These guys were born with neither mother nor father. They exist in the wealth of legislative legacy of governments golden calf. They are the insurance extortionist of Auto, Home, Health Insurers. They bask under the protection of Congressional Laws that require it's citizens to pay tribute to their company. Flood insurance for homes that flood every year. Mandatory Auto insurance that guarantees a law suit. Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid where the benefits are dwarfed by the bureaucrats that feed from their administration.
Media and Utility Carpetbaggers like Enron, Worldcom, Comcast Time Warner, AOL all are posted in the MSN Hall Of Shame 2011. The Oligarchy Facist System removes your ability to control your own money.
Energy Titans such as BP, Exxon and Chevron that thrive in wealth of Congressional Subsidy.
Slackers are truly an American phenomenon. They feed from the public trust pilfering money on the government dole. Long believed to be the poor and downtrodden out of luck looking for help. Not true today. Today's slackers are those who buy sell and trade in the misfortune of others. Pandering wheelchairs, scooters, bathtubs and life sustaining drugs. These swindlers will file the paperwork with the hackers and guarantee you will get your merchandise or they will give it to you no charge. Even the Bankster take a cut on unemployment and food stamps. The nickels and dimes of the poor who qualify for these programs is nothing compared to the trillions of dollars the cronies skim off the top of welfare. More than enough to pay for extravagant prime time television advertising on the public air waves.
When President Bubba Clinton signed 1999 legislation that repealed the 1934 Glass Steagall Act he reopened the Casino to the Banksters that had been closed for 65 years. It only took 7 years for the Pharaoh's of Wall Street to return America back to the Dirty Thirties. This time Bush 43 chose to protect these thieves under the first law of fascism 2big2fail. After they were saved from bankruptcy liquidation they took free money from the US Treasury and gave themselves 30 billion in bonus booty. No court, no jail.
As the rest of America sits in Depression they are plotting the next raid on the US Treasury. With the full protection of Dodd-Frank and 2big2fail leverage you must be stupid if you think they won't do it again.
My guess is the Banksters will lead an assault on Commercial Real Estate. In the 1980's Reagan deregulated a plethora of industries including bank, thrifts, phones, airlines , trucking and stock market brokerage to name a few. The fallout from this free thinking was The Silverado Savings Fiasco of Bush 41. Loans were granted to build Office towers all across America and they knew the their was no market and the loans would not be repaid. Just like homes under Bush 43 the taxpayer was tagged for the theft thrift.
Flood the market with easy money from Big Ben's Magic Money Machine and over inflate the market until the bubble bursts. The Banksters did this in the seventies with farms. Loaning out easy money forcing land values to climb. Farmer's borrowed heavily leveraging their wealth on paper. Land values eventually fell and the notes were called causing a bear market and cheap land for the Banksters. Even Farm Aid couldn't help the family farm. None of this could be accomplished without the Federal Reserve.
The practice can be applied to any commodity. The best are those that have access to lots of Capital. Stocks, Farms, Gold, Silver and Homes are just a few. I think Commercial Real Estate will be next.
These guys were born with neither mother nor father. They exist in the wealth of legislative legacy of governments golden calf. They are the insurance extortionist of Auto, Home, Health Insurers. They bask under the protection of Congressional Laws that require it's citizens to pay tribute to their company. Flood insurance for homes that flood every year. Mandatory Auto insurance that guarantees a law suit. Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid where the benefits are dwarfed by the bureaucrats that feed from their administration.
Media and Utility Carpetbaggers like Enron, Worldcom, Comcast Time Warner, AOL all are posted in the MSN Hall Of Shame 2011. The Oligarchy Facist System removes your ability to control your own money.
Energy Titans such as BP, Exxon and Chevron that thrive in wealth of Congressional Subsidy.
Slackers are truly an American phenomenon. They feed from the public trust pilfering money on the government dole. Long believed to be the poor and downtrodden out of luck looking for help. Not true today. Today's slackers are those who buy sell and trade in the misfortune of others. Pandering wheelchairs, scooters, bathtubs and life sustaining drugs. These swindlers will file the paperwork with the hackers and guarantee you will get your merchandise or they will give it to you no charge. Even the Bankster take a cut on unemployment and food stamps. The nickels and dimes of the poor who qualify for these programs is nothing compared to the trillions of dollars the cronies skim off the top of welfare. More than enough to pay for extravagant prime time television advertising on the public air waves.
When President Bubba Clinton signed 1999 legislation that repealed the 1934 Glass Steagall Act he reopened the Casino to the Banksters that had been closed for 65 years. It only took 7 years for the Pharaoh's of Wall Street to return America back to the Dirty Thirties. This time Bush 43 chose to protect these thieves under the first law of fascism 2big2fail. After they were saved from bankruptcy liquidation they took free money from the US Treasury and gave themselves 30 billion in bonus booty. No court, no jail.
As the rest of America sits in Depression they are plotting the next raid on the US Treasury. With the full protection of Dodd-Frank and 2big2fail leverage you must be stupid if you think they won't do it again.
My guess is the Banksters will lead an assault on Commercial Real Estate. In the 1980's Reagan deregulated a plethora of industries including bank, thrifts, phones, airlines , trucking and stock market brokerage to name a few. The fallout from this free thinking was The Silverado Savings Fiasco of Bush 41. Loans were granted to build Office towers all across America and they knew the their was no market and the loans would not be repaid. Just like homes under Bush 43 the taxpayer was tagged for the theft thrift.
Flood the market with easy money from Big Ben's Magic Money Machine and over inflate the market until the bubble bursts. The Banksters did this in the seventies with farms. Loaning out easy money forcing land values to climb. Farmer's borrowed heavily leveraging their wealth on paper. Land values eventually fell and the notes were called causing a bear market and cheap land for the Banksters. Even Farm Aid couldn't help the family farm. None of this could be accomplished without the Federal Reserve.
The practice can be applied to any commodity. The best are those that have access to lots of Capital. Stocks, Farms, Gold, Silver and Homes are just a few. I think Commercial Real Estate will be next.
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