The new Speaker of the House (R) John Boehner will open new levels of transparency in the 112 Congress .
Citizens will soon be able to log on to CSPAN Congressional Telecast to witness John Boehner's emotions. John's state of composure being used as the current model for State of The Union. Teary eyed would indicate a arise in taxes for people making more than $400,00 a year. Chocked with tears could result in another TARP giveaway to Bankers. Swine markets have tightened the belts of Bush's Masters of Pork Barrel. The daytime TV Soap Operas are bracing for a big drop in viewers with the Boehner competition.
The question on everyone mind is whats he crying about?
He's got a job,($223,500) health care paid, unbelievable full retirement ($60,972 avg) and considerably overpaid. This does not include money from Tobacco Lobby. Kleenex is reported to be considering John as their new national advertising program "A Hanky for a Yankee" spokesman.
Boehner a self described conservative is Pro Tobacco and hand picked to distribute checks from Tobacco Lobby on the floor of the House of Representatives in 1995.
Note: a conservative is against all spending but, favors giving TARP money away. Awards No-Bid contracts to contractors for imaginary aggression of Arab Nations. John Boehner voted for the Bush TARP bailouts on October 3, 2008. Some people continue to reject conservatives with Free TARP for Bankers, GM and Fiat. In their defense, they respond with the $4.oo a gallon gasoline in 2007 as proof of their love of capitalism. Capitalism is for the greedy not the needy. The Buckeye State has also spent $7,874,070,000 of Obama Stimulus Money without a whimper of conservatism.
Boehner is against extensions of unemployment and favors cutting Social Security benefits. Both unemployment and Social Security appear as deductions from your paychecks. John's position is "even though the money is yours GM and Goldman need it more".
In spite of Ohio's high unemployment of 10.5%, well above the national average and home foreclosures not seen since the Great Depression the people of Ohio's 8th Congressional District continue to Re-Elect The Tan Man.
John says he weeps for Americas Children that they may have the opportunities he was given. He weeps for children but the pork all goes to GM, Fiat, Goldman, Citi, AIG and the children they go to Afghanistan when their eighteen. The children sleep in the streets as the Dirty Dozen Banksters hoard their homes with TARP money for resale in better markets.
The conservatives run to the aid of the Car Czars and Bankster bolstering the Stock Market and Housing as wages plummet in illegal immigration and skyrocketing unemployment. This is not the America that John Boehner was given. John's former college janitors job is now performed by illegal free ranging aliens. Tough to work your way through college competing with illegal aliens, John.
The Dream Act provides scholarship money for illegals now competing with law abiding American Children. The world is flush with deserving smart children. In America we say American Children first.
Maybe John's concern is for Mexican Children illegal in the US. 60 Minutes Lelie Stahl should have asked " Do you weep in Mexican or English Mr Speaker................
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