The motivation of Japan was America without a Navy would negotiate peace and effectively give them control of the Pacific Islands.The death toll taken 70 years ago was 2,402 servicemen killed on a bright sunny Sunday morning 8:00 am.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared "This Day Which Will Live in Infamy". The America resolve began the construction of the Sleeping Giant that would destroy the Empire and change the world order in the process. On December 8, 1941 America declared War over negotiate. The war effort was the responsibility of all Americans who would work in unison to defeat the Japanese.
The painful loss of the American Battleships was overshadowed in the lives lost. The Japaneses Navy would begin unimpeded supremacy in the Pacific Theatre. Franklin Delano Roosevelt demanded an attack of Tokyo on the Japaneses Homeland.
Navy Submarine Captain Francis Low is credited with the concept mission remembered today as Doolittle Raiders. A test was done on the B-26 Mitchell to determine if a bomber could be launched from the Aircraft Carriers spared from the attacks on Pearl Harbor.The successful flight signaled the need for volunteers to fly the dangerous mission. Those volunteers were found in the Eighth Air Force. Their leader was Lt. Col. James B. Doolittle.
On April 1, 1942 the Raiders sailed for Tokyo, Japan with the intent of avenging the deaths at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines. On April 18, 1942 4 months after the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor, Imperial Japan received a hand delivered message from the Iron Will of the America People, courtesy of Doolittle's Raiders. The planes over Tokyo had names of Democracy inscribed on the nose. Whiskey Pete was there along with Green Hornet, Ruptured Duck, The Avenger, TNT and Bat Out of Hell.
On April 1, 1942 the Raiders sailed for Tokyo, Japan with the intent of avenging the deaths at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines. On April 18, 1942 4 months after the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor, Imperial Japan received a hand delivered message from the Iron Will of the America People, courtesy of Doolittle's Raiders. The planes over Tokyo had names of Democracy inscribed on the nose. Whiskey Pete was there along with Green Hornet, Ruptured Duck, The Avenger, TNT and Bat Out of Hell.
The damage done was minimal. The mission of was a huge success. The Doolittle Raid signaled the Imperial Japaneses Navy would not operate with impunity. The Japanese Homeland and her citizens were at risk. From April 18, 1942 the Japanese would be forced to keep a portion of the Navy home to secure her safety from another raid. The American People were rewarded with avenging those slaughtered 70 years ago today.
Sixteen B-25 Mitchells were launched in a one way attack without return. The bombs dropped on Tokyo, then continue on to land in China.
Of the 80 Airmen, 3 died in action 4 died as POW, 3 were executed, 8 POW's were released after the war and one died from disease. The rest landed in China or Russia and survived the War.
Of the 80 Airmen, 3 died in action 4 died as POW, 3 were executed, 8 POW's were released after the war and one died from disease. The rest landed in China or Russia and survived the War.
The event of December 7, 1941 will live in infamy. America will be forever remembered for the actions of the people after the attacks. The words of Patrick Henry voiced in 1736 "Give me Liberty or Give Me Death" was followed to the letter 200 years later. We remember today those who died for our "Liberty" The price is paid equally by each succeeding generation. Remember those who died at Pearl Harbor but never forget those who serve and pay the ultimate price in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This year marks the last return of surviving servicemen at Pearl Harbor. Those who are Veterans are too few and too old. They did their part and did it well. Patrick Henry would be proud of them all.
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