Saturday, April 30, 2011
Nutcracker Married in England

Thursday, April 21, 2011
Gold hits $1504.95 oz Really

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
How Big is your Barrel
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Tax Loopholepalooza Day

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Bottomless Pit

The fact both parties refer to the problem as a"debt ceiling" indicates neither party can see our debt is not a ceiling. Our debt is a Bottomless Pit. Like the Patriot Act it's fun to say. Debt Ceiling rolls of the tongue similar to the imaginary 2big2fail that saved your ass. Brilliant huh
Both sides agree Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are the largest contributors to our debt. We can all agree that these costs are not derived from the benefits received but, from the administration costs of bureaucrats empowered by Congress to legally skim the top. The sacrifice or elimination of theses entitlements would be devastating to those who administer the programs not, those who actually benefit. Neither party supports the abolishment of these institutions One side wants to privatize them to a Oligopoly Big for Business and the other side wants to keep them in control of big government. So both sides agree that "we the people" should have no direct input and should be obedient and wait patiently for our handouts as they may direct. Ted Kennedy made a career saving Social Security. If the people were empowered in Health care, Retirements they wouldn't need saving. If most of our debt is in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security then most of the power controlled by Congress is secured in the very extortion of these entitlements. If we American refuse the entitlements tiny benefit Congress and their Cronies will suffer greatly. American Welfare is a profitable enterprise in America.
After giving away a Trillion Dollars of TARP Bailouts to Financial Holocaust of 2008 the Bottom Feeders of the Pharaoh's of Greed Street and 2big2fail banksters they find their running short at the US Treasury. Chairman Gnome Ben Bernanke cannot print more money unless Congress raises the Debt Ceiling which is really a hole. The Bottomless Pit can be reversed by cutting spending or cut entitlements or raise taxes. The Choices are an illusion of Congress because in the end they will do all three and raise the debt!!! Burma Shave
Monday, April 11, 2011
Libyan Civil War? Maybe Not

Debt Ceiling is a $14 trillion hole

Gunship Diplomacy and fun tongue twisters

Saturday, April 9, 2011
Wheel of Unfortunate 38 Red

Friday, April 8, 2011
Good, Bad or Ugly. Depends, if your Rich or Poor

Remember, these are the people who took away your house and told us to "Sober up or sleep in the street" (Congressman (R) Allan Simpson) then rewarded the Incompetency of Banksters, Insurance Extortionists, and Auto Moguls who drove the GDP in the ditch under the close watch of the US Treasury and Justice Departments. The theatrics of our politicians is to evoke the illusion they are fighting to protect the constituency. The smoke and mirrors of election day magicians.
Remember, The Bush Republicans gave away a trillion dollars and called it TARP and the Obama Democrats gave away a trillion dollars and called it Health Care and Stimulus. I call it the CRAP Act. Give me some time and I'm sure I can come up with a patriotic acronym for CRAP. Both TARP and Stimulus were passed to cover the theft choreographed in the 2008 G W Bush Financial Holocaust.
The Piper has come to collect his due. The fallout of 2big2fail bailouts are starring down the throats of their creators. Millions of bankruptcies have come and gone over the past 250 years. Bankruptcy is the garbage collector in free market capitalism. 2big2fail is a venture into unprecedented fascism in America. TARP and Stimulus offer a state supported life boat to the financial institutions who plotted and walked away with America's wealth. The life boat was used by these same institutions to extort their obscene undeserved future bonus booty. The funding for TARP and Stimulus is all borrowed money printed at the US Treasury. In the absence of the Gold Standard Bretton Woods 1944 and Glass Steagall Act 1934. We've legislated and deregulated our prosperity into a three ring circus and laughing stock of the world. We have a imaginary monetary currency that is the whipping boy of the Mastery of the Federal Reserve, Corrupt Investment Banking and a Government of Power Mongering Thieves.
It's should be apparent to all Americans the failure of the past ten years is now focused upon the diversionary accusation teachers, firefighters and sanitation workers are responsible and should pay for the theft in lost wages and benefits. The rest of America is paying in higher state taxes, fees and less services such as auto tags and operator permits. Meanwhile, not one banker has gone to jail.
It doesn't matter if your tribe is Republican or Democrat. Nor, if your chief is black or white. If your one of the working 99% of American stiffs, your supporting a system designed to make you poor.
If your 1% of top income earners in America, I suggest you pick up a copy of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. You will note YOUR time is running short. If your one of the 22 million illegal free ranging alien invaders you should shut your pie hole and return to your country of origin. You have no rights here illegally.
The Oligopoly Corporate Titans such as BofA and General Electric pay no taxes after loophole deductions. The Criminal Aliens pay no taxes and live a life from various unlawful contraband to subsidize their deplorable conditions. It should also be noted the Tax Code, Covert Immigration and Bank Deregulation were all heralded by Government as good for you and good for America
In short, considering the path of government over the past ten years most American voters seem unfazed at the recent inaction of our partisan system. The logic of the people is: what they did failed, so what they don't do can only help.
It's clear to me that Congress views increased poverty in America as insignificant long term problem caused by ignorant uneducated people who suffer from their own demise. This message is now reaching degree individual who are told to go back to school and pay another round to the Collegiate Toll Booth.
Conversely, massaging the DOW Jones back to life requires immediate bi-partisan attention from all three branches of the Cesspool we call The Federal Government. America is a good nation of Great People. Not a Great nation of good people. It's "We The People" not Wee the people is self evident.
It's amazing how we Americans become so worked up over partisan election rhetoric. When we all know they will act in the opposite manner when elected. Five o'clock cable news rhetoric and elections are as common as the taxes they collect. Neither the elections or the accompanied fallout rhetoric affects our downward spiral in standard of living in America. Both parties spend our wealth foolishly in an opposite focus of Selfish Power. The narrative from both tribes is cut,cut, cut spending. The direct opposite of TARP and Stimulus salivations passed in the past three years. We all know their secretly planning to raise the debt ceiling in a few months out of desperation. Raising the debt ceiling opens the door to more corruption.If you agree with this logic then shutting down the government for long periods of time truly is something we've not explored by the electorate. It is obvious that the government or parts of government will slowly sunset. The question remains will it reverse our trending downward spiral in Poverty. In government shutdown the activity of government ceases causing their bailouts and subsidies to their cronies to stop. (Fat chance I'm betting) What will become of the poverty rates and unemployment without government meddling in our free markets? The answer is the Stock Market and Major Banks will be forced to close when removed from the Congressional Teats.
So if you have large sums of wealth in these institution your gonna have to get a job. Once the Banksters and Dow Jones Fail we will get a true picture of the values of goods and services in the free markets of American Commerce and Trade. The industries supported by Pork will wither without the artificial Stimulus or TARP. We have so much PORK in America that we export our wasteful spending overseas to Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya. PORK expenditures overseas are much harder to track than the wasteful spending here at home.
Those of us who don't have large investments in the Stock Markets or Bank Investment will see a big difference as employment demands will increase forcing many Americans out of the poverty of our current systems of servitude of millions. This in turn will cancel the vast wealth in America's 1% Elite Class. CEO pays will collapse and bonus will become the product of clever industrious people who work as opposed to those bath in the labor of others wealth known as 401-K or GDP.If your poor you will benefit in Government Shutdown. If you are 1% of the Pharaoh's of Wall Street Investment Bankster you will loose in the economic swap. ( no offense intended to the Hell's Angels and their 1% club as were talking economics here not social clubs) The Hell's Angels operate totally without government influence or subsidy. (we hope)
Without the Pharaoh's of Wall Street, manufacturing will return to America as the needs of a people are now measured on a National Scale rather than the complex global corrupt system known as the WTO.
We will make what we use, and pay for what we buy based on our economy in America. Cheap foreign labor will buy sell and trade in economics of crippled third world countries. Our standard of living will return to how hard you work versus how much you can extort from the sweat of others. The cost of food, housing and health care will be forced to balance with wages earned. This is the essence of a unfettered fair economy. You simply cannot mix the economics of our system of government with those overseas fairly. It's fundamentally unfair to the citizens of both counties.
We get a $5.00 shirt at Wallmart and despicable wages to support Congress. Foreign workers sweat in unfair filth and servitude under the control of Despot Regimes coupled with the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. Greed Street then controls the purse strings of Governments with the wealth of those enslaved. Meanwhile, the Pharaoh's of Wall Street slither around world markets under the vigilant patriotic protection of America's Youthful Military Servicemen. Unfair taxes provide our military with weapons and obscene unemployment insures the constant supply of US marksmen.
This is not a new World Order, heresy or government overthrow. Shut down in government is a return to normal. Doesn't make any difference if it's Big Government or Oligopoly Suppression. What ever we have now, it's not working and neither is America!!!!
Burma Shave
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Glen Beck Done at FOX

Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Government Shutdown
The irony of the Republicans is they lost power because of fiscally irresponsible spending on cronyism 2big2fail and wars of imaginary threats of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Obama raised and called with ridiculous employer based health care that enriches the insurance extortion and enslaves the worker to a system of servitude to government and employers. These two administration have backed the voters into a corner of anger of a mad dog. Neither Bush or Obama has thrown bankers in jail or lowered the poverty rate of 50 million Americans.
Remember Bush handed out a trillion and Obama another trillion in 2big2fail raids on the GDP. The republicans are reluctant to agree on any number. Knowing the real number required is political suicide, far more than we can afford. If they agree they know they will be held responsible for the impending failure to come. Politically polarized to do nothing is John Boehners plan.
Those who don't take from the Government will not see any change in their lives. Government Workers will be furlowed and be forced to work for a living without retirement, health care, paid sick days and 27 annual paid Government Holidays.
One essential of the new budget is raising the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is an abstract number set as drop dead your out of money scenario. If we leave the debt ceiling where it is or lower the number it will stop inflationary spending. Printing more dollars and spending on earmarks causes the money in circulation to be worth less. Ear marks is a appropriate word used by Farmers . Marking the pigs ear for where the hog is to be butchered. Your hard earned money won't buy the same purchase power as yesterday. The laws of supply and demand in currency states the more you print the less buying power of the dollar. Most economist agree inflation has caused the evaporation of .95 cents from every dollar in the last hundred years. Gone in thin air of the Federal Reserve. A good example of this loss is the Dollar store of 1900 was called a Five and Dime Store. What costs a dollar now, cost a nickel in 1900.
When Congress has money, they give it away to get elected. The TARP and Stimulus acts failed to improve the economy. The poverty rate has risen buried in higher cost of living. They did provide free bailouts for corporate welfare funds to wealthy titans of failed business and obscene bonuses for the Pharaoh's of Greed Street. Lloyd Blankfien CEO of Goldman Sachs will receive 14. 1 million in compensation this year. The only way to become rich in Banking is to steal the money. The Stealing simply requires Congress to make it legal. Please, don't tease me any further, shut down the government. Please!!
737 Cabriolet

Sunday, April 3, 2011
Friday, April 1, 2011
March Wrap