Speaker Boehner and company continue with the spinning rhetoric that tax increases on the wealthy will slow the economy and increase unemployment.
Same old song new singer. Thus far the jobs created from fairytale tax breaks and loopholes in the tax code have created jobs America doesn't want or need. All GOP roads lead to greed.
The dead end jobs are the product of the Deadbeat GOP. I don't care to ever hear this debate ever again. Trust me, I have this much figured out!!!!
The entire debt issue is tied to revenues and tax. The archaic tax code is not how much Oligarchy America pays in taxes. The question is; do they pay any taxes at all. Once you hit the long form tax filing system anything is possible and lying is common. Temptation to cheat is easily satisfied. There is no doubt in my mind that anything as complicated as the US Tax Code is without question crooked as a snake. The lobbyist and cronies have infected the US Congress and Tax Code in corruption. The unfair 1913 tax system has spawned a lack of confidence in all government.
I'm in favor of everyone living above the poverty lines pay the same amount of tax. Income tax would begin above the poverty line benchmarks. The benchmark insures fare pays regardless of the amount you earn. If the benchmark is set at $30,000 a person making $35,000 would pay only on the $5,000. over figure. Unemployment and Social Security should not be taxed. Social Security should belong to only you and out of reach of Bureaucrats.
The only tax deductions should be for Military Service. Those who serve in the military should receive a life long tax deduction. Those with combat experiences should pay a further reduction and those wounded in battle should pay ZERO TAXES. Those who die in Military service would pass Zero Tax to immediate family members and dependant children. Volunteers such as Fireman and Community service workers should receive a tax reduction for their term of services only.
Volunteering should be opened to airport and public area security. Military Service should include all those who perform civic duties throughout the US. All deductions would cease at $500.000.00 dollars even if wounded in battle.
We should stop the taxpayer subsidised Transportation Security Administration and force airlines and air travelers to pay the entire costs of Air Marshals and Screening in the ticket or freight prices. If we were more prudent with our Immigration Policies we could abolish Homeland Stupidity as well. For the people who inflate gasoline prices we should stop the insane policy of paying them to look for Oil. They're the richest among us after all.
We should stop the practice of government giving money away. We saw what happened with the Airlines when Uncle Sam stopped charging the $30.00 ticket tax. The result was no change in Airfares. Giving money to students or grants for education will result in the same. Turn off the cash from the US Treasury and students will pay the same amount in education dollars. Ditto for Health care, Medicare and Medicaid. The Co pay is the true values here and the portion that employer or government pays is Fluff.
On to tax collection. We need to stop all employer based payroll deductions. The employer should be responsible for wages and worker safety. The employer pays the worker with his check. The Worker then goes to the bank for redeeming his wages. The worker must first produce valid identification and fill out W-4 information for the bank to use. The banks are secure and equipped with computers and scanners to identify your person. Employers are not and care less. Along with tax information the worker instructs the bank how much should go to retirement and health care he has selected at his discretion.
That's it. You just paid your civic taxes without CPA's, April 15th Deadlines or Tax/Insurance Prisons. Elimination of legislation that imprisons the citizen for failing to pay tax or insurance extortion saves money in prison, courts and government employee costs. The IRS only deals with the Bankster (they really like each other) and nobody gets an audit from Uncle Sam. Holy shit lookout cuze health care and retirements will plummet in cost when Mom and Pops choose where the money goes.
The Employer is released from all payroll deductions, Health Care and Immigration responsibilities. Employers need not hire office workers who perform for government tasks. His focus can now be on building a safer stronger private sector GDP.
The GDP should not reflect government spending as part of the national income. Government spending should be a deduct from the GDP as expenditure. The governments 40% stake in the GDP must be reduced in fiscal responsibilities. There in lies all government corruptions.
The Employers and Corporations will pay the same amounts in Taxes. Every time money is transferred or checks cashed, tax is collected at the Forth Covert Branch of Government known by all as Bankers. If the Bankers won't play ball then we'll go to the Post Office and cash our checks. We deregulated Banks so they could operate from state to state. Health Insurance should be available in all states to all people or not at all. This will stop corrupt collusion in Health Care Insurance. There's plenty of money in the system when the CEO's stop stealing us blind.
In addition we should levy heavy tax on PAC money and political donations. Buying election should not be a deduct from tax burden. It should be income and taxed accordingly. Same for buying advertising for prime time campaigns should be taxed as well.
The practice of business declaring losses as a tax deduction should also stop. If business made any money he pays on that amount regardless of business costs. He may not declare money he did not make as deduction. Same for a worker's unemployed cannot deduct for lost wages as a business loss.
To recap the above changes is an attempt to remove the citizen from subservient position created when employer, government and banking conspire against the taxpayer. Reducing the size and power of government will restore life. liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A free America is a prosperous America. America that will assume world leadership and ignore the world domination in our greedy past.
That's all for today, saving the Country is tiring
Burma Shave
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