It's not clear how long before we see the RQ 170 flying and spying over Washington, DC.
In other parts of the world a steel orb crashed into the arid grasslands of Namibia. The U.F.O or "Unidentified Found Object" has made the News Wires indicating a lull in hyperbole television. Namibia is in Africa by the way, not close to Bumfut or Timbuktu. Crashing in Namibia has some significance because of it's history tied to the 1980 film the "Gods Must Be Crazy". The story if you remember was of a Namibia Villager who is stunned by a Coke Bottle discarded from a passing small plane. The Villager has never seen glass or a Coke Bottle and assumes the bottle is from the Gods. Returning to the village with his empty, the Big Chief determines in council the litter is from the Gods and therefore Holy. Thus declaring the artifact as community property and placed on display in his Hut. The Villagers anticipated good fortunes from the Litter Gods Coca Cola. (trademark protected)
From this point on the villagers rationalize every event as before the find or after the Gods sent the Holy Empty. If they could read they would know it had a 0.05 cent deposit or 0.15 cent for Michigan residence. Instead the Villager's rationalize the Holy Empty as Evil due to their deplorable conditions without Indoor Plumbing, Air Conditioning in arid grasslands of Africa. Who could blame them, No AC or Busing.
History repeats itself in 2011 with the similar find shown above. A 14" inch 13lbs steel ball landed in Namibia 50 miles from the nations capital of Windhoek in central Namibia. This time the steel ball was not declared Holy. Evil has not been ruled out as yet. The ball was sent to NASA to determine it's origins. NASA declared the steel ball as man made and not fired from alien space craft. Mitoosense suspects they actually know where it came from. NASA is keeping a tight lid on the event to prevent the lawyers at Rabinowitz, Rabinowitz, Rabinowitz and Sons from filing claims against the owners. This could be bigger than Crop Circles in the Northern Hemisphere. We can rule out Reindeer Dropping despite the timing. Also Mel Brooks involvement regardless, the obvious metaphors surrounding Space Balls, Big Balls or U Got Balls. Further, other crashes of similar steel balls have been reported in South Africa, South America and Australia.
Since the balls are man made and empty (like the bottle) they pose no threats unless your actually struck. The odds of being hit are tens of thousands times greater than lightning strikes. Hit by a steel ball from space indicates you probably deserved to die. A coke bottle is equally as deadly.
Mitoosense suspects Australia may be involved as a Hoax. The Mates down under in Alice Springs maybe up to a little Pumpkin Chunkin from Ayer's Rock. To much Foster's or Beez Neez (both Beer) and the possibilities are endless. They don't have a Space Program so it fits they maybe frustrated Astronauts behind the disturbing steel balls. One would hope the Palestinians don't copy the technology or Israel could suffer in the shootout between Abraham and Mohammad.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
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