I'm not crazy. I'm suffering withdrawl from Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
Author: T Palmer
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Deadbeat GOP

Speaker Boehner and company continue with the spinning rhetoric that tax increases on the wealthy will slow the economy and increase unemployment.
Same old song new singer. Thus far the jobs created from fairytale tax breaks and loopholes in the tax code have created jobs America doesn't want or need. All GOP roads lead to greed.
The dead end jobs are the product of the Deadbeat GOP. I don't care to ever hear this debate ever again. Trust me, I have this much figured out!!!!
The entire debt issue is tied to revenues and tax. The archaic tax code is not how much Oligarchy America pays in taxes. The question is; do they pay any taxes at all. Once you hit the long form tax filing system anything is possible and lying is common. Temptation to cheat is easily satisfied. There is no doubt in my mind that anything as complicated as the US Tax Code is without question crooked as a snake. The lobbyist and cronies have infected the US Congress and Tax Code in corruption. The unfair 1913 tax system has spawned a lack of confidence in all government.
I'm in favor of everyone living above the poverty lines pay the same amount of tax. Income tax would begin above the poverty line benchmarks. The benchmark insures fare pays regardless of the amount you earn. If the benchmark is set at $30,000 a person making $35,000 would pay only on the $5,000. over figure. Unemployment and Social Security should not be taxed. Social Security should belong to only you and out of reach of Bureaucrats.
The only tax deductions should be for Military Service. Those who serve in the military should receive a life long tax deduction. Those with combat experiences should pay a further reduction and those wounded in battle should pay ZERO TAXES. Those who die in Military service would pass Zero Tax to immediate family members and dependant children. Volunteers such as Fireman and Community service workers should receive a tax reduction for their term of services only.
Volunteering should be opened to airport and public area security. Military Service should include all those who perform civic duties throughout the US. All deductions would cease at $500.000.00 dollars even if wounded in battle.
We should stop the taxpayer subsidised Transportation Security Administration and force airlines and air travelers to pay the entire costs of Air Marshals and Screening in the ticket or freight prices. If we were more prudent with our Immigration Policies we could abolish Homeland Stupidity as well. For the people who inflate gasoline prices we should stop the insane policy of paying them to look for Oil. They're the richest among us after all.
We should stop the practice of government giving money away. We saw what happened with the Airlines when Uncle Sam stopped charging the $30.00 ticket tax. The result was no change in Airfares. Giving money to students or grants for education will result in the same. Turn off the cash from the US Treasury and students will pay the same amount in education dollars. Ditto for Health care, Medicare and Medicaid. The Co pay is the true values here and the portion that employer or government pays is Fluff.
On to tax collection. We need to stop all employer based payroll deductions. The employer should be responsible for wages and worker safety. The employer pays the worker with his check. The Worker then goes to the bank for redeeming his wages. The worker must first produce valid identification and fill out W-4 information for the bank to use. The banks are secure and equipped with computers and scanners to identify your person. Employers are not and care less. Along with tax information the worker instructs the bank how much should go to retirement and health care he has selected at his discretion.
That's it. You just paid your civic taxes without CPA's, April 15th Deadlines or Tax/Insurance Prisons. Elimination of legislation that imprisons the citizen for failing to pay tax or insurance extortion saves money in prison, courts and government employee costs. The IRS only deals with the Bankster (they really like each other) and nobody gets an audit from Uncle Sam. Holy shit lookout cuze health care and retirements will plummet in cost when Mom and Pops choose where the money goes.
The Employer is released from all payroll deductions, Health Care and Immigration responsibilities. Employers need not hire office workers who perform for government tasks. His focus can now be on building a safer stronger private sector GDP.
The GDP should not reflect government spending as part of the national income. Government spending should be a deduct from the GDP as expenditure. The governments 40% stake in the GDP must be reduced in fiscal responsibilities. There in lies all government corruptions.
The Employers and Corporations will pay the same amounts in Taxes. Every time money is transferred or checks cashed, tax is collected at the Forth Covert Branch of Government known by all as Bankers. If the Bankers won't play ball then we'll go to the Post Office and cash our checks. We deregulated Banks so they could operate from state to state. Health Insurance should be available in all states to all people or not at all. This will stop corrupt collusion in Health Care Insurance. There's plenty of money in the system when the CEO's stop stealing us blind.
In addition we should levy heavy tax on PAC money and political donations. Buying election should not be a deduct from tax burden. It should be income and taxed accordingly. Same for buying advertising for prime time campaigns should be taxed as well.
The practice of business declaring losses as a tax deduction should also stop. If business made any money he pays on that amount regardless of business costs. He may not declare money he did not make as deduction. Same for a worker's unemployed cannot deduct for lost wages as a business loss.
To recap the above changes is an attempt to remove the citizen from subservient position created when employer, government and banking conspire against the taxpayer. Reducing the size and power of government will restore life. liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A free America is a prosperous America. America that will assume world leadership and ignore the world domination in our greedy past.
That's all for today, saving the Country is tiring
Burma Shave
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
42 Years Ago

Tuesday was the day after Obama's prime time speech that pleaded with a nation to call Congress and pay our debts.
Today the news cycles are centered on a America who struggles to pay their debts, teachers and police. Mundane issues of picking up the trash and snow removal is now America's greatest achievements.
The press coverage for the debt crisis is on par with news coverage of the lunar landing in 1969. If this is the best we can do we should give this place back to the Indians
Animal Control

Fabio (I don't pick the names) is a black and tan stray. When he arrived a puppy a year ago he had paralyses in his hind legs. Nearly starved he now can hop like a rabbit and about as fast He is around 30 lbs of all affection.
Muffin is a Chihuahua and the only foreigner. She walks through tall grass like walking on glass. She prefers freshly mowed lawns and sleeps around a lot. When not in bed you need only look to the nearest clean laundry basket. Is not known to sleep in dirty laundry. Will answer to Princess!
Buddy is a 5 year old 100lbs pound puppy rescued from Dog Prison. He is a favorite of both myself and Erin Elizabeth. Mostly calm but, can be fierce if upset. We strive to keep his temper under control. He is a comfort of security to the home.
Sandy was a stray collie mix and a lover of all she encountered. Sandy hailed from Hollywood, Fl under a tarp in the rain. Sandy died last year after 17 years loyal. Few pictures are available which is the reason for this particular blog. Once their gone you can only rely on photos and endless memories.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Ruperts World Debut

Fox announced a new late afternoon game show to be called Rupert's World. The show will be hosted by Glen Beck and Ric Sanchez. The show starts with Glen drawing circles on his chalkboard and Ric will then try to interpret the hieroglyphs.
Then blindfolded tri panelists Bush43, Donald Rumfells and Sara Palin will vote on the most accurate based upon known and unknown unknown facts. The question will be limited to the past ten years in an effort to determine if America did anything right.
Then blindfolded tri panelists Bush43, Donald Rumfells and Sara Palin will vote on the most accurate based upon known and unknown unknown facts. The question will be limited to the past ten years in an effort to determine if America did anything right.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Huckleberry Obama's Speech: Show Me the Money

