Last night Obama addressed the nation on the current debt crisis. I didn't tune into the prime time rhetoric celebration. Like 100 million other Americans the decision won't affect me and my outcome will be the same regardless of the final decision rendered. It just doesn't matter! This is the first Obama Speech I've missed. I went eight years without listening to Bush so this was easy to tune in the Weather Channel and view something that might be important affecting ME.
I'm tired of Huckleberry Obama's Presidency from the Passengers Seat at the Ship of State. Detached from accountability from his Presidency. He could have made a difference. Instead he chose building a bigger Robin Hood government responsible for returning huge tax burdens in the form of tiny benefits in free stuff from Uncle Sam. Offering a menu of mortgages, health care, retirements, education, housing and unemployment for those who don't work for Uncle Sam. The options ahead in 2012 aren't looking good either.
His speeches never address people in government sleeping in Airports, Down/Up loading porn at the Treasury or Interior. Also avoiding Poison Eggs, Oil in the Gulf or Scandal at the Stock Markets. No jobs returned from China or Banksters tossed in Prison as I had Hoped would Change. The Obama Message has been "never waste a perfectly good crisis". Use it for your selfish advantage. The message has been short and direct from Obama "Show Me The Money"
Those with skin in the game are the Democrat and Republican parasites who feed from the governments 40% stake in the GDP. Government spending should be a cost or liability in accounting our national income. The current accounting twist the numbers to give the impression that spending tax money is good for our economy. Similar to Carpenter who buys a new hammer and swears he's richer for having done so. The new hammer is a expenditure and deducts from his income. The money the new hammer generates is profit less the hammer cost.
Republicans are vested in unfair Oligopoly Style Tax Code credits and loopholes that cloud the real amount of taxes Corporation and Wealthy Americans paid. The tax code creates mindless audits from government workers followed by dead end commerce of citizens flanked by Atorneys and CPAs. When the smoke clears we penalize citizens by feeding them in Tax/Insurance Prisons.
All because we can't come up with a better way to collect taxes since 1913. We learned to fly and go to the Moon but we struggle with a simple way to collect tax. Republicans endorse privatising government to feed their cronies and lobbyist who grants them power over the people. They force citizens into mandatory purchase charges for private enterprises. Kinda like a tax that goes out the window and not to government. How they rationalize this legislation challenges Joe Stalin himself.
Republicans are against wasteful entitlements that appear as deducts from your paychecks. At the same time they approve of Government Sponsored Corporate Welfare (2big2Fail) that appears on nobodies paychecks. Begging the question of Who Pays for 2Big2Fail, GM, GE, AIG and Fiat. This money comes from the Grandaddy of all employer based deduction known as Income Tax which is a reward penalty for just going to work.
The Democrats are vested in a huge Oligopoly Style Government that filters all commerce through Washington, DC. (ObamaCare). Either way Congress is not in favor of cutting the Budget. Cutting the Budget diminishes the power they exercise over the people. They will cut 3 trillion and spend 4 trillion and claim victory for both in House, Senate and both parties.
I had great hopes for this President to change the business as usual policies in Washington, DC. I didn't vote for him because of his Aunt living in the US illegally at the expense of government welfare. This coupled with his Foreign Father's decision to father a child and then leave Mother and Child for the Taxpayers to provide.
I was against Mc Cain/Palin Republican Ticket. So like many other elections I chose to spend another lonely Tuesday night in November watching returns and eating popcorn. Basically, playing Constitutional Roulette with the Presidential Elections.
Today, I can say I'm glad Mc Cain was not elected and happy that I did not vote for Huckleberry.
The last two years have proven Huckleberry to be a better leader than Bush 43. Neither Bush 43 or Obama 44 are Presidential caliber leaders. The past ten years are a referendum on the need for last night speech. Eight years of Bush/Cheney was a decade with two Vice Presidents and Horrible Leadership across the board Foreign and Domestic. Our Democracy and it's people have failed. Failed regardless of political party affiliations. Step up and just say it's all my fault as an American Patriot. We all go down together. Nobody will be spared!
Thus far Huckleberry Obama has validated Bush Covert Immigration and Fascist 2big2Fail Black Hole Economics. His contribution have all been on the spending side as well. The Obama Care employer based health care demands your employer seize money from your earned income. Purchase entitlements in your name from the Insurance Selected by the Employer and Certified by the US Government. All with your hard earned money. Very similar to all other employer based deductions. Your money, they spend it. Send you the bill. Just like taxes. Not for roads bridges or schools but, for you. Anything deducted from your payroll is pure extortion.
How many people would opt out if allowed? Everyone in America would decline the extortion and imaginary benefits. If Social Security was yours and out of reach of Congress our current budget would be reduced by 30% tomorrow.
The difference between Huckleberry Obama and Bush 43 is Obama has spent money whereas Bush just gave it away to Banks, Car Czars, Haliburton, Blackwater and Dead end investments in the economies of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Going forward over the next weeks the fallout from our decisions will affect people on a global scale. The outcome is not good in a choice between bad or worse. Evidence of the shear size of a problem created in G-8 Global Economics and Free Trade policies. As global economies emerged they provided for no global regulation in the rulebooks. Corporate Titans and Governments Conspiring unchecked against all human dignity for profits. America is leading the world back to the Dark Guilded Ages of Robber Barons and much of the world is folowing. We owe our souls to the Company Store.
