I watched President Obama's speech yesterday as he discussed the economics of education in America. He argues that college graduations will create jobs in America. More Graduates more jobs. Very similar to his approach on Healthcare Reforms will also produce JOBS.
He makes the claim as he seeks to create a Pathway of Citizenship to 22 million illiterate free ranging criminal aliens and free entry to our country. This is an undeniable conflict in Philosophy. The Pathway to Citizenship will also create 22 million jobs that he quietly fails to mention. Once these jobs already embedded in American life become taxable. You know the 22 million jobs most Americans have no access to hire.
Politicians are pondering the change of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution that grants citizenship to all born in America.
The perception is birthrights are not applicable to illegal aliens who cannot vote. To deny their children citizenship guarantees they will never vote. None of these politicians will lift a finger to control our borders as subservient illegals are deemed much to valuable to Oligarchy America. Bushism Covert Doctrines to ignore the immigration law of the land for economic gains.
To deny their children citizenship is violation of the 13th amendment which is emancipation proclamation. (slavery) All pure greed and another pathway to Civil War.
Most of this debate I vehemently disagree. If everyone in the US were to produce a Harvard Diploma, it would not create a single job. There is only so much room at the Oligarchy Top and Collage Degrees is the current economic bar that separates the have's from the have not's. To often a degree is a purchased gate post that recognizes passage and not achievements. (see GW Bush).
University Graduation rates are the product of a strong middle class economy. As graduation rates have declined the number of Universities have increased. Many of these new Matchbook Universities offer degrees of a highly questionable curriculum. Many Matchbook Universities operate for financial gains only and produce graduates of unknown abilities. To produce a better graduate, better standard of curriculum are necessary. Or the number of graduates is as pointless as the money spent on useless certification.
People who have food on the table working one job per household 40 hours a week will nurture their children, pay taxes and send their children to college. This is not fabrication it's fact. They will do so with income they earned and paid taxes.
Providing Government Grants and Tuition circumvents the nurturing and moral upbringing the Middle Class provides as a necessary by product. President Obama stated the US Collegiate Graduation Rating worldwide has fallen to 12 th place. Falling from first place in a single generation.
Having not attended a University I had some trouble fully understanding his facts.
After some quick research I found America has fallen to 22nd position from 1970 highest in the world. I believe the manufacturing jobs we foolishly sent overseas was the estuary for future college graduates that put men on the moon.
The American Middle Class is the breeding ground for a Great America The middle class was a lifestyle culture that not only produced wealth for college, but secondary to the Family Values and Moral Fibres it instilled in it's youth.
We've all witnessed the modest garages of middle class homes that produced computers and software Guru's of the Boomer Generation. Boomers were the last generation of Number Ones In America.
Foreign Oil can be traced to Americas fall from grace. The fact we as nation did nothing to stop the free fall is unconscionable. The tumble can be traced to the Pharaohs of Greed Street that demands the most reward with the least investment. The path of least resistance seldom produces long term gains.
Once they exhausted every dime from the middle class they looked overseas to feed the greed. The overseas ventures were illegal in the US as they ignored human rights and environmental standards uncontrolled. Americans cannot compete in world markets if markets are unfair. Chinese workers don't pay for Congressional Pork.
When we mortgaged the middle class and sent our manufacturing base overseas .We supported genocide on the estuary that supported everything that made America Great. All the natural resources of the 1970's are still here in America and the factories that utilized them to manufacture. The only missing commodity is the priority of how to best use our wealth.
As the Middle class was sacrificed By the Pharaohs of Wall Street, graduation rates coincidentally fell from number 1 in 1970 to 22nd in today's worldwide rating. The President recognizes the fall, but does not address why it fell. Nor does he recognize the college graduates education began in a middle class home. After school care of children's parent working 70 hours a week will not produce quality citizens. As Parents work torn people from nurturing their children public schools grades plummeted. The teacher's produced from this system causes exponential deterioration further. The American taxpayer subsidises foreign students nurtured in proper home environment that they cannot give to their American children.
To return to number one is to establish strong family values in America. You must however, first Value Families, Mr President. This is your job. You cant throw a bone in the air and declare the winner is the one with the bone.
Remember Colleges at one time taught the Earth was Flat. The Flat Earth education no doubt produced thousands who believed same. College in itself is not a wealth of information as much as it exercises your brains grey matter to think and be rational. One can learn this behavior as Abraham Lincoln did a two hundred years ago.
We need too rebuild the Middle Class and Estuary of good paying jobs as our highest national priority. The Influx of illegal aliens diminishes a Strong Middle Class as it enriches the Pharaohs of Greed Street. 1 % Robber Barons.
The President is a great man similar to many of our Presidents. (not all) I enjoy his speeches. You must remember that in addition to his many assets his liability is, he is first a politician. I admit I'm guilty of changing the channel for eight years of the Bush administration.
President Obama challenges, Education will lead America out of the second Great Depression.

I doubt this logic. Our civilization is falling apart. After the fall of Rome the world slipped in to The Dark Ages when invention and culture was dormant.
We are beginning to see a return of Diseases. Tuberculosis, Polio, Small Pox and Bed Bugs. This is not bad luck.
This the tilting point as we spiral downwards to the Dark Ages from the Atomic age.
The world has fallen victim to the Gilded Age suppressed in America a hundred years ago. The Robber Baron's have returned to rape the worlds economy in G-8 or G-20 meeting sponsored by America.