Last night Obama addressed the nation on the current debt crisis. I didn't tune into the prime time rhetoric celebration. Like 100 million other Americans the decision won't affect me and my outcome will be the same regardless of the final decision rendered. It just doesn't matter! This is the first Obama Speech I've missed. I went eight years without listening to Bush so this was easy to tune in the Weather Channel and view something that might be important affecting ME.
I'm tired of Huckleberry Obama's Presidency from the Passengers Seat at the Ship of State. Detached from accountability from his Presidency. He could have made a difference. Instead he chose building a bigger Robin Hood government responsible for returning huge tax burdens in the form of tiny benefits in free stuff from Uncle Sam. Offering a menu of mortgages, health care, retirements, education, housing and unemployment for those who don't work for Uncle Sam. The options ahead in 2012 aren't looking good either.
His speeches never address people in government sleeping in Airports, Down/Up loading porn at the Treasury or Interior. Also avoiding Poison Eggs, Oil in the Gulf or Scandal at the Stock Markets. No jobs returned from China or Banksters tossed in Prison as I had Hoped would Change. The Obama Message has been "never waste a perfectly good crisis". Use it for your selfish advantage. The message has been short and direct from Obama "Show Me The Money"
Those with skin in the game are the Democrat and Republican parasites who feed from the governments 40% stake in the GDP. Government spending should be a cost or liability in accounting our national income. The current accounting twist the numbers to give the impression that spending tax money is good for our economy. Similar to Carpenter who buys a new hammer and swears he's richer for having done so. The new hammer is a expenditure and deducts from his income. The money the new hammer generates is profit less the hammer cost.
Republicans are vested in unfair Oligopoly Style Tax Code credits and loopholes that cloud the real amount of taxes Corporation and Wealthy Americans paid. The tax code creates mindless audits from government workers followed by dead end commerce of citizens flanked by Atorneys and CPAs. When the smoke clears we penalize citizens by feeding them in Tax/Insurance Prisons.
All because we can't come up with a better way to collect taxes since 1913. We learned to fly and go to the Moon but we struggle with a simple way to collect tax. Republicans endorse privatising government to feed their cronies and lobbyist who grants them power over the people. They force citizens into mandatory purchase charges for private enterprises. Kinda like a tax that goes out the window and not to government. How they rationalize this legislation challenges Joe Stalin himself.
Republicans are against wasteful entitlements that appear as deducts from your paychecks. At the same time they approve of Government Sponsored Corporate Welfare (2big2Fail) that appears on nobodies paychecks. Begging the question of Who Pays for 2Big2Fail, GM, GE, AIG and Fiat. This money comes from the Grandaddy of all employer based deduction known as Income Tax which is a reward penalty for just going to work.
The Democrats are vested in a huge Oligopoly Style Government that filters all commerce through Washington, DC. (ObamaCare). Either way Congress is not in favor of cutting the Budget. Cutting the Budget diminishes the power they exercise over the people. They will cut 3 trillion and spend 4 trillion and claim victory for both in House, Senate and both parties.
I had great hopes for this President to change the business as usual policies in Washington, DC. I didn't vote for him because of his Aunt living in the US illegally at the expense of government welfare. This coupled with his Foreign Father's decision to father a child and then leave Mother and Child for the Taxpayers to provide.
I was against Mc Cain/Palin Republican Ticket. So like many other elections I chose to spend another lonely Tuesday night in November watching returns and eating popcorn. Basically, playing Constitutional Roulette with the Presidential Elections.
Today, I can say I'm glad Mc Cain was not elected and happy that I did not vote for Huckleberry.
The last two years have proven Huckleberry to be a better leader than Bush 43. Neither Bush 43 or Obama 44 are Presidential caliber leaders. The past ten years are a referendum on the need for last night speech. Eight years of Bush/Cheney was a decade with two Vice Presidents and Horrible Leadership across the board Foreign and Domestic. Our Democracy and it's people have failed. Failed regardless of political party affiliations. Step up and just say it's all my fault as an American Patriot. We all go down together. Nobody will be spared!
Thus far Huckleberry Obama has validated Bush Covert Immigration and Fascist 2big2Fail Black Hole Economics. His contribution have all been on the spending side as well. The Obama Care employer based health care demands your employer seize money from your earned income. Purchase entitlements in your name from the Insurance Selected by the Employer and Certified by the US Government. All with your hard earned money. Very similar to all other employer based deductions. Your money, they spend it. Send you the bill. Just like taxes. Not for roads bridges or schools but, for you. Anything deducted from your payroll is pure extortion.
How many people would opt out if allowed? Everyone in America would decline the extortion and imaginary benefits. If Social Security was yours and out of reach of Congress our current budget would be reduced by 30% tomorrow.
The difference between Huckleberry Obama and Bush 43 is Obama has spent money whereas Bush just gave it away to Banks, Car Czars, Haliburton, Blackwater and Dead end investments in the economies of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Going forward over the next weeks the fallout from our decisions will affect people on a global scale. The outcome is not good in a choice between bad or worse. Evidence of the shear size of a problem created in G-8 Global Economics and Free Trade policies. As global economies emerged they provided for no global regulation in the rulebooks. Corporate Titans and Governments Conspiring unchecked against all human dignity for profits. America is leading the world back to the Dark Guilded Ages of Robber Barons and much of the world is folowing. We owe our souls to the Company Store.
I think it's time to update the US Constitution and Magna Carta cuze the old ones not working anymore. Lets start by taxing all PAC politcal donations. Stop the practice of buying elections as a tax deduction for the needy and greedy. I'm shovel ready. How about you. Let me know what you think......
I'm tired of Huckleberry Obama's Presidency from the Passengers Seat at the Ship of State. Detached from accountability from his Presidency. He could have made a difference. Instead he chose building a bigger Robin Hood government responsible for returning huge tax burdens in the form of tiny benefits in free stuff from Uncle Sam. Offering a menu of mortgages, health care, retirements, education, housing and unemployment for those who don't work for Uncle Sam. The options ahead in 2012 aren't looking good either.
His speeches never address people in government sleeping in Airports, Down/Up loading porn at the Treasury or Interior. Also avoiding Poison Eggs, Oil in the Gulf or Scandal at the Stock Markets. No jobs returned from China or Banksters tossed in Prison as I had Hoped would Change. The Obama Message has been "never waste a perfectly good crisis". Use it for your selfish advantage. The message has been short and direct from Obama "Show Me The Money"
Those with skin in the game are the Democrat and Republican parasites who feed from the governments 40% stake in the GDP. Government spending should be a cost or liability in accounting our national income. The current accounting twist the numbers to give the impression that spending tax money is good for our economy. Similar to Carpenter who buys a new hammer and swears he's richer for having done so. The new hammer is a expenditure and deducts from his income. The money the new hammer generates is profit less the hammer cost.
Republicans are vested in unfair Oligopoly Style Tax Code credits and loopholes that cloud the real amount of taxes Corporation and Wealthy Americans paid. The tax code creates mindless audits from government workers followed by dead end commerce of citizens flanked by Atorneys and CPAs. When the smoke clears we penalize citizens by feeding them in Tax/Insurance Prisons.
All because we can't come up with a better way to collect taxes since 1913. We learned to fly and go to the Moon but we struggle with a simple way to collect tax. Republicans endorse privatising government to feed their cronies and lobbyist who grants them power over the people. They force citizens into mandatory purchase charges for private enterprises. Kinda like a tax that goes out the window and not to government. How they rationalize this legislation challenges Joe Stalin himself.
Republicans are against wasteful entitlements that appear as deducts from your paychecks. At the same time they approve of Government Sponsored Corporate Welfare (2big2Fail) that appears on nobodies paychecks. Begging the question of Who Pays for 2Big2Fail, GM, GE, AIG and Fiat. This money comes from the Grandaddy of all employer based deduction known as Income Tax which is a reward penalty for just going to work.
The Democrats are vested in a huge Oligopoly Style Government that filters all commerce through Washington, DC. (ObamaCare). Either way Congress is not in favor of cutting the Budget. Cutting the Budget diminishes the power they exercise over the people. They will cut 3 trillion and spend 4 trillion and claim victory for both in House, Senate and both parties.
I had great hopes for this President to change the business as usual policies in Washington, DC. I didn't vote for him because of his Aunt living in the US illegally at the expense of government welfare. This coupled with his Foreign Father's decision to father a child and then leave Mother and Child for the Taxpayers to provide.
I was against Mc Cain/Palin Republican Ticket. So like many other elections I chose to spend another lonely Tuesday night in November watching returns and eating popcorn. Basically, playing Constitutional Roulette with the Presidential Elections.
Today, I can say I'm glad Mc Cain was not elected and happy that I did not vote for Huckleberry.
The last two years have proven Huckleberry to be a better leader than Bush 43. Neither Bush 43 or Obama 44 are Presidential caliber leaders. The past ten years are a referendum on the need for last night speech. Eight years of Bush/Cheney was a decade with two Vice Presidents and Horrible Leadership across the board Foreign and Domestic. Our Democracy and it's people have failed. Failed regardless of political party affiliations. Step up and just say it's all my fault as an American Patriot. We all go down together. Nobody will be spared!
Thus far Huckleberry Obama has validated Bush Covert Immigration and Fascist 2big2Fail Black Hole Economics. His contribution have all been on the spending side as well. The Obama Care employer based health care demands your employer seize money from your earned income. Purchase entitlements in your name from the Insurance Selected by the Employer and Certified by the US Government. All with your hard earned money. Very similar to all other employer based deductions. Your money, they spend it. Send you the bill. Just like taxes. Not for roads bridges or schools but, for you. Anything deducted from your payroll is pure extortion.
How many people would opt out if allowed? Everyone in America would decline the extortion and imaginary benefits. If Social Security was yours and out of reach of Congress our current budget would be reduced by 30% tomorrow.
The difference between Huckleberry Obama and Bush 43 is Obama has spent money whereas Bush just gave it away to Banks, Car Czars, Haliburton, Blackwater and Dead end investments in the economies of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Going forward over the next weeks the fallout from our decisions will affect people on a global scale. The outcome is not good in a choice between bad or worse. Evidence of the shear size of a problem created in G-8 Global Economics and Free Trade policies. As global economies emerged they provided for no global regulation in the rulebooks. Corporate Titans and Governments Conspiring unchecked against all human dignity for profits. America is leading the world back to the Dark Guilded Ages of Robber Barons and much of the world is folowing. We owe our souls to the Company Store.
I think it's time to update the US Constitution and Magna Carta cuze the old ones not working anymore. Lets start by taxing all PAC politcal donations. Stop the practice of buying elections as a tax deduction for the needy and greedy. I'm shovel ready. How about you. Let me know what you think......
Monday, July 25, 2011
Garden July

