Clint Eastwood:
I was amazed at the performance of Clint Eastwood. His speech was completely foreign in the GOP forum. If you anticipated another heart warming account from the revival tent you would be disappointed.
Following the endless week long list of boring speakers waving the flag, recounting past personal achievements made possible from first hand American Experience. Compelling stories of immigrants coming to America revealed in the first person. Lots of I and me Soap Opera testimony.
Eastwood spoke to the audience in the third person. Detached from party affiliation speaking from his own account. Revealing the same questions every voter must deal with when the curtain closes November 6.
Clint could have spoke of his own immigrant father and childhood in California. The stark contrast between politicians in Elmer Gantry mode and Eastwood who chose to expose hard facts regarding the past four years. Clint didn't miss the chance to denigrate attorneys and politicians along the way. In a true Hollywood delivery Eastwood spoke "this land belongs to you and me. We run this country and politicians work for us". He said later he didn't want an attorney in the White House, preferring a businessman. And of coarse one for the road "go ahead make my day" straight from Harry Calahan.
The best quote of the GOP Convention goes to Rand Paul who said " We have nothing to fear except our own unwillingness to defend what is naturally ours, our God given rights.We have nothing to fear that should cause us to forget or relinquish our right as free men and women.
The Biggest Embarrassment:
The biggest embarrassment goes to the 2 conventioneers who were expelled from the floor for throwing peanuts at a black CNN Camerawoman, chanting this is how we feed our animals. The mockery was reported by several news carriers although, none describe the conventioneers race, gender or political persuasion. Wait till the Reverends get a hold of these pictures. Which will surely surface at the Democratic Convention. Why would you attack someone with peanuts who is armed with a camera?
The Biggest Lie:
The biggest lie goes to Condolezza Rice for her comment "Education is a Civil Rights Issue".Political parties have a long history of building a platform around ideas that are without facts or merit. They then build logic around the fantasy at the core to prove their flawed agenda. The entire Bush Administration is an excellent example of this tactic. Little of anything Bush did in office had any purpose or accomplishments.
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