The first American Revolution began because the colonist perceived the English Crown was not needed or central to American life. When people are separated from dominance for long periods of time and extended distances they will invariably become independent. People left to their own resources also breeds independence. And finally, people will also revolt for unfair oppression and severe domination.
The first rule of any authority is never aggravate more than 50% of the people at one time. You can aggravate all, just not all at once. To do so, expect a revolt or mutiny or both. This 50% number has been toyed with for the last decade in American life.
Certainly in early American settlements the English Crown was their life line of support for every commodity. As America's dependence on English goods were substituted for American products available across the street not across the ocean the perceived independence grew.
King George's power was much stronger to the subjects of the English Isles due to geographical barriers. You could run, but you had to swim as well to be independent of King George's rule.
The colonist were kinda on your honor long distance subjects of King Georges authority. Democracy and Supply and Demand are a natural occurrence in the absence of Laws of Monarchy or Bureaucratic Rule.
Once the dependency on commodities were severed, Declaration of Independence was eminent.
The wilderness of the American continent tempered the gene pool with only the strong will survive and further produces only people of strong will. Early settlers were a tough and rugged bunch of English undesirable banished to the new world.
Without English Rule what would become our substitute for English Monarchy? We had Democracy and we practiced the laws of Supply and Demand by default. The Declaration of Independence followed by the US Constitution was our first adaptations to a government By The People For The People.
The misspelled words in these documents are apparently not the only proof of a more perfect union constantly debated. When making laws for all it's people, it's difficult to remain unbiased and not tilt the written word subtlety in your favor. The debate continues on to this day as we strive for a unbiased more perfect union.
Back in the day the arguments were no doubt centered on wealth potential and today we are further tempted by America's vast wealth. Greed is a constant threat to Democracy not present in other forms of government.
Once committed to parchment loopholes will appear. Our presumably unbiased founders built a flexible document that can be changed as needed.
Supply and Demand economics is for short term purposes only and fails miserably in long term applications. Conservation is a necessary component of Supply and Demand economics.
The first rule of any authority is never aggravate more than 50% of the people at one time. You can aggravate all, just not all at once. To do so, expect a revolt or mutiny or both. This 50% number has been toyed with for the last decade in American life.
Certainly in early American settlements the English Crown was their life line of support for every commodity. As America's dependence on English goods were substituted for American products available across the street not across the ocean the perceived independence grew.
King George's power was much stronger to the subjects of the English Isles due to geographical barriers. You could run, but you had to swim as well to be independent of King George's rule.
The colonist were kinda on your honor long distance subjects of King Georges authority. Democracy and Supply and Demand are a natural occurrence in the absence of Laws of Monarchy or Bureaucratic Rule.
Once the dependency on commodities were severed, Declaration of Independence was eminent.
The wilderness of the American continent tempered the gene pool with only the strong will survive and further produces only people of strong will. Early settlers were a tough and rugged bunch of English undesirable banished to the new world.
Without English Rule what would become our substitute for English Monarchy? We had Democracy and we practiced the laws of Supply and Demand by default. The Declaration of Independence followed by the US Constitution was our first adaptations to a government By The People For The People.
The misspelled words in these documents are apparently not the only proof of a more perfect union constantly debated. When making laws for all it's people, it's difficult to remain unbiased and not tilt the written word subtlety in your favor. The debate continues on to this day as we strive for a unbiased more perfect union.
Back in the day the arguments were no doubt centered on wealth potential and today we are further tempted by America's vast wealth. Greed is a constant threat to Democracy not present in other forms of government.
Once committed to parchment loopholes will appear. Our presumably unbiased founders built a flexible document that can be changed as needed.
Supply and Demand economics is for short term purposes only and fails miserably in long term applications. Conservation is a necessary component of Supply and Demand economics.
When I personally determine if values are fare I will always revert to the Basics of Democracy, Supply and Demand to answer any questions. Place yourself in the boots of Thomas Jefferson and answer the difficult questions of the day.
It didn't take long to figure out that in addition to Supply and Demand, Free Markets were required for fare values. Supplies or Demands can be artificially stimulated and produce false values.
Gold, Coffee, Silver, Orange Juice , Houses, Stocks and Oil have been falsely stimulated for personal gains. Without regulations Free Market don't function and people will not patronize if perceived unfair.
Thus we get The First Great Depression when market confidence is lost, even though rightfully so.
Many Americans feel separated and alienated from their "Government By The Government". This contrasts "By The People For The People" as taught and many died to protect. Not a good situation at all and extremely volatile to civil unrest. A system of "By The Government For The Government" violates our obligations to our ancestry as it deprives freedom to our descendants. What could be more important to the American Legacy? Who will play the fiddle as Rome burns?
It didn't take long to figure out that in addition to Supply and Demand, Free Markets were required for fare values. Supplies or Demands can be artificially stimulated and produce false values.
Gold, Coffee, Silver, Orange Juice , Houses, Stocks and Oil have been falsely stimulated for personal gains. Without regulations Free Market don't function and people will not patronize if perceived unfair.
Thus we get The First Great Depression when market confidence is lost, even though rightfully so.
Many Americans feel separated and alienated from their "Government By The Government". This contrasts "By The People For The People" as taught and many died to protect. Not a good situation at all and extremely volatile to civil unrest. A system of "By The Government For The Government" violates our obligations to our ancestry as it deprives freedom to our descendants. What could be more important to the American Legacy? Who will play the fiddle as Rome burns?
The Patriot Act is legislation "By The Government For The Government" that does not require intense skills to evaluate whether it's acceptable to the US Constitution. Liberty is sacrificed to cover an inferior border and immigration policies.