I think it's time to update the US Constitution and Magna Carta cuze the old ones not working anymore. Lets start by taxing all PAC politcal donations. Stop the practice of buying elections as a tax deduction for the needy and greedy. I'm shovel ready. How about you. Let me know what you think......
I'm tired of Huckleberry Obama's Presidency from the Passengers Seat at the Ship of State. Detached from accountability from his Presidency. He could have made a difference. Instead he chose building a bigger Robin Hood government responsible for returning huge tax burdens in the form of tiny benefits in free stuff from Uncle Sam. Offering a menu of mortgages, health care, retirements, education, housing and unemployment for those who don't work for Uncle Sam. The options ahead in 2012 aren't looking good either.
His speeches never address people in government sleeping in Airports, Down/Up loading porn at the Treasury or Interior. Also avoiding Poison Eggs, Oil in the Gulf or Scandal at the Stock Markets. No jobs returned from China or Banksters tossed in Prison as I had Hoped would Change. The Obama Message has been "never waste a perfectly good crisis". Use it for your selfish advantage. The message has been short and direct from Obama "Show Me The Money"
Those with skin in the game are the Democrat and Republican parasites who feed from the governments 40% stake in the GDP. Government spending should be a cost or liability in accounting our national income. The current accounting twist the numbers to give the impression that spending tax money is good for our economy. Similar to Carpenter who buys a new hammer and swears he's richer for having done so. The new hammer is a expenditure and deducts from his income. The money the new hammer generates is profit less the hammer cost.
Republicans are vested in unfair Oligopoly Style Tax Code credits and loopholes that cloud the real amount of taxes Corporation and Wealthy Americans paid. The tax code creates mindless audits from government workers followed by dead end commerce of citizens flanked by Atorneys and CPAs. When the smoke clears we penalize citizens by feeding them in Tax/Insurance Prisons.
All because we can't come up with a better way to collect taxes since 1913. We learned to fly and go to the Moon but we struggle with a simple way to collect tax. Republicans endorse privatising government to feed their cronies and lobbyist who grants them power over the people. They force citizens into mandatory purchase charges for private enterprises. Kinda like a tax that goes out the window and not to government. How they rationalize this legislation challenges Joe Stalin himself.
Republicans are against wasteful entitlements that appear as deducts from your paychecks. At the same time they approve of Government Sponsored Corporate Welfare (2big2Fail) that appears on nobodies paychecks. Begging the question of Who Pays for 2Big2Fail, GM, GE, AIG and Fiat. This money comes from the Grandaddy of all employer based deduction known as Income Tax which is a reward penalty for just going to work.
The Democrats are vested in a huge Oligopoly Style Government that filters all commerce through Washington, DC. (ObamaCare). Either way Congress is not in favor of cutting the Budget. Cutting the Budget diminishes the power they exercise over the people. They will cut 3 trillion and spend 4 trillion and claim victory for both in House, Senate and both parties.
I had great hopes for this President to change the business as usual policies in Washington, DC. I didn't vote for him because of his Aunt living in the US illegally at the expense of government welfare. This coupled with his Foreign Father's decision to father a child and then leave Mother and Child for the Taxpayers to provide.
I was against Mc Cain/Palin Republican Ticket. So like many other elections I chose to spend another lonely Tuesday night in November watching returns and eating popcorn. Basically, playing Constitutional Roulette with the Presidential Elections.
Today, I can say I'm glad Mc Cain was not elected and happy that I did not vote for Huckleberry.
The last two years have proven Huckleberry to be a better leader than Bush 43. Neither Bush 43 or Obama 44 are Presidential caliber leaders. The past ten years are a referendum on the need for last night speech. Eight years of Bush/Cheney was a decade with two Vice Presidents and Horrible Leadership across the board Foreign and Domestic. Our Democracy and it's people have failed. Failed regardless of political party affiliations. Step up and just say it's all my fault as an American Patriot. We all go down together. Nobody will be spared!
Thus far Huckleberry Obama has validated Bush Covert Immigration and Fascist 2big2Fail Black Hole Economics. His contribution have all been on the spending side as well. The Obama Care employer based health care demands your employer seize money from your earned income. Purchase entitlements in your name from the Insurance Selected by the Employer and Certified by the US Government. All with your hard earned money. Very similar to all other employer based deductions. Your money, they spend it. Send you the bill. Just like taxes. Not for roads bridges or schools but, for you. Anything deducted from your payroll is pure extortion.
How many people would opt out if allowed? Everyone in America would decline the extortion and imaginary benefits. If Social Security was yours and out of reach of Congress our current budget would be reduced by 30% tomorrow.
The difference between Huckleberry Obama and Bush 43 is Obama has spent money whereas Bush just gave it away to Banks, Car Czars, Haliburton, Blackwater and Dead end investments in the economies of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Going forward over the next weeks the fallout from our decisions will affect people on a global scale. The outcome is not good in a choice between bad or worse. Evidence of the shear size of a problem created in G-8 Global Economics and Free Trade policies. As global economies emerged they provided for no global regulation in the rulebooks. Corporate Titans and Governments Conspiring unchecked against all human dignity for profits. America is leading the world back to the Dark Guilded Ages of Robber Barons and much of the world is folowing. We owe our souls to the Company Store.
I think it's time to update the US Constitution and Magna Carta cuze the old ones not working anymore. Lets start by taxing all PAC politcal donations. Stop the practice of buying elections as a tax deduction for the needy and greedy. I'm shovel ready. How about you. Let me know what you think......
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