We're talking hundreds of Squash. Tomatoes are small and beginning to turn red. Bell, Jalapeno and Sweet Peppers are smaller than last year. Looking at adding fertilizer. Only one Eggplant but tasty. Pickles are about done as they were first planted. The heat has stressed all the plants without rain. Still yet a very good crop for $14.00.
Soon I'll plant cabbage and green beans too.
Photos: by EE
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Who's Got the Balls

Steve is looking forward to a brighter career with a new golfer.
The question remains: Who's got the balls now, Steve or Elin, cuze Tiger don't
Burma Shave.
Greed Winners 2011

Forbes places Steven at a whopping 2011 compensation of $101.96 million total compensation. Steven edged out Edward A Mueller who scored a dismal $65.8 million as CEO of Qwest Communications.
I knew the Super Con awards would go to the Pentagram of Fees, Fines or Interest charging Energy, Banker, Insurance, Pharma, Media or Health Care CEO. This year we see the unbeatable combo Insurance/Health Care pummelling the Media Titan.
Surgeons, Scientists and Medal Of Honor Roll Models never got out of the gate again this year.
Steven a former executive hard charging number crunching Chief Financial Officer of Arthur Anderson CPA. Arthur Andersen LLP became infamous for cookin the books for the now defunct Enron Corporation. Enron went down in a national scandal for self imposed rolling brown outs on the energy grids. Enron forced customers to pay for higher energy by controlling the output supply. Great biz just turn the lights out, then hostage the customer.
Steven was hired in 1997 and later became CEO of United Health Care Group UNH. In 2006 Steven replaced William W Mc Guire who was forced to resign after the Wall Street Journal ran stories of UNH backdating stock options. The SEC and IRS joined the fray against UNH and Mc Guire. The SEC settled with Mc Guire for $468 million and $7 million in Civil Awards. I can see how backdating stock options could be useful in the CEO tool kit. When stock goes up you cash in by awarding yourself with imaginary pre dated options to purchase. Much more effective than the daunting task to control the energy grids. This type of activity must be required 101 in America's better Universities as these practices have become more and more common today.
Truthfully, I kinda miss the good ole days of John Dillinger and his prison breaks, V/8 Fords and BAR fully automatic rifles. Today's lore is buried in fines, courts, attorneys and payoffs. Nobody breaks out cuze nobody goes to jail. I liked it the old way when crime was against the Law. The litigation between the Government and UNH continues on unsettled in the courts.
Under Steven's leadership United Health Care Group posted 3 billion dollars net income as the largest Health Care Insurer in the US. In addition UNH spent $1.8 million for lobbyist activities in our nations capitol. The frugal investment to lobbyist of $1.8 million is a bit disappointing as a Health Care Insurer who can afford $102 million to a single executive. Congress would be wise to charge more for their services.
United Health Care Group was founded as Charter Med in 1974. Emphasizing the phenomenal growth of Medical Insures since 1974. About the same time as OPEC began controlling Energy, Health Care was active in the same business models. Both have done well in the current Oligopoly Government of Trickle Down Reaganomics.
In 2007 United Health Care Group was awarded the title of "Best Managed" care organization. The voting however was taken from Business Insurance Publication that may have been bias.
A 2008 survey from Non- Insurance Survey of Health Care Executives who dealt with UNH gave a 91% unfavorable rating to the Giant Insurer.
The American Chiropractic Association filed suit in June 2006 against the American Chiropractic Network ACN which is owned by United Health Care Group alleging that ACN and UNH were guilty of Federal Racketeering Influenced and Corruption Organization Act or RICO.
Well that's it for this years awards. The CEO's are trying to fly under the radar and avoid being cast as most greedy in America. The money just keeps gettin in the way.
Remember: You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant!!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Today's Thought

