I read an article published in a newspaper written by Michael Fleischer titled "Why I'm not Hiring". Mr Fleischer operates a small business in New Jersey that employs 83 people. His company, Bogen Communications markets audio systems equipment for educational use for commercial and industrial institutions according to his information.
Mr Fleischer article focuses on an employee named Sally. The basics are her annual salary is 59,000 dollars a year. From this amount Sally gets to keep a mere 44,000 dollars a year due to conscription. Conscription is the word that jumped off the page at me. I have written several editorial trying to describe the government demanding National Service to an Oligarchy Government. (see earlier blogs The Grocery and The Slacker Administration Act 2010.)
Conscription is defined as use for military service or commonly referred to as "The Draft" but, certainly fits as private citizens are drafted to perform the work of the Bureaucratic Oligarchy Government.
Back to Sally. The article continues on with in addition to paying Sally's salary, Mr Fleischers pays a total benefit package of 74,000 dollars annually. Mr Fleischer failed to include Sally's total labor burdens of office overhead who's service fulfills demands of the American bureaucracy. The total labor burden would further inflate the 74,000 dollar figure even higher. Office labor burdens are the non performing employees who perform Payroll, Taxes, OSHA, and Insurance demands on behalf of the Government but, paid in full by the private sector employers. The rewards to the employers for his part in the extortion is he pays little or know personal tax himself.
Of the deductions on Sally's paycheck 9 carry a title ending with the name "Insurance". 10 if you included Social Security which is defined as contribution. Nor does it include Car insurance always required as dependable transportation is a mandatory condition of hire and state governments. Nor does it include other taxes for any hidden tax of fees , Professional License or mandatory continuing eduction extortion's. Social Security is either a tax or insurance your choice. In addition there are the huge amounts for income taxes deducted without consent.
Bogen supplies educational amplifiers and most likely has government contracts which require donations to political party affiliations to obtain contracts. This money also comes right off the top of a balance sheet. This corruption is also money Sally will be required to sweat out black ink each day. Paying to have your yearly income tax filed is money burnt in the fires of Oligarchy. Ditto for Certified Public Accountant who owe their very collegiate certifications to a wasteful senseless bureaucracy.
The spread between the over 74,000 and the less than 44,ooo is money stolen from the GDP. The $30,000 plus is money that Sally must sweat out of each work day or she is terminated or the company will close it's doors.
The numbers look like this; $44,000 divided by weeks divided by hours is $21.15 per hour. (based on 40 hour week) minus gas, insurance, interest, fees and license ad ons. Don't forget bank interest because interest and tax are both imaginary charges without consumer controls. The thirty Thousand lost from employer and employee is divided weeks, hours to $14.42 per hour earned by Sally and presumably marked up again for the standard office overhead profits multipliers utilized by all employers. This is how your boss gets rich as he profits a small amount from each worker hired. If my math is correct Sally works 20 minutes of each hour for the Oligarchy, 1.33 days a week or 17.33 weeks a year or four months for nothing. This would probably increase easily to six months if you included Property Tax, Sales Tax and the rest to numerous to mention.
Where is this immense wealth spent? Sally is only one person. If you figure one out of three people sweating in the private sector is actually working for the Oligarchy Government and this doesn't count another 2 million full time federal civil service job or state and city employees. Not to mention Government employees now make more income than average private sector workers. Firemen are reported to make 500.000 dollars a year in some areas. This is the tail wagging the dog scenario.
How do we stop the growth of government? Place an immediate hiring freeze on government workers. Place all government workers on a four day work week with wages adjusted accordingly This includes Congress and Post Office. Military, Fire and Police services naturally continue. Stop demanding college degrees for government jobs. Issue a comprehensive test for the position and hire those who scored highest. Remember, Albert Einstein worked in the patent office and had no degree.
Abolish IRS, The Patriot Act, Social Security, Healthcare Reform and Homeland Stupidity. We need to initiate substantial rewards to whistle blowers in government. Insuring that everybody is watching and sharing in the public trust. Pass legislation forbidding conscription in America.
Pass legislation forbidding corporations from political donations. Place a Fat Tax on all forms of commerce that deal in the public business. Include heavy taxes for political election campaigns advertising on television and newspapers.
Government is now Americas biggest industry and should be taxed to those who survive from the wholesale public dole.
As far as the ten insurances deducted from Sally's paycheck I propose one Insurance of Loss Prevention. One Policy that covers everything from Flood to Asteroids and Hemorrhoids to Heart Attacks without cancellation. Eliminated would be single policies for all of the following but not limited to.
1. Health Insurance
2. Home Owner's Insurance
3. Automobile Insurance
4. Worker's Compensation Insurance
5. Liability Insurance
6. Unemployment Insurance
7. Disability Insurance
All of these Insurances are duplications of the same losses. Sold over and over not by loss but locations. It's nonsense. If your in the hospital does it really matter if you fell off a ladder at work or slipped in the bathtub at home. Your Doctor doesn't care and it won't affect your cost or prognosis.
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