Tomorrow is officially the day the obedient faithful march to the US Postal Service to purchase the all important post mark before Midnight. Mailing those tax returns accompanied with the extortion monies that will keep them out of Federal Tax Prison another year.
The Corporate Titans of TARP will pay no Federal Taxes this Year. Sixty Six percent of America's corporations with such familiar nameplates B o A, GE, Exxon skip the tax ax completely.
GE reportedly earned 14.2 billion this year and not only paid no tax but, also was bestowed with a 3.2 billion dollar tax benefit. A Tax benefit is the loopholepalooza where the corporate Titan paid no tax and still received a tax check from the US Treasury for 3.2 Billion.
Florida Tax Watch meanwhile places Taxpayer Independence Day around April 24 this year. For those not familiar with this day, it's the day when Joe Average pays in all his unfair commitment portion of tax and begins working to feed his family. Sadly, Florida has no State Income Tax so we can assume those not living in the Sunshine State will probably pay into May this year.
This day does not include other taxes that live in perpetuity. Sales Tax, Gas Tax, Taxes on Tires, Batteries, Alcohol and Tobacco. Nor, does it included hidden taxes like Social Security, Unemployment, Property Tax, Obama Care, Auto Extortion Insurance or Workers Compensation. Then we add fees for Auto Tags, Professional License, Operator's License where we pay a surcharge to work. Banking is also a tax as any attempt to move money in this country is always taxed by the government and attached a fee by the banker. Banking IS the covert forth branch of government in America. As long as you work for Commercial Paper you will be a slave to an Oligopoly Employer, Banking and The Federal Reserve. Gold is your only freedom.
Relax were not done yet We must factor in Permits also. Tree Permits to cut or prune your own trees on your property. These are the trees that kill people falling on your home in Hurricane or Tornado Storms. Permits for Environmental issues Building Permits and even Demolition Permits all designed to liberate you from your wealth.
New taxes on the horizon are for a fat tax on Coca Cola and lethargic Internet Users. With short supplies of gasoline and less Drivers on the road an Internet Operator's Permit will be required to provide revenue with a tag and insurance for your computer of coarse . All to insure Internet safety as well as pay for maintenance of the Information Highway.
Your Internet Operator's Permit will require a tracking ability tied to your Social Surveillance Number, Naturally. As long as we have a number we should use it to track the obedient citizens.
All for nought as we reap our bounty of services for our tax contributions. One doesn't look far to see our tax dollars at work. Just in the news today is the FAA Air Traffic Controllers sleeping on the job at many major metropolitan international airports and TSA facilities. The good news here is if their sleeping their not downloading porn as the Treasury Department's Security Exchange Commission or Department of Interior Mineral Mining Service.
TSA is under the Direction of Homeland Stupidity. These are the folks who are paid to monitor securities to our Airline Industry nationwide. In 2001 the budget to monitor our airports was 700 billion. Today we spend 7 trillion dollars a year to provide safety of flight to the tiny portion of people who fly in America. Many of those who fly aren't American. Yet, the bill for all this nonsense security is not paid in ticket price. It's paid by Americans who don't fly and likely never will fly.
Not to mention if you wanted to cut spending to reduce debt the Homeland Stupidity and TSA budget would be an excellent place to start. Way, way ahead of Teachers and Firefighters who provide services to us all. I'm not suggesting we close our Airports, only that those who fly should pay for their desire totally in the tickets they purchase. I don't fly and never will and I abhor subsidies to the rich who do fly!!!!!!!!!
MMS brought us the Deepwater Horizon BP explosion that murdered 11 men as it poisoned the Gulf of Mexico with trillions of barrels of crude spewing from a 24" steel pipe a mile beneath the surface.
The SEC was downloading porn as Bernie Madof stole 55 billion from the Stock Markets under the watchful eye of The Department of Justice and US Treasury. The Investment Bankers were busy manufacturing the Snake Oil Derivatives Mortgage Meltdown that caused the Financial Holocausts of 2big2fail 2008. The SEC employees downloading porn were paid $250,000 or more a year for the expertise and collegians degree.
The USDA and FDA Department of Agriculture brought us the Wright County Poison Egg recall and the USDA was center stage to the scandalous Shirley Sherrod firing from perceived racial bias. The firing proved that incompetency performing your job is condoned but, any form of racial discrimination is immediate dismissal.
This is the same reason our children don't learn in school as racial civil rights, court ordered busing and desegregation became a social football trumping education in American. Our kids are now equally as stupid as our government. We dropped in College Graduation from number one in 1970 worldwide to 21st worldwide. I'm in favor of equality for all. Sacrificing education and unfair affirmative action is tossing the baby out with the bath water. Counter productive and rewarding poor performance to silence those who won't work but, demand success.
The Justice Department biggest failure without question is Border Control where third world citizens and drug smugglers out wit the highly paid workers of Homeland Stupidity.
The Attorney General of the United States of America Eric Holder has failed to prosecute the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay or close the Prison as promised.
All and all I'd say our tax money is largely wasted in a Keynesian Supply side economics plan that's failing America. We don't all work for the government yet but, we're getting closer.
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