Same for Stimulus and Obama Care. All three over $800 billion dollars expenditures each.
Then we cut the Budget a paltry $38 billion 3 months ago and again both sides claim victory for making tough decisions. Today it was announced new legislation to slash $3.7 trillion dollars from the deficit.
The slashing announcement precedes the announcement for increases of $4 trillion more to the national debt to meet our immediate Oligopoly needs. The cuts are spread over ten years, whereas the debt increase is immediate.
So, is it possible to increase the debt hole 4 trillion dollars and cut the debt $3.7 trillion and still claim victory for both sides in both Senate and House?
What am I missing here? Aren't we still $ 18 trillion dollars in debt tomorrow?
Burma Shave
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Palmer's Theory of Negativity
If you always do what you always did. You will always get what you always got.
George W Bush raised the debt 19 times in 8 years. He added 4 trillion to the debt during his administration. This was done without a whimper from the Republican Party. They evidently don't mind spending tax dollars as long as it's not their tax dollars.
Republicans need this money for bailouts and Corporate Welfare. Proving once again there is no Conservative Party in America, Only Republicans.
Trickle Down Reaganomics has led us to Corporate Welfare and 2Big2fail Black Hole Economics. Paid in full by the refugees from the middle class. The tax cuts to the rich does not produce jobs. It produces undeserved bonuses and obscene wages for the richest Americans.
The short term greed has produced an economy that's not good for any Americans. Cutting wages and covert illegal immigration only makes the poverty and economic climate worse.
Republicans do object to Democrats spending tax dollars or increasing the debt. The mystery is Why?
George W Bush raised the debt 19 times in 8 years. He added 4 trillion to the debt during his administration. This was done without a whimper from the Republican Party. They evidently don't mind spending tax dollars as long as it's not their tax dollars.
Republicans need this money for bailouts and Corporate Welfare. Proving once again there is no Conservative Party in America, Only Republicans.
Trickle Down Reaganomics has led us to Corporate Welfare and 2Big2fail Black Hole Economics. Paid in full by the refugees from the middle class. The tax cuts to the rich does not produce jobs. It produces undeserved bonuses and obscene wages for the richest Americans.
The short term greed has produced an economy that's not good for any Americans. Cutting wages and covert illegal immigration only makes the poverty and economic climate worse.
Republicans do object to Democrats spending tax dollars or increasing the debt. The mystery is Why?
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Left Turn Only

I admire those who exercise their first amendment rights responsibly. The people who state facts without embellishing the truth. You are entitled to your own opinions but, not your own facts.
President Ronald Reagan quipped " Facts are stubborn little things". You know the people. The ones focused on Blue Dresses and Birth Certificates as Wars rage and Tarp money is burned in the Treasury.
It's not bad luck or oversight as the origins of this mail is consistently forwarded from the same sources.
The latest was an e-mail regarding HR 4646. The charge was that Obama in concert with Nancy Pelosi were plotting secretly to slid another tax increase past the faithful. The gist of HR 46 46 is a transaction and consumption tax on all money transfers in America. That's a lot of money from the M-1 or Money velocity. The House Bill 46 46 or Debt Free America Act is proposed by (D) Chaka Fattah from Pennsylvania.
It has no other supporters and is not endorsed by the White House, President Obama or Nancy Pelousi. After verification the E-mail was incorrect and not supported as claimed I was satisfied the author was once again full of shit.
In the past I've corrected the author of the mail and those listed as receiving the mail to offer clarity where none existed prior. This takes time and I've since just found the truth and let the person continue with their delusional behavior. They seem unfazed by the truth anyhow.
The issue of Hr 46 46 should have been forgotten at this point but it stuck in my mind and required further logic to be applied on my part. Before being cast off as crap I should at least understand how it works.
The way I understand the Bill is it would tax all transaction from stocks bonds or any money transfer in America. Part sales tax on cash but also includes credit cards and checking. The Author claims the bill will retire the $14.3 trillion debt in seven years and abolish Income Taxes forever.
Overall it stinks. There are parts that have merits. I like the idea of a transaction/transfer 1% tax on Banks and Stock Markets. The Stock Market has risen from 6600 DOW in 2009 to over 12000 in 2011. All of it courtesy of taxpayer bailouts. $800 billion of TARP and $800 billion of Stimulus was enough to restore the 2big2Fail Casino Banks and The Stock Markets. When one examines the 2Big2Fail Banks, Stock Market and Federal Reserve you discover your really talking about the same thing in different buildings. Nothing goes to the heart of the wealth in this country like Banks, Brokers, Insurance, Energy and Media Titans. They control all the money and through Oligarchy control the Government.
A tax here instead of juniors juice and soda makes a lot more sense. Every time a stock is bought or sold the buyer and seller cough up a 1% tax in addition the money in the bank and out charges 1% two more times. This is a great idea. Who better to repay the debt than those who stole the money originally. The Wall Street Computers making 30 trades a second will be shut down. Day Traders will be forced out as well. This will bring stability to Market Values hidden for decades. Retirement Investment in long term investment will be more secure. Hedge funds will disappear.
4646 doesn't go far enough though. I would add a 25% income tax on money earned on top of the 1% transfer/transaction tax. Same as the Nevada Casino . Cash in your chips and pay Uncle Sam on your way out the door. No exception. No exclusions. Capture the money before it can be hidden in tax loopholes. These profits after payments would not be taxed further by the Eternal Revenue Service.
If successful we could then abolish all Employer Based Deductions from your payroll. The employer pays the entire amounts due you for work and services. The Employee would take his check to the Bank for redemption. No bank charges for paying you your money as this is a contract between the bank and Checking Customers of the Bank. Should you chose to deposit funds in a bank then this would represent a contract between you and the Bank and subject to fees agreed by both parties. I'd rather cut a deal with Edward Teach but, that's just me.
The Employee would be required to show citizenship and fill out W-4 information at the Bank. In addition to deductions for Worker's Comp, Social Security, Unemployment Insurances and the Health Care Plan chosen by the worker. This information stays within the Bank and rolls over independent of how many employers you may have. That's it, you just paid your taxes and your obligation to the IRS and Bank is complete. No harassment and no CPA. The Bank is set up with computers and scanners that can instantly identify you as legitimate whereas you employer is not. The Employer is no longer the whipping boy for the government and not responsible for anything other than wages.
Your Social Security number is now secure at the Bank and prohibited from use in commerce and tracking the citizen.
The employer isn't forced into hiring extra employees to satisfy the governments hunger for tax collection or immigration laws. The cash flows into the US Treasury weekly not quarterly.
Congress is in bed with the Bankers anyhow, let's let'em sleep together too. This is a tax to curb the uncontroled size of government and penalizes those who profit from the misfortunes of others. Congress should pay the 1% tax and mandatory 25% flat tax as well.
The IRS would only deal with the Bankers on tax revenues. No more audits on citizen and no more Prisons Terms or April 15th Deadlines. The Bankers and the Government take care of everything. In addition this would open the door to your own Social Security that belongs to only you!
I would further suggest this system be applied to any business paid through Government Sponsored Entitlements such as Medicare Medicaid Insurance and Big Pharma
Also included would be 25% on all Media advertisements for Elections and PAC Money. Pay at the the door on your way out No exceptions. Just like a real Casino.
Employers don't pay you anyhow the bank does. Let them take care of taxes and leave the private sector to build a stronger GDP.
Private sector Corporations would be entitled to the same unfair loopholes and deductions as before. They can keep thier subsidies as long as they keep their hands off government money and create real jobs and real GDP for America.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Today's Thought?

