MSN Money announced it's annual Hall of Shame. The worst performing Corporate Titans in customer service ratings. Bank of America reclaimed it's 2009 crown from AOL in 2011. AOL slipped to second place signaling they need to be even more inconsiderate to secure the title of Worst In America.
Once again the Bottom of the Barrel in America was dominated by Media Titans, Banksters and Insurance Moguls. The same bonus babies of TARP and Stimulus recipients have secured their rightful place in America"s Bottom of the Barrel. You know the group that suckle from the GDP as private sector corporations but, are protected in legislation that require the taxpayers to step up and pay tribute extorsion.
Bankster's who crafted the Housing Bubble that took down home owners and destroyed retirement investments in derivative stocks. The Financial Halocaust of 2008 that followed with TARP money rewards and bonuses for illegal behavior. The big reward was the 2010 Dodd Frank Act that legalized Casino Banking and 2big2fail burdens on the citizens.
Media Moguls who overcharge for contract computer bandwidth, cable television and phone minutes where they charge using their mathematics tilted so the house always wins again and again.
Finally, the Insurance Titans that steal the benefits of dead US Military Servicemen. The mandatory insurance required by lawmakers that burden the citizens and guarantee bounty to the Insurance Titans. The Taxpayer must pay tribute even if he doesn't need or use the insurance. At risk is your health care and driver's license, auto tags and prison for failure to pay insurance tribute. Al Capone had the same deal in 1920's Chicago.
The Bottom of the barrel for 2011 is as follows.
1. Bank of America
2. AOL
3. Capitol One
4. Sprint
5. Time Warner
6. Comcast
7. Citi Bank
8. Progressive Insurance
9. Chase Bank
10. Farmer's Insurance
(BP, GE and GM received honorable mention for not paying taxes while receiving subsidy and polluting the planet)
Burma Shave....
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