I hear the big ball dropped again in Time Square last night. I was asleep as usual at the exact moment the calendar indicates another full trip of Earth around the Giant Sun Orb. Having completed the full revolution sixty times the revelry no longer interest me.
New Years Day is a time for atonement to examine the last twelve months of mistakes. The problem with resolutions is; while we are keen to recognize the faults of others, our perception of ourselves is always wrong. Same as the US Government who deals with corruption by passing legislation making corruption legal.
A good example would be the Patriot Act. The Patriot Act is like asking the question to a room of first graders "who wants ice cream". The problem arises when the ice cream turns out to be frozen broccoli. A great sell for a bad smell. Most Americans strive to be patriotic, some newer Americans not so much.
Our US Constitution forces us to celebrate Americans who are not mainstream patriotic. Parts of the Patriot Act have been declared unconstitutional, anti patriotic and unlawful. (DUH)
How in Gods name can Congress pass Unconstitutional Legislation and the give it the title of Patriot Act.
Our elected Congress can violate your Bill of Rights legally until the crime travels through the court system to the Supreme Court who declares it "Unconstitutional". The time it takes to get a decision heard at the Supreme Court takes years and a big pile of taxpayer money!! The time involved becomes a loophole not foreseen by the signor's of the US Constitution.
To close the loophole we need legislation requiring "when any portion of legislation is unconstitutional the entire Act is nullified". Maybe if Congress new they would be forced to start from scratch they would excercise more care in drafts and voting.
The Patriot Act is all about spying on the US citizenship legally in the name of War on George Bush's imaginary Weapons of Mass Destruction. The spying is as prudent as the war it supports. Chicken and egg paranoid diplomacy at the highest level. George proved to be America's first misguided president. He attacked the wrong country, then spied on his own electorate looking for the Boggy Man who was in Pakistan. The trail of logic to achieve these objectives will confuse historians for years.
After George the Second left office I was all over Obama and "Hope" and "Change". I'm still hoping for the "Change".
President Obama continued the Bush Bailouts and Certified the Insurance thefts as legal in the Obama Care legislation. Moving on to the Bankers Mortgage fraud they invented the Financial Reform Act effectively legalizing 2big2fail and ballots for bailouts legislation. Banksters were not imprisoned as promised in campaigns. Bankster's instead rewarded themselves with free US Treasury TARP Bonus Booty. Obama claims it was necessary to reward theft in mortgage derivatives to prevent another Great Depression.
The only difference in the Great Depression of 1930 and the Great Suppression of 2008 is the people who participate. The top 1% parasites who feed from the GDP have not suffered but, made huge profits and bonus.
Please don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. I was born at night. I was not born last night!!
I'm certain the economy would have already corrected if we had not thrown away 2 trillion dollars pretending everything is "OK". We would be better off today if the Banksters, GM and Fiat went to bankruptcy instead of the mindless rewards of Bush TARP Money.
We have begun another year of economic decline that began in December 07. Three years and no light at the end of the tunnel.
Obama has done nothing to control our borders with Mexico and moved quickly to prevent Arizona from stopping the hemorrhaging border.
The failure of the Obama Administration to punish incompetency in his Cabinets S.E.C at the Treasury, The BP fiasco in the Gulf Oil Spill and Deepwater Horizon's 11 executions authorized at M.M.S and The Poison Egg Gate at the F.D.A. and U.S.D.A. are the Obama Legacy.
We learned that incompetency in government is acceptable but, any indication of perceived racial discrimination will result in swift immediate dismissal of Shirley Sherrod. We have installed a government obsessed with preoccupation of Minorities over Priorities.
Effectively government doesn't care if you perform your civil service job as long as the failure follows the imaginary racial criteria in government.
Same true at border control "you must not violate the imaginary rights of criminal free ranging aliens as they steal from entitlements and take American Jobs and hide behind our US Constitution.
We have thrown the baby out in the bath water. The Oligarchy Government has defiled the American Middle Classes standard of living.
We strategically forced American Jobs overseas to provide boom for the Pharaoh's of Wall Street at the expense of Joe the plumber on Main Street. China has prospered with our American Gift of Financial Bonanza.
We sent American manufacturing jobs overseas for clean Hi-Tech jobs that never came. Ironically, the export of dirty factory jobs to the other side of the planet sweeps the dirt under the economic rugs.
Every adversity is a opportunity in cloaked disguise. America should have launched new environmental industries to clean the waste and secure more American Jobs. We threw away two giant industries in the process.
China loaning America money is proof enough who got the good deals in the swap. You can't drive a iron ore mine but, you can make steel and autos from the mines ore. Mines are dirty and unsafe. We need to create jobs in mine safety and clean environment not send jobs to China. Exporting adversity is the product of short term greed. Long term; adversity is always the lead to new invention. The planet has a finite ability to hold human trash. Living in denial in America will not "take out the trash" in Asia
We need to develop new renewable clean energy, not buy super tankers of twentieth century technology from Arab Terrorists.
Eventually, the planet suffers in industrial stagnation of shipping crude globally. The pollution and cleanup is inevitable. We offer financial subsidies to maintain a failing status quo as the planet screams for investments in new technology. America is afraid to go forward!
The middle class jobs are the estuary that stimulate research and development in America. The middle class pays the bills in American success. It provides the energy in the American Dream.
We learned this year that voting does not correct problems in the Oligarchy Government. Voting is a choice between big business and big government. We don't want either big business or big government. The only way to stop the Oligarchy Government is to not support the Oligarchy Government.
The tiny benefits of Social Security, Unemployment and Health Care are costly and should be avoided. Don't contribute and don't expect a hand out. Your better off if you just turn your back on all entitlements. Don't send money to New York or Washington, deal in Gold or barter.
The purchase power of Gold has been constant for five thousand years. Currency is often used to measure Golds value. Currency does change in value giving the illusion the value of gold fluctuates.
Currency is a short term indicator of wealth. The Confetti Standard includes short term wealth in Natural resource discovery, War when we win, Invention and Technology. Sooner or later resources deplete, invention and technology will be copied and currency will fall in value. Gold is long term wealth forever as far as we know. It was Gold that financed Chris Columbus and America's Revolutionary War.
Never put money in a Bank. This is a new age with new rules. Congress changed the rules not the American Taxpayer. If they take away your driver's license for not buying insurance, let them keep both. Refuse to allow new born babies a SS number and refuse to disclose your SS number to anyone for any reason. If you don't use your SS number it becomes useless.
My New Year's Resolution are as follows
1. Repeal Patriot Act, Health Care Act, and Financial Reform Act.
2. Refuse to accept checks written on Banks of 2big2fail or buy from Government Motors.
3. Refuse to accept any entitlements from the Government
4. Invest in gold and trade in gold commerce only
5. Refuse to work with or for anyone who hires or houses illegal criminals.
6. Purchase and buy on store credits. throw away credit cards.
7. Buy homes on contract from the owner "No Mortgages"
8. Install Solar panels for energy and become independent.
9. Grow a garden and buy locally grown products only.
10. Vote for candidates who perform and vote against those who deny the will of the people.
And Happy New Year again..
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