Ever notice how CEO Executives will take credit and demand bonuses for windfalls profits created by others. These same people run like rats when scandalous corporate behavior exposes their valued leadership. Rebeka Brooks of News Corp recently resigned and claimed she wasn't informed of her employees hacking phones of private citizens. Seem Rebeka isn't authorized by the Patriot Act, Janet Napolitano or Homeland Security to listen to our private conversations. Ignorance of the law has never been a defense. People should go to prison and fined for not policing their empires.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Welcome: McConnell/Boehner Turtle Party

The Hot Potato debt crisis created in Congress is too much for McConnell and Company.
Proving once again there is no Conservative Party only Republicans.
Trading in the familiar GOP red,white and blue Elephant for the Green and Yellow Turtle. Green to represent the money they spend on Corporate Welfare and yellow for their lack of commitment to the American people.
Street Fighter Obama has allowed the noose of the Bush Tax Cuts to hang the Republicans with their own rope. Each time Huckleberry Obama proposes anything the Turtle Party has answered with no taxes on the rich. It's really really gettin old. The Smoke and Mirrors tax rate is simply the X factor as special interest deductions, loopholes and subsidies cloud the tax rate in unknown mystery. People receive four year University degrees to untangle the imaginary matrix of who pays taxes in America. We do know that Warren Buffet's secretary pays more in taxes than Warren Buffet. Sad but, true! Once you accept this fact the rest should be easy!
Conservatives vanished in 30 years of deregulation and failed Trickle Down Economics that produced Corporate Welfare and 2Big2Fail Black Hole Economics. They have pissed on our legs and claimed it was raining until the smell indicates otherwise. The refugees from the middle class could care less as the top 1% will soon join the rest of America in the second Great Depression and highest poverty rate in history.
The failed Federal Reserve concedes our currency is worthless in ZERO percent interest to 2Big2Fail Banksters. The free money is then plugged into Casino Bankers that distorts real value in the DOW JONES. This is precisely what caused the 1929 Market Crash that triggered the First Great Depression.
The transparency of the McConnell Plan is clear. Allow Huckleberry to have the checkbook and then blame the Democrats for spending all the money in 2012. That's not why you were elected. The people elected a two party system and skirting your Congressional Responsibility isn't gonna fly. The single caveat is of coarse, preservation of the Bush Tax Cuts. Preserving anything from Bush is mindless denial of accountable reality.
This kinda brings me to Ron Paul for President. Ron Paul's views are a bit radical but otherwise rational and logical. Maybe America needs a jolt of radical to bring us back to center. Neither the Democrats or Turtles seem to have an answer.
Let me know what you think?
Monday, July 11, 2011
Huckleberry Obama

President Obama made challenges to his Republican friends to come forward with their proposal to increase the debt hole crisis. I avoid referring to the debt as a ceiling. Pragmatist Obama ruled out default and reducing expenditures as viable options. Not everyone would agree on his logic. Street fighter Obama called them out to work a deal. Stop hiding behind your own rhetoric and work to resolve this very self imposed crisis. Shoot yourself in the foot and ask for more ammunition is the logic.
Where was this logic two years ago when Obamacare was the answer to all our problems and the pathway to full employment. Where was the debt crisis when Financial Reform Frank Dodd Act would stop windfall bonuses and bankster booty. How could we ask for $860 billion dollars of Stimulus Recovery funding if we didn't have the means to pay the bill.
In other words the Country that invented 2big2fail Banking has a Government that is also 2big2fail. That's us as in USA! Our public service sector is strangling private sector jobs in an upside down economy that thrives on fees, interest and taxes which are all equally imaginary.
We don't make anything, we make things up in New York and Washington, DC. The burdens of waste fraud and abuse has killed the American Dream as we free fall into the event horizon of black hole economics.
Congress will tell you that waste fraud and abuse is only a tiny portion of the debt. This is largely due to narrow definitions of the three. They include only criminal behaviors as waste fraud and abuse. If they included bureaucrats sleeping in airports downloading porn and uploading pictures of their junk on the Internet then the problem quickly changes focus. It's all about perception.
Senator Allan Simpson perceives the problem as free loading American living on the Public Dole. His claim of "Sober Up or Sleep in the Streets" should be for his colleagues and crony lobbyists.
We have reached Maximum Inefficiency in Government. My Father would call it labor bound, ya got to many people!! Fire some!
If you ask any American if they prefer to work or receive welfare most will select work. Provided working pays more. Today this is not always the case as wages have fallen to poverty levels causing people to not seek work at all. Who can blame them? This is the sole reason for the Housing Crisis. Wall Street inflated the real estate market with easy cash and inflated home values above what most people can pay. Either wages go up or homes gotta come down to put people back in their homes. 2big2fail banks are hoarding property with TARP funds courtesy of the taxpayer.
If you ask America if they would rather work or have Health care most would prefer working.
If you ask Americans if they would rather work or have Social Security they will take work every time.
If you ask Americans if they want OSHA or prefer to select their own safety standard through collective bargaining they will choose to eliminate wasteful bureaucratic carpetbaggers and police their own safety standards.
If you ask Americans if they would prefer legalized drugs as a taxable controlled substance or build enormous prisons to incarcerate people who cannot find legal work. They will choose legalized taxable drugs.
It doesn't make any difference if your Republican or Democrat. They want all the money filtered through government Banks, IRS and Insurance to skim the top and make you beg like a dog to get your nickles and dimes back. They call it free. Not Freedom.
Where was this logic two years ago when Obamacare was the answer to all our problems and the pathway to full employment. Where was the debt crisis when Financial Reform Frank Dodd Act would stop windfall bonuses and bankster booty. How could we ask for $860 billion dollars of Stimulus Recovery funding if we didn't have the means to pay the bill.
If you listen carefully to any politician proposing policy you will note; they will always begin by framing the problem and adding their list of solutions. This is a multiple choice test where you may select from predetermined answers. None of the above is not an answer. They walk you through pros and cons of each solution and presto chango you agree with their plan.
Our current position evidently is so dire, our reliance on the Federal Spending has become so great, cutting deep enough into the debt would cause wide spread civil service unemployment. The loss of spending in the GDP would trigger another Great Depression part 2.
All those 2big2fail Banks, Insurance Carriers, Drug, Auto Manufacturing and Media crooks would explode in a cataclysmic super nova of 2big2fail. This would occur world wide as the disease of 2big2fail is global.. Sounds good so far huh.
In other words the Country that invented 2big2fail Banking has a Government that is also 2big2fail. That's us as in USA! Our public service sector is strangling private sector jobs in an upside down economy that thrives on fees, interest and taxes which are all equally imaginary.
We don't make anything, we make things up in New York and Washington, DC. The burdens of waste fraud and abuse has killed the American Dream as we free fall into the event horizon of black hole economics.
Congress will tell you that waste fraud and abuse is only a tiny portion of the debt. This is largely due to narrow definitions of the three. They include only criminal behaviors as waste fraud and abuse. If they included bureaucrats sleeping in airports downloading porn and uploading pictures of their junk on the Internet then the problem quickly changes focus. It's all about perception.
Senator Allan Simpson perceives the problem as free loading American living on the Public Dole. His claim of "Sober Up or Sleep in the Streets" should be for his colleagues and crony lobbyists.
We have reached Maximum Inefficiency in Government. My Father would call it labor bound, ya got to many people!! Fire some!
If you ask any American if they prefer to work or receive welfare most will select work. Provided working pays more. Today this is not always the case as wages have fallen to poverty levels causing people to not seek work at all. Who can blame them? This is the sole reason for the Housing Crisis. Wall Street inflated the real estate market with easy cash and inflated home values above what most people can pay. Either wages go up or homes gotta come down to put people back in their homes. 2big2fail banks are hoarding property with TARP funds courtesy of the taxpayer.
If you ask America if they would rather work or have Health care most would prefer working.
If you ask Americans if they would rather work or have Social Security they will take work every time.
If you ask Americans if they want OSHA or prefer to select their own safety standard through collective bargaining they will choose to eliminate wasteful bureaucratic carpetbaggers and police their own safety standards.
If you ask Americans if they would prefer legalized drugs as a taxable controlled substance or build enormous prisons to incarcerate people who cannot find legal work. They will choose legalized taxable drugs.
It doesn't make any difference if your Republican or Democrat. They want all the money filtered through government Banks, IRS and Insurance to skim the top and make you beg like a dog to get your nickles and dimes back. They call it free. Not Freedom.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Godspeed John Glenn

