Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Rebuilding America

The anti union sentiment that began under Ronald Reagan in 1980 appears to have come full circle. The message was sent courtesy of America's favorite conservative George W Bush. The product of eight years of Bush's conservative economics led us to economic collapse and the double standard of Elite Bailouts of TARP.
It has become crystal clear the shortcomings of the Unions is child's play when compared to the thieves of Wall Street Bankers. The greed of Wall Street theft is the source of failing state governments who spent like there were no tomorrows. Buying voters and handing out money that only existed on paper. The truth of TARP, Bond Buys, Quantitative Easing and Recovery Act funds is payable by 100% of the working class. The money stolen went directly to the top 1% Americans who live in the world of tax free loopholes.
American ideology rejects the notion of unions. We want to believe in a fair playing field where commerce is equal and the guy who builds your house can buy a car and feed his family.
The destruction of the middle class has instituted a generation of people who are indentured to the government for health care, college education, retirement, food and housing. We the people who once paid with wages are now reduced to begging the government for every need. In spite of the facts we all carry the burdens of driving the GDP year after year. It is the spending habits of people who have good jobs that encourage production that stimulates the economy. Indentured servants of America are deprived of their share of the GDP. This system is producing unproductive workers similar to the former USSR
The Wisconsin Union employees still pay their own way. They provide for their own retirement, better health care, purchase their own foods and are independent of government. These people clearly have a standard of living above those of non union workers. It's very hard to find people to dislike the Independence of paying your own way. Rejecting the welfare/nanny state as Communism.
The practice of sacrificing the middle class to maintain global power is not nor should be the focus of our government. Sacrificing the American Standard of Living in a race to the bottom of global power should be abandoned and replaced with a fair playing field in America. Allowing 1% of the people to redeem lavishly at the costs of all Americans must be stopped.
Thousands of America's greatest inventions were born in the estuary of curious workers in American Manufacturing. The same manufacturing we now compete against will provide another country of those unseen invention. Our government relies entirely upon a collegiate system that will produce tomorrow inventions. History has shown the flat earth society will only produce more people of the same knowledge. It will not produce another Einstein.
I would like to see America led again by example of all it's people as evidence for all the world to witness. Creating poverty in America is counter productive to American Values.
The Governor of Wisconsin is trying to sell this notion the Union Workers are over compensated for their labor. The pendulum of labor has swung back in favor of Unions and the leverage collective bargaining brings. The voice of We the People is as loud and clear as the debts brought on by bankers and their conservative agendas. The budget shortfalls in Wisconsin were forged in Washington, DC and planned in New York. The workers in Wisconsin should not be held responsible for the actions of Washington and New York. The politicians and Banksters should be forced to pay for the shortfalls in budgets. Tax the Bankers and Elected Official who profited from the theft and leave the Teacher,s alone. The Teacher's should begin tomorrow doing a better job of teaching our children and taking their retirement money out of New York
Friday, February 25, 2011
2011 Wall Street Banksters Bonus Booty $20.8 BBBillion

The bonuses overwhelm the Wisconsin Budget Deficit of a mere $137 million.
As school children in Wisconsin are deprived of their Education the Banksters divide the wealth of the United States. Governor at Large; Scott Walker is blindly focused on breaking unions of their rights to collective bargaining and robbing the last vestiges of middle class Americans of more income. The stalemate between the Governor and Organized Labor rages on as the Pharoah's of Greed Street silently slither off with the money. They squabble over fixing a State of Wisconsin problem that was forged in Washington, DC and planned in New York, New York!!!
You can bet as the Governor ignores the balance of wealth he is focused on the forty year old practice of beating down the middle class. Adding to the irony, Unions foolishly send billions of dollars of retirement money to New York City for investments. The Banksters spin the money into worthless securities that grow from next months Mom and Pops nickles and dimes Ponzi donations. The stock markets grow from the endless streams of money without options of other investments.
If we follow the money the State of Wisconsin deducts from each workers paychecks. Then sends the money out of state to be wasted in imaginary paper profits. It all looks good on monthly statements. It appears all are wealthy as imaginary numbers grow. What could be better. I'll have more please.The lack of investment options force Americans to either donate their money to Greed Street or watch the government gobble down savings in inflationary money policies of the Federal Reserve. We are all hostages in America's fourth covert branch of government known as Banking. We all are hoping to withdrawal before the next collapse. It happens every three to five years. Then they fix the system by convicting innocent people like Martha Stewart.
The focus on our government should be restoring the middle class by increasing union memberships from the current 12% to 36% B.R.R. (before Ronald Reagan) We should reverse laws allowing the Banksters to invest in the stock markets. We should eliminate excessive campaign donations. We should levy heavy taxes on money spent on elections.
Ronald Reagan will be remembered in Organized Labor as the man who broke the unions and deregulated everything. Phones service, stock markets, intra state trucking, and airline all fell from Trickle Down Economics. Ronald Reagan will also be remembered for Iron Will Leadership in his Administration. Many have forgotten as Reagan spent wildly the middle class paid the bills.
For the record I voted for Nixon, Carter, Reagan x2, against H Bush x2 for Clinton x2 and against W. Bush x2 and then for Obama. The best President this side of Camelot in my opinion was Bubba Clinton. Clinton had all the trains on time, budget surplus and full employment. My second choice would be Reagan for his foreign policies and seizing the reins of our government at War with OPEC Nations.
We had a great gig going from World War 2 until 1973 OPEC Pirates. We decimated the economies in Japan, Germany and the Axis of evil. All of our problems today can be traced back to the formation of OPEC. Once again we are facing $5.00 a gallon gasoline. The problems at the pump today are not a result of OPEC Oil. The world oil supply is running at near capacity. Any disturbance in the Middle East and anarchy rears it's ugly head.
I've endured several Hurricanes and can attest. First priority is energy, gasoline and propane. Second is water and Third is food. Fourth is air conditioning, but don't hold your breath.
