The Governor took office and immediately passed legislation giving $100 million in crony tax credits to business. After his raid on the budget he went after railroading collective bargaining legislation for government union workers.
Using his now empty budget as imaginary WMD's he can argue the collective bargaining agreements are breaking the budget. Much like invading Iraq for 911.
The truth is of coarse if you break the unions big business will dominate the next election with impunity. Interference from unions
gone they will be unopposed in railroading the working class.
In short the Governor is using his office and poor budget to gain political power by destroying the support mechanism of the liberal Democrats. The unions oppose the conservatives in business negotiations successfully. They turn this success into political capital donations at elections.
I remember 1998 and 1999 the last years of the tax and spend Democrats, the State budgets across America reported surplus money in the coffers created in full Clinton employment.
I must admit I'm not all that familiar with the contracts of state workers in Wisconsin. I can however attest, granting tax credits to business doesn't create jobs. Tax credits create wealth for American Aristocracy to control elections. Tax Credits don't give money away. They fail to seize money which has the same effect of handing out bailout money. We all witnessed the Republican Conservative Party hand out No- Bid Contracts to their cronies and then bailout the Banksters who raided the Treasury under the direction of George W Bush
The logic of reducing the incomes of middle class workers over the past thirty years has not produced positive results in the American Standard of Living. Nor does the decline in wages produce a balanced budget. The past thirty years of raiding the middle class has instead produced record deficits. As Americans make less money, business raids the Treasury creating more debts for the taxpayer to repay.
Trickle Down Economics was Ronald Reagan's answer to fixing our economy. During the Reagan years more unions were broken in record numbers as the debt soared. The runaway inflation of the seventies squared off in Union negotiation for increased wages. The costs of OPEC oil caused increased cost of living in all facets of commerce. As unions bargained to stay even businesses resisted. The resistance came from the absents of money now going to OPEC.
American manufacturing has always relied heavily on affordable energy to produce goods. The way I see our problem is the missing money extorted by OPEC has caused a unavoidable collide between the Conservatives and Liberals. Each party has tried to recapture American wealth for their constituents. Both Democrats and Republicans have answered the call by borrowing more money creating more debt.
All this took place as OPEC pocketed our wealth from our own addiction to oil. The way to retire our debts and return America to greatness is not to raid the middle class again and encourage more debt. The only way for America to return to a world leader is to become energy independent. Energy independent means we manufacture our destiny here, not China. Putting America back to work and re-establish a strong middle class is the pathway to prosperity. Once we control our own destiny we can then address our wealth.
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