The Mid- Term Elections have barely passed. In some areas the votes are still being contested. The constant stream of candidates TV commercials are gone. The promises from incumbents, things will soon improve and the great solutions of the newly elected have passed into full blown panic. All this and in only thirty days.
Fear not, things are not much worse. The wheels fell off years ago! Our country is in the same poor condition as thirty days ago. Thirty days ago American voters were being wooed to vote based upon fairy tales that ignored the truth. I hope you didn't believe their election crap. Those in Washington are now merely spinning the truth to prepare for the next election.
Our position is dire, we're broke and the solutions of TARP, Recovery Act, Financial Reform, Obama Care and Bankster Bailouts for The New York Casino have not created a single job. Lowering the Prime Interest rate to zero, Cash for Clunkers and Free Mortgage Money haven't put people back to work. More people who once worked are now living in poverty.
When people go back to work they contribute to the wealth rather than burden the debt. The same people who caused the debt are now screaming we need to be fiscally responsible. The people who spent our money on bailouts now expect Americans to sacrifice and do without to take up the slack in the debt.
Senator Alan Simpson tells us to "Sober up or sleep in the streets" because things are going to get worse. If "Sober up or Sleep in the Streets" was the Republican platform I don't remember the slogan. I think everyone in America should work to make sure Alan Simpson sleeps in the streets with us. Alan Simpson has forgotten whom he works for and answers to. We all remember the infamous Queen of France quoted when the peasants were out of bread, " Let Them Eat Cake". Marie Antoinette was later imprisoned and her head cut off in the guillotine. A bit over the top I'd say or off the top might be better.
Surprisingly, I agree with Alan Simpson let those who caused the problem " Sober up or sleep in the Streets". This is exactly what all Americans wanted when the Banksters were Bailed Out with Bush TARP.
Americans said let GM and Fiat go under. Let them "sleep in the streets" we said. Now we come face to face with the double standard that allows privilege to some while the people who do the heavy lifting in the military and workforce are told to" sober up and sleep in the streets". I only wish we had enough money to get as intoxicated as Congress and Senator Alan Simpson.
Maybe Bush TARP, Obama Care, Financial Reforms and Two Wars were not a pathway to prosperity but a path to poverty.
Our predicament of our Nation is not a product of bad luck. Winning the Cold War was not good luck. Our present situation is the product of our past decisions. We've made mistakes and we are paying for those mistakes.
The task for the voters at this point is to also prepare for the next election. The failed platform of the Obama Administration and the Bush years are behind us. We won't get another chance to fix America until 2012. Basically, I'm sayin start planning for 2012 and write off the next 2 years as a mistake.
We need jobs. America is the worlds largest consumer. Therefore we already have the hard part of any economy solved. We simply need to return to making our own products. American Made is now a big part of our National Security. We cannot continue buying products overseas. Returning Veterans deserve high paying jobs for their service to America.
The US energy problem should be our highest priority and solved first. It's no secret China is ahead of the US in Alternate Energy. The Three Gorges Dam in China is the kind of solution to Americas Energy needs. Building new sources of energy in the US must be on a scale comparable to Three Gorges Dam. Some solutions would be fifty new Nuclear Plants across the nation. Not in ten years either. Next year is 2013. Who can we elect to create millions of jobs and score Enegry Independence simultaneously.
Forty years ago I worked building new factories to produce American Products in the heartland. RCA, Ford, Chevrolet, Chrysler, International Harvester, Western Electric and Marathon Refinery are now all gone. Vanished with the jobs and wealth they created. Restore the American Middle Class and most of our problems will vanish.
Forty years ago I worked building new factories to produce American Products in the heartland. RCA, Ford, Chevrolet, Chrysler, International Harvester, Western Electric and Marathon Refinery are now all gone. Vanished with the jobs and wealth they created. Restore the American Middle Class and most of our problems will vanish.
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