Middle East turmoil causes energy prices to soar. The ever present reminder Americans are not in control of their destiny. The legacy of our Hero's and future of our Children is in oil wells far away..
Friday, February 18, 2011
Governor Walker's High Speed Rail Act

The Governor took office and immediately passed legislation giving $100 million in crony tax credits to business. After his raid on the budget he went after railroading collective bargaining legislation for government union workers.
Using his now empty budget as imaginary WMD's he can argue the collective bargaining agreements are breaking the budget. Much like invading Iraq for 911.
The truth is of coarse if you break the unions big business will dominate the next election with impunity. Interference from unions
gone they will be unopposed in railroading the working class.
In short the Governor is using his office and poor budget to gain political power by destroying the support mechanism of the liberal Democrats. The unions oppose the conservatives in business negotiations successfully. They turn this success into political capital donations at elections.
I remember 1998 and 1999 the last years of the tax and spend Democrats, the State budgets across America reported surplus money in the coffers created in full Clinton employment.
I must admit I'm not all that familiar with the contracts of state workers in Wisconsin. I can however attest, granting tax credits to business doesn't create jobs. Tax credits create wealth for American Aristocracy to control elections. Tax Credits don't give money away. They fail to seize money which has the same effect of handing out bailout money. We all witnessed the Republican Conservative Party hand out No- Bid Contracts to their cronies and then bailout the Banksters who raided the Treasury under the direction of George W Bush
The logic of reducing the incomes of middle class workers over the past thirty years has not produced positive results in the American Standard of Living. Nor does the decline in wages produce a balanced budget. The past thirty years of raiding the middle class has instead produced record deficits. As Americans make less money, business raids the Treasury creating more debts for the taxpayer to repay.
Trickle Down Economics was Ronald Reagan's answer to fixing our economy. During the Reagan years more unions were broken in record numbers as the debt soared. The runaway inflation of the seventies squared off in Union negotiation for increased wages. The costs of OPEC oil caused increased cost of living in all facets of commerce. As unions bargained to stay even businesses resisted. The resistance came from the absents of money now going to OPEC.
American manufacturing has always relied heavily on affordable energy to produce goods. The way I see our problem is the missing money extorted by OPEC has caused a unavoidable collide between the Conservatives and Liberals. Each party has tried to recapture American wealth for their constituents. Both Democrats and Republicans have answered the call by borrowing more money creating more debt.
All this took place as OPEC pocketed our wealth from our own addiction to oil. The way to retire our debts and return America to greatness is not to raid the middle class again and encourage more debt. The only way for America to return to a world leader is to become energy independent. Energy independent means we manufacture our destiny here, not China. Putting America back to work and re-establish a strong middle class is the pathway to prosperity. Once we control our own destiny we can then address our wealth.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
The smoking gun of the Iraq War and George Bush's Weapons of Mass Destruction has been revealed. I will spare you the mans lengthily name and tell you only, it contains three sir names, two maiden names and three kinds of Arabic flem.
Recently we've been inundated with revelations of the way we were. The newly released tell all books from Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld chronicle the cracker jack job they did running the country. Cashing in on the war they didn't fight and trumping those who did and died for a guy named CURVEBALL.
Really! You couldn't make this up if you had a thousand years. Secret code name Curveball. A former Baghdad Bridge Salesman and part time Iraqi snake charmer provided the imaginary fantasy mobile Chemical/Biological Weapons scenario. Sadam, he reported had a mobile laboratory traveling around the countryside making poison pumpkin juice. An eye witness for witless.
We now know Curveball lied to the CIA to receive asylum in Germany. According to Curveball everyone was happy. Sadam would die and Bush would have absolute proof truth Sadam had Chemical Weapons. The truth is he lied because he disliked Sadam. Some claim he just wanted out of Iraq and cash to live on.
We now know there were no Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons in Iraq. Nor did they support covert al Qaeda training camps. We do know Bush allowed 22 million criminal free ranging illegals entry to the US.
The War in Iraq that Bush often compared to World War Two proved to be real life Military War Games where hundreds of thousands died.
Bush's famous quote of " fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on the other two things" truly fits here.
Recently we've been inundated with revelations of the way we were. The newly released tell all books from Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld chronicle the cracker jack job they did running the country. Cashing in on the war they didn't fight and trumping those who did and died for a guy named CURVEBALL.
Really! You couldn't make this up if you had a thousand years. Secret code name Curveball. A former Baghdad Bridge Salesman and part time Iraqi snake charmer provided the imaginary fantasy mobile Chemical/Biological Weapons scenario. Sadam, he reported had a mobile laboratory traveling around the countryside making poison pumpkin juice. An eye witness for witless.
We now know Curveball lied to the CIA to receive asylum in Germany. According to Curveball everyone was happy. Sadam would die and Bush would have absolute proof truth Sadam had Chemical Weapons. The truth is he lied because he disliked Sadam. Some claim he just wanted out of Iraq and cash to live on.
We now know there were no Nuclear, Chemical or Biological weapons in Iraq. Nor did they support covert al Qaeda training camps. We do know Bush allowed 22 million criminal free ranging illegals entry to the US.
The War in Iraq that Bush often compared to World War Two proved to be real life Military War Games where hundreds of thousands died.
Bush's famous quote of " fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on the other two things" truly fits here.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Best Car I Ever Owned

The odometer indicated 92,000 miles in 1996. My handsome offer of $1500.00 dollars was accepted and I was off to the DMV to acquire tags for my new chariot.
When I viewed the title the last mileage entry was at 146,000 miles. This means my low mileage bargain was about to turn 200,000 miles or double what I assumed. The news was comforted in the fact I had paid very little for the car. The Olds was my second car.
