The Star Spangled Elephant will parade about town with sequined rider's such a Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman.
The Elephant will be followed with Magicians at AIG and the uncomperable Ben Bernanke, making money vanish before your eyes.
The Banksters will hand out free cardboard boxes to the homeless en route. See Donald Trump blow birth certificate smoke up a monkeys butt. Watch John Boehner and Mich McConnell make pork appear from thin air as Chief Justice Roberts turns penalties and mandates into taxes.
No parade is complete without clowns. Marvel as the clowns Bush, Cheney and Paul Ryan emerge from a tiny Haliburton Car. Mystics Janet Napolitano will predict your future with crystal balls. Yes kiddies the greatest spectacle in the GOP is coming to town.
Ring Master Newt Gingrich will amaze the crowds with daring exhibits of political smoke and mirrors. Hyperbole will be everywhere. Wild displays of exaggeration's of facts and fiction to astound you. Outrageous claims with charts and graphs for the non believers. Not since Jose Gaspar's imaginary invasion of Ybor City has a show like this been seen.
The Three Ring GOP Convention should put the annual Pirate Festival to shame. All the audience members who can prove they have a lower tax rate than Mitt will be admitted FREEEE
Ticket Master Rick Scott will check all registrations at the door and offer random drug testing to suspicious looking citizens with a low waist line. In the far left ring Rick Santorum with chair and whip only will cause wild lobbyist to jump through hoops in exchange for special interest.
In the far right wing Michelle Bachman (recently back from a Swiss shopping spree) will defy logic, offering even further tax cuts to the wealthy.
In the center ring Herman Cain will explain his 999 plans in detail. High over the heads of all the people will be Romney himself dancing on the wire about taxes and who is running Bain Capital. Kids don't miss this show because you may never see another in your life.
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