Mitoosense tuned into the FOX broadcast of the last debate before Iowa Caucus. The moderators were a panel of FOX pundits with Brett Bair as the Anchor. The panel of FOX moderators did a poor job of handling the debate. The questions were often framed in unproven hypothetical and theoretical circumstance. This line of questioning leaves a narrow window to answer. It also can be used to make a candidate look good or bad. The only interruption of the moderators was from the undisciplined Michelle Bachman. There was also the presence of the horn or bells indicating time allowed. In some instances candidates were called on time, in other instances the clock was ignored due to the captured interest of the panel and audience. I thought Rick Santorum may have been short podium time. Newt Gingrich held center stage as poll leader. Ron Paul was next but, Mitt Romney was not questioned in poll leadership sequence criteria, indicating some FOX bias.
The first question to Newt Gingrich was saturated in FOX endorsement of framing the question in public opinion, of Newt being smarter and a big thinker. Followed with "many Republicans doubt his electability" in the general election, making Mitt Romney a better choice as the nominee against Obama. The question assumes several FOX theories that Newt is Smart, Big Thinker and Less Electable than Romney. Mitoosense feels the question should have been "What makes you a more desirable candidate"? The candidates can offer his strong suits and assumed FOX liabilities should be left to the viewers!
Newt answered by first framing his answer in his opinion of close relations with Ronald Reagan and Bubba Clinton. Newt offered to the audience he shared in some of their successes, even though many would argue his impact on either Presidency. His association with Reagan and Clinton is applied in a number of answers implying greatness by the association. After the hyperbole Newt answered "his debate skills would defeat Obama regardless of of his legacy as a (resigned) Speaker of the House.
The second question to Newt quoted opinions of Mitt Romney and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad that Newt was not a Conservative and lacked discipline to be President. These opinions plant the seed of truth when recognized by a FOX News Journalist.
Newt answered this question by assuming full responsibility for welfare reforms and balance budgets under Bill Clinton's Administration, before he resigned in disgrace as House Speaker. He then dropped names of Jack Kemp, Ronald Reagan and American Conservative Union. Mitoosense is not sure which was worse the question, or the answer. The question was framed in opinion and Newt's answer offered Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton's opposing ideology. Bill Clinton was a much better Conservative with a balanced budget, when compared to Reagan's runaway debt solution of Reaganomics. Polar Opposites in Ideology I'd say. Sometimes we must look through the hype of the answers and focus on truth of the responders who don't choose to totally avoid the questions entirely!!
Ron Paul was then questioned similarly as a electable candidate. The moderator planted the seed, public opinion maybe negative to Ron Paul.
Ron Paul rejected the premise of FOX News, claiming any of the candidates could beat Obama. Paul added that his campaign was central to American Philosophy and thus very electable.
The next question should have gone to Mitt Romney but Rick Santorum was substituted. The moderators questioned the Santorum campaign as being heavily vested in Iowa, yet poll numbers indicate a poor performance? Rick answered he hoped his popularity would catch on as the true Conservative. He then referenced the Gingrich Conservative Revolution (Mutiny would also apply) in Congress before Newt's resignation. he added his personal life was without ridicule as well!
The next question went to Mitt Romney, asking what makes him a better candidate to win against Obama than Gingrich? Mitt answered his private sector legacy at Bain Capital was superior in job creation. Mitt wisely focused on Obama and ignored Gingrich completely. Smart guy, good job Mitt.
Moderators then asked Michelle Bachman if she lacked appeal to independent voters? Michelle Bachman replied she won 4 election in 5 years as a Conservative Republican with support from Independent as well as Democrat voters. She added her age and history of fighting Barack Obama in Congress.
Gov. Rick Perry was questioned about perceived poor debate skills and would it become a liability in the National Election with Obama. Perry answered his debate skills would be overcome by his legacy as Governor of Texas. He then compared himself to a NFL Quarterback who seems to win weekly without endorsement from critics.
Jon Huntsman was asked to defend his refusal to sign pledges not to raise tax. Gov. Huntsman answered he would not sign any silly pledges from special interest groups or attend any debate with Donald Trump as a moderator. He refused to bend in the wind of any special interest and lead America as first priority.
This completes the first round of questions taken from the transcript found at the Washington Post. Mitoosense likes to compare candidates use of first person singular in responses. Including I, I've, I'm or I'll. The totals are: Gingrich 18, Paul 9, Santorum 10, Romney 7, Bachman 12, Perry 14 and Huntsman 11. Please draw your own conclusions from this information.
The next questions were how to solve the gridlock in Washington, DC. Rick Santorum answered better leadership was necessary. Rick Perry said experience in solutions was needed. Romney replied better leadership, experience and people skills would solve gridlock. Gingrich refereed to history and Tip O'Neil, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton as his role models for unity. Ron Paul stated "Government is too Big" cutting the size will stop the bickering. Michell Bachman added, her 3 steps which are 1 No Taxes 2. Don't Spend Anymore. 3. Follow the Constitution. Jon Huntsman followed with leadership at fault.
Mitoosense didn't find a suitable answer given the depth of substance in any answer.
The next questions centered on Newt Gingrich $1.6 million dollar fees paid him by Government Supported Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac 2big2fail Mortgage Giants. This is a sore spot to all Americans. In the opinion of Mitoosense this disqualifies the Gingrich Campaign for President. The fact Gingrich took the $1.6 million is primary. The reasons he took the money is secondary and the possibility he earned the money is ridiculous. Gingrich was paid $200 thousand a year as Speaker of the House. His income at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was reported to be $30,000 a month or $360,000 a year for advice that would throw both institutions into default. Gingrich implied that money earned by Mitt Romney at Bain Capital should also be looked at with similar scrutiny. The dodge of accountability accusing Romney of similar faults. The truth being none of the money earned at Bain Capital was taxpayer funds. Gingrich then tried to pass the scrutiny to Democrats Chris Dodd and Barney Frank for similar extortion's. Then finally attacking Michelle Bachman for not being honest in her statements regarding his conduct. It was clear at this time Gingrich was bleeding heavily and down for the count as the truth reared it's ugly head. The next discussion went to a Meet the Press quote from Gingrich of Right And Left Wing Social Engineering were bad policy. Gingrich then dropped Ronald Reagan's name and then Complimented Mitt Romney for his plan as Governor of Massachusetts.
Gingrich will not get the nomination because of his past behaviors, not because he's not smart enough to be President. Gingrich is not honest enough to be President. Gingrich is on the Cain Train to Obamaburg.
There were many more question asked. Mitt Romney did an excellent job with fixing the economy. Ron Paul fell on his own sword of Foreign Policy. Gingrich got rave response for his attack on the Supreme Courts and Judges. Gingrich received rave revues again for his comments on the Keystone XL Pipeline Obama vowed to veto. When Newt is on the attack he's at his best. As we said before his history is indefensible.
The moderators asked question that included the assumption that Iran had Nuclear Weapons. Asking question in hypothetical situation today get quoted without the assumptions mandated by FOX in tomorrows sound bites. Mitoosense would not expect any candidate to answer fantasy questioning. That is how we became mired in a 9 year war in Iraq. The Weapons were fantasy. Those who died was a stark reality.