My first vehicle was a 1 ton Ford 4x4 that got an amazing 9 miles to a gallon of gas. That's 9 miles city, highway, uphill, downhill and tailwind. It rode like a roller skate and parked like the Queen Mary. It was a great truck if you were pulling heavy loads or Trans Atlantic Crossings. The Ford was the dream of every OPEC Oil Minister. The Olds would get much better mileage at 16 city and 22 highway.
After I drove the Olds around a bit I noticed two flaws in the car. It leaked oil in the valve covers and had a slow leak in the gas tank. Both leaked 24/7 whereas the truck only cost money when I drove.
My attempt to lower my driving costs were diminished in the waste of oil and gas. Without repairs the car was a total waste of money. Surprisingly, both were inexpensive to repair. New gaskets on the valve covers and a plug in the gas tank and all was well.
After I spent an additional $200.00 dollars to the purchase price and an optional updated radio/stereo I had a first class automobile with power everything and cold AC. Over the next five years I spent money on only tires brakes and batteries. I put another 60,000 miles on the car and drove it across country every year on vacations.
Not only was I driving a American made product, I was saving on insurance, gas and not sending my hard earned money to Detroit every month and avoiding support of a parasitic blood sucking banker in compound interest.
My choice to purchase a newer Cadillac in 2001 proved to be a huge mistake. The events of September 11, 2001 would throw the Country into recession along with the profound incompetency of one George W Bush.
The problem with making payments to a Banker and outrageous insurance premiums could have been overcome in time. Eventually, the Caddy would be paid off, interest retired and insurance diminished.
This is the biggest problem in our economy. In past years you could depend upon the economy to function effectively until your debts were paid. You had to exercises care and encouraged not to over borrow. Avoiding credit card debts and extravagant spending usually was enough to keep a guy out of bankruptcy. Long term debts such as housing mortgages were always offset in higher property values and inflated increases in wages. Locked in on a fixed mortgage was a smart investment for the average guy provided you stayed within the safe 25% of annual income.
I remember the advise of my father when I married " never finance a car for 36 months, pay it off in 24 months or don't buy the car". If you couldn't pay the car off in 24 payments you couldn't afford the car. This advice has come full circle today. Today's economy cannot be sustained for more than 24 months. We no longer see downturns in the economy as in the past. Our recent economy results in collapse not downturns. Auto loans of 72 months are common and recommended for only the truly clairvoyant. In additional cost of insurance and taxes has skyrocketed to the point the soft costs now overwhelm the hard costs.
In addition you now have the city demanding all cars be registered and tags. The State demanding all registered cars have insurance. Even if you don't drive the car, they can still bleed you for $1500.00 per year in extortion.
The cost of owning your home or auto is no longer in the cost of building the home or steel in the car. These costs are now overwhelmed in taxes, interest charges and insurance. All three not surprisingly under the control of their government. You now have the tail wagging the dog and the cart before the horse in an upside down economy that will never perform.
With these practices in place it's understandable the rewards for making money in America no longer are reaped by those doing the work. All the money is being raped in the soft costs of banking, insurance and government bureaucracy. All government, not just Federal but State, County and City as well. They all operate in the same circles of piracy and influence.
Instead of making things in Detroit we now make things up in Washington,DC. Turning the wheels of commerce on a cottage industry in the imagination of New York or Washington,DC.
I once had the unfortunate experience of trying build a County Library on State owned lands inside the City limits with Federal Money. In a scenario once believed only capable in the minds of Rod Serling or Stephen King, we now found ourselves in a cosmic collision of all forms of government within Milky Way Cosmos.
A cataclysmic collide of taxes, permits, utilities, fees and selfish displays individuals power. Each level of government squared off in threatening battle of supremacy of obtaining more funds for their budgets. The city demanded permits and fees or no water or electricity for the Library. The State refused and the Fed was all about protocols for the return of your money. Case and point, I was approached by a man with a gold badge indicating he represented the County Environmental Agency and I was removing trees without a County Permit. I advised Barney, I had a State Permit as I was on State owned lands. He advised if I didn't stop, he would call the Sheriff and have me arrested. I told Barney, I was going home and would not return until the President, Governor, Mayor and Sheriff had come to terms and the problem was now his. I finally received a call at home encouraging me to return to work. I learned when I returned that we had obtained a Permit for tree removal from the State, County and City. We the taxpayer paid three times for nothing!!!!
Not that they were performing for the public good, they were simply attempting to enrich their budgets and capture more power. Attorney's and the full force of each level of bureaucrat was used to bleed the taxpayers of even more money.
Sadly, I can attest they all won in an truce of just take the money and let the citizens pickup the tab for their greed. The government spends money. Money is Power. Power corrupts. The way to stay in Power is to spend more money. The way to spend more money is to create bigger government. The way to bigger government is more money and more corruption. This is where we are now. The system is so upside down we can't control the addiction.
You were waiting for me to get here from my Olds weren't you? You may notice I said their government and not our government. The reason for the distinction is that large corporate Titans run the government from the money they access. Once you control the money you control the power by default.
We get to vote sure, that's an unfortunate obstacle in an Oligopoly system. We only choose from candidates selected by the Pharaoh's of Wall Street. Doesn't matter who you vote for, your vote will be trumped by Corporate donations once they're in office. The candidates are vetted rubber stamped and approved ready for voting by the Corporate Titans of Corruption.
Simply apply the analogy of my 85 Olds as the best car I ever owned. We can all agree the United States of America is the greatest country on Earth. Our Union is our strongest asset. Our government though, is another matter.
Think of the Government, Taxes, Banking, and Insurance as the hole in the gas tank and leaky valve covers. These costs are all liabilities to our GDP. The more you drive the faster you waste money. We the People need to focus on fixing the holes in the tank and new gaskets for our heads.
