The logic here is why must we have thousands of workers employed in collecting revenue for the same objective. All we need is one person or machine to collect money to pay for our fine roads.
I see the problems as not in the road quality. The real problem is in the accountability in the systems of tax collection for quality roads. Pay as you go toll roads would be an inconvenience to the user, however the efficiency of maintaining our roads will sky rocket. Insuring the most bang for your buck through real cost controls. Tracking the receipts and expenditures is simple for toll roads. We shouldn't need teams of CPA's to tell us where our money is spent. We do need to streamline the way we collect taxes. Roads not used get no funding. Roads traveled receive more money and expansion as needed. The analogy for toll roads may be extreme to the right but, our current systems of collecting money for our roads is a wasteful extreme to the left. We have people collecting for gas tax, federal, state, county, and city . That's a lot of people doing the same thing. Buy a battery or tires, more people. It's insane!!
The Florida Turnpike is a great road and everyone is impressed with the upkeep, safety and cleanliness. I would support a federal license for your car but not a 6"x 12" plate for all to see. A federal licenses for driving would be acceptable as long as it wasn't used for anything but driving records. The registration would be to establish ownerships and insure the tax is paid for interstate travel. States could issue temporary fees for visitors. If adjoining states established reciprocation for State roads that would be OK.
I think people should be responsible for their driving. If you cause an accident then you should pay to repair the other persons car and medical bills. You should not be required to purchase Auto Insurance, cuze we know they never pay. Insurance is for people who enjoy waiting in line and filling out endless paperwork. If you cannot pay then you would forfeit your license and auto. Remarkably that is how we did it forty years ago. People who don't pay are handled in courts. Bankruptcy is an option. Mandatory Auto Insurance is for Joe Stalin.
Now we have mandatory insurance and nobody can afford it cuze their crooks. The state will take your license, tags and jail for not paying your premiums. If your not familiar with this law, eventually you will get to a point where premiums cannot be paid and receive the bad news from your Governor. A good business model today is to have Congress make your products mandatory and threaten with incarceration. This pretty much makes you a quasi monopoly and guarantees huge salary ($24,ooo,ooo) and bonuses ($1,000,000) for your business savy
Florida is being sued for selling Operator's Permit Information to private sector uses.
This information includes your retirement information from the embedded Social Surveillance Number on your State Operator's License. You may not see it but it's there. The importance of the information must be valuable or criminals wouldn't pay for the bribery.
I also like the idea if you don't vote you don't pay any taxes. I think everyone should serve their country. Young, Old, Handicapped should serve 4 years. Starting today. When called to service you serve your country in any number of ways. Possibly collecting money at the toll booth? This way we are all eligible for health care and access to education systems. Everyone would have the same health care and retirements of Congress. I never understood how people without health care or retirement plans provide same for Congress. Makes no sense at all.
Another thing that really burns me is Homeland Security and TSA Workers. Let the Airlines provide security for their planes. The whole cost of the security should be paid by the Airline via ticket prices. This will cause ticket prices to increase ten fold or about what it was before President Reagan's Deregulation. I don't fly and never will. I don't see why I should provide subsidy to those who fly. We provide Airports and the use of the Port is charged for each landing, takeoff and ticket counters. People who fly should pay all costs. People who drive should pay for roads.
I think that schools should be administered locally and without federal intervention. You pay for the schools in your neighborhood and kids walk to schools. Colleges should be open to everyone regardless of age or intelligence. If you have the money and want to take and receive college credits then nobody should be denied. The days of one lifelong occupation are gone. People live longer and technologies are the doorway to new occupations. If you have children when your twenty then you should be accepted at thirty or forty to enter college. We need federal standards for curriculum and minimum standards. No bogus degrees from Matchbook University. No discrimination based upon education. Requiring a four year degree from college should be replaced with a comprehensive test that all are eligible. Proving competency over degrees allows people who already do the job from experience get paid the same as a college graduate in Zoology.
We need to get our government out of our Banking. The Banks have become the unconstitutional forth branch of government. Swiss Banks are separate from the government for five hundred years without incident. We have the FDIC which insures nobody can steal your money except Congress. The criminal have all gone to work for the government. I could never understand how people could get rich in Banking without stealing. I think they do steal and Congress makes it legal.
I think our elected official should be held accountable to the economy. If unemployment is 10% and poverty rate is 14% then Congress should see a 24% reduction in their paychecks. This would give them an incentive to grow up and act adult.
We know there's allot of waste in government and you can witness the abuse at every Post Office and License Branch. Recently we find the USDA was confronted with accused racism and followed through firing an individual without due process. The actions were found to be those of incompetency when facts of racism were dispelled. The person accused of racism was fired the incompetent was allowed to stay. The taxpayer is told, perceived racism is not tolerated but incompetency is acceptable. A few months later 2 thousand people contracted salmonella poisoning missed by USDA and FDA. Racism should not be allowed on a level playing field. Racism is not the work of USDA. We have people at the Justice Department that are also not working and should be the cop on the beat. Justice Department is not involved in rotten eggs as yet. The Justice Department is also failing miserably at controlling our borders and immigration. Same story there. They seem more concerned about profiling than controlling the borders. We have our priorities second to minorities and nobody is working!!!
Thing are worse at the Treasury Department where people at SEC downloaded pornography while the criminal raided the Stock Markets. These clowns at SEC were college graduates dragging down $250,000. a year in compensation. So much for higher education Mr President!
At the Department of Interior they were bribed with hookers and drugs for not enforcing the Laws at MMS offshore oil leases. Deepwater Horizon murdered 11 men at the Macando BP lease.
We need to fire half of our government workers and then hire back qualified people based upon test score. Slowly hiring each year as needed. I think we need to establish new home energy codes nationwide. Each time a house is sold it must be fitted with Solar Panels, Solar Hot Water, Windows and Insulation. No sense buying homes you can't afford to heat and cool. Houses that are foreclosed should be sold or torn down if empty more than ninety days. If Banks want to hoard homes they should pay people to live in the homes until a sale is made.
This may sound like a bunch of crap from a person who knows nothing. If you look at each item you will see ways to reduce spending and increase productivity. I concede, many people in government would be against my ideas. Sadly, I have more.
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