ago. Probably 20 years plus or minus. Wasn't doing much so I agreed to go along for the ride. Dave my friend was going to the Tire King of Florida. We arrived at the Castle/Garage and met with a guy in the showroom. We was not wearing a crown and this was my first clue this could go badly.
Dave pointed to the tires in the advertisement and ordered 4 tires @ $25 each or $100 for the set. His car having 4 wheels.
The King quickly went to work on the computer and spit out a contract sale for Dave's signature. The total was now over $200 dollars or twice the advertised price. The number of wheels was unchanged.
I will never forget the words Dave spoke when he got the bill. He said, OK, "How much is your 4$ Pizza". I thought Dave's analogy was spot on since Pizza is basically toast with tomato sauce and cheese on top. If you want pizza that's another story.
The advertised price of Dave's tires did not include the following: mounting, balancing, valve stems, disposal fee, road hazard road taxes or sales taxes to name a few. When shopping for tires or pizza it's best to have all details covered before you buy. Really now, who gets tires to go?
Last week a Pizza King made a statement; Pizza would increase 14 cents per unit price when Obama Care began the mandatory insurance. For less than half the cost of sausage pizza topping the owner can insure his employees. Better Insurance and Better Pizza from the King was my thought thinking of Dave. I quickly realized the Pizza King had no intentions of absorbing the cost of the mandated tax. The King would pass the cost onto the consumer and he actually did nothing other than the accounting.
Let me first say that I personally am against all employer deductions including Social Security, Health Insurance, Income Taxes and Unemployment Insurance naming a few. No Scrooge when it comes to the benefits of retirement, taxes or health insurance. I simply object to the accounting process and subsequent slush funds it creates at the fingertips of the 112th Congress.
I think We the People would be better served if the employer wrote our checks for the full amount and force the Banks to deduct from our checks on our discretion. All money transfers in the US are funnelled through the banks computers anyway. The Banks are the fourth covert branch of government and sleeping in the comfort of the taxpayer's nest.
Gone is the employer's burdens of verifying citizenship, health insurance, IRS, Social Security etc. No more April deadlines, confusion at the Post Office and Tax Prisons. This also improves America's ability to compete on a global scale with cheaper overhead. The Bankster's are well equipped to handle the burden with record profits and bonuses.
Yes, I remember this story was about Pizza and the 0.14 cents of increase for each pizza. My original thought was it was lower than what I would expect.
Then I remembered back 40 years when Health Insurance was free. Free in the sense it was not a deduction on your paycheck. Nothing is free and the cost to the employer is built into his overhead costs of each employee. You must exceed this output number of overhead to keep your job. If not it's always curtains on Friday.
Because of the cheap price and a multitude of people paying in with a small amount who are sick, the entire price was absorbed by the employer. Streamlining his workforce and insuring against major medical Armageddon. Not only was the employee covered but, also family members in the household.
True, some people did not carry health insurance and those who did split the burdens with the uninsured. In the end it all comes out of the US GDP somehow. The current dilemma is about accounting and has nothing in common with health care or those who are ill. Many countries provide health care without the burdens of expensive insurance moguls collecting $100 million in annual executive pays. If they bleed you hard enough they claim a bonus for your blood.
Looking back to my youth I remember going to the family doctor. You went in and expected to wait at least 30 minutes for the Nurse to call your name. There was Dr McClaren who had 3 Nurses and a Secretary that scheduled appointments and called you if you had not paid your bill timely. It was very rare that you had paid and equally rare the Doctor would call on the balance. If you were a good patient the nurse would offer a sucker for your efforts.
Everyone paid eventually. In later years the doctor would still have 3 nurses and the secretary was still there but, there were 5 additional people filling out insurance claims meeting the needs of this gorilla third party. The greedy gorilla third party was causing heath care costs to rise to cover their own greed. A self full filling prophecy. Unchanged are the proportions of people who are sick to those who are not sick. The people covered has dropped, challenging the corrupt system. Highlighting the greed is Universities now offer a degree in medical billing to complicate the matrix further.
You weren't sicker and the Doctor was not getting richer. The entire cost was being inflated because of greedy health insurance. The insurance was usually provided by the employer and unchecked costs by either the consumer or the Doctor. The more expensive the coverage the more people dropped the insurance forcing the downward spiral further. The insurance underwriter was causing costs to rise from his administration fees but, also from the imaginary hoops the Doctor and patient must now hurdle to receive payments. During the same period Dr McClaren purchased a very expensive X-Ray machine for his office. After his purchase you could expect to get a sucker and an X-Ray which are now paid by insurance coverage.
The Greedy Insurance Titan is protected from fair competition from the states authority. I have seen the system work in the past and I know it can work again. The Pirate is Insurance and the rest of this discussion is political corruption.
As far as the .14 cents per unit of Pizza? It seems to me that those who were uninsured and receiving medical care free without Obama Care are now receiving medical insurance free from the .14 cent mandate or tax increase in the pizza. As I said in the beginning it all comes out of the GDP somehow. Obama Care merely includes the insurance underwriter's corruption into the loop. I would like to know how much does Pizza go up when he donates to his favorite Political Action Committee?