The money supply needs to be cut off from Taxes Banking/Wall Street and Insurance. A person would have to be truly stupid not to see, as most people suffer and poverty rates increase, Government Banking and Insurance are realizing huge profits and bonuses. The Stock Markets soars and Banksters post record profits. Even the bagman in the theft AIG is rewarding the pirates with bonuses. All accomplished in obscene unemployment and poverty.
People will not buy homes if the PITI, principal, interest, taxes and insurance are to high. People will not buy a car if they can't buy gas or afford insurance. The fear of the Banker taking your property in foreclosure is masked in the profit motives of the fees collected along the way. If foreclosure and repossession resulted in a loss for the Banksters the practice of writing bad loans would cease. Providing TARP money to the Bankster for repossession is lunacy to the taxpayer. Why would you encourage the Banks to foreclose on your property? Just like the great depression the people will never embrace a system of abuse. In 1934 laws were created to stop the very same abuses in Banking today. Those laws now, repealed signaled open season on corporate piracy.
Don't expect things to improve either because, as long as your money is being sent to a leaky gas tank or leaking valve covers the money will never come to you in reward. It's gone
Friday, February 11, 2011
Out of Egypt -- Happy Birthday Egypt

President Mubarak finally stepped down from power in Egypt. Mubarak in the end was not tossed out, thrown out or executed. In the end the people of Egypt simply refused to follow. The people of Egypt have learned, Democracy is not gifted, inherited or a right. Democracy is not for everyone, although none are denied.
Leaders who govern with fear from a police state cannot lead those who will not follow. The Fear of Police will only enrage The Patriots of Democracy
In some way the United States provided the Egyptian people with protection from genocide. Had Mubarak used deadly force the United States would have cut aid and forced the United Nations to remove the 30 year Dictator.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Donald Rumsfeld Unknown Unknowns !
Donald Rumsfeld former Secretary of Defense under George W Bush has release his book documenting his service. The Spin Doctors Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld fabricated imaginary Nuclear Dirty Bombs, Al Qaeda Training Camps, Biological Warfare and planning the covert attacks on 911.
Weapons of Mass Destruction was what was known and yet never shown. When they found no weapons in the ground. The War was fought for what he thought.
The terrorist he knew who planed our deadly fate. These terrorist of hate, were not around in the grounds they found. He learned, that what he thought he knew, he really blew.
What he knew, he really blew, it was far to late to redirect our fate.
When it was blown it never was known. The people who died, learned they fought for what he thought.
The people he attacked threw their shoes at Bush. When they found his unknowns had no clues. He never learned the things he never knew, he never knew. Oil wells burned when we learned the mistake was in our fate.
The Manifestations to cripple a nation. Mission Accomplished that accomplished no mission. We did not win what we thought we won. We spent a fortune to become unfortunate. A pre-emptive strike to find if he was right.
It was finally agreed the things he knew, the things he knew he didn't know and the things unknown, unknown, were all the same. Wrong.
People, fought for what he thought, he sought. People died to find the imaginary link as he lied.
When asked why there wasn't any evidence of a terror link to Baghdad, Donald Rumsfeld mystified the press with his answer below. The Secretary of Defense offered his Outline of Ignorance followed by Bush and Cheney. Not surprising he couldn't determine which category to place his non answer. All of his options of "things he knew", "things he knew he didn't know" and the "unknown unknown" would reveal his ignorance if he selected any options.
If I close my eyes I can visualize Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld in deep philosophical thought on this nonsense based upon empty delusional facts.
Option 2 as "things he knew he didn't know was the correct answer. The entire press corps knew the answer. The only person in the room who did not know the answer was Donald Rumsfeld. History will record there were no Weapons Of Mass Destruction or Terrorist Training Camps in Iraq. We weren't Liberators and the Iraq Oil Fields didn't pay for the War as promised. Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld spent trillion as Osama Bin Laden went free. They seized your Liberty passing the Un-Constitutional Patriot Act and creation of Homeland Security Administration that operates as the USSR infamous Comittee for State Security (KGB)
Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld waged war on Iraq as a diversion to raid the US Treasury of a Clinton 3 trillion dollar surplus. Turning it into a 13 trillion dollar debt. The country plunged into the second great depression and imaginary rule of 2big2fail. 22 million illegal criminal aliens invaded our borders. The Bush Covert Immigration Doctrines applied the same logic based on imaginary facts "these people do jobs most Americans don't want".
The raids on the Treasury continued in TARP give aways and bailouts to big Banks and Auto Corporations. The poverty rate increased as TARP forced people from their homes. Neither Bush Cheney or Rumsfeld will admit the Iraq War was needed to provide a flag to attack. Once you have a flag to attack you can award No-Bid Contracts to Haliburton and Blackwater.They blamed the economy and the budget on the very War they planned. They planned a War in Reality based upon imaginary facts.
Sadly, America attacked Iraq based upon the credibility of 220 years responsible leadership in America. We followed Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld into a deadly game with American Blood and Treasure on the front lines in Iraq.
I don't dwell on the failures of the Bush Administration but, Dummy, Clumsy and Rummy have released books that ignore the truth as they ignored facts for eight years. Never Forget!!
Weapons of Mass Destruction was what was known and yet never shown. When they found no weapons in the ground. The War was fought for what he thought.
The terrorist he knew who planed our deadly fate. These terrorist of hate, were not around in the grounds they found. He learned, that what he thought he knew, he really blew.
What he knew, he really blew, it was far to late to redirect our fate.
When it was blown it never was known. The people who died, learned they fought for what he thought.
The people he attacked threw their shoes at Bush. When they found his unknowns had no clues. He never learned the things he never knew, he never knew. Oil wells burned when we learned the mistake was in our fate.
The Manifestations to cripple a nation. Mission Accomplished that accomplished no mission. We did not win what we thought we won. We spent a fortune to become unfortunate. A pre-emptive strike to find if he was right.
It was finally agreed the things he knew, the things he knew he didn't know and the things unknown, unknown, were all the same. Wrong.
