The latest dog and pony show planned by self proclaimed holy man and philosopher Glenn Beck is scheduled for today at the feet of Abraham Lincoln. I expect to watch the entire spectacle on the Internet. I wouldn't trust the editing of FOX Fairy Tales to report objectively. I must admit I have serious reservations about the content of the Rally.
I tried to access the events at the Lincoln Memorial without success. I did manage to download live streaming video with motivational gobledy gook narratives added.
The theme was restoring honor and I was under the impression the families of serving military were to benefit as support of the troops.
I don't follow Becks programming or his views. Mr Beck chose Saturday to compete with Sunday Morning Televangelist. His Elmer Gantry speech was a expression of substance abuses as he passed the collection plates. Disturbing for a TV's politico personality to suddenly morph into another self ordained Messiah of American Politics. Reverend Beck failed to part the waters of the Washington Memorial.
Summoning Deity to support political views is despicable regardless of race.
You can be sure the people attending were there supporting his daytime job of extreme right wingers. Anyhow, neither Beck, Sarah Palin or Rev Sharpton saved any souls on Saturday.
Taking advantage of it walks like duck, it talks like a duck but, we say "It's a Fish"
Rev. Sharpton conducted a similar Rally during the same time slot with even more Banjo players and singers.
I personally would describe the Beck Rally at 11:00 am turnout as, a third day State Fair crowd. Disappointing attendances when compared to the prenuptial he promised. I found myself wondering if I was missing anything good on the Home Shopping Networks....
Not "Supporting the Troops" was the standard response of Bush 43 for any criticisms of his less than stellar performance in running the government broke. Support of the troops includes a wide swath in the political spectrum as does phrases of God and Moving Forwards. The lack of clarity lessens objective criticisms.
America's Momma Grizzly, Sarah Palin and Republican Cheerleader in Charge spoke first with more tough talk about dead ancestry flag waving. Same propaganda taught to elementary school children.
Anyhow the speech: Glen Beck opened with this day is not about "politics", then evoked the power of Deity to support his mindless agenda of pure unknown nonsense. All without benefit of chalkboards and crying often associated with his speeches. The Gods are evidently backing Glens plans for a new or renewed America without separation of Church and State. The speeched surprisingly failed to recognize the service of our military now or deceased.
His inspiration came from some Latin translation and stars at the top of the Washington Monument unseen for a hundreds of years. God evidently placed the text there anticipating Glen was coming soon to help. He didn't have a name or address for God as the listeners are expected to fill in the blanks. He spoke of direction as moving forwards or backwards without support of North or South or any declaration of which way is up. He seemed confused with the specifics. If you tried to follow his directions you may have very well ended up at Stonehenge or The Sun God Rah. If Glen were a cheerleader you wouldn't know his team or who had the ball. Dr Seuss had better platforms in green eggs and ham.
His speech today was nothing to compare with the speech made 47 years ago at the same location. The speech given 47 years ago was very clear and anyone who listened knew exactly what direction MLK was headed.
Reverend Beck did expose the ugly truth of exploiting political gains while hiding beneath the veil of Christianity. Very Disturbing Indeed.....
I give the Rally a grade of I for "incomplete". We expected to hear Beck accuse others of racism and supporting the Military. I think I saw Abe tapping his feet to the music with a snicker on his face as Glen spoke to his people.
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