The anti union sentiment that began under Ronald Reagan in 1980 appears to have come full circle. The message was sent courtesy of America's favorite conservative George W Bush. The product of eight years of Bush's conservative economics led us to economic collapse and the double standard of Elite Bailouts of TARP.
It has become crystal clear the shortcomings of the Unions is child's play when compared to the thieves of Wall Street Bankers. The greed of Wall Street theft is the source of failing state governments who spent like there were no tomorrows. Buying voters and handing out money that only existed on paper. The truth of TARP, Bond Buys, Quantitative Easing and Recovery Act funds is payable by 100% of the working class. The money stolen went directly to the top 1% Americans who live in the world of tax free loopholes.
American ideology rejects the notion of unions. We want to believe in a fair playing field where commerce is equal and the guy who builds your house can buy a car and feed his family.
The destruction of the middle class has instituted a generation of people who are indentured to the government for health care, college education, retirement, food and housing. We the people who once paid with wages are now reduced to begging the government for every need. In spite of the facts we all carry the burdens of driving the GDP year after year. It is the spending habits of people who have good jobs that encourage production that stimulates the economy. Indentured servants of America are deprived of their share of the GDP. This system is producing unproductive workers similar to the former USSR
The Wisconsin Union employees still pay their own way. They provide for their own retirement, better health care, purchase their own foods and are independent of government. These people clearly have a standard of living above those of non union workers. It's very hard to find people to dislike the Independence of paying your own way. Rejecting the welfare/nanny state as Communism.
The practice of sacrificing the middle class to maintain global power is not nor should be the focus of our government. Sacrificing the American Standard of Living in a race to the bottom of global power should be abandoned and replaced with a fair playing field in America. Allowing 1% of the people to redeem lavishly at the costs of all Americans must be stopped.
Thousands of America's greatest inventions were born in the estuary of curious workers in American Manufacturing. The same manufacturing we now compete against will provide another country of those unseen invention. Our government relies entirely upon a collegiate system that will produce tomorrow inventions. History has shown the flat earth society will only produce more people of the same knowledge. It will not produce another Einstein.
I would like to see America led again by example of all it's people as evidence for all the world to witness. Creating poverty in America is counter productive to American Values.
The Governor of Wisconsin is trying to sell this notion the Union Workers are over compensated for their labor. The pendulum of labor has swung back in favor of Unions and the leverage collective bargaining brings. The voice of We the People is as loud and clear as the debts brought on by bankers and their conservative agendas. The budget shortfalls in Wisconsin were forged in Washington, DC and planned in New York. The workers in Wisconsin should not be held responsible for the actions of Washington and New York. The politicians and Banksters should be forced to pay for the shortfalls in budgets. Tax the Bankers and Elected Official who profited from the theft and leave the Teacher,s alone. The Teacher's should begin tomorrow doing a better job of teaching our children and taking their retirement money out of New York
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