People, fought for what he thought, he sought. People died to find the imaginary link as he lied.
When asked why there wasn't any evidence of a terror link to Baghdad, Donald Rumsfeld mystified the press with his answer below. The Secretary of Defense offered his Outline of Ignorance followed by Bush and Cheney. Not surprising he couldn't determine which category to place his non answer. All of his options of "things he knew", "things he knew he didn't know" and the "unknown unknown" would reveal his ignorance if he selected any options.
If I close my eyes I can visualize Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld in deep philosophical thought on this nonsense based upon empty delusional facts.
Option 2 as "things he knew he didn't know was the correct answer. The entire press corps knew the answer. The only person in the room who did not know the answer was Donald Rumsfeld. History will record there were no Weapons Of Mass Destruction or Terrorist Training Camps in Iraq. We weren't Liberators and the Iraq Oil Fields didn't pay for the War as promised. Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld spent trillion as Osama Bin Laden went free. They seized your Liberty passing the Un-Constitutional Patriot Act and creation of Homeland Security Administration that operates as the USSR infamous Comittee for State Security (KGB)
Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld waged war on Iraq as a diversion to raid the US Treasury of a Clinton 3 trillion dollar surplus. Turning it into a 13 trillion dollar debt. The country plunged into the second great depression and imaginary rule of 2big2fail. 22 million illegal criminal aliens invaded our borders. The Bush Covert Immigration Doctrines applied the same logic based on imaginary facts "these people do jobs most Americans don't want".
The raids on the Treasury continued in TARP give aways and bailouts to big Banks and Auto Corporations. The poverty rate increased as TARP forced people from their homes. Neither Bush Cheney or Rumsfeld will admit the Iraq War was needed to provide a flag to attack. Once you have a flag to attack you can award No-Bid Contracts to Haliburton and Blackwater.They blamed the economy and the budget on the very War they planned. They planned a War in Reality based upon imaginary facts.
Sadly, America attacked Iraq based upon the credibility of 220 years responsible leadership in America. We followed Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld into a deadly game with American Blood and Treasure on the front lines in Iraq.
I don't dwell on the failures of the Bush Administration but, Dummy, Clumsy and Rummy have released books that ignore the truth as they ignored facts for eight years. Never Forget!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Insurance Extorsion.
One thing that makes my blood boil is mandatory insurance. Actually, all insurance makes my blood boil but, mandatory insurance is the worst abuse of the US Constitution in America. So much so, if you mention insurance, I'm angered. If you wish to purchase insurance and it makes you sleep better at night , by all means purchase.
My experience is once you have parted with your money in premiums, making a claim for loss is under the direct control of the Underwriter. Possession being 9/10 of the law you become a beggar making a claim. Once contact is established in cyber space to an employee who lives overseas and struggles to interpret your dialect you find your premiums have bought you an ulcer. Making a claim is akin to a second job until a settlement is complete.
The claim will always be followed with a scavenger hunt of materials you must provide while they do NOTHING. Once you have compiled this information in triplicate from carrier approved vendors, your claim will be entered for process. This means it sits upon somebodies desk until you call and break several of the 10 Commandments.
Insurance will utilize any loopholes in fine prints that will delay or deny payments. Even if they loose in courts later, They are a despicable bunch of thieves who suck off the general public. Like your Banker, putting money in the bank is always easy. Making the withdrawal is certain to involve imaginary fees, calculated with imaginary mathematics and imaginary rules of governance.
When I began driving I attended a Driver's Education Classes who taught people responsible driving procedures. We drive on the right side of the road in America which is important information for the new driver. Overseas they drive equally safe on the left side of the roads.
This is the focus of Driver's Education to insure all drivers understand the rules of the road. The actual motor skills are secondary to the written portions of the test. After proving your proficiency to the state you may then operate a motor vehicle. You are not required to own a car or have insurance.
Your license can be evaluated by your driving history. If you accumulate violation points you will be charged for each violation. If you accumulate excessive points you may loose your Operator's Permit. The points accrued can be used to determine how much you will pay for insurance. If you cause an accident you will get points and pay for damages through increase premiums or court judgments.
Your driving history is shared freely with Insurance Underwriter's in an unfair collaboration of collusion of your information. If involved in an accident the local attorney will likely get to the scene before the authorities or medical ambulance. Big money in frauds.
Back in the day (1965) the Operator's Permit did not require any insurance. You also did not provide insurance to drive a car. The only requirement was a registration and tag identifying ownership of the vehicle and attest to it's road worthiness.
Insurance for the vehicle was not required. Many large Corporations such as the Bell Systems and Power and Light choose to be self insured. Meaning they would either pay for damages or see you in court. The decision to be self insured is based largely upon the cost to insure all those cars and trucks. I'm sure there are loopholes today allowing corporations exemptions from insurance.
It was understood if you were involved in a chargeable accident the result would be a court judgment and garnished wages with possible seizure of your personal property. You would be forced to pay the damages.
In short your Operators License was to prove your competency behind the wheel. Auto registration proved you had payed tax to use the roads. Insurance was a contract between the citizen and underwriter to pay damages if you were deemed liable.
You could own a car without a Operator's Permit and you didn't need a tag unless you drove it on pubic roads. You could have a Operator's Permit and not have a car or insurance. I'm not sure but, I'm relatively sure you could insure a car that you did not own. They would take your money if you were foolish enough to insure another persons auto.
The point here is all three being, License, Registration, and Insurance were not interrelated. If you were detained by Police they would always check your Operator's Permit, always check if your tags were current. Police seldom asked for registration and never asked for insurance. Insurance was none of their concern as this contract was entirely your business with your Underwriter. Police new immediately if you were a competent driver and the car you were driving was not stolen. What could be easier.
Insurance Fraud is always a problem. Once a policy is written people often make false claims for injury and fraudulent losses causing premiums to escalate due to no fault of your own.
