March was an active month in the news for 2011. The world news was dominated by natural disasters and government Coup.
The Japanese were pounded by a 9.0 Earthquake and a Tidal Wave of equal proportions. The failed Japanese Nuclear Reactors 1 thru 6 would not qualify as Natural as they are completely man made.
The man made Ecological disasters of Biblical Proportions are poisoned Air ,Water, Food and rotting corpses all considered unsafe hazards. Operator Fukushima Daiiachi is offering $2500.00 per day for workers willing to essentially "drink the hemlock". Run into the plant perform tasks and run back out. The Japan Earthquake dwarfs the Haiti and New Zealand quakes in loss of life and Billions lost. The disaster has prompted Americans to reevaluate Nuclear Plans moving forward. Rather than spend money building new reactors, maybe we should increase safety standards and new technology in America's aging older reactors.
All three Quakes combined would not equal the 2008 New York Banking Meltdown on Greed Street.
To see the impact of the Japanese Nuclear disaster draw a circle fifty mile radius from your home and consider everything in the circle as toast? This value does not include damage from the Earthquake or Tsunami in Japan, Haiti or New Zealand.
The New York Bank Fraud is an astonishing number. Carl Sagan would have trouble understanding the magnitude of New York greed.
The Muslim Jihad that took down the World Trade Centers in 2001 appears to have backfired into a long list of Arab Muslim Countries Overthrown in 2011. The Coup's are the result of the Freedom of Speech gained from the Internets Highway of Information. When Egypt shut down the Internet, the Internet shut down Egypt. Israel has been quiet on the issues. I would say much too quite for the Jewish Theocracy.
On the home front the Republicans are beginning to realize the Presidential elections are just around the corner. Sadly, the front runners are a cornucopia of comedy. The latest entry is the flair haired man from New York, Donald Trump. The calling for his public service is somewhat unclear. He seems to be challenged to lead America to world dominance in business over Communist China. Trump has been bankrupt more times than there are crooks in New York. Making him a good candidate for Congress not President.
Trumps only other issue is Obama's birth certification. Anyone on this bandwagon should look for employment in Archeology, not Public Service. You can't have a vision of the future looking in a rear view mirror. The future will not improve viewing past failure.
Candidate Sarah Palin seems to have the best platform of "If nobody runs she will". Nobody is the clear front runner thus far. Obama has a advantage as the opposition proposes another Bush Cheney type ticket. So far we have a blind racists, silver spoon billionaire, bass guitarist, failed governor of Alaska and a call girl from Minnesota. Looks more like an episode of "Gilligan's Island" than selection of leader of the free world. Although, Gilligan's Island was not aired on FOX. I'm very disappointed in all republican thus far. None of the Republicans narrative is focused on criminal free ranging foreign invaders, border control, health care or solving 2big2fail throwing Banksters in prison.
I have no intentions of voting for Obama and have less interest in his birth certificate. I'm planning another lonely Tuesday evening eating popcorn and watching all night returns in November 2012. Playing Democratic Roulette with the Constitution.
In 2012 I would like to see the candidates on the ballot have their 4 year budget numbers listed on their ticket. Voters could choose how much change they can afford. They must stay within these numbers despite Congress.
Governor Scott Walker's Oligopoly Regime is moving forward with their plans to silence collective bargaining in Dairy Land. The Cheese Emperor is using the 2008 Bank Fraud in New York to tilt the future of Wisconsin elections away from Labor Unions toward his Oligopoly Ideology.
Teachers, Firefighters, Police and Sanitation pay is merely a diversionary distraction. The big score is breaking the Labor Unions and their Political Machine's influence. His only impediment seems to be Wisconsin Law and Judge Maryann Sumi.
Both Oligopoly and Labor Unions are political divisions that operate within the greater framework we call Democracy. We need to abolish both. I do concede, if you have either, you require both.
The economy continues to feel the effect of TARP and Recovery Stimulus. As the Bankers handed out another year of record obscene bonuses and CEO pay across the Dow Jones. CEO pay jumped 27% average over last year. The pay was a result of an increase in stock values falsely stimulated by TARP, Recovery and Big Ben's Billion dollar Bond Buys with your sweat in the GDP. History will record the TARP Act as the Economic Holocaust of 2008 and the Patriot Act that lead America to a Fascist Police State..
Home values continue to fall and more people are foreclosed in a corrupt court system that supports the Banksters. The housing market and retirement accounts are the reason for passing both TARP and Recovery. Neither legislation saved anyone homes or retirement. It's my personal view both impeded the correction necessary that bankruptcy offers in Free market Capitalism. Never waste a good crisis, even if you caused the failure yourself analogy.
A man I met once commented " if you take all the wealth in America and divided the sum equally among all citizens, the wealth would return in two years to the same balance of where it began". I thought a great deal on his comment. I determined he was correct. The money would return to the wealthy, unless changes in laws were enacted. His statement is true only because of regulation and legislation demand same.
I suspect this man was a Republican as they seem to all take abstract thoughts or opinions and frame them in compositions of irresponsible yarn. After three trips around the Internet the narrative becomes indisputable facts or common knowledge. Anyone warm and above ground the last ten years has seen how it works. It's the basis for the Patriot Act, Weapons of Mass Destruction and TARP.
March Unemployment dropped a bit as inflation soared cancelling any celebrations.
Charlie Sheen and Lindsey Lohan made news again. Charlie, out of Detox was fired by CBS and Lindsey Lohan was in court more times than Judge Judy. Charlie and Lindsey would make a great prime time sit com paired. Lady's Man and the Tramp? Or maybe a run for Governor of Wisconsin!!
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