President John F Kennedy had challenged America to travel to the moon in the next ten years. Can do America was all on board.
All school activities stopped and a portable Black and White TV from someones home was tuned into any of the local broadcast TV stations. All the affiliates carried the launch. Portable Television was the current rage of the day eliminating the cumbersome wood box. Transistors and solid state technology allowed for light weight and reliability. Color TV wasn't affordable to most Americans
We had 4 channels in our area. The channel selected was based entirely upon reception in your area. Rain was always a problem back in the sixties. Neighbors often discussed programming and reception issues over the backyard fence.
Yuri Gargarin from the USSR had already been in space and completed Earth Orbit a month earlier.
Our first man in space was Allan B Shepard. He was selected from seven Mercury Astronauts. On May 5. 1961 Shepard entered the USA into the space race. Shepard piloted Freedom 7 in sub orbital flight for 15 minutes before splashdown 300 miles in the Atlantic Ocean.
Marking only 57 years since Wilbur and Orville Wright flew 800 ft in 59 seconds at Kitty Hawk, NC
The Mercury Programs historic flight will be forever remembered not for it's flight achievement but for the words of Astronaut Allan B Shepard's prayer. Known around the globe today as simply "Shepard's Prayer" or God please don't let me fuck this up! The focus on Shepard's Freedom 7 ship was it had been built by America's lowest bidders. Shepard would later walk on the moon in similar equipment.
In May 1961 the days would have been hot in Indianapolis,In. Schools in IPS district did not have Air Conditioning nor did most homes. Attention in May was focused on the upcoming Memorial Day Classic at The Indianapolis 500 mile race, eminent summer vacation and public pool openings.
The first and last days of school were brutally hot. So miserable teachers would often suspend academics turn the lights off and open the windows and pray for a breeze. Window shakers were becoming more common. Supermarkets and Movie Theaters all had the AC.
We had a large window fan in our home. When it got real hot we went in the basement. We had moved into our house in 1959 and house, schools and shopping center were all new. Crime was rare and we only saw police or firemen in 4th of July Parades. Students walked to neighborhood schools without fear. Chewing gum in school was considered insubordinate behavior and quick punishment was assured.
From 1959 until I moved to my own apartment in 1970 did we ever lock a door. Not the front door, not the back door, not on vacation. Neighbors would check on your house for you. They had your back and you had there's. Very American Symbol of our Union. Today we don't know our neighbors and just as well because they probably are illegal and speak no English. They Habla or something.
Gus Grissom would be the next American in space. His ship Liberty Bell 7 would repeat Shepard's sub orbital flight July 21, 1961 Grissom would latter die in a terrible fire as America led the world in Manned Space Flights
John Glenn would be the first American to orbit the Earth on February 20, 1962. You can bet it was bitter cold in February with snow on the ground.
Glenn made three Earth orbits 4 hours 55 minutes in space, wow! The countdown to blastoff included the inspirational words in cadence from Mission Commander Chris Kraft "Godspeed John Glenn" . It was then apparent all associated with the NASA space program were all extraordinary people achieving extraordinary goals.
John Glenn a veteran US Marine Pilot of World War 2 and Korea would represent the State of Ohio as a US Senator and fly again at age 77 aboard Space Shuttle Discovery STS-95 October 29, 1998. Some people just never give enough.
In November of 1963 the Black and White Portable TV would be set up again as American School Children witnessed the live funeral coverage of America's 35 th President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Kennedy was the victim of lone assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas,Tx.
School children in the day practiced regular atomic blast drills, kneeling in hallways with your hands covering your head. We kept canned goods and water for drinking in bleach containers in our basement. Some people built fallout shelters in their backyards, I'm not clear to this day why we practiced this futile behavior.
On July 20,1969 Apollo 11 Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins landed Lunar Module Eagle landing craft at The Sea of Tranquility, US, Moon. No zip code is available. The Eagle has landed is a phrase used often today to signal victory.
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind was transmitted back to Earth from Neil Armstrong as he stepped onto the lunar surface. The entire crew returned safely back to Earth as people from around the world cheered the achievement.
America had astonished the world in war production during World War 2. Now they captured world attention again in peace putting men on the Moon. In 1969 there was little that America did not rank as Number One "Uno". The very same people born in the USA 1920's who decimated Germany and Japan as twenty year olds were now going to the Moon in their forties.
The Cold War was raging August 9, 1974 as the first American President Richard Nixon 37 resigned under pressures of eminent impeachment. Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew had already resigned from dirty dealings as Governor of Maryland. This twist of events placed Jerry Ford 38th President as the only American President to never receive a single vote.
Ronald Wilson Reagan 40th President will be remembered always as a great American Leader, I and many like myself disagreed with Reagan's domestic policies. I voted for the man twice. The long term affects of Reaganomics has had a devastating affect on the American Middle Class. Regardless, you cannot deny Reagan's role as a leader. On June 12, 1987 at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin he spoke. Mr Gorbachev, if you seek peace. "Tear Down This Wall". The Wall came down. There are two things in my life that I believed could not happen: one is the destruction of the Berlin Wall and the other was General Motors Bankruptcy.
American President Ronald Wilson Reagan 40 had led America to absolute victory in The Cold War. Not bad for an actor or republican either. Vietnam might have been a lost battle but, we won the war!!!
This week Space Shuttle Atlantis took to the heavens for the last time. I have witnessed the shuttle take off twice. One daytime and once at night. When the Shuttle Launches it rattles the Continental Shelf for a hundred miles. Residents of nearby Titusville, Fl can attest the Saturn 5 rocket would break windows all over town for trips to the Moon. Also one Shuttle landing complete with the twin sonic booms. You can't watch these events and not become a Patriot. An overwhelming feeling of intense pride in America consumes your soul starting at the knees and travels up you spine that makes your scalp crawl.
This time I watched on TV as I did in 1961. This time it was bittersweet as I focused more upon where we've been rather than where we go next.
America has lost her way. We cling to the past trying to save GM and Fiat manufacturing. Afraid to let go of the life and prosperity it once brought to our nation. The fear of letting go of a past so sweet is denying us of our future. 100 year old technology to build a future is a loosing proposition, Thousands of huge Corporation have come and gone in my life. The people who won World War 2 , The Cold War and landed men on the Moon had no bailouts or supported 2big2fail. They accepted their losses and started over until they got it right.
We have waved the Flag as we claimed false supremacy for forty years. We slipped from the number one spot across the board in every category. We refuse to accept that Global Finance on Wall Street has been poison for us and the rest of the worlds economy. We reward failure and invest in loosing in Congressional Denial. The poverty rate is the highest in American history and shares space with uncontrolled borders and obscene unemployment. All the pundits point to a 12000 DOW Jones as proof we are great. We are only great when the Dow Jones represents all Americans and not Banksters. Once you accept 2big2fail you must accept the 2big2fail Casino Bankers also corrupt the Stock Markets with cash from the Federal Reserve. Remember in 2big2fail they can't lose money, only win and award bonuses to themselves.
Everything that made America great in 1970 is still here. The only thing that changed is our views of how best to apply them.....
Thursday, July 7, 2011