Most of the time I carried auto insurance. It wasn't expensive and had value as bang for my buck. When times were tough you cut your budget as necessary. Maybe you would drop insurance on one car while insuring another. Insurance was usually an area that was first to go. Logically if your not working, your not driving much reducing your exposure to accident. Nice to allow the people make their own decisions.
I'm not sure but, I believe it was in the 1980's the law changed and required everyone to have auto insurance. A few years later the laws was reinforced by demanding "those involved in accident without insurance will forfeit their license for a mandatory one year". Still you had to be guilty of an accident.
Then one year I went to buy tags and they demanded proof of insurance before they would sell me a tag. Now they have tied my car registration to an extortion contract for insurance. No courts, No judgement, No rap of the gavel of justice and No Constitution. Each time the government tightens the insurance nooses around the consumer the cost of insurance goes higher.
They have been empowered to control your wealth by State Laws. Congress has no such power, only the States. There are still two states who don't require mandatory auto insurance. This does not mean your not liable for damages. You still pay any judgements against you.
Then with the full force of government behind the Underwriter the Carriers began the practice of charging higher premiums for anyone without insurance for 6 months. No wrecks, claims or point accrued. Now they were penalizing the consumer for not paying the Insurance Tribute. That's Extortion. You have the government demanding insurance and the underwriter demanding his rule be obeyed. Further the Underwriter share your information and you will discover the collusion permeates throughout the industry. Doesn't matter where you purchase, the penalty for tribute will be charged. The risk factor for bad driving is overcome by refusal to pay Tribute.
Anytime the Government intervenes in commerce by demanding citizens pay tribute, the first obligation of contract transfers from your right to purchase, to the insurance provider and government. You have been reduced to a pawn in economic circle. Neither the government or industry answers to the citizen. The power of purchase has been removed and we all know money talks. Without free markets corruption flourishes in deceptive charges that cannot be justified. Congress doesn't care and the Banker Insurance Providers sure as hell don't care. Enormous profits and bonus are scored in an unfair market as Congress lays their thumbs on the scales of commerce. They only attach themselves to things necessary in life liberty and your pursuit of happiness.
Effectively you have a government who licenses the Underwriters charging bogus fees and Tribute. You could be the worlds safest driver and be charged higher premiums than another driver with violation points accrued.
Suddenly, you have parted with all logic and installed a dictatorship Underwriter. Very similar to the Bankers who charge higher interest rates for people who don't have credit card debt. Even if you have a clean credit history and are current on all obligations the banks penalize you for not paying tribute to the Banksters. If you don't have a credit card they charge for cashing a check written on their bank. I avoid all checks as a result. Pay me in cash, gold or silver.
If you thought this couldn't possibly get worse it has! Now if you fail to pay the Insurance Tribute the Underwriter notifies the government your auto insurance has lapsed.
The State will then send you notice you must surrender your registration. This means a trip to the local smelly DMV to return your tags. No reimbursement for the Tags Five Hundred Dollars in taxes paid, presumably for road usage. Failure to submit tags will pull the second state trigger of revoking your Operator's Permit. Another huge step in extortion and departure from the logic of Insurance. It's now all about the Tribute paid. The government has now tied your Operator's License, Auto Registration Taxes and Insurance Laws together violating your rights. to Illegal Seizure, Justice, Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness all protected in the US Constitution.
In my particular case I have a Operator's Permit with the additional cost of the Motorcycle Endorsement. This is another extortion to penalize people who are environmentally conscious and operate a fuel efficient motorcycle. This creates another violation of my rights. Motorcycles are Not Required To Carry Insurance. This means even though I was a legal Driver my Operators License was suspended and a $150.00 fine for not Paying Insurance Tribute and forfeiture of the $500.00 Tag Taxes. Most people require a Operator's Permit to gain employment. Even though the company's vehicle is insured you cannot work because you cannot drive. Heaven forbid your a truck driver because now your barred from employment.
This means your now covered by employers insurance but have no Operator's Permit. Catch 22!
Your Operator's Permit now includes your Social Security information and is required ID for everyday commerce. Once they have access to your Operators Permit your entire life history open like magic. Illegal Search and Seizure?
The revocation of your Operator's Permit is $150.00 fine for first offense, second is $300.00 and third is jail. We are now placing law abiding citizens with no accident, violation in Insurance Tribute Prisons.
I have no intentions of obeying these laws. I intend to protect my privacy, drive without a Operators Permit and forgo the enrichment tribute steps in between, thus denying the piracy. The penalty is the same Jail and Fines. Why pay the extortion when the results are the same?
We allow 22 million illegal criminal aliens to free range with impunity among us. Drive without Insurance and your a felon!!!
The purpose 0f auto insurance was to offer protection from court judgments. With the insurance fraud the cost of insurance and awards from juries and attorney fees has caused the amounts awarded to exceed the policy coverages. Meaning you will likely pay amounts above the insured coverage and loose your property in bankruptcy. Not having Insurance means you will likely not be sued because there is no money to extort. Attorneys don't waste time when they know there's no pot of insurance gold. When you file a claim the Underwriter will raise your premiums and you pay in the end. The process ends where it began. Your responsible for the damages and liable. The Insurance along the way is wasteful Extortion.
My experience is once you have parted with your money in premiums, making a claim for loss is under the direct control of the Underwriter. Possession being 9/10 of the law you become a beggar making a claim. Once contact is established in cyber space to an employee who lives overseas and struggles to interpret your dialect you find your premiums have bought you an ulcer. Making a claim is akin to a second job until a settlement is complete.
The claim will always be followed with a scavenger hunt of materials you must provide while they do NOTHING. Once you have compiled this information in triplicate from carrier approved vendors, your claim will be entered for process. This means it sits upon somebodies desk until you call and break several of the 10 Commandments.