Any moron can read both documents and determine the Patriot Act violates the 4 th Amendment and yet it endures as our Supreme Court drags their feet.
People don't buy homes if they believe ownership is impossible because of extreme taxes or unfair mortgages that underwrites the Bankers interest only. After all they're loaning you money from the Federal Credit Union known as the GDP.
TARP bailout money is "By The Government For The Government".
The Homestead Act signed in 1862 by Abe Lincoln gave anyone willing to improve 160 acres of land free title to government lands, later updated to 320 acres in 1909 and again 640 acres in 1916.
Now, a mere one hundred years later the same government attempts to tax away the now Improved Land with a poorly run obese gluttonous federal bureaucracy "By The Government For The Government".
When Banks fail they are not penalized and follow different standards than the US citizen as the taxpayer sits and watches the wheels of Oligarchy turn the greed of Wall Street Bankers "By The Government For The Government".
Home prices are now artificially stimulated "By The Government for The Government"through $8000.00 dollar free Houdini Dollars and TARP subsidy to Banks that encourage Banks to hoard homes for better future prices. This is not only an unfair market to enter it discourages the much needed eminent free market correction necessary to stabilize markets.
The housing market was falsely stimulated upwards by a lax SEC / US Treasury and the abolished 1934 Glass Steagall Act signed by President Clinton in 1999. Ditto for cars.
Wages on the other hand have been depressed "By The Government For The Government". Uncontrolled borders and perceived humanitarian needs of Non-American criminal free ranging aliens has precedents in "By The Government For The Government" that allows a lower standard of living and robs American Middle Class, as it rewards Pharaoh's of Wall Street with obscene wealth and bonus booty.
Seized money from Oligarchy supported employer payrolls separate the citizen from his rights to choose as it requires him to purchase mandatory insurances and retirement. This system blurs the line that separates government from everyday commerce which is the backbone of Democracy. You forfeit your Democracy for Oligarchy on your employers doorstep.
When Banks fail they are not penalized and follow different standards than the US citizen as the taxpayer sits and watches the wheels of Oligarchy turn the greed of Wall Street Bankers "By The Government For The Government".
Home prices are now artificially stimulated "By The Government for The Government"through $8000.00 dollar free Houdini Dollars and TARP subsidy to Banks that encourage Banks to hoard homes for better future prices. This is not only an unfair market to enter it discourages the much needed eminent free market correction necessary to stabilize markets.
The housing market was falsely stimulated upwards by a lax SEC / US Treasury and the abolished 1934 Glass Steagall Act signed by President Clinton in 1999. Ditto for cars.
Wages on the other hand have been depressed "By The Government For The Government". Uncontrolled borders and perceived humanitarian needs of Non-American criminal free ranging aliens has precedents in "By The Government For The Government" that allows a lower standard of living and robs American Middle Class, as it rewards Pharaoh's of Wall Street with obscene wealth and bonus booty.
Seized money from Oligarchy supported employer payrolls separate the citizen from his rights to choose as it requires him to purchase mandatory insurances and retirement. This system blurs the line that separates government from everyday commerce which is the backbone of Democracy. You forfeit your Democracy for Oligarchy on your employers doorstep.
Every crumb you accept from the Oligarchy Government removes you farther from freedom.
Once Government Employers seizes money from the citizens to purchase goods in his behalf, seized money is skimmed in uncontrolled political burdens and then forwarded to the appointed government receiver.
Once Government Employers seizes money from the citizens to purchase goods in his behalf, seized money is skimmed in uncontrolled political burdens and then forwarded to the appointed government receiver.
The receiver then becomes immediately obligated to the "By The Government For The Government" system. It also removes the Citizens powers over his Government as taxes are seized without expressed consent.
Elections become a necessary Constitutional obstacle in the Oligarchy Illusion of a Democracy. The Oligarchy Government insures regardless of your vote the Corporation will win despite the candidate elected.
Even though I was born at night I was not born last night as my government believes.
The Healthcare Reform and Financial Reforms, Patriot Act and proposed Pathway to Citizenship signed or proposed into laws are "Immaculate Deceptions" as they promote a handful of noble reforms that benefit the people while the liabilities reward two thousand pages of legislation in favor of an even bigger Oligarchy "By The Government For The Government" system.
What would be Thomas Jefferson reply to mandatory Auto Insurance that tosses citizens in jail with fines for not paying insurance extortion. Nobody quibbles those deemed liable in Courts must make restitution's to victims. This has always been the accepted law. This has nothing in common with your Operators License or Vehicle registrations. It is pure extorsion.
Elections become a necessary Constitutional obstacle in the Oligarchy Illusion of a Democracy. The Oligarchy Government insures regardless of your vote the Corporation will win despite the candidate elected.
Even though I was born at night I was not born last night as my government believes.
The Healthcare Reform and Financial Reforms, Patriot Act and proposed Pathway to Citizenship signed or proposed into laws are "Immaculate Deceptions" as they promote a handful of noble reforms that benefit the people while the liabilities reward two thousand pages of legislation in favor of an even bigger Oligarchy "By The Government For The Government" system.
What would be Thomas Jefferson reply to mandatory Auto Insurance that tosses citizens in jail with fines for not paying insurance extortion. Nobody quibbles those deemed liable in Courts must make restitution's to victims. This has always been the accepted law. This has nothing in common with your Operators License or Vehicle registrations. It is pure extorsion.
Mandatory Insurance causes collusion's price fixing and waste uncontrolled by Supply, Demands and Free Market Capitalism . If it were not mandatory it would be half the costs.
This leadership did not stand in 1776 and it will be met with the same disdain in 2012.
This leadership did not stand in 1776 and it will be met with the same disdain in 2012.
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