President Obama made challenges to his Republican friends to come forward with their proposal to increase the debt hole crisis. I avoid referring to the debt as a ceiling. Pragmatist Obama ruled out default and reducing expenditures as viable options. Not everyone would agree on his logic. Street fighter Obama called them out to work a deal. Stop hiding behind your own rhetoric and work to resolve this very self imposed crisis. Shoot yourself in the foot and ask for more ammunition is the logic.
Where was this logic two years ago when Obamacare was the answer to all our problems and the pathway to full employment. Where was the debt crisis when Financial Reform Frank Dodd Act would stop windfall bonuses and bankster booty. How could we ask for $860 billion dollars of Stimulus Recovery funding if we didn't have the means to pay the bill.
In other words the Country that invented 2big2fail Banking has a Government that is also 2big2fail. That's us as in USA! Our public service sector is strangling private sector jobs in an upside down economy that thrives on fees, interest and taxes which are all equally imaginary.
We don't make anything, we make things up in New York and Washington, DC. The burdens of waste fraud and abuse has killed the American Dream as we free fall into the event horizon of black hole economics.
Congress will tell you that waste fraud and abuse is only a tiny portion of the debt. This is largely due to narrow definitions of the three. They include only criminal behaviors as waste fraud and abuse. If they included bureaucrats sleeping in airports downloading porn and uploading pictures of their junk on the Internet then the problem quickly changes focus. It's all about perception.
Senator Allan Simpson perceives the problem as free loading American living on the Public Dole. His claim of "Sober Up or Sleep in the Streets" should be for his colleagues and crony lobbyists.
We have reached Maximum Inefficiency in Government. My Father would call it labor bound, ya got to many people!! Fire some!
If you ask any American if they prefer to work or receive welfare most will select work. Provided working pays more. Today this is not always the case as wages have fallen to poverty levels causing people to not seek work at all. Who can blame them? This is the sole reason for the Housing Crisis. Wall Street inflated the real estate market with easy cash and inflated home values above what most people can pay. Either wages go up or homes gotta come down to put people back in their homes. 2big2fail banks are hoarding property with TARP funds courtesy of the taxpayer.
If you ask America if they would rather work or have Health care most would prefer working.
If you ask Americans if they would rather work or have Social Security they will take work every time.
If you ask Americans if they want OSHA or prefer to select their own safety standard through collective bargaining they will choose to eliminate wasteful bureaucratic carpetbaggers and police their own safety standards.
If you ask Americans if they would prefer legalized drugs as a taxable controlled substance or build enormous prisons to incarcerate people who cannot find legal work. They will choose legalized taxable drugs.
It doesn't make any difference if your Republican or Democrat. They want all the money filtered through government Banks, IRS and Insurance to skim the top and make you beg like a dog to get your nickles and dimes back. They call it free. Not Freedom.
Where was this logic two years ago when Obamacare was the answer to all our problems and the pathway to full employment. Where was the debt crisis when Financial Reform Frank Dodd Act would stop windfall bonuses and bankster booty. How could we ask for $860 billion dollars of Stimulus Recovery funding if we didn't have the means to pay the bill.
If you listen carefully to any politician proposing policy you will note; they will always begin by framing the problem and adding their list of solutions. This is a multiple choice test where you may select from predetermined answers. None of the above is not an answer. They walk you through pros and cons of each solution and presto chango you agree with their plan.
Our current position evidently is so dire, our reliance on the Federal Spending has become so great, cutting deep enough into the debt would cause wide spread civil service unemployment. The loss of spending in the GDP would trigger another Great Depression part 2.
All those 2big2fail Banks, Insurance Carriers, Drug, Auto Manufacturing and Media crooks would explode in a cataclysmic super nova of 2big2fail. This would occur world wide as the disease of 2big2fail is global.. Sounds good so far huh.
In other words the Country that invented 2big2fail Banking has a Government that is also 2big2fail. That's us as in USA! Our public service sector is strangling private sector jobs in an upside down economy that thrives on fees, interest and taxes which are all equally imaginary.
We don't make anything, we make things up in New York and Washington, DC. The burdens of waste fraud and abuse has killed the American Dream as we free fall into the event horizon of black hole economics.
Congress will tell you that waste fraud and abuse is only a tiny portion of the debt. This is largely due to narrow definitions of the three. They include only criminal behaviors as waste fraud and abuse. If they included bureaucrats sleeping in airports downloading porn and uploading pictures of their junk on the Internet then the problem quickly changes focus. It's all about perception.
Senator Allan Simpson perceives the problem as free loading American living on the Public Dole. His claim of "Sober Up or Sleep in the Streets" should be for his colleagues and crony lobbyists.
We have reached Maximum Inefficiency in Government. My Father would call it labor bound, ya got to many people!! Fire some!
If you ask any American if they prefer to work or receive welfare most will select work. Provided working pays more. Today this is not always the case as wages have fallen to poverty levels causing people to not seek work at all. Who can blame them? This is the sole reason for the Housing Crisis. Wall Street inflated the real estate market with easy cash and inflated home values above what most people can pay. Either wages go up or homes gotta come down to put people back in their homes. 2big2fail banks are hoarding property with TARP funds courtesy of the taxpayer.
If you ask America if they would rather work or have Health care most would prefer working.
If you ask Americans if they would rather work or have Social Security they will take work every time.
If you ask Americans if they want OSHA or prefer to select their own safety standard through collective bargaining they will choose to eliminate wasteful bureaucratic carpetbaggers and police their own safety standards.
If you ask Americans if they would prefer legalized drugs as a taxable controlled substance or build enormous prisons to incarcerate people who cannot find legal work. They will choose legalized taxable drugs.
It doesn't make any difference if your Republican or Democrat. They want all the money filtered through government Banks, IRS and Insurance to skim the top and make you beg like a dog to get your nickles and dimes back. They call it free. Not Freedom.
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