The American worker in the last 125 years has witnessed the economy grow then fall again many times. Leaving the stability of an American agrarian era to the industrial era after the Civil War.
Since I entered the working class in 1970 I noticed a clockwork of recessions. The first few years of each decade in recession, followed by runaway prosperity the last few years of the decade.
This was true in the 50's,60's,70's,80's,90's oo's and now 10's. Although, nothing as extreme as our current predicament.
As our economy ebbs and flows, money earned on the way up is recaptured by the wealthy on the way down. The smart investors watch carefully as the bubbles grows hoarding cash, awaiting the inevitable bust.
Prices fall and investors buy in the failed economy for resale in better times.
The economy rebounds as workers return to the sweat of GDP providing the power for the next bust.
Employment and GDP growth are the only elements required to re inflate the bubble. This is our economy for the Industrialized America.
There in lies the problem, each time the bubble breaks more money is forced to the wealthiest Americans.
Each burst wipes out another industry to be forced overseas. Even the once all powerful GM fell from the axe. Sadly, we are no longer an industrialized nation making it impossible to re inflate the bubble.
Further each bubble burst, starting in the eighties has been accompanied by a loss of wages. Union busting in the eighties to uncontrolled corporate downsizing in the nineties, destroyed middle class America and replaced it with a Oligarchy.
As if this weren't enough the corporate raiders of Enron and Worldcom stole peoples retirement as they forced them to work for disparaging wages. This is the work of common thieves of the 90's not a highly paid CEO claiming executive pay and bonus.
In the nineties facing a middle class already broken and without the resource to re inflate our bubble, government utilized illegal immigration and approved unlawful uncontrolled borders to provided the sweat in the GDP for the final new millennium bust.
American stock markets repeal of 1930 Glass Steagall legislation opened the door for Investment Banking which proved to be nothing more than Plundering and Privateering uncontrolled markets by Pirates of government and Wall Street.
Retirement money gone and no viable industry left, they raided the only commodity in America, your HOUSE,your Home.
We are out of gas We have bled the Grand Ole Lady for all she has and even she cannot help us this time. We are in for a truly long haul.
Obama is trying to force the economy upwards again and has re inflated the stock markets with imaginary Houdini Dollars. Money we don't have nor do our heirs. TARP money and 0% loans from the U.S. Treasury infuse capitol to 2big2fail banks that loan the money back to government in T-bill investment creating Houdini Dollars in the economy. Even as gas and markets climb again, employment and wages fall to unthinkable levels. To fix this economy we must first rebuild the middle class in America. It's counter productive to inflate the bubble. We gave the bubble to China
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