Another rant about the election coming in November. The candidates are disappointing on both sides. Probably more disappointing is the candidates avoiding the issues that are important. Not wishing to alienate Gay Marriage, Chic fil a or foreign banking entirely, I would simply not place them as most important problem facing Americans. It's clear these are much easier to debate without losing costly votes come election day. Important yes but, largely distraction issues to avoid the gorilla in the room.
What Earl needs is a job. We know the government cannot create jobs. To create jobs you must first have an economy. The economy is where the fingers of government travel into a myriad of sub tittles, to often focused as the core problem. They're actually the product of the problem. Focus, focus, focus. The government does have controls over the economy in tariffs, immigration and environmental standards naming a few. Not surprising all these authorities translate into real dollar values. We should recognize by now, tax collection or tax deductions provide the same wealth either way. Conversion of these factors is a voodoo science known as accounting. The Government is relied upon to control some licensing for public good, such as Doctors and Medical Care naming a few. This is a function of qualifying competency, not to increase municipal revenue or isolate some from the competition.
Allowing tax cuts to the job creators does not create jobs, ditto for government spending on wasteful capital improvements. Only when proof can be found these investment efforts will benefit with the whole being greater than the sum of the parts for everyone. Tough task indeed. Hoover Dam and Railroads were capital projects that paid off many times over. The infamous bridge to nowhere and airports for no planes are pork projects detracting money away from paying down the debts, if nothing else. This divide in current ideology is useless. Past history indicate neither works and the rhetoric is usually the product of the special interest greed, either red or blue.
What Earl needs is an economy. Certainly, we should remember our not to distant past when America was an independent nation. The shirt you wore and the shoes on your feet were made in America. Likewise your cars, television and refrigerator were all made in America. It's irrelevant whether another country can produce goods cheaper in another economy. That's not rocket science and does not support a Harvard Degree to figure out. We all worked together is commonly accepted. Did we have poor people? Yes we did. It's important to understand the poverty line and how it works. The divide is not always a reflection of the individual or his or her work ethics. The supply and demands for goods and service is reflected in the demands for products produced. These demands change over time and often are eliminated entirely through new technology. Government manipulation of supply or demand is Un-American. We the People should come first over World Trade Organization, International Monetary Funds and the like. The gyrations of Wall Street have NO IMPACT on Main Street unless both streets are in the good ole USA. Currently Wall Street is not in the United States!
What Earl needs is an economy. Certainly, we should remember our not to distant past when America was an independent nation. The shirt you wore and the shoes on your feet were made in America. Likewise your cars, television and refrigerator were all made in America. It's irrelevant whether another country can produce goods cheaper in another economy. That's not rocket science and does not support a Harvard Degree to figure out. We all worked together is commonly accepted. Did we have poor people? Yes we did. It's important to understand the poverty line and how it works. The divide is not always a reflection of the individual or his or her work ethics. The supply and demands for goods and service is reflected in the demands for products produced. These demands change over time and often are eliminated entirely through new technology. Government manipulation of supply or demand is Un-American. We the People should come first over World Trade Organization, International Monetary Funds and the like. The gyrations of Wall Street have NO IMPACT on Main Street unless both streets are in the good ole USA. Currently Wall Street is not in the United States!
America should be about building a better mousetrap. Sometimes we lose sight of our free market system and how it works. Its all based on the Lemonade Stand models. You buy materials, manufacture product and sell to the consumer. The guy with the best lemonade for the best price should win. Should not be important his race, religion or gender. Unfortunately we had to pass laws to insure against bigotry. Things that are important to us is the Lemonade Stand does not throw out his waste into the street for others to clean. Also important is the lemonade not make people sick. We depend on our government to demand product safety and clean environment. Certainly we can understand using inferior product or avoiding cleanup will increase profits. It does not make better products or avoid the cleanup. See Chinese drywall! Someone will clean the mess and the cost is the same. In our closed economy the owner of the lemonade stand would buy lemons from his local farmer and acquire property through local real estate, either rent or own. The Lemonade Stand in turn invest it's profits back into the economy.
The Government has always been responsible for roads, bridges, sanitation through the miracle of taxation. For the government to work, "We The People" must empower the government with our authority. Here is where the politician is born. Power is money. Allowing the politician with more of your money will dinish your power and increase his. In a democracy we have no kings, we have elections. Everyone should be able to cast their votes. Who may vote should be based upon minimum age and residency only. To be eligible to vote you must be of legal age and a resident. It should never be the responsibility of the citizen to prove either. It is the responsibility of the government to know who is eligible and provide identification as required to the voter. It's a safe assumption the citizen did not allow for 22 million free ranging illegals in Covert Immigration. It's against our law and our laws were not enforced because of greed. Voter registration shares nothing in common with driver's ability or retirement information. We seem to have lost sight of many of our programs in America and their intended use. Your driver's license was issued as proof of your competency behind the wheel. It doubles as a tabulation to indicate your driving history. Those who may have abused driving from speeding or accidents will suffer revocation. Your Operator's License is not for Voter Identification, Check Cashing/Banking or Retirement Information. It should be used as public information indicating your ability to drive and NOTHING ELSE. The Insurance Underwriter evaluate your premiums based upon your driving record, not punish you for not having insurance in the last six months. Should you option not to buy liability insurance then you simply have exercised your rights to spend money based upon risk and reward. I stress all insurance should be optional. If you should have an accident without insurance it could be devastating to your checkbook paying for damages. If your a poor driver it should be the responsibility of the government to revoke your Operators Permit not the Insurance Underwriter. Conspiracy between the government and Insurance Underwriters must be stopped. Separation between government and commerce is an inalienable right. Allowing Insurance dominion over Operator's License and Tags is collusion between the peoples authority and private enterprise and inflates the value of insurance. Imagine that. If disputes arise from damages awarded we have our courts system to rely upon. Simply because you have insurance does not prevent the courts from judgments over the insured values. We all have been victimized by insurance underwriters who refuse to pay, pay a lesser amount or often just paying slooowly. Insurance claims quickly become your second job filling endless forms they will always lose and proof of loss is always your responsibility. In short its a scam to increase profits.
The points I have made above are some in the current national discussion. Make no mistake about it they all can be converted into money. The election is all about money and power and whom will have it. What is certain, regardless of political persuasion the bottom line is what Earl needs. Earl needs an economy and once he has it all the a fore mentioned will vanish. What is at stake now more than ever is the existence of the American Experience here and overseas. (1273)
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