1. Freedom of Speech
2. Right to Bear Arms
3. Quartering Soldiers
4. Search and Seizure
5. Trial and Punishment
6.Right to Speedy Trial
7. Trial by Jury
8. Cruel and Unusual Punishment
9. Construction of Constitution
10. Powers of States and People
After a long war with England and the failure of the Articles of Confederation it was time for a new US Constitution. Drafted 1787 and signed March 4, 1789 it established a big central government and the bureaucracy was born.
The Bill of Rights became law December 15, 1791 eight years after victory from English Rule. The 11th Amendment 1795 and 12th Amendment 1805 came soon after. The Constitution went unchanged until 1865 and 1868 when we signed the 13th Amendment Abolish Slavery and 14th Amendment Citizenship Rights. Sixty years without an Amendment is the long standing record for keeping quite in America.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France October 28, 1886 after the French Revolution. It became a National Park in 1924. It has no ties to our Founders, US Constitution or Laws in America. It looks Great in New York Harbor and represents many immigrants first image of their new home in America. The "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" .
Play Ball!
My interest in the US Constitution is not for historical knowledge. The US Constitution is my civic handbook of Constitutional Democracy in America. It is my civic duty to understand the law of the land.
We have a lot of Americans protesting the current ship of state in America. People are screaming about their rights and claiming this or that is Un-Constitutional. After a quick review it's difficult to validate their claims.
Usually this frustration can be traced to the Preamble or first paragraph in the Constitution as it refers to Justice, Defence, Domestic Tranquility and General Welfare. Americans don't object to sacrifice as long as everyone contributes equally. When some sacrifice and others profit from their sacrifices it breeds civil discontent.
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is an unalienable human right is from the Declaration of Independence 1776. "Of the people, by the people and for the people" is from the most famous two minutes in history, Lincolns Gettysburg Address. These two documents are quoted far more than the Constitution. There the claims begin to take solid footing in Constitutional Law. If ya ain't happy there's a reason for it.
It is here that the investigation of law begins it's modern day split as politicians select from the Constitution laws to be enforced and others just plain ignored. People are furious about the 1st Amendment Free Speech and 2nd Amendment Bear Arms as the Supreme Court continually diminishes the 4th Amendment Illegal Search and Seizure. The 4th Amendment has been ignored and silently compromised until it's nearly void as Bill of Rights. The compromised 4th Amendment has forced some citizens to rely on the 2nd Amendment to protect their rights ignored by the Supreme Court.
It's easy to make the claim of border control is national defence. So why are our borders ignored? Why do we have 22 million free ranging foreign invaders in our midst? These invaders embrace the Bill of Rights as theirs. while they reject Amendment 16 Income Tax.
George W Bush proclaimed these people perform the work most American would not do. History teaches us that Americans or legal immigrants have performed these tasks for four hundred years.
The reality here is the employer pays a wage that only an illegal paying no taxes can afford to take. Covert Immigration Policies enable the employer to access cheap illegal labor, skip past child labor laws and workers compensation. Creating ghost workers that destroy, not build our national economy. This Covert Immigration creates a economic sweet spot in Global economics for the Pharaoh's of Greed Street and burdens for Main Street. Profits for employers and the burdens on schools, hospitals, police and prisons are spread across the entire population creating a hidden subsidy for employers. Wall Street is bathing in the wealth of sweat shops around the globe at the same time we allow ghost sweat shops in the USA. Trying to compete with sweat shops on a global scale is pure insanity. It's a race to the bottom,
Through the miracle of Corporation the Pharaoh's of Wall Street select a bagmen from a series of bogus corporations to violate the laws. The Titans hide behind their contacts to stay squeaky clean in courts. Americans effectively are paying to allow wages to fall and unemployment to rise. These inequities didn't just happen as trillion of dollars is spent buying politicians with lobbyist selecting from a menu of loopholes to benefit.
Trust me if these people could vote they'd be thrown across the border tomorrow. Before Congress gives up Congressional seat to Jose they need to see his papers to take their job. Better be the long form birth certificate as well cause we know these document are forged all the time. Jose who also insist he read, write and speak Spanglish. All others are to follow his lead. If your gonna let them in the Country, let them vote and run for Senate is all I'm sayin.
The US Constitution from 1787 to 1805 and Amendment 1 thru 12 describe the rights and rule of law for some American but, not all Americans.
Much of the Constitutional language before 1865 discriminated rights based on race or sex. Constitutional refinements were in order for a more perfect Union in Amendment 13, 14, 15, 19, 24 and 26 where the rights of some were slowly granted to all. The the rest are burdens of income tax blue laws, drinking or not, term limits and Congressional Pay.
