The bonuses overwhelm the Wisconsin Budget Deficit of a mere $137 million.
As school children in Wisconsin are deprived of their Education the Banksters divide the wealth of the United States. Governor at Large; Scott Walker is blindly focused on breaking unions of their rights to collective bargaining and robbing the last vestiges of middle class Americans of more income. The stalemate between the Governor and Organized Labor rages on as the Pharoah's of Greed Street silently slither off with the money. They squabble over fixing a State of Wisconsin problem that was forged in Washington, DC and planned in New York, New York!!!
You can bet as the Governor ignores the balance of wealth he is focused on the forty year old practice of beating down the middle class. Adding to the irony, Unions foolishly send billions of dollars of retirement money to New York City for investments. The Banksters spin the money into worthless securities that grow from next months Mom and Pops nickles and dimes Ponzi donations. The stock markets grow from the endless streams of money without options of other investments.
If we follow the money the State of Wisconsin deducts from each workers paychecks. Then sends the money out of state to be wasted in imaginary paper profits. It all looks good on monthly statements. It appears all are wealthy as imaginary numbers grow. What could be better. I'll have more please.The lack of investment options force Americans to either donate their money to Greed Street or watch the government gobble down savings in inflationary money policies of the Federal Reserve. We are all hostages in America's fourth covert branch of government known as Banking. We all are hoping to withdrawal before the next collapse. It happens every three to five years. Then they fix the system by convicting innocent people like Martha Stewart.
The focus on our government should be restoring the middle class by increasing union memberships from the current 12% to 36% B.R.R. (before Ronald Reagan) We should reverse laws allowing the Banksters to invest in the stock markets. We should eliminate excessive campaign donations. We should levy heavy taxes on money spent on elections.
Ronald Reagan will be remembered in Organized Labor as the man who broke the unions and deregulated everything. Phones service, stock markets, intra state trucking, and airline all fell from Trickle Down Economics. Ronald Reagan will also be remembered for Iron Will Leadership in his Administration. Many have forgotten as Reagan spent wildly the middle class paid the bills.
For the record I voted for Nixon, Carter, Reagan x2, against H Bush x2 for Clinton x2 and against W. Bush x2 and then for Obama. The best President this side of Camelot in my opinion was Bubba Clinton. Clinton had all the trains on time, budget surplus and full employment. My second choice would be Reagan for his foreign policies and seizing the reins of our government at War with OPEC Nations.
We had a great gig going from World War 2 until 1973 OPEC Pirates. We decimated the economies in Japan, Germany and the Axis of evil. All of our problems today can be traced back to the formation of OPEC. Once again we are facing $5.00 a gallon gasoline. The problems at the pump today are not a result of OPEC Oil. The world oil supply is running at near capacity. Any disturbance in the Middle East and anarchy rears it's ugly head.
I've endured several Hurricanes and can attest. First priority is energy, gasoline and propane. Second is water and Third is food. Fourth is air conditioning, but don't hold your breath.
Middle East turmoil causes energy prices to soar. The ever present reminder Americans are not in control of their destiny. The legacy of our Hero's and future of our Children is in oil wells far away..
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