Does anyone remember the company car? That's right boys and girls not so long ago if you had to travel in your job the company provided the car, insurance, fuel and did all repairs. Some were from the motor pool but, most were driven home and parked in your driveway at night.
You could spot these cars easily. They were usually white, black wall tires, dog dish wheel covers and either lettering or numbered painted on the fender.
If you had a job with a company car you weren't likely to quit. Along with health insurance it was a perk that came with the job. Today employer's expect you to provide the car, pay insurance tribute and responsible for all repairs. Some will pay mileage most demand you provide them with a car as tribute for the work they offer. Co Pay for health insurance where your portion pays for the health care and their portion pays for the undeserved obscene administration cost. This system is producing CEO pays of more than $14 million a year salary compensation. Health care is a bottomless pit of bureaucratic nonsense and has nothing in common with illness. Health Care is the playground of rich Doctors, Attorney's and Insurance Moguls. If you work you pay for health insurance called Worker's Comp. You drive a car and mandatory state laws require medical insurance in the car and if you have a home medical insurance is paid again. What has geography have in common with illness or injury? Answer is nothin. Alla Carte insurance based upon geography of where the claim occurred is without question the dumbest thing I've ever encountered. On top of as little pay as possible of coarse for your efforts.
President Richard Nixon got in a lot of trouble saying 6% unemployment was desirable as it kept wages low and allowed for a large pool of people to draw from should they find you insubordinate. Insubordination has always been a problem for me.
Allan Greenspan former head of the Federal Reserve was quoted in 1999 that an increase in the prime rate was necessary as wages were increasing in 2% unemployment under Bubba Clinton. Rising wages are considered inflationary but an increase in the DOW Jones is celebrated. Clearly it's become "We The Corporation" and you other guys too as our leadership pulls us closer and closer to a fascist Oligopoly Democracy. So "We the People" have been told, we just continue waving the flag in denial. We have the largest economy on earth but, we're on a race to the bottom in Global Sweat Shop competition and ghost illegal immigration.
Remember when all we worried about was the Blue Dress and fiddle player Ken Star. Ahhh the good ole days of Lyin Bubba Clinton. He had everyone working and all trains were on time...
Proud to say I voted for Bill twice. Voted for Nixon and Reagan twice both regrettable. Voted against the Bush's 41 and 43. The Bush boys produced raids on the US Treasury with Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco and The 2008 Financial Holocaust 2big2fail. Both caused by deregulation that was reported to be a unacceptable headlock on Banking.
Modern day economics were promised to control the Banks. Turns out the new controls are 2big2fail and taxpayers pay the bills. Lowering the interest rate , increasing the money supply in a trillion dollar bailouts and 600 billion Bond Buys couldn't overcome the greed of the Casino Bankers. This philosophy has led us to obscene unemployment, worst poverty rate in history and the highest concentration of wealth in the top 1% since they signed the Magna Carta.
The IRS deems your auto in 2011 should be worth .51 cents a mile. It was .55 cents but the IRS thought this to high for your car. How did the government become involved in your business with your employer is found in the Tax Code. Before 1913 we didn't have Income Taxes. The government has been up your ass and in your business since 1913.
AAA study came up with much different figures per mile at 58.5 cents per mile for a sedan.
The IRS groups all passengers vehicles and light trucks into the same pool at .51 cents per mile. A pickup truck is no doubt double the cost of a sedan. We the People are driving ourselves broke by at least 7.5 cents per mile. The more you work the more ya lose.
Most advertisements for construction demand cell phone truck and power tools to work. If you take this deal you are nutz. You are much better off contracting on your own. A service call with truck and tools to your home is $75.00 per hour with one hour travel. This is not .51 cents per mile either. Safe to say somebody's making money and it's not you. Should you chose self employment be prepared to buy permits license and more insurance. In addition you will report to the government half the day explaining what you did the first half the day in triplicate. They don't know what their doing because their either asleep or down loading porn!
Employer's also expect you to provide a cell phone so you are accessible 24/7. If they provide a cell phone you can bet it has GPS tracking ability that invades your privacy after hours. My last employer would not allow workers to leave for lunch. You either brown bagged it or order in food. You didn't get paid for the hour and he refused to allow you to work straight eight and skip lunch. Needless to say he goes through a lot of employees. Expect to get a bad recommendation when you quit as this is considered insubordination. The employer network requires a list of employers for you to reveal on your application for hire. They will not provide you a list of employees fired or quit in their history.