The economic policies of Trickle Down Economics in theory is to reduce tax burdens on the rich and provide subsidies to the rich from the taxpayers. The rich would reinvest their undeserved windfall profits by investing in new factories and thus create jobs and economic prosperity for all. Two for me and one for you long division?
The result is the rich have pocketed their undeserved windfalls, built factories overseas and moved their headquarters outside the US to avoid what little taxes owed. Trickle Down Economics has divided the country as it created 2big2fail at the sole expense of the American Middle Class.
The notion supported by Congress that huge Oligopoly Corporations are needed to compete on a Global Scale. The same logic as the Red Threat of Communism or first Country to land on the Moon will control the Earth by default. Logic of fear of what the other guy is doing rather, than play your own game the best able.
The sentiment that these Oligopoly Corporation are desirable is an ironic twist in direction from a hundred years ago when Congress passed legislation limiting the size of these very same corporations. The most notable were the Anti Trust Sherman Act 1890, Federal Trade Commission 1914, Clayton Act 1914 and Glass Steagall Act 1934. All were designed to prohibit and discourage 2big2fail.
America prospered in an unencumbered Middle Class that grew from post war until 1980's. Since 1980's the middle class has been sacrificed on the alter of 2big2fail. Every aspect of American Standard of Living has suffered as it ushered in 500 times increases in Executive pay and more obscene bonuses.
We The People were led to believe theses were highly talented executives who were Titans of Industry and deserved obscene compensation. In the 2008 Financial Holocaust we learned they were merely parasites sucking off the GDP as if it were personal property. All those nickels and dimes from mom and pops 401-k retirment funds poured into a stock market that would drive markets up regardless of decsions of the CEO Executives. The higher the DOW went the more money poured in DOW
Under the pressure of free trade agreements American Workers now competed with unfair foriegn labor who don't support the heavy spending programs of the US Congress. At the same time we were told that unions were destroying our country and middle management should take pay cuts until better times that never come.
Corporate Downsizing and Out Sourcing eliminated employees with years of service to avoid much deserved vested retirements promised. Hiring cheaper younger workers that delay legacy costs for several decades.
Corporate Welfare was the end product of Trickle Down Economics and 2big2fail. We are witnessing Global Failure for theses same policies. The logic behind 2big2fail is always trumped by pure human greed.
The Global Economy and Global Banking thus far has created Global Thieves of International Scale. The G-8 is simply the worlds first attempt to control the world wealth and not it's real estate or borders.
The result is the rich have pocketed their undeserved windfalls, built factories overseas and moved their headquarters outside the US to avoid what little taxes owed. Trickle Down Economics has divided the country as it created 2big2fail at the sole expense of the American Middle Class.
The notion supported by Congress that huge Oligopoly Corporations are needed to compete on a Global Scale. The same logic as the Red Threat of Communism or first Country to land on the Moon will control the Earth by default. Logic of fear of what the other guy is doing rather, than play your own game the best able.
The sentiment that these Oligopoly Corporation are desirable is an ironic twist in direction from a hundred years ago when Congress passed legislation limiting the size of these very same corporations. The most notable were the Anti Trust Sherman Act 1890, Federal Trade Commission 1914, Clayton Act 1914 and Glass Steagall Act 1934. All were designed to prohibit and discourage 2big2fail.
America prospered in an unencumbered Middle Class that grew from post war until 1980's. Since 1980's the middle class has been sacrificed on the alter of 2big2fail. Every aspect of American Standard of Living has suffered as it ushered in 500 times increases in Executive pay and more obscene bonuses.
We The People were led to believe theses were highly talented executives who were Titans of Industry and deserved obscene compensation. In the 2008 Financial Holocaust we learned they were merely parasites sucking off the GDP as if it were personal property. All those nickels and dimes from mom and pops 401-k retirment funds poured into a stock market that would drive markets up regardless of decsions of the CEO Executives. The higher the DOW went the more money poured in DOW
Under the pressure of free trade agreements American Workers now competed with unfair foriegn labor who don't support the heavy spending programs of the US Congress. At the same time we were told that unions were destroying our country and middle management should take pay cuts until better times that never come.
Corporate Downsizing and Out Sourcing eliminated employees with years of service to avoid much deserved vested retirements promised. Hiring cheaper younger workers that delay legacy costs for several decades.
Corporate Welfare was the end product of Trickle Down Economics and 2big2fail. We are witnessing Global Failure for theses same policies. The logic behind 2big2fail is always trumped by pure human greed.
The Global Economy and Global Banking thus far has created Global Thieves of International Scale. The G-8 is simply the worlds first attempt to control the world wealth and not it's real estate or borders.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Debt

