New reporting from Bloomberg News claims the amount of under the table money to Banksters was $7.77 trillion dollars on top of the publicized $780 billion TARP. The secret cash being 11 times larger than hated TARP legislation. Bloomberg reports Congress was unaware of the secret cash flowing from the Federal Reserve Discount Window at 0.01 percent interest. (postage I assume) The free money was then used to buy Treasury Bonds earning 3% interest paid by the US Treasury. The split reported in 2009/2010 was a collective 13 billion dollars of profiteering from the secret cash. This profit of Houdini Dollars was then used to defend Bankster's Executive Salary and Bonuses for the period.
The whole thing would have occurred under the table had it not been for a Bloomberg suit won in courts, the Treasury must disclose the transaction. Mitoosense has reported on similar accounts beginning August, 24 and August 30 and again September 1, 2011. The scam is the same with accounting variations of first 1.2 trillion on 12/5/08, then estimated $16 trillion in March 2009 trillion exposed in the GAO Audit GAO-11-696. Now a new figure of $7.77 trillion on top of the first 1.2 trillion from 2008 and of coarse $780 billion TARP.
Anyhow, if you weren't mad as hell back in August I doubt this new information will be of interest. The numbers are so vast and the theft so great, it's above my comprehension. The Ugly Truth is slowly rearing it's Ugly Head. No wonder the New York Stock Exchange soared over 7000 points in 2 years. Houdini Dollars invested in an Imaginary Market with Fantasy Profits!
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