You could spot these cars easily. They were usually white, black wall tires, dog dish wheel covers and either lettering or numbered painted on the fender.
If you had a job with a company car you weren't likely to quit. Along with health insurance it was a perk that came with the job. Today employer's expect you to provide the car, pay insurance tribute and responsible for all repairs. Some will pay mileage most demand you provide them with a car as tribute for the work they offer. Co Pay for health insurance where your portion pays for the health care and their portion pays for the undeserved obscene administration cost. This system is producing CEO pays of more than $14 million a year salary compensation. Health care is a bottomless pit of bureaucratic nonsense and has nothing in common with illness. Health Care is the playground of rich Doctors, Attorney's and Insurance Moguls. If you work you pay for health insurance called Worker's Comp. You drive a car and mandatory state laws require medical insurance in the car and if you have a home medical insurance is paid again. What has geography have in common with illness or injury? Answer is nothin. Alla Carte insurance based upon geography of where the claim occurred is without question the dumbest thing I've ever encountered. On top of as little pay as possible of coarse for your efforts.
President Richard Nixon got in a lot of trouble saying 6% unemployment was desirable as it kept wages low and allowed for a large pool of people to draw from should they find you insubordinate. Insubordination has always been a problem for me.
Allan Greenspan former head of the Federal Reserve was quoted in 1999 that an increase in the prime rate was necessary as wages were increasing in 2% unemployment under Bubba Clinton. Rising wages are considered inflationary but an increase in the DOW Jones is celebrated. Clearly it's become "We The Corporation" and you other guys too as our leadership pulls us closer and closer to a fascist Oligopoly Democracy. So "We the People" have been told, we just continue waving the flag in denial. We have the largest economy on earth but, we're on a race to the bottom in Global Sweat Shop competition and ghost illegal immigration.
Remember when all we worried about was the Blue Dress and fiddle player Ken Star. Ahhh the good ole days of Lyin Bubba Clinton. He had everyone working and all trains were on time...
Proud to say I voted for Bill twice. Voted for Nixon and Reagan twice both regrettable. Voted against the Bush's 41 and 43. The Bush boys produced raids on the US Treasury with Silverado Savings and Loan Fiasco and The 2008 Financial Holocaust 2big2fail. Both caused by deregulation that was reported to be a unacceptable headlock on Banking.
Modern day economics were promised to control the Banks. Turns out the new controls are 2big2fail and taxpayers pay the bills. Lowering the interest rate , increasing the money supply in a trillion dollar bailouts and 600 billion Bond Buys couldn't overcome the greed of the Casino Bankers. This philosophy has led us to obscene unemployment, worst poverty rate in history and the highest concentration of wealth in the top 1% since they signed the Magna Carta.
The IRS deems your auto in 2011 should be worth .51 cents a mile. It was .55 cents but the IRS thought this to high for your car. How did the government become involved in your business with your employer is found in the Tax Code. Before 1913 we didn't have Income Taxes. The government has been up your ass and in your business since 1913.
AAA study came up with much different figures per mile at 58.5 cents per mile for a sedan.
The IRS groups all passengers vehicles and light trucks into the same pool at .51 cents per mile. A pickup truck is no doubt double the cost of a sedan. We the People are driving ourselves broke by at least 7.5 cents per mile. The more you work the more ya lose.
Most advertisements for construction demand cell phone truck and power tools to work. If you take this deal you are nutz. You are much better off contracting on your own. A service call with truck and tools to your home is $75.00 per hour with one hour travel. This is not .51 cents per mile either. Safe to say somebody's making money and it's not you. Should you chose self employment be prepared to buy permits license and more insurance. In addition you will report to the government half the day explaining what you did the first half the day in triplicate. They don't know what their doing because their either asleep or down loading porn!
Employer's also expect you to provide a cell phone so you are accessible 24/7. If they provide a cell phone you can bet it has GPS tracking ability that invades your privacy after hours. My last employer would not allow workers to leave for lunch. You either brown bagged it or order in food. You didn't get paid for the hour and he refused to allow you to work straight eight and skip lunch. Needless to say he goes through a lot of employees. Expect to get a bad recommendation when you quit as this is considered insubordination. The employer network requires a list of employers for you to reveal on your application for hire. They will not provide you a list of employees fired or quit in their history.
Working for a living has become a host of parasites pandering insurance, environmental issues and safety equipment along with government employees who feed from your labor assigned to police permits, licenses, con-ed, equal opportunity and safety mandates. Don't forget those who insure you don't start work to early or work to late. It's a wonder anyone has a job today!!!
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