The issue of borrowing more money for the national debt is a bit miss leading. There's really no choice as the money they wish to borrow was spent years ago. The credit card limit is maxed out and the bill comes due at the end of the month. America will either go deeper in debt or default on the unsecured debt.
In a nut shell, if we increase the debt hole it's a bad thing. If we don't increase the debt hole and tap out it's a bad thing. It's a bad thing to run out of money and credit at the same time. Some call it Bankruptcy! Government, Banking and Auto Manufacturing were mysteriously deemed exempt from bankruptcy when Bush 43 came out of his fascist closet and declared 2big2fail to the world. A relief no doubt to his Oligopoly Cronies at Goldman Sachs. AIG became the bagman of 2big2fail theft
In a nut shell, if we increase the debt hole it's a bad thing. If we don't increase the debt hole and tap out it's a bad thing. It's a bad thing to run out of money and credit at the same time. Some call it Bankruptcy! Government, Banking and Auto Manufacturing were mysteriously deemed exempt from bankruptcy when Bush 43 came out of his fascist closet and declared 2big2fail to the world. A relief no doubt to his Oligopoly Cronies at Goldman Sachs. AIG became the bagman of 2big2fail theft
Most of us are familiar with borrowing to buy concept. We on the other hand are borrowing to borrow more concept. Kiting Peter with Paul's money. Paul in this case is China. The proposed recipients of all this money are the mom and pops of America who need this money to survive. Nothing could be further from the truth. The nickel and dimes that fall between the cracks of America's Entitlement Baskets is nothing when compared to the money carpetbaggers and scoundrels feeding handsomely from the profits extorted from the administration of the misfortunes of innocent Americans.
The bulk of the money is captured by Banks, Insurance Carriers, Drug Makers and Media that carries the advertising for elections and extortion on prime time TV dollars. Banks collect from unemployment and food stamps, Insurance Carriers establish their own business models that require alla carte coverage that cover only a single loss which is medical coverages. They employ a battery of defensive workers who are hired to deny claims and force customers to ridiculous paperwork required by the fine print policies designed to allow loopholes for non payments.
The bulk of the money is captured by Banks, Insurance Carriers, Drug Makers and Media that carries the advertising for elections and extortion on prime time TV dollars. Banks collect from unemployment and food stamps, Insurance Carriers establish their own business models that require alla carte coverage that cover only a single loss which is medical coverages. They employ a battery of defensive workers who are hired to deny claims and force customers to ridiculous paperwork required by the fine print policies designed to allow loopholes for non payments.
Mom gets a free electric trike worth $200.00 and we get the bill for $3000.00 dollars. Some body's gettin stinkin rich. Who wants to tell mom she can't have her prime time scooter. It ain't the guy sellin scooters and it sure isn't the media TV who get the advertising cash and it's not the 2big2fail banks that collect a fee from every cash transfer in America.
Mom can have her medicines as long as Big Pharma gets to jack up the unchecked price and Insurance gets excessive premium extortion unfettered by the citizens cost approval and enabled in Congress.
Mom can have her medicines as long as Big Pharma gets to jack up the unchecked price and Insurance gets excessive premium extortion unfettered by the citizens cost approval and enabled in Congress.
The people who should decide whether to raise the debt aren't available because they haven't been born.
If America defaults some Americans will risk getting their nickels and dime rewards. Our currency may become worthless. Ironic the very paper that the bureaucrats coveted the most will be useless in default. Money made of paper is lost on paper. The first rule of Confetti Economics.
Wallmart will be cut off from buying $5.00 shirts from Chinese Sweat Shops as the global free markets fade and the Global Banking System also defaults. The American Banking 2big2fail banksters will loose in the Wall Street Casino they owned. Americans will be forced to buy American made products and American factories will pop up from domestic demands for goods.
Without imported oil Americans will be forced to produce and install Solar and Wind renewable energy system to survive. The absents of imported oil will create jobs in America.
If America Defaults on the debt only the rich will suffer. The middle class was gone years ago.
Wallmart will be cut off from buying $5.00 shirts from Chinese Sweat Shops as the global free markets fade and the Global Banking System also defaults. The American Banking 2big2fail banksters will loose in the Wall Street Casino they owned. Americans will be forced to buy American made products and American factories will pop up from domestic demands for goods.
Without imported oil Americans will be forced to produce and install Solar and Wind renewable energy system to survive. The absents of imported oil will create jobs in America.
If America Defaults on the debt only the rich will suffer. The middle class was gone years ago.
Florida Redrum
I have avoided comments on the mother, grandfather and grandmother in Orlando who killed their own flesh and blood. Out of respect for the child gone I refuse to mention or sensationalize the names further.
The guilt or innocents is lost forever in the method in which the little girl died. Did she cry for help? Did she suffer? How many times did she tell mommy "NO" will never be revealed.
What is known and conceded in court is these people put their only child and granddaughter in a trash bag and transported her around in the trunk of a car until the corpse smell forced them to toss the their own flesh and blood into an empty lot for neighborhood animals to devour.
If children are a blessing from God then what are theses people? I would rather be guilty of murder than the crimes they committed against all humanity!!! The images of America's little girl will rest in peace now. The souls of three she trusted will suffer in the eternal memory of the deeds they've committed.
The guilt or innocents is lost forever in the method in which the little girl died. Did she cry for help? Did she suffer? How many times did she tell mommy "NO" will never be revealed.
What is known and conceded in court is these people put their only child and granddaughter in a trash bag and transported her around in the trunk of a car until the corpse smell forced them to toss the their own flesh and blood into an empty lot for neighborhood animals to devour.
If children are a blessing from God then what are theses people? I would rather be guilty of murder than the crimes they committed against all humanity!!! The images of America's little girl will rest in peace now. The souls of three she trusted will suffer in the eternal memory of the deeds they've committed.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy Birthday America

The 4th day of July is observed to be Independence Day in the USA.
True the Declaration of Independence was finalized on this day in 1776 by Govermeur Morris and Committee.
Born from a desire of self government and freedom from English Rule.
The Declaration would not be signed for another thirty days.
The Articles of Confederation , the predecessor to the US Constitution not yet drafted and the US Constitution that we are familiar, still a long way off in the future. None the less, it all began with the idea of a Declaration of Independence. Every event following the signing the Declarations of Independence was born from necessity, not desire. Many people died as battles were traded lost and won in years of suffering, tempering the trials of adversity in our Union.
Brazen, Brash and Defiantly challenging the largest military force on Earth.
Many people believe America signed the Declaration and England went home. Freedom was a long and slow process.
England did not throw in the towel until 1783 signaling Independence Won, not celebrated today.
So fitting of America to celebrate the defiance and not the win. We still love a good scrap.
After the Brits left we found ourselves home alone with the parents gone. The first order of business was to throw out the Loyalists who supported England.
Some sent to Canada and others returned to not so Great Britain. The thought being Democracy should be enjoyed by those who fought for Democracy. Democracy has nothing in common with where your parents originated, longitude or latitude.
Proving, Democracy is not for everyone regardless of their plight, although all are eligible, none denied.
It was then we began drafting the US Constitution. Our first attempt at churning out the government sausage in May 1787. A lot a of shit went down then for sure!
We reached for a more perfect Union and just as today, we never agree on perfection. Tired of argument, June 21st 1788 the US Constitution was ratified by the people.
A very long time since a semi organized Boston Tea Party.
We should celebrate this day as the day of immense discord. This day was not founded upon people who relied on government. The 4th of July is the day of intense dissent and discord against government.
Truthfully most Americans have become detached from the true meaning of this day, as they have become attached to the New Oligarchy government for everything. I challenge all Americans to celebrate Independence Day not, Dependence Day
Dependence Day should be celebrated April 15th by those who feed from the Oligarchy government as parasites demanding every necessity free of charge and home delivery. A constant drain, once considered charity and avoided by self respect is now considered a US Constitution right. (it's not)
Politicians, Banksters, Wallstreeters and all other carpetbaggers who redeem unfairly from the public storehouse are equally despicable. Pillaging the government coffers is big business in today's Oligarchy America.
Oligarchy is a loophole exploited by Bureaucrats in the greater framework of Democracy.
Oligarchy can only be attacked from the ground up grass roots level.
So if your from Illinois or California and the state budget is upside down and you refuse to cut spending or increase tax, please don't bother us today. It's Independence Day, check back on April 15th to see if we have any leftovers.
Celebrate, dissent, discord and the Fourth Day of July it is the Root of Democratic Freedom In America..............
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