It's clear the Constitution grants Congress with the checkbook and ability to levee and collect taxes. This power did not exist under the Articles of Confederation. George Washington needed funding to pay for the War and the new Constitution would take power from the States and increase power to the Federal Government. Washington paid our debt to France and we've been at war with someone ever since. The states have been subservient to the Federal Government for the same time.
It's hard to imagine Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin debating the Constitution and pose the question: What if Congress Gives Money Away?
I doubt the Founding Fathers ever considered a Congress that would hand out bailout money courtesy of the taxpayers. The thought that anyone would give money away was beyond comprehension of economics in early 1800's. They lived in a much different world 200 years ago. We didn't have an income tax until 1913 and the tax code didn't allow for government supported wall street investing until the 401-k section was added in 1980. The combination of both these changes blurs the line between government and commerce. Sleeping with the enemy is appropriate here. These laws first appear as benefits for the taxpayer and end with cronies to administrate programs filling their pockets full along the way. Who wouldn't want a free house? Nobody wants government housing!! Same for Social Security and Obama Care. Social Security has become Social Surveillance, a life long commitment with poverty as your reward. The money put in is not your reward. The crumbs left over is your reward if you behave accordingly for 40 years.
The Founders didn't conceive the Federal Reserve established in 1913. A Federal Bank that could print money and debt as they see fit as well as control private banking interest. Spending money not in the US Treasury and FORCING future generations to pay the bills for their greed. Foreign Trade was in gold in 1800 and you can't print gold.
Soon after the formation of the Federal Reserve and Income Tax in 1913 came the Great Depression. Imagine that. The Dirty Thirties paid for the Roaring Twenties.
The Bankers would borrow from the Federal Reserve and gamble the money in the lucrative Stock Market where a dime could by a dollar of stock. As long as Markets rose in unlimited money supply the system seemed to work. It worked for sixteen years plus or minus.
Fortunes were made and homes built in the twenties were enormous. Mortgages secured with stock as collateral provided the financing. Problem here is all this stock was issued on a thin dime of actual money. To much borrowed money in the market and the market collapsed. The tide went out and revealed all who were skinny dippin. Money on paper was lost on paper in a market that was over inflated with borrowed money. The flood of easy money distorts real market values.
Money supply can cause values to soar or fall in foreclosure. 2big2fail is the fourth covert branch of government not provided in the US Constitution. Only Banks control consumer money supply and only the Federal Reserve control Banks. When markets climb profits are taken on the way down, not up. Every time money is transferred Banks take a fee and Congress collects Taxes. Both Fees and Taxes are nothing more than tribute paid. Musical Chairs with money; when the music stops the debts are called, jobs are scarce and wages are poor.
Recessions are planned economic strategy. 2big2fail is an exemption from losing money. Goldman Sach posted the largest profit in history after they caused the 2006 Financial Holocaust.The bonuses came from the bailout of the giant bagman AIG. Had Bush and Paulson not bailed out AIG all the 2big2fail banks would be as bankrupt as Lehmen Bros. Sound familiar?
The Roosevelt Administration in 1934 passed strict banking laws forbidding investment casino banking and created the FDIC insurance to convince consumers to return to banking in America.
Gold coins were outlawed forcing Americans to trade in Fiat commercial paper.
Regulations were imposed on Banks under the Glass Steagall Act. In 1999 this legislation was repealed. It only took seven years to return to 1934. After World War 2 the American economy thrived in a world with decimated manufacturing in Europe and Japan. American Made was the best you could get. At Bretton Woods the dollar was accepted as world currency in 1944 by the Allies fighting Germany. America promised the dollar would be convertible into gold for other countries.
The loss of dead servicemen in the war created a hole in available employees for hire after the war. Low unemployment and new babies born to the Boomer Generation spurred demands for every commodity.
Americans were building infrastructure of roads, schools and bridges in prosperity of post war. The homes built were small and affordable in the fifties and sixties. These people watched their money and had money to watch. Drive through your town and witness the homes built over time. Modern archeology of how past generations lived. We built some whoppers in the Twenties and under the Parker Bros. economy of Bush 43. Most of us are now paying a heavy price for Bush's 2big2fail Theft.
Under the pressure of a global economy Nixon took America off the Gold Standards in August 1971 .(Bretton-Woods 44) Now the gold in Ft Knox isn't a barrier to Congressional Greed.
We have been on the Confetti Standard since 1971.
The Europeans created the ECU or European Currency Unit as a result of America withdrawing the dollar from the Gold Standard. The ECU later became the Euro.
As long as Congress has no limits on the checkbook the debt will continue to rise. Money will continue to be worthless. We are coming to the end of faith in Greenbacks. There is no gold to support the spinning dollar.
The Chart above indicate more Americans are living in High Austerity poverty as the wealth in America is driven to the top 1% of thieves sucking off the GDP. It wasn't planned this way and it doesn't have to be this way!!!
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