Insurance will utilize any loopholes in fine prints that will delay or deny payments. Even if they loose in courts later, They are a despicable bunch of thieves who suck off the general public. Like your Banker, putting money in the bank is always easy. Making the withdrawal is certain to involve imaginary fees, calculated with imaginary mathematics and imaginary rules of governance.
When I began driving I attended a Driver's Education Classes who taught people responsible driving procedures. We drive on the right side of the road in America which is important information for the new driver. Overseas they drive equally safe on the left side of the roads.
This is the focus of Driver's Education to insure all drivers understand the rules of the road. The actual motor skills are secondary to the written portions of the test. After proving your proficiency to the state you may then operate a motor vehicle. You are not required to own a car or have insurance.
Your license can be evaluated by your driving history. If you accumulate violation points you will be charged for each violation. If you accumulate excessive points you may loose your Operator's Permit. The points accrued can be used to determine how much you will pay for insurance. If you cause an accident you will get points and pay for damages through increase premiums or court judgments.
Your driving history is shared freely with Insurance Underwriter's in an unfair collaboration of collusion of your information. If involved in an accident the local attorney will likely get to the scene before the authorities or medical ambulance. Big money in frauds.
Back in the day (1965) the Operator's Permit did not require any insurance. You also did not provide insurance to drive a car. The only requirement was a registration and tag identifying ownership of the vehicle and attest to it's road worthiness.
Insurance for the vehicle was not required. Many large Corporations such as the Bell Systems and Power and Light choose to be self insured. Meaning they would either pay for damages or see you in court. The decision to be self insured is based largely upon the cost to insure all those cars and trucks. I'm sure there are loopholes today allowing corporations exemptions from insurance.
It was understood if you were involved in a chargeable accident the result would be a court judgment and garnished wages with possible seizure of your personal property. You would be forced to pay the damages.
In short your Operators License was to prove your competency behind the wheel. Auto registration proved you had payed tax to use the roads. Insurance was a contract between the citizen and underwriter to pay damages if you were deemed liable.
You could own a car without a Operator's Permit and you didn't need a tag unless you drove it on pubic roads. You could have a Operator's Permit and not have a car or insurance. I'm not sure but, I'm relatively sure you could insure a car that you did not own. They would take your money if you were foolish enough to insure another persons auto.
The point here is all three being, License, Registration, and Insurance were not interrelated. If you were detained by Police they would always check your Operator's Permit, always check if your tags were current. Police seldom asked for registration and never asked for insurance. Insurance was none of their concern as this contract was entirely your business with your Underwriter. Police new immediately if you were a competent driver and the car you were driving was not stolen. What could be easier.
Insurance Fraud is always a problem. Once a policy is written people often make false claims for injury and fraudulent losses causing premiums to escalate due to no fault of your own.
Most of the time I carried auto insurance. It wasn't expensive and had value as bang for my buck. When times were tough you cut your budget as necessary. Maybe you would drop insurance on one car while insuring another. Insurance was usually an area that was first to go. Logically if your not working, your not driving much reducing your exposure to accident. Nice to allow the people make their own decisions.
I'm not sure but, I believe it was in the 1980's the law changed and required everyone to have auto insurance. A few years later the laws was reinforced by demanding "those involved in accident without insurance will forfeit their license for a mandatory one year". Still you had to be guilty of an accident.
Then one year I went to buy tags and they demanded proof of insurance before they would sell me a tag. Now they have tied my car registration to an extortion contract for insurance. No courts, No judgement, No rap of the gavel of justice and No Constitution. Each time the government tightens the insurance nooses around the consumer the cost of insurance goes higher.
They have been empowered to control your wealth by State Laws. Congress has no such power, only the States. There are still two states who don't require mandatory auto insurance. This does not mean your not liable for damages. You still pay any judgements against you.
Then with the full force of government behind the Underwriter the Carriers began the practice of charging higher premiums for anyone without insurance for 6 months. No wrecks, claims or point accrued. Now they were penalizing the consumer for not paying the Insurance Tribute. That's Extortion. You have the government demanding insurance and the underwriter demanding his rule be obeyed. Further the Underwriter share your information and you will discover the collusion permeates throughout the industry. Doesn't matter where you purchase, the penalty for tribute will be charged. The risk factor for bad driving is overcome by refusal to pay Tribute.
Anytime the Government intervenes in commerce by demanding citizens pay tribute, the first obligation of contract transfers from your right to purchase, to the insurance provider and government. You have been reduced to a pawn in economic circle. Neither the government or industry answers to the citizen. The power of purchase has been removed and we all know money talks. Without free markets corruption flourishes in deceptive charges that cannot be justified. Congress doesn't care and the Banker Insurance Providers sure as hell don't care. Enormous profits and bonus are scored in an unfair market as Congress lays their thumbs on the scales of commerce. They only attach themselves to things necessary in life liberty and your pursuit of happiness.
Effectively you have a government who licenses the Underwriters charging bogus fees and Tribute. You could be the worlds safest driver and be charged higher premiums than another driver with violation points accrued.
Suddenly, you have parted with all logic and installed a dictatorship Underwriter. Very similar to the Bankers who charge higher interest rates for people who don't have credit card debt. Even if you have a clean credit history and are current on all obligations the banks penalize you for not paying tribute to the Banksters. If you don't have a credit card they charge for cashing a check written on their bank. I avoid all checks as a result. Pay me in cash, gold or silver.
If you thought this couldn't possibly get worse it has! Now if you fail to pay the Insurance Tribute the Underwriter notifies the government your auto insurance has lapsed.
The State will then send you notice you must surrender your registration. This means a trip to the local smelly DMV to return your tags. No reimbursement for the Tags Five Hundred Dollars in taxes paid, presumably for road usage. Failure to submit tags will pull the second state trigger of revoking your Operator's Permit. Another huge step in extortion and departure from the logic of Insurance. It's now all about the Tribute paid. The government has now tied your Operator's License, Auto Registration Taxes and Insurance Laws together violating your rights. to Illegal Seizure, Justice, Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness all protected in the US Constitution.
