When faced with complex problems that overwhelm logic it's best to aggravate the situation with stimulus of action, any action. Doing nothing to avoid failure is failure by default. Advancing in the wrong direction is better than no direction. By advancing in the wrong direction you reduce the options by one and always reveal new unseen possibilities.
In the news today is the continued threats from the GOP Caucus they will sell no whine before it's time. The leaders of the Republican Vineyard are whinery experts Mitch and John.
In a letter addressed to Harry Reid they collectively informed the Senate Leader they would block all legislation until the government was funded and the Bush Tax Cuts to the wealthy were extended. Technically all Americans would see their tax cuts extended but, the wealthy get the largest increase because they make more money. The two Republican demands are both about money. Some to fund the federal government insuring they would be paid and all Bush Tax Cuts extended for their wealthiest constituents. Cutting taxes to lower the deficit is self defeating and requires no further comments.
For 2 years Mitch and John have chosen to not legislate and now in control of the House they have chosen again not to legislate. Doing nothing is their platform. They evidently don't liked being disturbed while inactive.
The good news is not passing a budget and allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to sunset this month the government will shut down and the wealthy will loose their Bush Tax Cuts along with all Americans. Sounds good to me, I'm not working, pay no taxes and receive nothing from Uncle Sam. I guess those who survive on the Government Dole are concerned.
The Democrats favor extending the the Bush Tax Cuts but, excluding the richest Americans. You can paint this issue many ways but in the end it's all about the wealthy and their money.
Regardless of Party they both exploit their agendas in the name of job creation. The noble interests of putting Americans back to work clouds the greedy interest of a few. It all looks good but, smells real bad. The truth is regardless of Party or agendas empowered, Americans continue fall into poverty as jobs are exported and illegal foreign labor is illegally imported.
This is the first decade since 1945 that wages have fallen in both times of prosperity and recession. Regardless of growth or exports we go deeper in debt and most of us are rewarded with a lower standard of living. Very similar to economies of pre war Germany when life was very good to those who made the rules.
Life is not that difficult to understand and we all know giving money to some so they will hire me for work in Jobs is ludicrous. Give me the money and I will build something for you to sell is precisely the same logic in reverse. My products of coarse are after I have been paid and received my bonuses. You may then sell the product and receive the scraps of the leftovers and not the meal. It's the way we roll in America presently.
To understand our position take a close look at the Dream Act. The Dream Act is legislation that rewards criminal illegal free ranging aliens in America. The Dream Act has many names and is currently buried in legislation known as the National Defense Authorization Act 2011. It evidently wouldn't pass muster as the Dream Act so they changed the name.
I didn't know they needed authorization to defend America. I was under the impression the US Constitution clearly empowers government to defend America and control our borders.
Basically, The Dream Act is a giveaway program for illegal criminal free ranging aliens to special citizenship.
The requirements are listed below
1. Must be illegal and deportable alien.
2.Must have received a free High School Education or GED courtesy of the US Taxpayer.
3. Must have arrived in the US illegally as a child
4. Must be guilty of continuously breaking immigration laws for 5 consecutive years
5. Must attend and complete two years of a free college four year degree or two years of military service.
6. Must not be convicted of any crimes (except immigration laws and drugs under thirty grams)
Once you have meet the criteria and hopefully no Ft Hood Incidents you become a citizen and may now pay taxes.
My question are few
1. Why would anyone with a free education and GI Bill want to pay taxes and become a citizen.
2. Why would we want to reward criminal aliens with free education.
3. How many American Children will be disadvantaged by criminal illegal minorities now favored in the system that demands racial diversity over best qualified highest test scores.
4. What about the safety of our troops in uniform. Should they share their uniform with criminals?
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