In my particular case I have a Operator's Permit with the additional cost of the Motorcycle Endorsement. This is another extortion to penalize people who are environmentally conscious and operate a fuel efficient motorcycle. This creates another violation of my rights. Motorcycles are Not Required To Carry Insurance. This means even though I was a legal Driver my Operators License was suspended and a $150.00 fine for not Paying Insurance Tribute and forfeiture of the $500.00 Tag Taxes. Most people require a Operator's Permit to gain employment. Even though the company's vehicle is insured you cannot work because you cannot drive. Heaven forbid your a truck driver because now your barred from employment.
This means your now covered by employers insurance but have no Operator's Permit. Catch 22!
Your Operator's Permit now includes your Social Security information and is required ID for everyday commerce. Once they have access to your Operators Permit your entire life history open like magic. Illegal Search and Seizure?
The revocation of your Operator's Permit is $150.00 fine for first offense, second is $300.00 and third is jail. We are now placing law abiding citizens with no accident, violation in Insurance Tribute Prisons.
I have no intentions of obeying these laws. I intend to protect my privacy, drive without a Operators Permit and forgo the enrichment tribute steps in between, thus denying the piracy. The penalty is the same Jail and Fines. Why pay the extortion when the results are the same?
We allow 22 million illegal criminal aliens to free range with impunity among us. Drive without Insurance and your a felon!!!
The purpose 0f auto insurance was to offer protection from court judgments. With the insurance fraud the cost of insurance and awards from juries and attorney fees has caused the amounts awarded to exceed the policy coverages. Meaning you will likely pay amounts above the insured coverage and loose your property in bankruptcy. Not having Insurance means you will likely not be sued because there is no money to extort. Attorneys don't waste time when they know there's no pot of insurance gold. When you file a claim the Underwriter will raise your premiums and you pay in the end. The process ends where it began. Your responsible for the damages and liable. The Insurance along the way is wasteful Extortion.
Friday, February 4, 2011
The President Mubarak

America has been mesmerized by the political events in Egypt. President and dictator Hosni Sayyid Mubarak has a 30 year administration that only US Congressmen dream.
The citizen's are in revolt against an unfair Non Democratic Mubarak Regime. Americana's are jealous there's a donnybrook in progress and were itching to join in the fray.
What Egypt refers to as revolution we call Spring Break or Bike Week. Americans love a good scrap. It's a family Tradition.
The news cycles have all but dropped focus on our President Obama's Administration. Honestly, I'm sympathetic to the plights of un-fair government but, we should focus on fixing our problems stateside.
I know Egypt has a central role in OPEC Crude Delivery through the Suez Canal. We should recognize our dependence on OPEC Crude is the extent of our involvement in Arab Muslim Countries. Let them have their crude and let's focus on our President and pitiful American Democracy.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Punxsutawney Phil

This year the Woodchuck Oracle of Gobbler's Knob advised there would be an early Spring. Despite the eminent blizzard conditions forecast by National Weather Service. A bold prediction indeed.
All of the major news carriers were there to scoop the long awaited event. This year the Minister Marmot of Pennsylvania was asked to advise on other topics important to all Americans. The following are excerpts from Phil's press release.
CNN questioned: Will Illegal Immigration continue to plague the American Borders destroying the American Standard of Living.
Phil answered: The problem would escalate until the Mexicans had all Americans on the Indian Reservation where they belonged. He also advised Rick Sanchez would be hired by Al Jazeera.
FOX News did not attend: Glen Becks responded that Punxsutawney Phil was a follower of the infamous Nazi Leader, Joseph Gerbils.
ABC questioned: Would unemployment numbers fall in 2011.
Phil's answer: No, as long as Americans purchase products from China the unemployment in the USA will worsen. The prosperity in China will continue and share it's wealth with the Pharaoh's of Wall Street Banksters. U.S. retirement accounts will collapse in 2011 under the immense weight of toxic assets dumped on the taxpayers.
NBC questioned: Will there be government mandated Health Care, Banking, Auto Insurance, and Cable Television in 2011.
Phil answered: The tyranny in the US Government will continue to focus on collaborating with Oligopoly Corporate Titans until they reduced the average citizens to total dependency on Government/Corporations and Oligarchy System. All of life's necessities required to pursue Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness will become under control of Government.
Americans will continue their Pursuits of Life, Liberty and Happiness, provided they have filled out the proper paper work, submitted in triplicate to their employers. Those who have not satisfied the demands of the IRS should expect delay.
After employer approval your submission is forwarded to Bureaucrats for final review and official denials. Modeled after the highly socialized Social Surveillance where your money is seized and the benefits are always poverty. In Socialism a tiny benefit is all that's needed to control the masses from revolts. Keeping your money and the peace simultaneously is a difficult task in Oligarchy Government.
Establishing fear, they will live, die, homeless and hungry in the streets without the grace of jobs from Corporations and Welfare from Government. Congress will control who gets state supported college educations grants. Making the graduate indebted to uncontrolled education tuition's. Paying the installments back to the state for decades. Those who don't receive grants will toil in competition with foreign workers in a third world economy of indentured servants. Income taxes will be the burden of the working class and Corporations languish in tax code loopholes carefully crafted to enable only a few.
The Government will replace free markets by imposing mandates of how much a job will pay and who may get theses jobs. Controlling wages through illegal covert immigration, controlled unemployment rates and interest rates. Essentially selling the American Dream through fees, license, regulations and degrees all under direct control of big brother. Uncontrolled Health Care costs will force Americans into unfair charges making the enormous costs of health insurance appear a viable expenditure. We all know the skyrocketing Health Care costs are caused by unregulated employer based insurance bureaucrats, big pharma and Congressional Puppets.
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